Catherine the Great (67 page)
- 1.
Karlik favorita: Istoriia zhizni Ivana Iakubovskago
, ed. V. P. Zubov (Munich, 1968), 41.
- 2.
Zapiski, mneniia i perepiska admiral A. S. Shishkova
, 2 vols. (Berlin, 1870), i: 9–10.
- 3. Wortman,
, 171–2; McGrew, 210.
- 4. Madariaga, 569–70; McGrew, 184–5, 190, and ch. 6
- 5. Parkinson, 22–3, 143.
- 6.
Memoirs of Countess Golovine
, 129.
- 7. See Hughes, ‘The funerals of the Russian emperors and empresses’, 395–419.
- 8.
Memoirs of Countess Golovine
, 130–2.
- 9. M. B. Asvarishch, et al,
Tsareubiistvo 11 Marta 1801 goda
(SPb, 2001), 69, no. 24.
- 10. McGrew, 194.
- 11. Asvarishch,
, 24–32.
- 12. Asvarishch,
, 67, no. 28.
- 13. Wortman,
, 172–3; M. Safonov,
Zaveshchanie Ekateriny II: Roman-issledovanie
(SPb, 2002), 216–26; Asvarishch,
, 23, no. 22.
- 14. Asvarishch,
, 69, no. 25.
- 15.
Zapiski A. A. Iakovleva, byvshego v 1803 godu ober-prokurorom Sv. Sinoda
, ed. V. A. Andreev (M, 1915), 36, note;
Sobranie rechei…Amvrosiem Mitropolitom Novgorodskim i Sanktpeterburgskim
(M, 1810), 17, 66–7.
- 16. P. Hayden, ‘Tsarskoe Selo: The History of the Ekaterininskii and Aleksandrovskii Parks’, in
A sense of place: Tsarskoe Selo and its poets
, eds. L. Loseff and B. Scherr (Columbus, OH, 1993), 28.
- 17. A. Makhrov, ‘Architecture and politics: Catherine the Great’s “Greek Project” in the works of Nikolai L’vov’,
, 26 (1998), 12; Wortman,
, 153, 160, 172–3.
- 18. McGrew, ch. 10.
- 19.
, xxvi: 19,779, 12 Mar. 1801. This section draws in revised form on materials first discussed in my article, ‘The posthumous reputation of Catherine II in Russia, 1797–1837’,
, 77 (1999), 646–79, where further references may be found.
- 20. A. G. Cross, ‘Contemporary responses (1762–1810) to the personality and career of Princess Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova’,
Oxford Slavonic Papers
, NS 27 (1994), 56;
The Russian Journals of Martha and Catherine Wilmot
, ed. the Marchioness of Londonderry and H.M. Hyde (London, 1935), 52, Martha’s Journal, 23 Sept. 1803.
- 21. A. Malinovskii, ‘Svedeniia dlia zhizneopisaniia Kniagini Ekateriny Romanovny Dashkovoi’, appendix to S. R. Dolgova, ‘E.R. Dashkova i sem’ia Malinovskikh’, in
Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova: Issledovaniia i materialy
(SPb, 1996), 78.
- 22.
Russian Journals
, 206, Catherine to her sister, Alicia, 2 Dec. 1805.
- 23. K[niaginia] D[ashkova] and A. K.,
Podlinnye Anekdoty Imperatritsy Ekateriny Velikoi Premudroi Materi Otechestva
(M, 1806), iii.
- 24. V. Iu. Afiani, ‘Stanovlenie zhurnal’noi arkheografii v Rossii v pervoi treti XIX v.’,
Arkheograficheskii ezhegodnik za 1989 god
(M, 1990), 30.
- 25.
Zapiski kasatel’no Rossiiskoi Istorii: Sochineniia Gosudaryni Imperatritsy Ekateriny II
, 6 parts (SPb, 1801);
Filosoficheskaia i politicheskaia perepiska Imperatritsy s Doktorom Tsimermannom
etc. (SPb, 1801);
Ermitazhnyi Teatr Velikiia Ekateriny
etc. etc. (M, 1802);
Perepiska Rossiiskoi Imperatritsy Ekateriny II s gospodiny Vol’tera
etc., 2 parts (M, 1803).
