Elisabeth and Melanie Hansen, for being so wise and cool at the same time.
Our parents, Ellen Taylor and Fred Angelis, and Paul and Una Hansen, for raising us and loving us and putting up with us when we were teenagers.
Special and heartfelt thanks to Mitch Claspy, for doing more than is humanly possible and being so lovable at the same time. Mitch, you are appreciated more than you could ever know.
To Scott Appel, for all his help and support.
To Jessie Braun, for her commitment to these books and her tireless support of Kimberly. Everyone should be lucky enough to have her on their team.
Laurie Hanna and Brigette English, for their help with this book and for handling the hundreds of letters that we receive daily. Laurie and Brigette, we love you.
To Hana Ivanhoe, Laurie Oberman, Zan Gaudioso, Jan Kirberger, Susie Horowitz and Kelly Harrington, for all the help and love they have given to the Teen Letter Project. We thank them all.
Heather McNamara, senior editor of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, for editing the final manuscript with such ease, talent and clarity. Heather, you are truly a master at what you do!
Patty Aubery, for all that she does to make our lives work more easily and betterand that's a lot! Thank you also for your friendship, Patty. It is precious.
Nancy Mitchell, for the hours spent obtaining permissions for all stories and for all the stories she found for us up until the last minute. You're a real trouper, Nancy.
Leslie Forbes, who was always there when we needed her with a smile on her face and love in her heart.
Robbin O'Neill, for her creative efforts in contributing to the cover design of the book.
Theresa Esparza, who set up all of Kimberly's and Jack's