Read Christmas Diamonds Online

Authors: Devon Vaughn Archer

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General

Christmas Diamonds (22 page)

Paula licked her lips invitingly. “Whatever you say.”

Twenty minutes later, the Christmas tree was finished. Paula stood back and marveled at the magnificent tree as the lights flashed on and off at different intervals. It reminded her of the Christmas trees from her childhood. In recent years, she’d gone with a small artificial tree that was easier to manage.

Chase put his arm across her shoulders, and Paula tucked her arm around his waist. Sharing the holiday season with the man she loved was more than she could have hoped for.

Chapter 20

hanks for meeting with me,” Paula told Monica as they sat in the bistro.

“I’m glad you invited me. I needed a break from work, romance, drama, you name it,” Monica said.

Paula chuckled. “Sounds serious…or not?”

Monica laughed. “Not. My life is all about such issues, and I suppose I can’t really complain.” She lifted her double espresso. “So, what’s up with you?”

Paula paused while sipping on an Americano. “Well, with Christmas right around the corner, I’m in search of the perfect gift for Chase. I’m not sure what to give a man who seems to have everything.”

“I see your dilemma,” Monica said, sipping her coffee.

“Since you’ve known him for a long time, I was hoping you could suggest something.”

Monica tilted her head. “I’m flattered that you reached out for my help. I’m not sure what to tell you as far as something to gift wrap. As for the
gift for Chase, I’m looking at her.”

Paula blinked with surprise. “Seriously?”

“I’m being totally serious,” she told her with a straight face. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Chase so happy, flashing his million-watt smile constantly. And it’s all because of you.”

Paula allowed Monica’s words to sink in. “Well, I’m sure he was that way when his wife was alive,” she said, knowing the type of man Chase was.

Monica nodded. “I’m not going to lie to you. Chase and Rochelle had a really good relationship. I was sorry to see her pass so soon in life, but unfortunately these things happen. I’m glad Chase has moved on now.”

“Thank you for that.” Paula spoke sincerely. “I really want to make him the happiest man around.”

Monica smiled. “I don’t think you have to worry about that. Trust me, he’s very happy.”

Paula chose to trust herself more. She knew everything that bound her to Chase was very real, and having it validated by others made her confidence in their connection that much stronger. “I’m glad to hear that.” She grinned demurely. “I’d still love to get Chase something for Christmas that speaks to him in a way he can truly appreciate.”

Monica paused to think about it. “Hmm, since I know Chase is a gadget man, you might consider getting him a palm-size DVD player or a shirt-pocket HD camcorder.”

“Interesting,” Paula said over her coffee mug.

“Yes, but if you really want to be bold, why not get Chase something that would really stand out?”

“Such as?” Paula wondered.

“A diamond ring for Christmas,” Monica replied.

“What?” Paula’s mouth hung open.

“Sure, why not? Yes, I know he’s a diamond jeweler, but Chase hasn’t worn jewelry since he removed his wedding ring. I have a feeling he’d be honored to wear a ring that you gave him.”

“I’m not so sure about that,” Paula sighed. She wondered if Chase might feel it was akin to an engagement ring, making
him nervous. He might even feel pressured to give her an engagement ring earlier than he planned, if that was his plan. Could be that he wasn’t even looking to replace his wedding band anytime soon.

Monica seemed to read her mind. “Don’t worry about attaching any special significance to it. Just giving him the ring will speak for itself as a gift of appreciation for what he means to you. As for cost, we have some great rings that won’t break the bank, but are priceless to the recipient.”

An ingenuous smile played on Paula’s mouth. Maybe this was the ideal gift for the ideal man. She liked the thought of Chase wearing a diamond band as her Christmas gift for him to enjoy, no matter what the future held for them.

“I’m starting to warm up to the idea in a hurry,” she told Monica.

“Good for you.” Monica gave her an enthusiastic smile. “And even better for Chase.”

Paula couldn’t agree more as she contemplated picking out the perfect ring.


Chase entered the diamond store bearing his surname. He had come to the conclusion that it was time to ask Paula to marry him. He pulled the engagement ring that Isabelle had given him out of his pocket. It was white gold with several small diamonds and sapphires. The ring had lost much of its luster and would need a slight adjustment in size. Most importantly, Chase wanted a center stone that would make Paula take notice, sweep her off her sexy feet and make it impossible for her to say no.

