Chronicles of Eden - Act VI (2 page)

Read Chronicles of Eden - Act VI Online

Authors: Alexander Gordon

“Most likely. I want to have faith she’ll let her anger go someday and learn to love others again. But for now don’t take what she says to heart. She puts on a strong front, but I believe she needs others to show her the world isn’t as bad as she thinks it is, she needs friends to help her stand again.”

“Is she going to join us in Daniel’s harem?”

“God, I hope not,” Kroanette flatly said before smirking a little at the fairy. “But I wouldn’t worry about that. I honestly don’t see how Daniel could fall in love with someone like her.”

As the centaur walked away from the field Clover brought out another arrow from her quiver and took aim at the tree, her lips curled into a scowl while her eyes were set in a harsh glare. After a long pause she slowly lowered her bow and looked up at the stars, her eyes going from one twinkling light to the next while she tried to comprehend something that wasn’t making sense to her.

“How could he mean that much to them? What’s his deal anyway?”

With an annoyed sigh she fired her arrow off to the side without looking, watching the stars for a moment longer before the familiar whack of her arrow hitting its target was heard, then walked over to the tree and pulled out the arrow which had destroyed the previous one with its direct hit.

“Living in peace with humans,” she scoffed while eyeing the bolt before placing it back in her quiver. “That’ll never happen.”

The elf then began to walk back towards where the caravan was stationed for the night, her cloak gently flowing behind her as she marched up a small hill and over it while merely glancing around carelessly at the surrounding hills and forests of The Outerlands that were nearby. As she made her way down the hill towards where the caravan and its white horse were near the dirt trail she noticed a colorful bloom lighting up near the ride. Her long pigtails started to flow back more from a small current of wind being exuded from the source of light in front of her, her shadow becoming more visible on the grass behind while around the light seven other shadows were being cast by other figures as well.

“What’s he doing now?” Clover asked as she walked up next to Triska, the teen merely holding up a hand to silence the elf while watching something closely.

In the clearing next to the caravan Daniel stood with his eyes closed and his hands held out together, his mind focusing on performing his newfound magic with all his might. On the ground around him a large glowing casting ring of light shimmered and vanished repeatedly, the boy’s magic seeming to waver and struggle to form properly. The circle glowed with shifting colors of blue, red, green, and purple as Daniel tried to focus on his magic the best he could. Standing around him in a wide circle all the girls were watching with wonder and waiting to see if he could succeed with his training.

“You can do it, Daniel,” Alyssa voiced quietly while her skirt fluttered in the wind and she held her hat with one hand. “We’re all here for you.”

“I don’t feel anything yet,” Specca mentioned while her glasses were giving off a colorful glare from the light. “Shouldn’t it be happening to us by now?”

Squeak watched Daniel curiously while her antennae twitched slightly, her eyes going from the light shining up through the grass then back to him as he remained still and quiet.

“You can do it, Daniel,” Luna happily urged. “Just focus on our love for you. Just think hard about that.”

“C’mon, Daniel,” Falla purred with a slick grin. “Show us what you can really do. Make us scream your name.”

“He appears to be doing well so far,” Kroanette reasoned with a curious smile. “Though he hasn’t formed that dashing sword yet he’s certainly got the knight’s aura of confidence going for him now.”

“Pretty lights,” Pip said while looking around at the glowing ring below Daniel with wonder. She was still lodged in between the centaur’s breasts as she curiously watched the scene.

“Daniel, show me what you can do now,” Triska softly said. “Take my breath away like I know you will.”

Clover crossed her arms and merely raised an eyebrow at Daniel as he continued to focus on his magic in silence.

‘Alright, Dan. I’m watching. So, what makes you so special?’

Daniel felt the pulling sensation in his mind, the feeling coming from all around him as he tried to clear his thoughts and focus on his goal. He knew the girls were standing on all sides of him, he could feel the warmth from their love for him, and he knew that each one was all the more reason he had to master his new craft.

