Read Charlotte Cuts It Out Online

Authors: Kelly Barson

Charlotte Cuts It Out (21 page)

Charlotte's Revised Vision for the Winter Showcase

Our team—Shea,
Mackenzie, and me—wear
coordinating outfits
whatever we want. Mackenzie will probably wear khakis. That is the least of my problems.

Props: giant candy “forest” added to fairy-tale background, sugar flowers
created by Lyd, built by building trades, decorated by multi-media art
ALL DONE BY ME and placed by stage helpers.

Wow-factor prop: Snow machine

Models: TWO ballerinas and ONE child
(a flying and frolicking fairy). I plan to do TWO hairstyles on my model, though.

lively, whimsical flute music
Recorded Irish music for both the PowerPoint and speech/model presentation.

PowerPoint first: behind-the-scenes pictures of our work throughout the semester, designed by

Speech/Model Presentation next: Required—ONE model each. Shea designs
all four
THREE dresses; Mackenzie
and I style TWO each
styles ONE model, I style ONE model, plus TWO hairstyles and our mini fairy. Onstage, we discuss the techniques we used as models dance and turn.

Thunderous applause!

We win first place!

I win the bet!

Reed and I double date with Lydia and her guy

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