Caught in the Devil's Sheets (45 page)

“What do you think?” Odin is standing in front of the door, his chest and arms strained as two heavy bags of ice hang at his hips.

“Do you use all of these things?” I speculate on some of the more obviously brutal implements in the room.

“Some of it is just for decoration, adds character to the room. Plus in here, you have to be able to trust me enough strap you down, and leave it to me to decide which of these alluring tools to use.” He eyes me, clearly trying to scare me, as he walks past me, bringing the ice into a bathroom at the back of the room.

Water starts running and I hear as the ice is laid out in a tub
. An ice bath?

My heart starts to pound in my chest, the way it would during the beginning of a horror film. Surely I will be thrilled beyond compare before leaving this room safely, just as I would at a theater. Though you could kill someone, hundreds of different ways, and torture them to a point of pain that would have them wishing you would just kill them in this room, I trust him not to hurt me.

“Are you ready to play?” Odin is the spitting image of the big bad wolf, leaning up against the side of the bathroom door way. I know exactly what ‘play’ entails to him. It may mean some pain, but in the end, he’ll forgive me for going and seeing Jaime. I will most likely have some fresh bruises, but I can rest assured I will be left sexually satisfied.

“I’m ready.”

“Good, here are the rules. In here I am your Master and you are my slave. You shall worship the ground I walk on, as I do yours the moment we step out of this room.” Odin’s acknowledgment of how good he treats me brings a smile to my heart. “I want you to give me everything you have, Delilah, but remember you have a safe word. Do not hesitate to use it, but know that this is what turns me on more than anything! This is who I am and who I need you to be for me. Are you ready?”

My emotions feel like I’m sitting in a rollercoaster cart, having just reached the top of the first, and highest drop.

“Yes,” I embrace him.

“Yes what?” he demands, his face turning dark, and malicious.

“Yes, Master.” I am quick to correct myself.

“Very good. Now, strip!”

In the fastest way I can manage, I begin to strip my clothes off, until I’m left completely naked.

Odin smiles, taking me in. “Come, I want you to bend over here.” He gestures to a black leather covered sawhorse. Anxiously, I move forward, laying my belly across the top long ways. The leather is cold to the touch of my skin, but it’s plush, much softer than being bent over the steel table. I’m doubled over the beam, my hair dangling down and tickling my toes. Odin takes rope, securing my feet to the legs of the beam. Then he runs rope from my ankles, under the beam to my neck, so I cannot stand upright. Taking my hands he places them behind my back and ropes them together. He walks over to the workbench and takes a knife and a paddle. The knife he hangs from his belt loop, I think just to scare me. He walks back toward the bathroom, the paddle dangling in his hand. I can see the letters ‘ODIN’ carved in it. The water shuts off, then he slowly makes his way back around to stand beside me.

“You have been bad,” he says in a low husky voice.

“Yes, Master,” I can feel my heart in my throat as fear sets in.

I hear the paddle sift through the air before landing hard and firm on my back side. Before I can recoil from the pain, it hits again and again in the exact same spot. I cry out, surprised by the sudden repetitious blows. Immediately it stings and burns, and tears prick my eyes unbidden. He stops for moment, running his palm over my ass cheek, rubbing in the pain.

“Why did you go, Lila?”

My heart races as I frantically try to come up with an answer. “I don’t know.” I don’t expect any less then the paddle that rains down on my ass a fifth, and sixth and seventh time. “Ow, please!” I scream.

He again runs his hand across my skin, alleviating some of the sting.

“Why?” he asks again, his voice darker still.

“I just wanted to stand up for myself.” I fight back tears, my fists white and clammy, balled behind my back.

“In doing so, you took a stand against me.”

I can hear the hurt in his voice, and the paddle slams down hard, then again harder, and a last time, cracking me so hard that the word
, almost falls out of my mouth. I’m biting down on my lip so hard I can taste blood in my mouth.

“I just needed closure,” I whimper, aware that I am probably speaking out of turn.

