Read Centerfold Online

Authors: Kris Norris

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Centerfold (11 page)

He dropped a kiss on her nose. “Consider that particular fantasy first on the list. And in case you hadn’t figured it out, we plan on having you live with us—whether it’s at your place or ours. No more running.”

Scarlet waited for uncertainty to scratch away the euphoric feeling warming her chest, but all she felt was peace. A sense of coming home.

“Deal. Now how about you guys find me a game I can handle.”

Aiden’s eyes widened, then he grinned. “Fuck, I love you. Roman. Our girl needs an event that won’t make me want to kill any of the other guests.”

“You and me both, buddy.” Roman turned, her hand still gripped in his, when he nearly collided with Glade.

The man flashed them a knowing smile. “I’d have thought you three would be heading inside.”

Roman moved closer to her, putting a protective arm around her. “While we applaud the use of restraints, it’s not our mode of choice in a public forum.”

Glade eyed them, openly sizing them up. “I respect your decision to keep your woman comfortable. Perhaps you’ll find the activity in the ballroom more to your liking?”

“We’ll head over there. Are you walking our way?”

“I am now.”

The older man struck out ahead of them, his stride faster than she’d expected. Roman gave her hand a squeeze, walking behind the guy. Scarlet groaned inwardly. There’d be no chance of bowing out now, not with Thomas Glade accompanying them. Fucker would probably sit beside them, watching their every move.

Aiden’s hand landed on the small of her back, his touch calming her. “Easy, baby. No matter what happens in that room, it’s still us loving you. Nothing can change that, whether we’re alone or surrounded by fifty people.”

Warmth spread through her chest, tears misting her eyes. She looked at Aiden, wondering how she’d missed this side of him. Or had she chosen not to see it because she’d been scared? Either way, she wouldn’t make the same mistake again. And she’d spend whatever time she had left showing both men how much their trust, their compassion meant to her. She mouthed her love, following Roman through the next set of doors. A variety of seating options encompassed most of the room, a raised stage lining the far wall.

Roman guided them over to a small love seat, tugging her onto his lap as Aiden scooted in beside them. He placed a hand on her thigh, the weight comforting. She rested against Roman, enjoying the play of muscles beneath her fingers. She hadn’t gotten the chance to explore his body during their one encounter, and she longed to run her fingers over his taut frame, discover every dip and plane. Taste his skin, his release. Then she wanted to repeat every caress, every flick of her tongue, her lips on Aiden. Memorize their subtle differences. Learn what brought each man to his knees.

Roman brushed his lips across her ear. “If the look on your face is as telling as your scent, those thoughts running through your mind should be illegal.”

“What you did to me in that studio should have been illegal.”

The muscle in his jaw twitched. “Keep reminding me of that and I’ll take you on this couch, crowd or not. And I know Aiden will help me.”

She snagged her bottom lip. She’d never been with two men at once and she still wasn’t sure what to expect—not emotionally.

Aiden leaned in. “You have to trust us, baby. I can see your uncertainty. But you know we’d never hurt you. Never rush you.”

She jumped when a burst of static drowned out the murmur of voices. She twisted in Roman’s lap, staring at the man standing on the stage as he tapped the microphone, smiling at the crowd.

He motioned to the chairs. “It’s time for a little Christmas cheer, and what better present than a hot round of sex. There’s just one catch—mouths only. Pick which one of you gives and which receives and give us your best shot. Oh, and remember. We’ll need visual confirmation of completion. So fellas, we want to see that pussy cream and pulse.”

Scarlet hissed out her breath. “Shit. There’s got to be thirty people in here.”

Her gaze landed on Glade, her stomach dropping at the knowing look in his eyes.

Roman sighed. “He’s watching us. Waiting to see if we’ll actually man up.” He tilted his head, giving her an apologetic smile. “Don’t think we can opt out of this one, darling.”

Aiden pushed to his feet, extending his hand. “Nope. But it doesn’t have to be you baring it all. The man did say we could choose who gave and who received. Unless you want me to stake my claim, because I really don’t care how many people are in here. It’ll just be us up there.”

Her heart skipped, tripping back into a shaky rhythm as she accepted his hand, easing to her feet. “You’d do that? Be the one on display?”

