Champagne Showers (29 page)

Read Champagne Showers Online

Authors: Adler,Holt

Tags: #cookie429, #Kat, #Extratorrents

I head back out to the balcony and resume my place on the chaise. I take the last swig of my Pellegrino. The guys have moved from the balcony to the den. I pick up my phone and slide it open to reveal a couple more texts from Simone and one from Harrison.

3:10 PM

Harrison Towers

Are they there? I just got done with meeting. Call you in a few.


3:21 PM


Yes, they are here. You better call detective back. He needs to talk to you.


I just wish Harrison were here to handle this. I don’t want to be in the middle any more.

3:21 PM

Harrison Towers

Did they find something?


3:21 PM


Yes, they did. Call the detective.


I must have dozed for a minute because the next thing I know, the phone is buzzing in my lap and I pick it up to answer it. It’s Harrison.


“Danielle, how are you?”

“I’m so tired of dealing with this.”

“I realize that. I just talked to the detective and they are going to run things through me and my guys and try to avoid involving you when they can. I told you I would handle things and I meant it.”

“Thank you.” I still wish he was here, not three thousand miles away.

As if he can read my mind he says, “I will be home later in the morning. I am taking a red eye tonight.”

“It will be good to have you back.”

“You may not think so after I am done with you. I expect you to be wearing something enticing when I get back and then I am going to devour you for breakfast.”

“Harrison! You are incorrigible.” Oh holy crud, there goes that heat in my loins and my face turning red again.

He laughs and I can picture his face right now with that smirk he gets matched by that smoldering look in his eyes. Uh!

“Danielle, I have to run. I am heading to the airport soon and have to wrap up some details here. I’ll try to call later. If not, I will see you tomorrow. Make sure your schedule is clear. I mean it.”


“I’ll see what I can do. Oh, one last thing, do you mind if I asked Simone to come see me tonight? She just got back in town today and I would like some company.”

“Sure, Danielle. Be good, nobody else though. Understand?”

Who else would I have over? He can’t be referring to Bradley can he? How bossy, even if it is his place.

“Of course,” I respond meekly.

“À demain. See you tomorrow,” he says with his accent pronounced.

Oh, we are speaking in romance language now.

“Ciao,” I purr.

He laughs and then the call ends.

I practically jump out of my chair when I hear someone behind me clear his throat. I forgot I wasn’t here alone.

“Miss Austen?”

It’s Jeff.

“The detectives are getting ready to leave, and would like to speak with you.”

I nod in agreement, get up from the chaise, and follow Jeff back into the foyer.

It’s just Detective Burke standing there, it appears the other guys have already gone down to the lobby to take pictures and poke around.

“Ah, Miss Austen. We are done here for the time being. I talked to Mr. Towers and understand he will be back tomorrow.”

I nod. He looks at his watch.

“Looks like I may get that pot roast after all.” He gives me his yellow grin again.

“Thank you detective. Enjoy your pot roast.”

“I will and we will be in touch soon.”

I look at Jeff and he nods, and then follows the detective into the elevator and down they go.

What a relief. I look at the clock on my phone and it’s already 5:00 PM.

Aha, just enough time to rest my eyes before Simone gets here.

I walk back into the living room and lay down on the white leather sofa. I set my phone alarm for 5:45 PM so I can get up before Simone arrives. I drift into a deep sleep.

Would someone get that damned ringing phone? Somewhere in the back of my mind, I hear an old-fashioned phone. It just keeps ringing. I slowly open my eyes and see light streaming in through the West facing windows. Oh, yes. I’m in Harrison’s penthouse. Then the ring, ring, ring again. I pick up my phone and slide the unlock pad. There, the ringing stops. I see that the time is 5:50 PM. Shit, I must have snoozed through part of the alarm! Simone is going to be here any minute. I grab my handbag and fish out the first lip-gloss I can find and slather some on. I run my fingers through my hair and straighten my clothes. I’m still wearing my clothes from my meeting this morning. Oh well, it’s just my best girl.

There’s the ding I’m waiting for. I practically run to the intercom.


“Hey girlie I’m heeeere!”

“Okay, I’m buzzing you in; I’ll send the elevator down for you. Go to the side hallway where it says private elevator.”

“Got it. See you in a minute.”

I go to greet her in the foyer. As she gets off the elevator her eyes get huge and she hands off her paper bag and walks toward the water feature.

“Wow, Danners, this is beyond amazing! I love this water fall!”

“Thanks, this was such a fun project.”

She turns to look at me and clicks her tongue while winking at me. “How much fun, Danners?”

“Oh stop, you’re impossible!” I say while poking her in the rib.

“So give me the grand towers tour and then let’s get down to business!”

I laugh again, and then proceed to give her a tour of the entire place.  She is sufficiently impressed at my decorating prowess and of course, the magnificent views each room boasts. She proclaims in many of the rooms that she could get real used to this kind of living. So could I.

Since it’s still nice outside, we decide to settle into the chaise lounges next to the outdoor fireplace. I have to admit, the flick of a switch beats having to bank a load of firewood and kindling.

With a wine glass in hand and a twinkle in her eye, Simone turns to me and says, “Okay, now spill it. Tell me about you and the mogul. I want to hear everything!”

I sigh and then take a big swig of wine. It’s totally gauche to do anything but sip wine, but I need some quick liquid encouragement. I’m sure Marion would crinkle her perfect little petite nose at me! I realize that I’m scowling and Simone looks at me with a scowl to match.

