Champagne Showers (35 page)

Read Champagne Showers Online

Authors: Adler,Holt

Tags: #cookie429, #Kat, #Extratorrents

We head down to the main lobby and then to the elevator that gets us to the parking lot. I guess no driver again.  We must be taking the sex mobile. Once in the garage, he opens my door and helps me in my seat then walks around and gets in the driver side. I steal a quick glance at him as he peels out of the garage.  My breath catches in my throat when I think about how much I need this amazing man. He brings me back out of my thoughts by turning on the music. He turns up the volume to reveal some song I recognize by Maroon Five, something about a pay phone.  I’m not paying that much attention, as I’m distracted by the fact that he has grabbed my hand and is holding it at the light.  Traffic starts moving again and his hand moves back on the stick shift. It’s silly of me to put so much into something as simple as his holding my hand, but it’s a tender gesture that I hope it means there is more to us than just the obvious sexual attraction.

It’s only about a ten minute drive to our destination. We pull up in front of what looks to be a hip restaurant lounge type of establishment downtown. The valet opens my door and then Harrison's. I wait for him on the curb while I see him hand the valet a black plastic looking card and then speak quietly to him. The valet disappears inside the sex mobile and then slowly pulls away. I’m guessing Harrison told him to take very good care of his car. That thing is worth more than that valet will most likely make in fifteen years.

We go into the restaurant and are seated immediately in a somewhat private dining area that is flanked by flowing floor to ceiling plum colored draperies. The mood is very down tempo. I notice as we walk through the restaurant to our seats that people stop to stare at us. We even have a lady snap a few pictures with her phone. I’m not accustomed to the attention that Harrison gets; it would take an awful lot of getting used to. He orders us a nice bottle of his own Griggio. “Would you like me to order for us, or would you rather choose for yourself?”

“Hmm.” I smack my lips after tasting my delicious glass of wine. ”Please, surprise me.” He lifts his eyebrows and takes another sip of his wine. When the waiter returns, Harrison orders a starter of Maine Lobster Risotto and Butter Lettuce with Radish Salad. Then for the main course, Cedar Plank Wild Salmon served with Fingerling potatoes and Haricot Verts. I didn’t know until tonight that Haricot Verts are a fancy type of green bean. I also didn’t realize how incredibly hungry I am.  I’m not used to drinking on an empty stomach, then having my world rocked three times by this amazing sex maniac. To top it off, we’re eating at a time that most would consider a reasonable bedtime. My world has been turned inside out in such a short time. But who am I to complain? The alternative seems rather bleak.

Our conversation has been light and superficial, but I really want to get to the bottom of a few things. He always seems to be able to divert me. I decide to slip in a few probes to see what I can unearth. The waiter brings our first dish and we dig in.



I giggle and he feeds me a spoon of the risotto. I swallow the bite and then continue.

“Why haven’t you ever married? A catch like you isn’t usually single.”

He takes a bite of risotto and studies my face. Is he thinking of a clever response? Or maybe he’s coming up with a way to avoid answering. To my surprise, it’s neither.

He gives me a dark scowl, “Danielle, remember I have been engaged. Since her, I have not met anyone else who has inspired me to pursue anything other than physical relationships. It is less messy that way.”

My heart sinks to the bottom of the ocean to lie next to the remains of the Titanic.

So, that must mean that I’m just another one of his physical pursuits, because he’s given me no reason to think this is anything otherwise. Gulp. Maybe it would have been better to stick to the small talk about the Indian summer.

He offers me another spoon of the risotto, but I shake my head no. I’ve lost the mood. He turns the spoon to his own mouth and continues to eat; he is totally unaware that he’s just shattered my world. I’m relieved in an instant that I didn’t allow my rapture earlier this evening to get the better of me and cause me to proclaim my love for him. Now that is a reason to raise my glass.

I take a large swig of my wine. He raises and eyebrow as I do so and picks up the bottle to refill my glass. I accept gladly.