He chuckled. “Do you have any idea how fucking hot your ass is in those shorts? Trust me. No one’s going to be watching me. But if that helps you cope…”

He pulled her close, dropping a wet kiss on her before leading her to the stage. She glanced back at Roman, but he just smiled, crossing his legs as he leaned back, arms resting along the top of the couch.

Aiden stopped at the stairs, following her gaze. “Don’t worry about Roman. Watching you suck me off is going to drive him wild. Promise. Now get your sexy ass up those steps before I decide it really should be your pussy beneath my tongue.”

Scarlet released a shuddering breath. Fuck. The man could make her come from his words alone. She pressed against him, smoothing her hands up his chest as she nipped at his chin. “Guess it’s a good thing I haven’t eaten today.”

She spun, putting extra swing in her hips as she climbed the steps to the stage, picking out a spot that afforded Roman the best view. She waited for Aiden to move in front of her before going to her knees, slowly clasping her hands behind her back. She bowed her head, giving him the semblance of submission as the rasp of his zipper echoed in her head. Other voices sounded around her, but she focused on the rustle of his jeans, the thud of them hitting the floor. She held her breath, praying she wouldn’t lose her nerve when his hand grazed her face.

She looked up, humming out her breath. “God, damn, Aiden. You’re spectacular.”

His smile said everything she needed to know. “I’m not thrilled that this will be our…” He huffed. “I will have to spank you later. But for now, it’s just us up here. And Roman’s the only one watching.”

“I love you.”

His smile widened. She pushed the rest of the room out of her mind, concentrating on the hard lines of his muscles, the way his broad shoulders narrowed into his lean waist, taut bands across his abdomen creating shadows on his skin. The man was grace and strength rolled into a breath-taking package, and he was hers.

She leaned forward, inhaling his masculine scent. Spicy man mixed with cocoanut soap teased her senses and she nuzzled his groin, loving that he kept himself bare. That she’d be able to lick every inch of his shaft and the heavy sac that hung between his legs. She traced her lips along his length, giving him just a hint of her tongue as she stopped level with the head, smiling at the bead of fluid gracing the tip.

She looked up at him, eyebrows raised. “Horny, baby?”

He speared his fingers through her hair, holding the mass back from her face. “Since I met you.” He tightened his grip. “No teasing.”

“Don’t you want me to put on a show?”

“Next time.” He growled at her smug grin. “Scarlet.”

The deep rumble in his voice made her stomach flutter, the unspoken command peaking her nipples against her bra. Now, he had her thinking about both men spanking her, and fuck, if it didn’t make her wet. A hot swirl of need coiled in her groin.

Aiden tugged on the strands bunched in his hand, drawing her attention. “Are you picturing me spanking you? Or are you picturing both of us?” He released a raspy breath. “Shit, baby. I can’t wait until we get you home. You’re going to be so damn busy for the next fifty years. But for now…”

Scarlet dipped forward to drop a kiss on the end of his cock. It jerked in response, bobbing up toward his abdomen before settling in front of her face again. She wanted to wrap her fingers around his thick length—feel the contrast between silky skin and rock-hard strength. Scratch a line to the crown with her nails, knowing the sensation drove him mad.

Instead, she poked out her tongue, moving slowly, wanting Aiden to anticipate the first flick across his flesh. His stomach clenched at the gentle contact, once again raising his cock. She waited as it descended, this time angling her head above the crown. He moaned as she lapped at his skin, licking the slippery fluid away. She hummed at the unique flavor of him, making a second pass. Salty spice bathed her tongue, making more juice cream her cleft. Damn, she didn’t just want to suck him off, she wanted to fuck him. And Roman. Feel them surrender themselves to her—give herself to them in every way.

She pushed aside her desires. There’d be time to delve into them later. For now, she soothed the ache tingling her clit by focusing on Aiden. The smooth glide of his shaft against her mouth, the twitch of his muscles as she spread her lips, taking him deep inside.

“Fuck, baby. So damn hot and wet.” He hissed out his next few breaths, clenching his fingers in her hair. “Like Heaven and Hell.”

She hollowed her cheeks as she slowly retreated, pressing her tongue against the thick veins lining the underside. She kept the crown encased within her mouth, sucking on the head, before sinking down again, taking him as far as she could to the back of her throat.

His breathing increased, soft murmurs of encouragement sounding around her. She pulled free this time, dipping beneath his shaft to nuzzle his sac. She took her time, laving his skin before mouthing each side. His body tensed, a distinctive grunt spurring her on.

