Checkmate (Caitlin Calloway Mystery Book 2) (28 page)



“Let’s see. I’m on a case, you’re a little drunk, and you have a
heavily armed, overprotective sister who already pulled a gun on me

“Is that all?”

“Works for me.”

“She does have that effect on people.” Stevie stifled a yawn.

“It’s late.” Val couldn’t help feeling concerned for the
overwrought woman. “Why don’t I help you up to bed?”

“Now, that’s the best idea I’ve heard all day.”

“To sleep,” Val quickly amended, while helping the slightly
inebriated woman to her feet. “Like I said before, you’re sobriety is
in question.”

“And you’re on duty.”

“I’m on duty.” She helped Stevie climb the staircase. “Lead the
way,” she said, resting her hand against the small of Stevie’s back.
Internally, she told herself the action was only to ensure that Stevie
wouldn’t stumble. Deep in her heart, she knew it was a lie.

“This is my stop.” Stevie leaned against the doorway to her bedroom. “I’d feel better if you stayed.”

“I need to…”

“I know.” Stevie held up her hand. Much to Val’s joy anddiscomfort Stevie’s hand came to rest on her chest.  “You
can watch
over me just as easily from my bedroom as my living room. I just
don’t want to be alone. The house is too quiet with Emma gone. I
promise, no funny business.”

Val could only nod in response as she followed Stevie into the
dark bedroom. She released a terse breath after she helped Stevie lay
down. She tightened her blazer and shoved her hands in her pockets.
She shifted nervously when Stevie gazed up with a curious look in
her eyes.

“I wasn’t planning on sleeping in my clothes.” Stevie climbed
off the bed.

“Oh? I’ll just…”

“No need.”

Before Val could bolt out of the room, Stevie lifted her dress
over her head. Val willed her feet to move, or tried to at least look
away. Stevie continued to undress, revealing her toned body. Val
remained riveted to the sight. Her eyes scanned the length of
Stevie’s naked form.
Please just put your pajamas on!
her mind
screamed while her heart raced. Val’s stomach clenched when
Stevie turned to her and climbed back into bed, forgoing the need to
put on any clothing.

Val continued to stand there in the darkness long after Stevie
had covered her body with the bedspread. Stevie rolled over onto
her side and still Val stood there staring. She fought to control her
erratic breathing. Nothing was working. All she could do was look
down at Stevie who she prayed had fallen asleep.

“Are you just going to stand there all night?” Stevie’s weary
voice startled her.

She jumped when the younger woman moved and looked over
at her. Val was unaware of what she was doing. Before her mind
could catch up with her body, she had shed her blazer and climbed
onto the bed.

“Take your shoes off.” Stevie chuckled when Val stiffly moved
beside her.

“Sorry.” Val kicked off her shoes. She sat there for a moment
completely at a loss. Stevie seemed unfazed by the events. She
simply laid back down and curled up under the bedding.

Val clenched her fists before curling up behind the somber
I can do this
she mentally chanted over and over again.
She bit back a yelp when Stevie nestled closer to her.

“What’s a bug?”

“Excuse me?”

“You said Caitlin had a bug strapped to her ankle.”

“Bug.” Val blew out a breath of relief. Shoptalk was something
she could handle. “B-U-G is an acronym for a backup gun. Based
on the size of the bulge beneath the cuff ofyour sister’s jeans, I’m guessing her
backup is a forty-caliber Smith and Wesson.”

“Oh.” Stevie yawned. “I know she owns a second gun. I’ve just
never known her to wear it. Not around the house anyway. If Caitlin
is scared, this has to be bad. I’m afraid,” Stevie said with a sniff.
She rolled over, and the fear in her eyes bore into the normally
controlled deputy.

“Don’t worry,” Val said in an effort to calm Stevie. Her
mistake was reaching down and caressing Stevie’s arm. The feel of
flesh prickling beneath her touch or perhaps the pleading look in

Stevie’s eyes was her undoing. Her mind screamed for her to stop,
but her body took over. Leaning down, she brushed her lips lightly
against Stevie’s soft, trembling lips.

