Champagne Showers (30 page)

Read Champagne Showers Online

Authors: Adler,Holt

Tags: #cookie429, #Kat, #Extratorrents

“Sorry, Clarke. I shouldn’t have barked at you.”

She sniffs. “It’s fine. I just don’t get why you’re encouraging him.”

“Clarke, it’s late and I’m tired and you probably wouldn’t understand anyway. Besides, I have no intention of taking up with him or anything like that, so I don’t see the harm of at least being friendly.”

“Well, just be careful, you know men read into things.”

“Oh yeah, well so do women.”

She giggles. “Okay, I get your point and it’s well taken. Night, Danners.”

“Night, Clarke.”

I roll over onto my side and hear a buzz.

She grunts, “Seriously, what was I just saying?”

I look at the phone and it’s Harrison. I feel my stomach flip a couple times.

I quickly unlock my phone with quivering fingers “Relax, it’s Harrison.” I’m practically giddy.

“Oooh,” she purrs.

10:48 PM

Harrison Towers

Have a short layover in NYC. Flight appears to be on schedule though so I will be back in time for my breakfast.


10:48 PM

Harrison Towers

Be ready.


Gasp. That is hot.

Then I hear Simone gasp next to me. I was so absorbed in my own thoughts that I didn’t notice that Simone was looking over my shoulder again.

“Well, I guess I’d better clear out of here good and early. I thought you said he was going to be back late morning.”

“That’s what I thought. I didn’t bring anything that he asked me to. What am I going to do?”

“That depends on what he asked you to bring.” She purrs again.

“He wants me in something sexy, waiting for him when he gets here.”

“Oh. I got it; you did at least bring cute panties and bra?” I nod “Great, then you can just wear your panties and bra and let me see what we can raid from his closet.”

I scrunch my face up, really? From his closet?

Well, she is the stylist expert. I will trust her, I guess. She hops out of bed and walks across the room to his enormous under-utilized closet. He hasn’t really been here long enough to fill it up anyway.

I decide I had better text him back and find out what time I should expect him.

He answers me quickly and says he will be here by 8:00 AM.

My gosh, that is early.

From the closet, I hear Simone cooing over the exquisite wardrobe in there. “Danners! Come in here!”

I let out a large sigh, switch on the lamp and hop out of bed.

Joining Simone in the closet, I see she is rifling through one of the built in drawers. Wondering what has her so excited, I walk over to the drawer she is now kneeling next to. 

I peek inside and see a whole bunch of what looks to be sex toys and different liquids. I pick one up and I can feel my face turning crimson again. It’s similar to the lube he’s used on me twice now, but this one is watermelon flavor. I look at another rubbery looking thing with these little protrusions and hold it up to Simone with a raised eyebrow. She laughs and grabs it from me and sticks it on her finger and then wags her finger at me. ‘It’s a French Tickler. It enhances your pleasure.” I gasp and grab it off her finger and throw it back in the drawer.

She starts to dig through the drawer some more and I pull her hand out and shut the door. I shake my head NO at her, and she sticks her tongue out at me

“So what am I going to wear tomorrow morning, wardrobe mistress?”

“Let’s see.” She stands up and hands me one of Harrison’s black fitted suit jackets. “Put this on over the bra and panties.” She walks to the back of the closet and grabs a red silk tie off the tie bar.

She stands back and surveys the closet again. I see a wide grin spread across her face. She reaches up to the shelf above my head and pulls down a black newsboy hat. “Well.” She shrugs, “It may not be as sexy as a fedora, but this will do.” Then she puts it on her own head, and starts to dance around. I yank it off her head and examine it. “I don’t know Clarke, are you sure?”

“Of course I am!” She grabs it and puts it slightly askew on top of my head. She skips just like a little girl to her side of the bed and grabs her bag. After she rummages for what seems like forever in her designer handbag, she produces a tube of MAC lipstick. “Here, this will be the finishing touch; a red lip always drives a man wild.”

I lay the jacket on the bed and then take the tube from her. “Thanks.”