Aiden tugged on her hair, guiding her back to his cock, pressing the tip against her mouth. “Take me deep, Scarlet. And don’t stop this time. I’m too fucking close.”

He began moving with her, sliding his cock deep inside her mouth then easing it back, never quite halting his movements. He thrust his hips back and forth, the steady rhythm obviously building his need. She glanced up at him, hands still clasped behind her back, pumping his shaft into her mouth. He met her gaze, gritting his teeth as he tilted his head back, the muscles in his neck cording from the tension. She opened wider, allowing him to set the pace, knowing his loss of control would be her reward.

He tried to meter his thrusts, hips jerking as he obviously fought against the rush of pleasure that flushed his skin. She could track the progression of it. How his sac pulled tight to his body, his cock weeping additional precious fluid along her tongue. He fisted his fingers then released them, the sporadic twitches tingling her clit until she feared she might climax from just the feel of his hands in her hair.

“Damn. Scarlet. I can’t hold off. You’re so fucking hot. So much pressure.” He hung his head in seeming defeat. “Shit, they want to see me…”

She growled her defiance, sealing her mouth more forcefully around him. His gaze snapped to hers before his eyes squeezed shut, a muffled curse rasping free. He tried to pull her head back, but she refused. He could shoot the last of his release on her chest. But she wouldn’t surrender without a taste. Without knowing she’d won.

“Fuck. Scarlet.”

His words sounded harsh. An echoed groan rose from the crowd. Aiden pumped into her mouth a dozen more times before his body stiffened, the first pulse of his seed coating her tongue. She hummed her victory, swallowing two more shots before reaching for his cock, angling the head at her chest. He came again, this spurt splashing across her breasts, the warm feel of his release making her pussy clench emptily. She didn’t want him to finish on her skin. She wanted to taste every drop. Have Roman pound into her from behind. Vanquish the burning need deep inside her.

Aiden emptied three more pulses onto her flesh, finally bowing over her, chest heaving as his hold in her hair finally loosened. It took what felt like several tries before his hands fell from her head, and he went to his knees in front of her. He cupped her jaw as he raised her face to his, his mouth crushing down possessively over hers. She allowed him complete control, hoping her surrender would ease the tension in his muscles as they flexed beneath her hands. Aiden sighed once they’d finally parted, forehead resting on hers, their breath mixing. He gave her one last gentle kiss, stealing her heart more with the soft press of his lips than when he’d conquered her.

He thumbed the corner of her mouth. “I love you. You know that, right?”

She gave him a genuine smile. “I think you destroyed any doubts when you stepped up on that stage. Do you know what that meant to me? Having you as the focus, the one bared?”

“Like I said. I don’t compare to you, baby. They hardly saw me beyond that ass of yours. But if it made you feel better…”

“That’s not why you did it and we both know it.” She kissed him again. “Thank you.”

He nodded, glancing at her chest. “Shit. I owe you a bath.”

“If I’d had my way, there wouldn’t be a mess to clean up.”

“Naughty wench. You always did rebel against the rules.”

He eased back, helping her to her feet before yanking up his pants. The guy with the microphone sauntered over, drawing his finger through the remnants of Aiden’s climax still clinging to her skin as he gave them a creepy smile.

He turned to the crowd. “Seems our Christmas angel knows how to give head. A round of applause for Ms. December.”

Scarlet plastered on a fake smile, picking her way back to Roman, ignoring the blatant leers from the men sitting in the crowd. Aiden kept his hand on the small of her back, the constant pressure grounding her. She stopped at the love seat, attention focused on Roman as he shifted his gaze to her chest, the muscle in his jaw twitching. He stood, holding up a wet towel one of Glade’s staff must have given him, before brushing it across her skin, removing the last bits of sticky fluid.

Aiden moved in close. “Anyone stand out?”

“Yeah. Everyone. They’re all strange in some way. I did notice that Glade has his photographer taking candid shots. Not sure it’s that simple, but…” He shrugged. “He’s definitely on the short list. He’s the one person who can openly film the guests without question. And we should try to get a look at his darkroom. Maybe while he’s busy during one of the photo sessions. I also saw Ms. November scowling throughout the entire show. Her partner nudged her, but she flipped him off, choosing to watch.”

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