- 26. [N.M. Karamzin],
Pokhval’noe slovo Ekaterine Vtoroi
(M, 1802).
- 27. P. Kolotov,
Deianiia Ekateriny, Imperatritsy i Samoderzhitsy Vserossiiskiia
, 6 parts (SPb, 1811).
- 28. I. S[reznevskii],
Dukh Ekateriny Velikiia
etc. etc. (SPb, 1814), foreword, n.p.
- 29.
Russian Journals
, 386, 388, Martha’s Journal, 7 Oct. 1808.
- 30. F. F. Vigel,
, ed. S. Ia. Straikh, 2 vols. (M, 1928), i: 100.
- 31. P. Sumarokov,
Progulka po 12-ti guberniiam s istoricheskimi i statisticheskimi zamecheniiami v 1838 godu
(SPb, 1839), 202.
- 32. D. Davydov,
Voennye zapiski
, ed. V. Orlov (M, 1940), 415; idem,
(M, 1985), 129.
- 33. A. I. Gertsen,
Sobranie sochinenii
, 30 vols. (M, 1954–65), vii: 53; A. Herzen,
My past and thoughts
, trans. C. Garnett, 4 vols. (London, 1968), ii: 531.
- 34.
1857–1861: Perepiska Imperatora Aleksandra II s Velikim Kniazem Konstantinom Nikolaevichem; Dnevnik Velikago Kniazia Konstantina Nikolaevicha
, eds. L. G. Zakharova and L. I. Tiutiunnik (M, 1994), 212, diary, 13 Dec. 1859.
- 35. Herzen,
My past and thoughts
, ii: 448.
- 36. A. P. Kern,
Vospominaniia, dnevniki, perepiska
(M, 1989), 115;
Zapiski Sverbeeva
, i: 242–4; ii: 283–4.
- 37. T. A. Alekseeva,
Vladimir Lukich Borovikovskii i russkaia kul’tura na rubezhe 18–19 vekov
(M, 1975), 105–6.
- 38. A. Grigor’ev,
, ed. B. F. Egorov (M, 1988), 37.
- 39.
Russian Journals
, 386, Martha’s Journal, 7 Oct. 1808.
- 40. K. Sh-v, ‘Tsaritsyno’,
Vestnik Evropy
, 11 (1804), July, 219–22.
- 41. P. A. Viazemskii,
Polnoe sobranie sochinenii
, v: 127–8; A. F. Merzliakov, ‘Rassuzhdenie o Rossiiskom slovesnoti v nyneshnem ee sostoianii (1812)’ reprinted in
Literaturnaia kritika 1800–1820-kh godov
, ed. L. G. Frizman (M, 1980), 125.
- 42.
Sochineniia Nikolaia Grecha
, 3 vols. (SPb, 1855), iii: 320–1.
- 43. K. N. Batiushkov,
Opyty i stikakh v proze
, ed. I. M. Semenko (M, 1977), 80.
- 44.
Literaturnaia kritika
, ed. Frizman, 36–7, 43.
- 45.
Poliarnaia zvezda
, eds. V. A. Arkhipov et al (Moscow-Leningrad, 1960), 15.
- 46. Pushkin,
Polnoe sobranie sochinenii
, xiii: 178, to A. A. Bestuzhev, late May/early June 1825.
- 47.
Memoirs of John Quincy Adams
, 12 vols. (Philadelphia, PA, 1874–7), ii: 115.
- 48.
, xxvi: 19,904, 5 June 1801.
- 49. Parkinson, 61; V. Khodasevich,
Derzhavin: A biography
, trans. A. Brantlinger (Madison, WI, 2007), 93–4; N. Riasanovsky,
Nicholas I and Official Nationality 1825–1855
(Berkeley, CA, 1969), 116–7.
- 50. M. V. Klochkov, ‘Nakaz imperatritsy Ekateriny II v sudebnoi praktike’,
Sbornik statei v chesti M. K. Liubavskago
(Petrograd, 1917), 1–18.
- 51.
Arkhiv brat’ev Turgenevykh, vyp. 6: Perepiska Aleksandra Ivanovicha Turgeneva s kn. Petrom Aleksandrovichom Viazemskim, chast’ I: 1814–1833 gody
(Petrograd, 1921), 295, Aug. 1833;
Dekabrist N. I. Turgenev: Pis’ma k bratu S. I. Turgenevu
, ed. N. G. Svirin (M, 1936), 245, 15 Dec. 1817; Madariaga,
Politics and Culture
, 236.