I grab the tie and the jacket and then set them both on the settee in the corner and the lipstick on the bedside table. I set my alarm for 6:30 thinking that I had better give myself enough time to get ready. Then I crawl back into bed and turn the light off again. Simone crawls in next to me in her borrowed yoga pants and cami. “Night, Danners.”

I yawn. “Goodnight, Clarke.”

Chapter Twenty-One

The old-fashioned ringtone on my phone alarm wakes me out of a sound sleep. I pick up my phone and am irritated to see that I slept through the first fifteen minutes of it. Shoot, I really snoozed. I look over to see Simone still fast asleep. I decide to let her sleep for a little bit longer until I get out of the shower. It’s 6:45 AM as I head into the bathroom. I turn the shower on and set about getting my toiletries out of my overnight bag. I hop in the shower and as I allow the water to cascade over my body, I can’t help but to think about everything leading up to this very moment. It strikes me that I feel like I’m up getting ready for work, but instead I’m getting ready for some sexy play with Harrison. Everything about my life lately has been completely unconventional. I think more about that in just over an hour I will be in Harrison’s arms.

I think about the curve of his lips and the things he does to me with that tongue. I visualize his body and how it’s so sensual and the way it is built. It’s like every muscle and curve of his body was made just for me to follow with my own tongue and fingertips. I start feeling a swelling in my loins and I allow my hand to find my clit and start to rub in circular motions. I cup my left breast with my left hand and lightly pinch my nipple while the warm water runs down my body. It doesn’t take me long and I feel that hot tingling in my loins and I cum under my own touch.

I quickly finish rinsing my hair, get out of the shower and dry myself off. I stand in front of the mirror and carefully apply my makeup and then blow my hair dry. I pull my white lace and mesh panties and bra set out of my overnighter and put them on. I rub vanilla amber scented lotion all over my body. When I check my phone, I see that I have a new text from Harrison. Oh, he’s on his way. He’s going to be a little earlier than I expected!

I hurry into the bedroom and start on the task of waking up Simone. She is a really heavy sleeper. Always has been. I can remember slumber parties when we were kids and she would literally sleep through all of the ruckus in the wee morning hours.

“Clarke, Clarke!”

I re-make the bed as soon as Clarke gets out. She throws her own clothes back on and rubs some toothpaste on her teeth with her finger in the bathroom. She then grabs the suit jacket and helps me put it on, followed by the red silk tie. She then applies the red lipstick to my lips and instructs me to blot.

“I have to say, this is the first time I’ve styled someone for sex! Have fun!” She winks at me.

“Okay, you’re embarrassing the hell out of me! Listen, thanks for staying last night. It felt good to catch up with you and have some laughs.”

“That’s why I’m your one and only best girl!”

We hug and then she disappears into the elevator.

I hurry to the kitchen to grab a bottle of chilled champagne out of the refrigerator. I take out two champagne flutes and put them on the counter. I look in a couple cupboards for a tray but don’t find one, so I improvise and take out a gold charger and place the wine glasses on that instead. I fill each glass halfway with orange juice and then I pop the champagne. I have to wait for it to breathe long enough that I can pour it without it bubbling over. I grab my makeshift tray, tuck the bottle under my arm and head to the bedroom. I place the items on the coffee table by the settee. I look at the clock on the wall. Any minute he should be here. As I sit on the settee and cross my legs, I realize that I forgot the hat. I make it halfway across the room when I hear the distinct ding of the elevator. My heart starts to race. He’s here.

Grabbing the hat, I put it on and take my place back on the settee. I can hear his footsteps approaching and my heart pounds out of my chest and as always, I’m holding my breath.

Harrison enters the room and surveys the scene and when his searching eyes lock on mine, shivers move up my spine followed by waves of hot churning heat through my loins. Damn, he is beautiful.

He drops his bag on the ground and walks towards me, without ever losing eye contact. Before I realize what is happening, he rips the hat off my head tosses it to the floor and then literally lifts me out of my seat and holds me there suspended in the air in his arms. He buries his face in my hair and nuzzles my neck. I breathe him in.