It was meant to be innocent, she lied to herself. The feel of
Stevie’s arms wrapping around her body invoked memories of
earlier that day. Memories of the two of them fumbling on the sofa.
She gave into the feel of Stevie urging her closer. She moved
slightly, half of her body now lying on top of Stevie’s. The chaste,
reassuring kiss morphed into a sensual exploration.

Val was lost in the feel of Stevie’s tongue parting her lips. She
gave into the sweet sensation. She returned the kiss with a passion
she hadn’t felt in a long time. Her hands refused to remain idle. She
tugged the covers down, her body shivered from the feel of Stevie’s
naked body pressed against her own.

“You said you’d behave.”

“I lied.”

Instead of heeding the warning to remain professional, Val
gave in to the desire that had been building since the first moment
she had laid eyes on this woman. She cupped Stevie’s breasts. She
released a deep moan from the feel of Stevie’s nipple hardening
against her touch. She slowly explored the warmth of Stevie’s
mouth. Her hands tugged the sheet away from Stevie’s body.

Val shifted and pressed her thigh between Stevie’s legs. Their
hips swayed in demanding rhythm. Unable to curb her desire, her
kisses drifted lower. She took her time kissing and licking the
supple curve of Stevie’s neck. She was spurred on by the short
needy gasps her lover released. Passion rolled off her body. Her lips
blazed a determined path to Stevie’s exposed breast.

Slowly her tongue circled the rose-colored bud, teasing it
before capturing it between her eager lips. She suckled it eagerly.
Pleased when she felt Stevie urgently rock against her, she nudged
her lover’s thighs farther apart. The scents and sounds of their
passion filled her senses. Her body took over. She teased one nipple
between her fingers while she taunted the other with her teeth and

If not for the sudden sound of displeasure from her lover, Val
would have continued ravishing her. Startled, she slightly lifted her
body. Her heart was pounding as she gazed down at the beautiful
woman lying beneath her.

“This has to go,” Stevie playfully demanded, tugging on Val’s

Confused for a moment, Val realized that her utility belt was
the problem. “We need to stop.” She tried to pull away.

“Just lose the gun.” Stevie undid the offending belt that held
Val’s gun, handcuffs, and various other tools of her trade. Val was
prepared to protest when she heard the thud of her equipment hitting
the floor. Still she braced herself for an argument while Stevie
tugged her white dress shirt out of her slacks.

Val was mystified as to why she wasn’t stopping what was
happening. Instead she gave in, allowing Stevie to undress her.
Instead of voicing her objections, she let her clothing fall from her
body. She failed to stop what could possibly be the stupidest thing
she had ever done in her lengthy career. She slipped her hand
between Stevie’s quivering thighs.

Her lover’s wetness pooling between her fingers drove away
any objections of common sense. Eagerly, she glided her fingers
along Stevie’s swollen lips. She teased the opening of her warm,
wet, center, before she began teasing her throbbing clit. Her heart
beat wildly when her actions were greeted enthusiastically as Stevie
passionately thrust against her.

Her pulse quickened from the feel of strong hands that ran
down her back to her sides. Stevie’s hands rested on her hips and
drew her closer to the tantalizing body beneath her. Their lips united
once again. Val was beyond thinking. Her body reacted solely on
instinct. She teased her lover’s engorged nub. Urgently, she thrust
two fingers deep inside Stevie’s wetness.

Her body shivered when Stevie cried out for more. Val
answered her pleas, taking her harder. Stevie’s body trembled as Val
watched her ride against her touch. Stevie’s body arched, and she
cried out with pleasure as she climaxed. Val cast aside her doubts
about what she should or shouldn’t have done that evening.

She willing allowed Stevie to guide her down onto the bed. The
last of her clothing was cast aside, and Stevie kissed and licked her
way down Val’s body. Val parted her thighs and guided Stevie
lower, trembling from the feel of Stevie’s warm breath caressing her
thighs. She cried out when Stevie parted her with her tongue.

Val watched Stevie eagerly feasting upon her. She wrapped her
legs around her lover’s shoulders and gave all of herself. Stevie
suckled her throbbing clit. Val begged for release. Losing the battle
to hold on, she cried out before collapsing. She gathered Stevie in
her arms, her heart still beating wildly.

“I swear, if you say this was a mistake…” Stevie murmured
against her chest.

