Catalyst (Forevermore, Book Two) (22 page)

“Hey! I like that song!” Serena objected.

Yeah, I could tell …” I said and paused. “What’s going on, Serena?”

What do you mean? I’m driving to school.” She was oblivious.

No, I mean ... why are you so

She shrugged and stared out the windshield, waiting for the light before us to turn.
“I don’t know.”

I haven’t seen you this happy since you were last with Zach. Did you see him again last night or something?”

Since I’ve been out of school for a few days, he hasn’t really been talking to me much. Busy with the guys, I guess. And he doesn’t seem to want to hear about the ... what happened with my mom and dad. Every time I try to mention it he says he has to go or changes the subject.”

That’s terrible,” I said, almost inaudibly.

The car jerked forward.
“It’s okay.”

Blinking in confusion, I asked,
“Then ... what is it?”

Really, Madison? Can’t I just be happy for a day, just for the sake of being happy?” She thrust her arm forward and turned the volume back up.

Knowing something was going on
and refusing to let her get away with not telling me, I hit the button to turn the radio off completely. “Serena. Are you on drugs or something?”

Serena looked over at me, her eyes wide and confused momentarily, and then she unleashed a roar of hysterical laughter.
“Umm, let me think. No.”

Serena! Watch the road!” I shrieked, grasping tightly onto my seat.

The car swe
rved and almost hit a parked van on the side of the street. “Look, I just finally had some fun again for once last night. That’s all.”

What do you mean
? You mean with Zach? I thought you said it wasn’t anything to do with him so…”

Serena looked distracted.
“Are you hungry? I’m starving. Can you do that ... magic thing you do and like, summon me a danish or something?”

I slammed my hand against the dashboard.
“Serena, answer me, damn it!”

She scoffed and looked at me briefly before returning her focus onto the road.
. Just summon that for me and I’ll tell you.”

With ease, I
summoned two cheese danishes in my hands — one for me and one for her. I offered one of them over to Serena and she took it, biting into the flaky texture. She had only one hand on the steering wheel, only increasing my nerves.

So,” she said after a bite of the pastry, “last night, I finally gave in and tried to call my mom. She was crying as soon as she answered. It made me start to cry. She said she
. I guess she meant she couldn’t talk, ‘cause she hung up. I tried to call again but it went straight to voicemail. So, I tried calling Zach. It rang like, six times, but no answer. By then I was thinking of everything that happened and squalling. It was really late, but I figured you wouldn’t care if I came by and saw you. So I walked down the short hall to the lobby to make my way over to your side of the building, but then I saw some strange orange lights out the windows, and heard something.”

What ...?” I was on the edge of my seat, wondering what she could have seen — had it been a Nefastus witch or something outside? Why would that have made her happy, though …

Well, I know I probably shouldn’t have, but I went out there. You know me, right?” She laughed and chewed the last piece of danish. “There was someone out there laughing and throwing balls of fire into the snow. I couldn’t believe it at first. Part of me wanted to run back inside. It was scary, yet so beautiful at the same time. The snow was melting instantly and making huge puffs of steam. Fire shot into the air, melting the falling snowflakes. It was awesome.”

Noah,” I said and looked at her in bewilderment. “Noah … made you happy …?”

Chapter Twenty-Two


Serena confirmed my question with a nod.

“So ... you’re happy ... because you saw Noah melting some snow?”

Serena laughed again.
“Not just because of the fire. He saw me and, I don’t know how he could tell in the dark, but he knew I’d been crying. He came over and asked me what was wrong, then tried to hug me, well, he did hug me, and I don’t know why I let him, but I did ... and I started crying again for some reason. So he took me inside and —”

My eyes wide
ned and I continued staring at her. “Please tell me you didn’t do anything with Noah.”

What?” There was that laughter again. “No. We didn’t do anything ... not like that. We just talked in the lobby, like, all night.”

Thank goodness,” I whispered.

Serena looked away from the wheel, toward me, obvious annoyance pasted on her face.
“Besides, what would it matter if I had?”

I couldn
’t believe she’d even ask me that; I didn’t know what to say. Thankfully, we’d pulled into the school parking lot and I was able to quickly change the subject. “I’m so not ready to go back. I don’t know if I can even do this.”

Serena switched off the engine and placed a hand on my shoulder.
“You’ll be fine.”


The rest of the school day was a blur of teachers rambling on about one thing or another, bombardments of schoolwork and makeup work, people I barely knew inquiring as to where I’d been, and the overwhelming loneliness I felt despite the fact that I was literally surrounded. I felt out of place in that building, and the entire day felt like I’d been watching it go by through someone else’s eyes. None of it felt real. To say it was a relief to rush through the doors and head back into the snow outside was an understatement. I didn’t even care anymore about Serena driving; I just wanted to get back to Haven and be done with school.