He walked to the counter where Zachary was working. Last he’d heard, Monica was still sweet on the man. Chase waited for him to finish with a customer before proceeding with something his heart said was the right thing to do and the right time.

“Here to check up on us?” joked Zachary.

Chase smiled. “Not this time.” He set the engagement ring on the counter for his gemologist to examine.

“What have we here?” Zachary asked.

“It belongs to Paula’s grandmother,” Chase told him.


“She’s entrusted me with it to ask for her granddaughter’s hand in marriage,” Chase explained.

Zachary flashed a broad smile. “Congratulations!”

Chase grinned. “Thanks.”

“So, Paula’s ready to make an honest man out of you?”

“I think it’s more the other way around,” Chase replied, knowing that he really wanted Paula to be his wife.

Zachary picked up the ring and studied it. “It’s definitely an antique.”

“Yeah, it is. I’d like to have it cleaned and polished, and then I want to add a few more diamonds, including a nice center stone.”

“Well, you’ve come to the right place. But I’m sure I don’t have to convince you of that,” Zachary said with a sly grin on his lips.

Chase chuckled. “Not at all.”

“Why don’t we take a look at some stones that have your future bride’s name written all over them?” Zachary suggested.

Chase liked the sound of that. Referring to Paula as his new wife was even more exciting to look forward to. “Yes, why don’t we take a look,” he directed his employee.

It didn’t take long for Chase to choose some diamonds that seemed to epitomize exactly what he was looking for. He wanted to remain true to Isabelle’s original ring as much as possible. It was equally important to Chase that he give Paula a ring that wasn’t too gaudy, yet clearly illustrated his love and commitment to a long relationship with her. He chose a two-carat radiant-cut diamond as the centerpiece. The stone beguiled Chase, even though he was used to seeing exceptional diamonds.

“That’s a real beaut.” Zachary whistled. “No woman would be able to resist it, or the man giving it to her.”

Chase smiled. He wasn’t interested in any woman, only
Paula. Having her accept his offer of marriage would be a dream come true. With the rich personal and professional ties he had, Paula in his life was like icing on the cake. “I’ll need it ready by Saturday,” he said thoughtfully. “I’m having a party and plan to make my move there.”

“Not a problem.” Zachary looked at Chase. “I hope I’m invited to this party?”

“Absolutely. I assume you’ll be bringing Monica?” Knowing she would definitely be there, Chase didn’t want it to be too awkward if things had cooled off with them.

“Oh, yeah. She’ll be right on my arm and probably getting a few ideas of her own about marriage.”

Chase grinned. “If it’s meant to be, I’m sure you two can make whatever future you want.”

“That’s true.” Zachary tilted his head. “Good luck on Saturday.”

“I never like to depend on luck for anything. Better to put my faith in Paula that she’ll want me as much as I do her.”


“I am so proud of you both,” Isabelle told Paula during the drive to Chase’s house. “Anyone can see that you’re wild about each other.”

Beaming, Paula glanced over at her. “That’s because we are.” She was quick to acknowledge how much they were into each other, particularly to the one person who had always been able to read her like a book. “And it doesn’t matter if others see it or not, only those we care about. For me, that starts with you.”

Now it was Isabelle’s turn to beam. “I’ve seen it practically from the very beginning, child.”

“So you say,” Paula teased.

“I knew it was only a matter of time before you both saw it, too.”

“I guess you were right about that,” Paula said with amusement. “We’ve definitely come around.”

Isabelle drew a breath. “I don’t want to jinx things, but I
have a feeling that it won’t be too long before Chase pops the question.”

Paula had the same feeling. “Let’s just wait until it happens,” she said cautiously. “I know Chase loves me, and that’s what’s most important for now.”

Isabelle studied her. “I agree, but it doesn’t mean it won’t progress to the next level and the one after that. When a man gives you a diamond pendant, it’s his way of telling you he’s very serious about the relationship.”

“I’m sure he is.” Paula changed lanes. “Right now, I just want to have a good time at the party and see what the New Year brings.”

As long as we’re together, anything is possible.

“Excuse me, but aren’t you forgetting something?” Isabelle uttered.