‘Control the power, then you can protect them. You can do this, you have to do this, don’t let them down.’

Slowly he began to see the stars of light in his mind against the darkness. One by one they were gradually appearing and brightening the void with a radiant light that complimented each of the girls’ respected elements.

“Daniel,” Alyssa gasped as a blush formed on her cheeks, the other girls watching her as she dropped to her knees while she felt a strong burst of pleasure and lust light up inside her.

Daniel saw the red star before him burning hotter and brighter, knowing that was Alyssa’s love for him which seemed to send power surging through his body wildly when the crimson light flowed into his being.

“I think he’s doing it now,” Specca softly said before slowly dropping to her knees, with the other girls seeing a blush coming across her face and her hands reaching down between her legs.

As she did Daniel saw the bright blue star near him shining brighter, seeming to calm his mind and body and relax his spirit as if floating in a gently rocking ocean. That was more than enough to show him it was Specca’s soothing spirit aiding his mind.

“It’s happening, he’s touching their spirits,” Kroanette said as Squeak suddenly squeaked loudly and dropped to one knee, a deep blush coming across her face as she shakily held one hand to her abdomen while feeling her body heating up.

Daniel felt his strength growing, not being sure if he really was physically becoming stronger or if it was just the feeling he got from the brown star representing Squeak’s spirit that shed its radiant light upon him.

“So this is what he does to us then,” Triska mused as she saw Luna drop to her knees while holding her hands down between her legs, the butterfly girl shutting her eyes tight as she started breathing heavily from the intense pleasure that suddenly shot through her whole body.

Sure enough Daniel was feeling her spirit then, his mind seeing the bright green star that made him feel like he was soaring through the air without a care at all. The pure feeling of joy and sensation of the wind blowing by him let him know that was Luna he was feeling, which was only slightly different from the next star he saw next to hers.

“Daniel,” Falla breathed out as she dropped to her knees then forward while holding a hand down under her skirt. She struggled to hold in her moan as she suddenly felt like she was on the brink of having an orgasm with her body heating up.

Daniel watched in his mind as the purple star began to glow brightly in the darkness next to the others, the element of wind it gave off being distinguished from Luna’s by its other effect. Instead of giving Daniel a carefree feeling of happiness it gave him a large amount of confidence and self-assurance. With it bolstering his mind he suddenly felt like he could persuade his queen to listen to his beliefs without any proof at all.

“Oh… my,” Kroanette softly stuttered as she wavered and stumbled to the side a step. Pip fluttered out from her chest and watched curiously as the centaur dropped down onto her legs while holding her arms around herself. “What… what is this?”

“It’s happening to you too now, isn’t it?” Triska curiously said as she and Clover watched the centaur beginning to breathe more heavily while a blush formed on her face.

“I feel so… good inside…” Kroanette said before holding a hand over her mouth to hold in her moan.

‘Dear lord, my whole body feels like it’s about to burst from this feeling. I’ve never been so excited in all my life!’

Daniel concentrated on all holding all the lights in his mind along with the newest one that formed behind him. This one was colored yellow and burned just as brightly as the others did. When its radiant light flowed into him he felt as if he could outrun anything, like nothing was faster than he was with just his normal human legs.

‘Speed, this one is the element of speed. That has to be Kroanette; she’s the fastest of all of us by far.’

“I think I just came,” Kroanette whined before dropping onto her side, her legs twitching while she held a hand over her mouth to hold in the moans and cries of passion trying to escape.

“So she shares the bond as well,” Triska mused with a nod. “I wonder if the same goes for-”

” Pip squeaked before dropping to the ground. Triska and Clover looked down to seeing the fairy twitching while having her legs and arms spread out. Although she appeared to have passed out she kept hopping about like a beached fish and chirping now and again.

“Yep, her too,” Triska concluded looking to Daniel.