During the drive back to the motel, Serena blabbed on and on ab
out how great it was to see Zach and how he seemed totally normal and happy to see her. All I could do was sit there and listen, because even if the story bored me, I was still glad that things were improving for my best friend. I’d definitely rather her be with Zach than ending up with Noah, of all people …

We entered the lobby after scrappin
g excess snow off of our shoes. Serena had been crazy to wear high heels out into this weather, but little stopped her from making a statement. The wet flakes of snow in her rainbow-colored locks reminded me of sparkling gems as they melted away in the welcoming, heated air. Noah stood from the sectional and headed straight to Serena.

Hey there,” he said with a grin and I rolled my eyes.

Serena seemed happy, and I was glad of that, but
I was still annoyed by the whole thing. Why hadn’t she just ignored the orange lights outside and came to my room?

He turned toward me and pointed his thumb
over his shoulder and down the hall that led to my room. “Some guy stopped by a few minutes ago and went to your room. Think he was your dad or something? I don’t remember exactly who he said he was ... Jonathon? Jackson? Anyway, Iris let him in. He seemed harmless enough.”

?” I asked, alarmed. He never came into the building. Something was wrong. Either that or Mom had convinced him to overcome his discomfort of the place and they were making out in my bedroom. I shuddered with disgust and stormed out of the lobby, headed toward my room. Serena tried to get my attention, but I ignored her.

I pushed my door open and spotted my mom and Jason sitting together on her bed. He immediately stood up and approached me.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, stepping back once. “And on

Jason frowned, a flash of hurt in his eyes.
“How is that a way to speak to your own dad? And I was just sitting, Madison.

I considered scoffing and reminding him that he wasn
’t my dad, but thought better of it. “Sorry,” I mumbled.

I knew you were out of school for a few days and were due to go back today, so I wanted to stop by and see if you went and how the day had gone.”

It was fine …” He’d never taken an interest in my schooling before. “I have some stuff to catch up on before finals next week … before Thanksgiving.”

Jason shifted and looked around awkwardly and glanced over his shoulder at Mom. She stood from the bed, smiling lightly at me, and said she
’d leave us alone to talk.

No,” I disagreed and held a hand up to stop her from going any further. “You can stay. You’re my mom, after all. Whatever it is, I don’t care if you hear.”

She glanced between me and Jason,
a frown temporarily on her face, then shook her head and smiled again. “That’s okay. I’ll be right outside.”

I watched my mom step out the door and shut it behind her.

Jason took my hand and led me to the dining area; he pulled out a chair and offered it to me. I wasn’t sure I wanted to sit and hear whatever bad news was coming, but I gave in. He sat across from me, his palms flat against the tabletop. “So, speaking of Thanksgiving ... that was another thing I’d wanted to talk about. Do you have any plans?”

Holidays were the last thing I wanted to think about or discuss right now

Well, let’s see,” I said with a sigh, “I’m not going to Serena’s because, if you haven’t noticed, things aren’t exactly sunshine and rainbows over there right now. Oh wait, that reminds me ... things aren’t great at ours either. Seeing that you’re sleeping with my long lost mother and Eila threw you out and all, I don’t think Thanksgiving is a good idea.”

n looked embarrassed and upset, a mixture of hurt and fury all tangled into one. It didn’t make for a pleasant expression. I’d never seen him quite so angry before and wondered if I shouldn’t have said anything.

He inhaled deeply and clenched his fists tightly before responding.
“I am NOT sleeping with Alexis! Yes, I do love her ... more than words could ever express ... but I also still love Eila. Believe it or not. She is still my wife, even if we’re not together right now. She’s also your mom, biological or not. Alex and I are just ... friends. Really good friends. I’m helping her out with some stuff right now, but that’s it, okay?”

I shook my head in disbelief.
“I know you’ve gone out a couple times, remember? I’m not stupid.”

He sighed again and put his head in his hands.
“We have. But that’s the extent of it. There’s nothing ... sexual ... between us. I considered it —”

Wow, Dad, too much information.” I gagged.

He sighed.
“Look, there’s still a part of her that’s stuck on Salem. It will always be that way, and I know that. There’s not enough room in her heart for both of us, there never was. He’s gone. Forever. But sometimes … when she is falling asleep … or even when not … she’s said his name in place of mine. It’s like her soul doesn’t know that he is gone.”

I shifted around where I sat. Maybe there truly was such a thing as twin souls …

“And ... well … Eila and I have started talking again.”

Whoa, wait. When did that happen?” I asked in shock.

Just a few days ago. I called her to ask about Thanksgiving and if she would at least have you over and cook so you could enjoy the holiday like always. I know how much you’ve always looked forward to them ... and we just sort of started talking. She seems to be doing a lot better. And we want to try to work this out. If we can.”