“What exactly do you want me to spill?”

She grunts, “Um everything! You are shagging the most eligible bachelor on the planet and you are asking me what I want you to spill? Get real, Danners.”

I might as well get it over with. “Fine, here goes.”

She rubs her hands together and curls her feet up under her on the soft cushion of the chaise. I stretch out on my chaise and focus on the flames licking at the glass of the fireplace enclosure.

Chapter Twenty


I begin at the tour of the towers with Harrison. I tell her about the New York trip, though I do leave out some of the juicy details. I’m not exactly the kiss and tell type. I also give her the highlights of the gala at the winery. I mention that we had a lot of sexy time and she perks up at that. I also tell her about the winery dragon lady. I just don’t trust that woman. I just know she’s up to no good and when I tell Simone about the interaction in the bathroom at the gala, she totally agrees that the whole conversation was an intentional attempt at planting seeds of doubt about Harrison.

Once I get to the point in my story about the last 24 hours, all of the giggles and the light mood disappear. Even the wine can’t help the heavy atmosphere that came over our pow-wow. I tell her a good portion of the break-in and the pictures, just not all the details of the contents of the pictures. I know I have to tell her most of it in case she’s contacted by the Portland Police for any questions. I also tell her about Bradley and she just about comes unglued.

“Danielle! What the hell? What would possess you to call that shithead? He’s a good for nothing louse!”

“Calm down, Simone. I literally didn’t have anyone else to call and besides, he really came to my rescue. I really owe him; he was supportive and didn’t try anything.”

She shakes her head in disbelief. “Well, I guess even he has his limits, but I find this all so incredible. Seriously, I don’t understand why someone would be trying to get to you. It’s also strange that someone would go to this length without any blackmail notes or threats. It’s very suspicious.”

“Honestly, Clarke, I don’t get it either but I know it must have everything to do with Harrison. I don’t have anyone in my past or present who would do something like this.”

“I am confused though, why are we staying here when the place is bugged and rigged with cameras? I mean are we being watched or something right now?” I can see her shake off a chill out of the corner of my eye.

“No, Clarke, the police did a full sweep and removed the cameras for evidence. I guess the wiring will have to be removed by a contractor though.”

My phone starts buzzing on the teak outdoor table next to me. I pick it up to see who’s calling.

“Ugh, it’s that damned unknown caller.”

She shrugs.

I’ve decided enough is enough, I’m going to answer.

“Hello!” Nothing. “HELLO!” I strain to hear something and the only thing I detect is the faint sound of someone breathing.

“Put me on your DO NOT CALL list or I will report you!” I wait a couple seconds then I hear a hiss and then the call drops. 

I look at Clarke and for once, her perky face looks ashen. I can tell she’s worried.

“It’s probably just some telemarketer, but it’s annoying because I’ve been getting these calls several times a day lately.”

“When did they start?” She has this look like she already knows the answer.

“Oh, I don’t know, maybe about a month ago.”  My voice trails off. “Oh, do you think this is related to all of this other nonsense?”

“Do I, and how! Danners, I hate to say it but your mogul seems to have a stalker that has set their sights on you! Does Harrison know about these calls?”

“No, I don’t think I’ve told him. I kind of forgot, it’s been such a whirlwind this last week. Do you really think we’re dealing with a stalker? She nods.

“Thanks a lot Simone! Now I’m freaked out! How am I supposed to sleep tonight?”

“Is that an invitation for me to stay? ‘Cause I would be more than happy to!” she says as she rubs her hands together again and looks up at the twilit sky.

“Oh Clarke, thanks!” I say with a sigh of relief, knowing full well that she is thrilled to stay in this lap of luxury.

We raid the refrigerator and then get ready for bed. We hop into the huge bed and snuggle under the luxurious 1200 thread count bedding. I make a mental note that someday I want 1200 thread count sheets on my bed!

“So Clarke, you haven’t told me about your author boy. What happened? I thought you were smitten,” I say using my fingers to make an air quote.

“Danners, my story is far less interesting, but I will tell you this, he wasn’t boring in bed. He could blow the roof off the hotel room, but the problem was his tendency to blow it too soon! Well, that and he was just so boring elsewhere. Our conversations were one dimensional at best.”

My phone buzzes and I know it’s a text. She’s still talking about her author boy and I pick up my phone hoping it’s from Harrison. It’s not, it’s from Bradley. 

10:40 PM


Sorry so late. It was a crazy long day. Just got back to P-town, where are you? You okay?


Simone realizes I’m not listening, but am instead on my phone so she looks over my shoulder and groans.

“Oh crap, can’t he leave you alone?”

10:41 PM


Thanks Bradley. I’m fine. At Harrison's with Simone here to keep me company. How are you?


10:41 PM


Good but tired. I was worried about you, so I wanted to get back in town. You can stay with me again if you like.


Simone is still looking over my shoulder and then she reaches over and grabs it out of my hands. I roll over and yell, “DO YOU MIND?”

“Whoa, what are you so bent out of shape for? If you want to communicate with that moron then go for it.”

She drops the phone next to me on the duvet cover.

I grab it and resume my response.

10:42 PM


Thanks Brad but I am good here. Simone is keeping me company and we are going to sleep now. Talk tomorrow?


10:42 PM


Sounds good. I am beat anyway. Night.


I plug the charger in and place the phone on the nightstand and then turn out the lamp. I turn to Simone and I can tell she’s sulking.

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