He smells heady, like a spice market in India. The feeling of his arms wrapped around me lull me into feeling safe and desired. He lowers me back onto my seat and as he does so, he fingers the silk tie and has a look of amusement on his face.

“What is this all about?”

“We had to improvise.”

His eyebrow raises “We?”

“Well, I had Clarke,” I correct myself, “Simone, sleep here with me last night.” I bite my lip, “I hope that’s okay? I mean I know you were okay with her visiting. Anyway, she’s my best friend.”

“Sure, as long you’re not staying with your ex-husband I am good with that.”

“Honestly, Harrison!” He puts a finger to my lips to hush me.

“We can talk about it later.”

He gives me his megawatt smile and in one quick movement, he removes my jacket and lays it on the chair next to us. He looks down at me with lust in his eyes, and I return his smoldering gaze with the same intensity. I want Harrison to take me now. He’s right, we can talk later, much later.

He lays me out on the settee and spreads my legs open wider, with one leg draped over the back and one foot on the floor. He removes his own jacket and shirt to reveal his body that is so beautiful it makes me gasp.

I reach up to feel his taught muscles under my hands and he intercepts me and starts sucking and teasing the ends of my fingers with his tongue. I feel my eager body preparing itself for his assault. My pink buds are standing at attention and the ache in my loins increases my desire. He releases my fingers to do their bidding to his body, while he moves into the free space between my legs. His fingers find my wet “P” waiting for him, and I hear a deep moan rise up out of his chest.

“You are always so wet for me.”

He moves his attention back up to my breasts that are still waiting for his touch. He leans down and pulls my bra to the side and takes out a pink swollen nipple then puts it into his mouth and gently tugs on it with his teeth while he uses his left hand to kneed and caress the other under the bra cup. He releases the nipple from his teeth and then sucks it and licks it and nibbles at it again. This sends shock waves straight to my central sexual core and my loins are simply on fire. The more he sucks my breasts and flicks that relentless tongue on my sensitive nipples, the more wet I become. I can feel a longing in my loins for his cock to be fully buried in me. My “P” is dripping wet with anticipation.

I claw at his back as he continues his full force attack of my body. I look down at him and while his mouth is full with my breast, he is looking up at me with his dark clouded eyes full of desire. My heart skips a beat and I want nothing more than to please him in every way. Holy shit does he ever want me! I can see it all over his face and in his hard cock rubbing against me. I reach down to free him of his pants and he stops his assault on my breasts and stands up. I sit up and unzip his pants and top button to free his manhood from its confines. I feel another wave of heat radiating from my loins as I reach into Harrison's boxer briefs and release his throbbing member. He moans and in one smooth motion, he has me off my feet and in his arms as he carries me to the enormous bed.

He lays me on the edge of the bed removes my panties and bra, and he then climbs on top of me in the 69 position. I can now feel my “P” pulsating with anticipation of his tongue and lips on me. I can hardly contain my desire. I hear a snap followed by his hand rubbing something wet and warm on my“P”. Oh, yes! He has that heating liquid. He rubs some on his cock. He moves me a little onto my side and then he takes his hands and spreads my legs so he can have better access and then he begins his invasion of my loins.

He spreads my lips with his fingers and traces the swollen folds with his tongue. His seeking mouth finds my clit and he takes it in his teeth and begins to nibble at it like he did with my nipples. I can hardly contain my desire as I feel another flood of wet release. He notices it too and groans and mumbles something about me being so wet. He darts his tongue in and out of my “P” while he uses his fingers to tantalize my clit. It dons on me that I’m not pleasuring him back, so I grab his cock with my right hand and start from the base and move it up and down. It is slick from the tasty liquid he put on it. I run my tongue up and down the length and swirl it around the swollen tip. He moans. I use my hand to create friction at the base by gently squeezing while my tongue tortures his tip. A little, of his sex juice escapes and I know his desire is building.

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