- 52.
, xxi: 361.
- 53.
Karamzin’s Memoir on Ancient and Modern Russia
, ed. and trans. R. Pipes (New York, 1972), 133.
- 54. M. M. Speranskii,
Proekty i zapiski
, ed. S. N. Valk (Moscow-Leningrad, 1961), 20, 140.
- 55.
Memoirs of Countess Golovine
, 35.
- 56. For detailed references, see my essay ‘“Prosveshchenie”: Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century Russia’, in
Peripheries of the Enlightenment
, eds. R. Butterwick, S. Davies and G. Sanchez-Espinoza,
Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century
- 57.
Sochineniia Derzhavina
, ed. Grot, iii: 211–3.
- 58. ‘O nravstvennom sostoianii voisk Rossiiskoi imperii i v osobennosti Gvardeiskogo korpusa’, ed. N. A. Kargopolova,
Reka vremen
, 1 (1995), 40.
- 59. A. Viskovatov,
Kratkaia istoriia Pervago Kadetskago Korpusa
(SPb, 1832), 35, 38, 46–8.
- 60. Polevoi,
Literaturnaia kritika
, 168–9.
- 61. M. A. Gillel’son,
P. A. Viazemskii: zhizn’ i tvorchestva
(Leningrad, 1969), 225–8.
- 62. A.I. Kornilovich,
Sochineniia i pis’ma
(Moscow-Leningrad, 1957), 211.
- 63. Shishkov, ‘Dostopamiatnye skazaniia’, 20; M. Al’tshuller,
Predtechi slavianofil’stva v russkoi literature: Obshchestvo ‘Beseda liubitelei russkogo slova’
(Ann Arbor, MI, 1984), 36–7.
- 64. Sumarokov,
Cherty Ekateriny Velikiia
, xix, 46, 48–9.
- 65. Dolgorukov,
Kapishche moego serdtsa
, 235.
- 66. A. S. Pushkin,
Polnoe sobranie sochinenii
, 17 vols. (M, 1937–59), ix: 32, note.
- 67. I. I. Dmitriev,
Vzgliad na moiu zhizn’
(SPb, 1895), 161.
- 68.
Ostaf’evskii arkhiv kniazei Viazemskikh, t. 2: Perepiska P.A. Viazemskago s A.I. Turgenvym 1820–1823
(SPb, 1899), 45–6, 11 Aug. 1820.
- 69. A. G. Tartakovskii,
Russkaia memuaristika XVIII-pervoi polovine XIX v.: Ot rukopisi k knige
(M, 1991), 215, 218–9.
- 70. M. Mokrousova, ‘A. I. Turgenev–sobiratel’ istochnikov po istorii Rossii’,
Sovetskie arkhivy
, 1974: 4, 40–1.
- 71. See S. Dixon, ‘Pushkin and history’,
The Cambridge Companion to Pushkin
, ed. A. Kahn (Cambridge, 2006).
- 72. Khrapovitskii, 31, 13 Apr. 1787. See also A.A. Vasil’chikov,
Semeistvo Razumovskikh
, vol. V (SPb, 1894), 1–35; L. Maikov,
Pushkin: Biograficheskie materialy i istoriko-literaturnye ocherki
(SPb, 1899), 397–413.
- 73.
Imperatorskoe russkoe istoricheskoe obshchestvo, 1866–1916
(Petrograd, 1916), 4–5, 60.
- 74.
, xiii: i.
- 75. This section draws, in revised form, on sources first discussed in my ‘Catherine the Great and the Romanov Dynasty: The case of the Grand Duchess Mariia Pavlovna (1854–1920)’, in
Russian Society and Culture and the Long Eighteenth Century
, eds. Bartlett and Hughes (Münster, 2004), 195–208, where further references may be found.
- 76. S. S. Trubachev, ‘G.P. Danilevskii: biograficheskii ocherk’, in G.P. Danilevskii,
Polnoe sobranie sochinenii
, 8th edn., 24 vols. (SPb, 1901), i: 44, 46, 61, 79–88; ‘Vospominaniia E. N. Opochinina’, ed. E. V. Bronnikova,
Vstrechi v proshlym
, 7 (M, 1990), 65;
M. M. Stasiulevich i ego sovremenniki v ikh perepiske
, ed. M. K. Lemke, 5 vols. (SPb, 1911–13), v: 326–7.