“I can’t.”

*   *  *

Next door, Jamie had escorted her wife up to the bedroom. She instructed her to secure her weapons in the lock box. CC complied and Jamie slowly undressed CC before removing her own clothing. She pulled back the covers and guided her to bed. Then she held CC and let her do the one thing she really needed to do. CC wept in her arms, finally allowing the floodgates to open. Once CC had cried herself out, she reached up and caressed Jamie’s face. Jamie leaned into her touch.

It was like a dream, somehow being touched by this woman could wash away all her fears. She dipped her head and gently claimed CC’s soft, inviting lips. Their bodies melted together. The kiss slowly deepened. There was nothing hurried in their movements. They explored the warmth of each other’s mouth, while their hands slowly and softly caressed the other’s body.

“I love you,” CC softly whispered and drew Jamie closer.

“I’m yours.” Jamie’s hands glided along the supple curves of CC’s body. Slowly she explored her way down then back up again. She laced her fingers through CC’s long, silky hair. She suckled CC’s bottom lip. CC leaned into her, and the feel of CC’s exposed flesh brushing against her own drove her insane.

She relished the gentle exploration, yet her body demanded more. Instinctively, she understood CC’s need to be held. To be loved. She lowered her own body and pulled CC down on top of her. Their tongues engaged in a duel for control as the kiss deepened. CC parted Jamie’s firm thighs with her leg. Her body tingled as their bodies moved in perfect rhythm.

“I want you, Jamie. I need you.”

“Take me.”

Jamie guided CC’s hand down her body allowing her to caress her along the way. She moaned when CC’s fingers dipped into her wetness. Slowly, CC touched her and teased her.

“Yes.” Jamie’s body rose off the bed as CC entered her slowly. She felt CC’s fingers reaching her very core. CC wiggled her fingers inside of her before retreating slightly. Jamie fought to steady her breathing, and her hands caressed CC’s body. She smiled when she felt her lover tremble. She bit her bottom lip and gave in to the feel of CC steadily gliding in and out of her wetness. Not to be outdone, she cupped CC’s mound and parted her, before mirroring her lover’s ministrations.

Held captive by each other’s fiery gaze, they pleasured one another slowly before giving in to the passion. Making love came so natural to them. They rode against one another, until they released strangled cries.



Chapter 29

Val awoke naked and confused. It was not a new experience
for the world-weary deputy. Beside her, Stevie was caught up in a
fitful sleep. The grim look on her face tugged at Val’s heart. Val
wanted to smack herself for being an idiot. Instead, she slowly
slipped out of bed. Everyone would be there soon. She needed to
make herself presentable. The problem was, she didn’t have any
clothing. Brenda had promised to drop some off while posing as a

She checked her watch. Brenda wouldn’t be there for another
hour or so. She glanced over at Stevie’s closet. They were about the
same height, and Stevie was more toned than the average stay-at-home mom.

She stole a pair of jeans and a plain blouse and went looking
for the bathroom. She caught a glimpse of herself in the bathroom
mirror. She growled. Anyone could take one look at her and know
what she had been doing.
Her sister is going kill me.

She took a quick shower, and filled with apprehension, she
headed downstairs, pausing when she spied a familiar figure planted
on the sofa.

“Crap.” She quickly sought an exit plan.

“Might as well get down here.” The harshness in CC’s voice
made Val fear for her life. “I can see you.” Val stifled a yelp. No
two ways about it, she was a dead woman. She learned a long time
ago, that when someone tells you not to sleep with their sister, you
should probably heed their warning.

Jamie stepped into view. “Honey, don’t pick on her. Val,
please join us? I’ve made coffee and Caitlin was just about to start

“Thank you, Caitlin,” Val said meekly and cautiously
descended the staircase.

“Don’t call me that,” CC said.

“She has to call you something.” Stevie snuckup behind her.
“Stick with CC.”

CC didn’t buy the innocent smile Val offered. She returned it
with an icy glare and stomped out of the room.

“Coffee ladies?” Jamie said.

“Yes, thank you.”

“Thanks, James,” Stevie said. “How pissed is she?”

“Let’s just say I’m glad I have to go to the hospital and I hope
that Val won’t end up being one of my patients.”

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