He smirks at me, “What is going on in that sexy head of yours? You have become awfully quiet, which is unusual for you. Come on, is that all you have?”

I do believe he is mocking me, the nerve of him. He’s using me for sex and he sits there and toys with me knowing full well why I would be asking that question. Of course, he can have any woman he wants to; maybe I shouldn’t think so much into it.

He now looks at me seriously. “Danielle, you have to understand that I had a very difficult time getting over Adelaide.  I swore that I would never allow myself to be vulnerable like that again. You will have to either accept what I am offering, or you must realize what the alternative is.”

I quickly swallow my wine. I should have stuck with my original plan, which meant I would have never let him  so close.

“Just what exactly are you offering, Harrison?” I can barely breathe now in anticipation of his answer.

“I am offering you my companionship, my body, and someday… Maybe even my heart. For now, I can only commit to the first two.”

Shit! I don’t know how I feel about that. Maybe. That word has never seemed to desolate until I hear Harrison use it now. I hate maybe.

“Is that something you can live with for now, Danielle?”

What the hell am I supposed to say to that? Of course, it’s going to have to be something I live with for now because I apparently only have one other choice and that would be to say goodbye. I can’t do that. Not now. I need him too much even if it’s with restraint on his emotions. Since I have free reign elsewhere, I will just figure out a way to break down his barrier. I’ve already stepped over the line I had drawn in the sand when I divorced Bradley. I have nobody to blame but myself.

I give him the most seductive smile I can muster, one that I’m sure Simone is the master of. “I think I can live with that for now. “But I am a bit puzzled, Harrison. If all you want is a physical relationship, why should you care if I occasionally see Brad? It’s not like I am sleeping with him or anything of the sort. It is all very harmless and he is my past.”

He takes an exaggerated sip of his wine with his eyes fixed on something straight ahead. He doesn’t answer me for what seems to be a millennium.  Gah! Shit, now what have I done?!

Finally, he turns his gaze and locks eyes with mine, “I already told you, I don’t like to share and I don’t trust him. Don’t push this issue anymore, Danielle. Nothing is ever harmless when you spend time dealing with your past.”

He lifts his glass in a cheers stance and then takes a sip. The rest of our food arrives and my appetite has returned. My stomach is now churning.

“So I hate to turn this into a business meal, but I do have a bit that I would like to discuss with you.”

“Oh?” So I guess we are done talking about that. Wow, talk about changing the subject. I can’t keep up.

“As you are aware, we are about to close the deal on the sale of the building that currently houses Towers Holdings. We are scheduled to close in two weeks and will be moving a week after that.” He takes another bite of salmon. “I want you to be in charge of decorating the new space.”

Oh geeze, another short time frame. Is he really so unaware of time restrictions?

“Harrison, I would love to, but are you aware that this is a really tight time frame if I’m to start from scratch?”

“Actually, you won’t be starting from scratch. I want you to come to our current offices this week to see what we already have in terms of furnishings and decorations. I would like to save on expenses and re-use most of what we have already.”

“Okay, then what exactly do you need me to head up if you already have it covered?”

“I want you to put your touches on the decorating. You decide where to hang the artwork, the layout of the reception area and more importantly, how my office is going to be set. I know you are up for it.”

I scoff, “I am huh?”

The waiter comes over to remove our plates and asks us if we want desert. Much to my chagrin, he looks at me and then tells the waiter we already have desert covered. I blush another several shades of crimson.

“So, what do you say?”

As if, I have a choice to say no?

“I would love to, Harrison, as long as I’m getting to re-purpose everything. I’m sure we can pull it off in the short time allotted.”

“Excellent. Now let me pay this bill and let’s get back for, location number twelve is it?”

I blush and smile, “I think I’ve lost track.”


Chapter Twenty-Four


I awaken to Harrison propped up on his arm lying on his side facing me. No, staring at me would be a better way to describe it.