- 77. A. Bogdanovich,
Tri poslednikh samoderzhtsa
(M, 1990 edn.), 133, 27 Jan. 1890.
- 78. C.A. Stoddard,
Across Russia: From the Baltic to the Danube
(London, 1892), 74, 40.
- 79. F.-X. Coquin, ‘Le monument de Catherine II à Saint-Pétersbourg’, in
Catherine II et L’Europe
, ed. Davidenkoff, 21–2.
- 80.
, xiii: xii-xiii.
- 81. V.O. Kliuchevsky,
, 8 vols. (M, 1956–9), v: 309–11.
- 82. Bil’basov,
Dnevnik gosudarstvennogo sekretaria A. A. Polovtsova
, ed. P. A. Zaionchkovskii, 2 vols. (M, 1966), ii: 260, 15 Jan. 1890; 341, 8 Jan. 1891; P. A. Zaionchkovskii,
Rossiiskoe samoderzhavie v kontse XIX stoletiia: Politicheskaia reaktsiia 80-kh–nachala 90-kh godov
(M, 1970), 285–6.
- 83. See A. Pyman,
The life of Aleksandr Blok: I, The distant thunder, 1880–1908
(Oxford, 1978), 51.
- 84. For example, L. Zhdanov [L. G. Gel’man],
V setiakh intriga: Dva potoka. Istoricheskii roman vremeni Ekateriny II
(SPb, 1912); M. Evgeniia,
Liubovniki Ekateriny
(M, 1917).
- 85. Velikii kniaz’ Nikolai Mikhailovich,
Russkie portrety XVIII i XIX stoletii
, 5 vols. (SPb, 1905–9); J. E. Bowlt,
The silver age: Russian art in the early twentieth century and the ‘World of Art’ group
(Newtonville, MA, 1979), 166–7; R. Buckle,
(London, 1979), 84–8.
- 86.
Dnevnik V. N. Lamzdorfa (1886–1890)
, ed. F. A. Rotshtein (Leningrad, 1926), 93–4, 15 Jan. 1888; 203, 24 Mar. 1889.
- 87.
Dnevnik Polovtsova
, ii: 203, 31 May 1889.
- 88. N. Notovich,
L’Empereur Alexandre III et son entourage
(Paris, 1893), 93.
- 89. R. Wortman, ‘The Russian empress as mother’, in
The family in imperial Russia: New lines of historical research
, ed. D. L. Ransel (Urbana, IL, 1978), 61.
- 90. Sir G. Buchanan,
My mission to Russia and other diplomatic memories
, 2 vols. (London, 1923), i: 175–6.
- 91. John Hanbury-Williams,
The Emperor Nicholas II: As I knew him
(London, 1922) 58, diary, 4 Oct. 1915.
- 92. Suvorov,
, 204, to I. M. [José] Ribas.
- 93. The plant’s formal name was
cardamine nivalis
: see A. K. Sytin, ‘P. S. Pallas, P. I. Shangin i Ekaterina Velikaia’,
Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki
, 2 (1997), 124.
- 94. Shcherbatov, 235.
- 95. Diderot,
Mémoires pour Catherine II
, ed. P. Vernière (Paris, 1966), 197–8; D. Griffiths, ‘To live forever: Catherine II, Voltaire and the pursuit of immortality’, in
Russia and the World of the Eighteenth Century
, eds. Bartlett, Cross, Rasmussen, 446–68.
- 96. Grimm, 77, 2 Feb. 1778.
- 97. Shcherbatov, 255, 241–5, 251–3, (241). Compare Martha Wilmot’s reflections on a present given to Princess Dashkova: ‘It was the first present she ever receiv’d from Katherine the Second, & certainly serv’d to recall the most interesting period of a friendship which
existed assuredly, as Katherine was only a Grand Dutchess; but for which sentiment
they say
a Crown very very rarely leaves room & I doubt whether the Great Katherine form’d an exception to the general observation.’
Russian Journals
, 159, Martha’s Journal, 1 Dec. 1805 NS.