He hurls the paddle at the wall. I jump, startling as it rattles off the tile wall and bounces across the floor. Odin falls to his knees and takes my sex immediately into his mouth. His tongue is forceful, lashing over my clit. I give into the sawhorse, no longer straining against it. My fists relax and I moan wildly as his tongue slips inside me.
I gasp, pleasure coursing through me. I had no idea how much I needed this, until I’m on the brink of an orgasm and my body is begging for release. His lips press against my clit and his tongue strokes intently. My body tightens down, preparing for the orgasm that comes ripping through me. I’m moaning so loudly it echoes through the room, and my muscles squeeze down tightly. Then my body relaxes, going limp as I scream incoherently, hanging on to the overwhelming sensation of Odin’s lips between my legs. I stiffen again, trying to escape his kisses, as I am too sensitive to bear them any longer. I pant mindlessly, vaguely aware that Odin rises behind me. I hear his zipper, then he grabs me by my hips from behind and thrusts into me!

I am so wet that he slides all the way in and collides with me so deeply that it hurts.

“Fuck!” I scream, and Odin growls behind me.

He pulls out, and drives in again, jerking my hips backward into his. I try to push my hips forward into the sawhorse, leaning my head up as far as I can to counter my weight, escaping his evil blows. When my head is up, I can see us in the mirror. The wild, uncontrollably taken look on his face catches my soul. I have never seen him this turned on before, and his arousal feeds mine in a dangerous way. I watch as he hurls himself into me over and over, pulling me into him each time, as if he can never get far enough inside me. I bite my lips, taking in the thrill of the pain deep inside me. Odin’s deep voice lets out a heathenish growl that vibrates through me, as it fills the room. He takes a generous handful of my hair and pulls it back, lifting my face up painfully. I scream as my roots pull hard at the scalp, my thick hair not giving in. He stiffens, pouring himself into me while his body convulses over my back.

He regains himself quickly. Using his knife, he cuts me free. “On your knees!” he orders, and I willingly fall to my knees, thankful that I do not have to stand. He pulls a handful of my hair, not too roughly and leads me into the bathroom. The florescent bulbs in here are darker. There is a claw foot tub filled with water and ice. I have heard of people waking up in a place like this in foreign countries, missing organs. The bathroom is altogether eerie, and I know he’s going to make me get in the tub.

“I want to bathe you,” he pets my hair, and speaks softly.

He wants to bathe me, i
n an ice bath!!!
In my head is the voice of Reason, wide-eyed, and shaking her head.
Aw, come on. It’s just a bit of ice…
The devil sitting upon my left shoulder has that irresistible smile, and it seems as though my angel has taken the day off!

“Please do, Master.”

Having confronted Jaime has left me feeling psychotically brave and daring. Odin offers me a hand as I step into the tub. It’s numbingly cold and it bites at my calf as I step in. My breath hitches, and I feel a sudden rush of panic, knowing I have to push my whole body into this biting cold water.

“That’s it, baby,” Odin encourages softly.

I pull my other foot up off the floor and slowly sink it in the water. Cubes of ice move around me. I try to imagine myself stepping into the ocean mid-winter, something I have done despite the cold. But even that doesn’t compare to the polar temperature of the water beneath me. It is painfully cold.

Odin leans forward, nibbling gently on my ear lobe as his hand caresses my neck, holding me at the nape. “Sit down, love,” he whispers, melting away my heart with his endearment.

I don’t even have to think about it. He helps ease my body down and I voluntarily slip beneath the chilling water. It feels like a million knives stabbing me at the same time, and I try to steady my breaths as he lays me back. I grasp the sides, keeping my shoulders and my arms above the water. My nipples are so hard they hurt, submerged beneath the ice. I try to lye still, as the ice cubes feel like razors against my skin. Odin takes a bar of soap from the side of the tub, and starts at my chest, smoothing the soap over my breasts. I wince as it rolls across my hardened nipples before moving down to my belly. He washes down my hips, outlining my legs. Then his hand moves back up my inner thighs.

Then he takes my ankle, pulling it up out of the water and hanging my knee over the side of the tub. He does the same with my other leg so that all my limbs dangle freely from the sides of the bathtub. I’m shivering uncontrollably and I try to time my breathing. It’s probably only been two or three minutes at the most, but I don’t think I can stay in longer.