“What am I forgetting, Isa?”

“Before we get to the New Year, Christmas comes first,” Isabelle reminded her. “And who knows what Santa might have in store for you.”

Paula grinned. “You’re right about that.”

“A grandmother definitely knows best.” Isabelle chuckled.

Paula had always loved Christmastime, and this year would certainly be no exception. Chase had proven to be the greatest gift of all. Anything else would be an added blessing. She considered the prospect of receiving an engagement ring from Chase and how special that would make her feel. Paula hoped the same would be true for him when she gave him the ring she’d picked out for his Christmas present.


Chase greeted Isabelle with a kiss on the cheek, followed by kissing Paula on the mouth. He noticed she was holding a covered platter. “What’s this?” he asked.

“Oh, Isa insisted on making some oatmeal-and-chocolate-chip cookies for the party,” Paula said.

Chase smiled at Isabelle. “Thanks, I appreciate your thought
fulness. Judging by your cooking that I’ve already had the pleasure of tasting, I’m sure they’re delicious.”

Isabelle’s eyes crinkled. “I was only too happy to do my part.”

“Let me take your coats,” Chase said.

They handed their coats to him, and he tossed them over his outstretched arm. He admired Paula in a striking, sexy, black halter dress.

“You look lovely,” he told her.

“Thank you. You’re looking pretty spiffy yourself.” Paula grinned and gave him the once-over. He was wearing a dark brown sport coat over a black polo sweater and brown pants.

“Flattery will get you everywhere,” he joked.

“I’m counting on it,” she retorted.

He laughed. “You’re the first guests to arrive. Why don’t you put the cookies in the kitchen while I hang up your coats?”

Chase hung the coats in a closet and made room for others. He felt a trifle nervous, knowing that later he would be proposing to Paula in front of family and friends. He expected her to say yes, but it still didn’t prevent his heart from thumping wildly like a drum. The sooner they got that part out of the way, the sooner the rest of the party could be enjoyed.

When he returned, Chase found Paula and Isa in the great room, no doubt admiring Paula’s handiwork. Nat King Cole’s classic “The Christmas Song” was playing softly in the background.

“Can I get anyone a drink?” he asked. “I’ve got eggnog, wine, beer, brandy, soda…”

“Slow down, baby,” Paula said. She slid her arm around his waist. “Remember, we’re cohosting this party, so let us help you. And that starts with us getting our own drinks, thank you.”

“Of course.” Chase grinned sheepishly, welcoming the assistance from Paula and Isabelle. “Ladies, make yourselves at home and feel free to pitch in with whatever you want to do to help out.”

“That’s more like it,” Isabelle said, giving him the eye before heading toward the kitchen.

Paula kissed him. Chase’s lips lingered on hers until she gently pulled away. “We can pick that up later,” she promised. “Right now, let’s get ready to party!”

“Here’s a little secret,” he told her. “The party actually began the moment you arrived.”

“Ohh,” Paula batted her eyes lovingly, “that’s so cute.” She gave him another kiss. “Now let’s hold off with the compliments. Otherwise, the kisses may never stop coming.”

“Is that a promise?” Chase joked, restraining himself from going for more. “Don’t answer that. We have guests arriving shortly.”

He admired Paula’s beauty and soul while thinking he couldn’t wait to make her his wife.

Chapter 21

his is Gail,” Chase said to Paula. “She’s working on her graduate gemologist degree while interning with us.”

“Hi.” Paula briefly scanned the tall, slender young woman with a stylish layered bob. Then her eyes darted to the man beside Gail, commanding more of Paula’s attention, though she wished that hadn’t been the case. It was her ex-beau, Sheldon Burke. What the hell was he doing there?

“This is Sheldon,” Gail told Chase.

The two men shook hands.

“I hope you don’t mind my crashing your party?” Sheldon said to Chase, seemingly going out of his way to avoid Paula’s eyes.

“Not at all,” Chase said in a friendly voice. “The more, the merrier. Besides, you’re here with Gail. That’s fine by me.”

“Thanks, I appreciate it.” Sheldon faced Paula. “It’s nice to see you again.”

Chase met her eyes. “You two know each other?”

“A-actually…” she stammered, fearful of what type of sick game Sheldon might be playing.

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