Daniel felt the next star in his mind glowing brightly, this one colored pink and radiating its light into him in a gently flowing stream just as the others did. As the light entered his being he felt something different compared to the other ones. This star didn’t seem to have an element to it, at least not that he could tell, but rather it appeared to talk to him. Although not in a clear dialect, it was almost as if this particular soul was speaking to him. The words it spoke weren’t of any language he had heard before, and though sounded foreign and confusing to him at the same time they seemed very kind and wise.

‘I have no idea what this is… this isn’t like the others. It’s so cryptic and strange. Is this Pip’s soul?’

Clover looked around at seeing all the girls succumbing to Daniel’s aura channeling spell. They were all feeling as if they were lit up on the inside with sheer love and lust rolling through their bodies, so much so that Pip in particular appeared to be incapacitated nearly instantly from the sensation. Alyssa rolled onto her back with a loud moan while her hat blew off in the wind, Specca dropped onto her side with a passionate cry while her tail whipped about behind her, Squeak grabbed hold of the ground with great force and crushed the dirt with her hand as she squeaked loudly, Luna and Falla’s wings fluttered uncontrollably as the sisters moaned heavily with the surge of lust going through their bodies, Kroanette involuntarily kicked and wailed into her mouth as she couldn’t fight off the pleasure surging through her, and Pip merely hopped about chirping in a daze while having her arms and legs spread out.

“I have to say, this is weird to see,” Clover commented before noticing Triska still standing next to her and not making a sound. “Hey, aren’t you supposed to be getting all wet and stupid like they are now too?”

Triska glanced around at seeing all the girls being overwhelmed by the spell’s effects then looked at Daniel with confusion as she didn’t feel anything happening to her. She saw the glowing lights of the casting circle shining more steadily now beneath him while around his wrist going up to his arm were a swirling array of purple and green lights shimmering in the shape of an armored gauntlet. It was obvious the spell was being used just as before, yet she felt nothing happening to her body in the least.

“I… thought so,” she unsurely replied.

Daniel felt the massive amount of power flowing through his body; so much so that he had trouble focusing on each of the stars properly as they all seemed to outshine each other now and again.

‘Need to stay focused. You can do this. Don’t let go of any of the feelings.’

The pulling sensations from each of the stars intensified as he forced himself to stay focused. Concentrating all his might into controlling this power the casting circle below him began to glow brighter while the inner ring with each of the shared spirits started to appear near him as well.

“Look at that,” Triska softly said as she and Clover saw the inner markings taking form. The emblem of flames from Alyssa burned itself into the ground, the one showing wavy lines like water from Specca sizzled into the dirt next to that, followed by the symbol for Squeak’s aura with the four rugged stones bound together in its ring. Next to that one Luna’s marking of swirling lines for wind appeared with Falla’s insignia which was the same swirling lines in the opposite direction appearing afterwards. Beside that one another crest formed in its own circle, this one having a horse running with its tail and mane flowing behind it, likely related to Kroanette and her aura. And next to that one a final emblem appeared, this one having a question mark burned into the ground with what appeared to be an eye in the top hook part of the marker.

“Are those… from the girls?” Triska asked with wonder.

“Where’s yours?” Clover casually asked with a glance to the teen. “Shouldn’t you have your sign in the dirt with the rest of them?”

Triska looked to her worriedly then to the symbols on the ground, each one representing love that was being shared into Daniel’s spell to give him his power from each of the girls around him. Except from Clover and herself.

“I don’t understand,” she said shaking her head. “How come nothing’s happening to me? Why isn’t there another marker on the ground from me?”

“You sure he loves you?” Clover asked, earning a fierce glare from Triska. “I mean I thought the way you all explained this was he gets this power from anyone that loves him and that he loves back. So I mean if you’re not down there right now, logically that means
one of you
doesn’t love the other.”

“We both love each other, there is no doubt about that at all,” Triska growled at her through her teeth. “I love Daniel like no other man in Eden and he loves me with his all his heart.”

“All his heart?” Clover questioned. “Because he loves
as well, so that would mean he doesn’t love you with
his heart.”

“He loves me just as much as he does with them!” Triska shouted at her with fury.

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