Work what out? Dinner?”

All of it. Everything. Us.”

I shuffled
around again, not sure what to think of this. Hadn’t both of them said they were never truly happy together? Although I did want my ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ to get back together, it seemed somehow weird. It would definitely make things a lot easier when my real dad was back in our lives and my mom could be reunited with him, though. If that ever happened …

So ... we’re just going to have Thanksgiving dinner and pretend nothing has happened or changed ...?

He frowned, his chocolate-brown eyes darkening.
“I don’t think any of us can do that. We have to live with the mistakes that have been made, whether they are our own or someone else’s.”

I thought about it, about the possibility of attempting to have a normal holiday dinner with my family.
I had never had one with my real mom, and now that I thought of it I kind of did want her with me for Thanksgiving. How would Eila feel about that? Had she recuperated enough to be comfortable with me maybe inviting her? Would I be able to invite my Clan friends, and if I did, would they be welcome?

And Uncle Mitch?” I asked finally.

Jason laughed, knowing where I was going.
“Don’t worry. He’ll be there, sweet potato casserole and all.”

I grinned and laughed. I
’d been dreading the thought of Thanksgiving ever since Serena mentioned it that morning, but I was beginning to relax and long for the normalcy of it all. Jason stood up and I followed suit, unsure why he was standing, but I guessed he was about to leave. Before I had a chance to question him, he pulled me forward and hugged me close against him. I laid my head against his chest and felt the warmth of his lips upon my forehead. “I’ve missed you, Madison,” he said in a quiet, almost pained tone. “Blood or not, you’re still my daughter.”

I missed you too ... Dad.”

He pulled away quickly, almost seeming embarrassed by the display of emotions
and affection. He straightened up, cleared his throat, and smiled. “I’ve got to be on shift in about ten minutes, give or take ... so I should be heading out.”

Oh, right. How’s the new job going?”

Really good,” he said and smiled. I was relieved to see him looking so happy. “Busy. Stuck on the evening shift since that is when most people come in.”

That’s good.”

I’m glad to finally be back at it, though,” he said and smiled again as he headed for the door. He turned the handle then looked back at me. “Listen, you stay safe, okay? I know all of this witch and vampire stuff seems harmless or impossible, even when you’re right in the thick of it … trust me, I know. I mean, I know that you know it’s real, but until you lose someone …”

All I could do was nod mutely.

“Love you, Madison. Bye.” He left and shut the door behind him.

I stumbled over to my bed and crashed onto the mattress, reflecting on just how crazy the reality of my life really was. Witches, vampires, and who knows what else, the damaged marriage of my adoptive parents, Mathias


My heart ached at the thought of him. He was being confined to his room, essentially under house arrest and being refused visitors while I was out here kissing Alan …

I wondered where
he was. Had Mom caught him in here, or had he slipped away unseen? If Mom had seen him, she hadn’t commented on it or shown any evidence of it on her face. But maybe she’d been waiting until Jason left. If so, I was dreading hearing her opinion.

I shook my head at the thoughts.
I was going to break the ‘no visitor’ rule for Mathias. I needed to see him, to know that he was okay, and that he knew I hadn’t forgotten about him. I’d sent him some texts on and off throughout the school day but never got any answers; I told myself that he must have been resting or his phone had been confiscated, but I feared for the worst.

After downing a quick meal, I set off down the hall in search of Mathias
’s room. I was afraid that the door would be locked and I wouldn’t be able to get in, or that Tobias would be in there watching his every move and forcing out any intruders.

As I walked down th
e hall, I thought about my mom — about how I had misjudged her actions. She wasn’t sleeping with Jason, and she didn’t seem to be dating him, either. It was difficult to know for sure, though. I knew, without really knowing exactly, what she was going through. She was lost without Salem … my real father, and Jason was the obvious person to go to. He loved her, and she loved him. Maybe not in the same way, but there was some chemistry between them. It was no surprise that they’d been best friends for so long, and that he’d fallen in love with her.

Then I thought of Serena. I shouldn
’t have been so harsh on her this morning. She deserved to be happy after all that she’d been through; regardless if the person providing the happiness was Noah. It seemed like we’d drifted apart a little since she moved into the motel, but I knew that she wasn’t avoiding me, and I wasn’t avoiding her — at least not intentionally. She had a lot going on, and so did I.

Finally, as I neared Mathias
’s room, I thought of my aunt. She had been the one that brought me into this world of magic and mystery, yet she failed to fill me in on things that would be vital to helping me. I had a feeling she knew about the Telekinesis gift, and possibly even why I was able to attain it, but refused to tell me. Somehow she expected me to figure all of this out on my own, without any help on her side.

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