He reaches back in the tub and runs the bar of soap along my sex a few times. I’m too cold to notice much of the feeling. But then he lets the soap go, and his fingers slip inside me, twisting and pushing agonizingly. I close my eyes. No amount of coldness can outweigh the sensation of his fingers, as his thumb takes rhythm over my clit. I try to lie as still as I can, the water biting at me with every small move my hips make. His skillful hand renders me helpless. As cold as I am, I am going to cum! I open my eyes, and see Odin, staring intensely down at me. His eyes are filled with sinister excitement, watching as I no doubt turn blue, and yet begin to cum around his fingers. I close my eyes again, losing myself to him. Losing myself completely. All hint of sanity slips away from me. The bitter cold consumes my body as another orgasm rips me into pieces. Then a chilling darkness surrounds me, and I try to open my eyes.

I hear him call my name frantically, but I cannot answer him. He calls again, scared and panicked, but my body no longer responds to the will of my brain. His voice slips away from me and I’m out. Cold.

Devil’s Cut

He watches as an orgasm takes hold of her helpless body. Her skin is flush white, and her lips are dark purple. Her nipples are hard, rising away from her breasts under the water. Her expression twists, as she closes her eyes. She parts her purple lips and her head falls back. Her toes curl and her tight grip on the tub turns her knuckles red. Her whole body shivers violently. Odin’s filled with overwhelming excitement, a dark and insatiable high. He watches as his twisted fantasies play out in front of him. But then suddenly everything goes wrong. She is still.

“Lila!” he yells, shaking her. Her head jerks around unconsciously. He rips her out of the tub in a hurry, his mind frantically racing. This has never happened before.

“Lila!” he begs, holding her in his arms. He can feel his world begin to cave in, an awful familiar darkness gripping his sad excuse for a heart. She’s still breathing. Thinking fast, he heaves her limp body over his shoulder and she dangles as he rushes her down the stairs. He hurries out the glass door, and with one hand, hurls the lid off the hot tub. He pulls her body in with him, in hopes that the heat of the tub will pull her out of hypothermia. He sits down in the water holding her head up on his chest, careful to listen for her breaths. Her pulse is strong, and he rocks her, begging God to bring her back. A panic of thoughts comes haunting him.
Should I have called 911? Is she going to die?

“Delilah!” He’s almost crying, tears only being held back by fear. He brushes her hair back from her face, cradling her against his chest. Her glazed over brown eyes open slightly, blindly trying to focus. Her stomach heaves and vomit begins to choke her. He quickly faces her head down and she heaves into the Jacuzzi.

“Lila, please, baby, tell me you’re okay,” he begs.

She grasps hold of his shoulder, holding him for support to keep her own head up as she heaves some more. When she’s finished, she turns her head slightly to face him. She looks ghostly, scared and in a daze, but she’s alive. He pulls her to him once more, holding her.

“Jesus Christ, Lila, I’m so sorry,” he says and she heaves again, this time scrambling toward the edge of the tub. He rubs her back, hoping to God that she isn’t going to leave after this.

*           *           *

I sit on his lap, cradled in his arms with my head on his chest, still bleakly aware of my surroundings. I start to regain full consciousness.
How did I get into the hot tub?
I glance around and notice that the jets aren’t on, and it looks like there is barf in here. Confused, I glance up at Odin.

He looks scared to death, and his anxiety quickly becomes my anxiety.

“What’s wrong?” My eyes widen and fear grips me.

“Nothing, it was just a nightmare,” he says terrified, with the agonizing look of torment in his eyes. He cradles my head once more and I feel myself calm. He is still wearing clothes.

I, on the other hand, am completely naked. I remember the ice filled bathtub, and then it hits me. I passed out. He must have panicked and carried me down here, that’s why he’s freaking out. I wrap my arms around him, nuzzling his chest and trying to calm him.

“It’s okay. I’m okay,” I try to comfort him. He holds me, gently rocking me.

“I’m so sorry, baby.” I can tell in his voice he means it. I brush my hand up and down his back.

“Shh, it’s okay,” I assure him. I let him hold me for so long, never wanting to break this bond we are sharing. But eventually I feel myself getting too hot, and it starts to make me dizzy.

“I need to get out,” I whisper.

Odin nods his head, letting me go. He stands and lifts his long legs over the side of the tub, then holds his hands out for me. I can see chunks of barf floating in the water, and I quickly make my way out.

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