He is grinning at me from ear to ear with that megawatt toothpaste ad smile. I feel very self-conscious.

“Good morning, Danielle, sleep well?”

I yawn and stretch while trying not to share my morning breath.

“Yes, I passed out from sheer physical exhaustion.  Oh and by the way, I think after last night we added three more locations, so I believe the count is now at fifteen.”

He laughs. “I am glad I have found a woman that is able to keep up with me. Speaking of which, I would love to ravage your body right now, but that might delay with my plans for you today. Get up and get ready. I have some surprises planned. 

I stretch again “Hmmm, I don’t usually like surprises, but I might be game today.”

“I think you will like the day I have planned. Now you had better get in that shower before I eat you for breakfast.” He plants a kiss on the tip of my nose.

I whip my head up from blow-drying my hair upside down and jump with a start as I see Harrison’s reflection standing behind me. I turn around to look at him and struggle to catch my breath. The mogul is going casual today. He’s dressed in a white very tightly fitted slight v-neck t-shirt, a pair of snug dark colored jeans that have a worn but expensive look. His hair is perfectly messy as usual, and he has hot as hell black motorcycle boots on. Oh my heavens, sex god here! I don’t know if I can handle seeing him dressed like that all day. 

He hands me a large glossy white shopping bag. Okay, curiosity is piqued. I take the bag from him, and look inside. I find a black leather jacket with metal buckles. Below the jacket, there is a large shoebox. I open it to find, not shoes, but a pair of motorcycle boots much like the ones Harrison is wearing. Okay, so he wants us to dress like the Hell’s Angels apparently. I turn to look at him, but he’s already left the room. I find some jeans and a white loose t-shirt in the bottom of my overnight bag. I get dressed and grab the jacket and boots. I head out to locate Harrison. I hear him talking on the phone, in French.  Another one of those ominous calls based on the tone of his voice, and I can tell it’s not going well.

Hearing him on the phone reminds me that I haven’t checked my phone since yesterday. I grab my phone out of my purse and slide the unlock pad. I open it to find eleven missed calls and five text messages. Two from Harrison. I look at the time and notice that it was during the happy hour with Bradley. The other nine calls are from unknown caller with the times starting at 5:00 PM all the way until after 2:00 AM. That’s definitely not a telemarketer. I look at the text messages and see the usual suspects checking in on me, Mom, Simone and even one from Bradley wanting to know if everything is okay. I text back everyone so they don’t get worried, and then stow my phone in my back jean pocket. 

It’s all of the sudden eerily quiet in the penthouse. I have the creepy feeling I’m being watched. I turn around and am relieved to find a smiling Harrison standing with an odd-looking large backpack in hand.

“Ready to go?”

“Yes! Where are we going?”

“That’s for me to know. Now get your boots and jacket on.”

I lean over and put the boots on. They fit perfectly. He helps me into my jacket, but I still don’t understand the outfits we are wearing. However, it kind of excites me.

He grabs the strange bag and we head down the elevator.

Once we make our way to the garage, he heads over to a gated area instead of to the sex mobile. Okay, now I’m confused. He disappears behind a gate and then he comes back around and motions me to follow. I come around the gate and am surprised to see a motorcycle parked behind the gates. Harrison is busy strapping the big bag to the front of the bike on the tank.

He stands up and smiling at me says, “Your ride awaits, my lady.”

I feel my heart in my throat. Me on a motorcycle? Holy crap!

“I don’t know, Harrison; I’ve never ridden on a motorcycle. I don’t know the first thing about riding on the back of one.”

“Relax, I’ll take it easy on you.” He walks over to me and places a helmet on my head and then he puts on his. He helps me onto the back of the cycle and then gives me instructions on how to ride piggyback. I’m to lean with him when he leans and sit up straight when we’re going straight. I need to hang on to him at all times and to trust him.

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