Chronicles of Eden - Act VI (4 page)

Read Chronicles of Eden - Act VI Online

Authors: Alexander Gordon

“It’s only fair,” Triska reasoned with a shrug. “You are his mate now too, aren’t you?”

“I… um… yes… but… really?” Kroanette stammered while fidgeting her hands together.

“If Daniel wishes to care for so many mates, he had better take care of them,” Specca clarified with an expecting glance at the boy. “Don’t you agree, Daniel?”

“Um, well I do agree that makes sense,” Daniel admitted while looking around at the girls with an awkward smile. “It just seems different to hear you requesting that I kiss them like this.”

“Don’t get the wrong idea, Daniel,” Alyssa mentioned with a small smirk. “We’re not going to ask you kiss every girl we meet. But they are part of our family now, so a little kiss with them won’t hurt.”

Before Daniel could say a word Kroanette rushed over, lifted him up off the ground in a big embrace, and kissed him deeply while her rear left leg tucked back under her. The other girls watched with a jump as the centaur held Daniel so close that she had to lean her head forward a little to kiss him with her breasts pushing against his chest the way they were.

“I said a
kiss!” Alyssa shouted out.

Kroanette jumped and let go of Daniel with a nervous smile while holding up her hands defensively, with him stumbling back onto his feet for only a moment before Luna quickly tackled him to the ground with her wings fluttering wildly and laughing manically.

“KISS ME TOO!” Luna screamed out before kissing Daniel repeatedly between bursts of laughter. All he could do was watch with wonder and genuine concern as the crazed butterfly kissed him again and again while holding onto his head.

“Okay, seriously, what happened to her anyway?” Triska asked Falla while gesturing towards her special sister.

“We’re not really sure,” Falla replied with a shrug as she watched Squeak yanking Luna off of Daniel, with the crazed butterfly then embracing her in a big hug and laughing wildly over her shoulder with a face that could be considered psychotic to many. Squeak stared straight ahead with a nervous smile before glancing to the others with growing fear and squeaking quietly.

Daniel got back onto his feet with a weak laugh as he saw Luna being her usual self then watched as Falla walked over and dusted off his shirt with a few gentle pats.

“Sorry, she really does like you,” she casually reasoned. Daniel nodded and opened his mouth to speak before Falla quickly kissed him and wrapped her arms around his neck. After a moment’s hesitation he held her by the hips while Alyssa sighed and looked away while trying to be understanding of the new arrangement. When the kiss ended Falla winked at him with a sultry smile and backed up a step.

“And so do I.”

“Oh boy,” Clover dryly said while rolling her eyes. “Do I get a big wet kiss from him now too?”

“Clover, just shut up,” Triska grunted as she yanked Luna off of Squeak, with the butterfly then giggling and hopping about merrily without a care. Squeak and Triska watched her with confusion then glanced to each other and shrugged before the group watched as Pip flew over and landed on Daniel’s face, kissing his forehead again and again while her wings fluttered behind him.

“Kiss me too, Daniel! Kiss me too!” she happily said with excitement. “I love you too so kiss me too!”

“Um, okay then,” Daniel replied reaching up to hold her. Before he could touch the fairy she flew off to the side in a blue blur, streaking over and flying down into Falla’s bra.

“Boobies!” Pip cheered as the butterfly girl screamed and hopped around while shaking her chest.

Daniel watched the fairy’s legs kicking about while sticking out from Falla’s bosom then smirked and shook his head in amusement.

“Well, I tried,” he reasoned with a shrug.

“She always chooses one of us at random,” Specca mentioned with a curious eye on the fairy.

“She hasn’t gone after Alyssa or Clover yet,” Kroanette giggled.

“Of course not,” Triska said while glancing to the little witch. “Alyssa doesn’t have boobies and Clover’s pretty flat too.”

“Thanks for pointing that out, Triska,” Alyssa flatly remarked.

“WHAT?” Clover yelled with a fierce glare at the teen. “What the fuck are you saying about me? I am not flat chested!”

“Pip hasn’t tried to fondle you once yet,” Specca pointed out.

“That’s because she knows I’ll fucking kill her if she does!”

Falla stumbled around before reaching in and yanking Pip out from her bosom, the fairy giggling and kicking her legs about playfully still.

“Why do you have to do that?” Falla barked out at her.


Falla groaned and reluctantly let the fairy go before looking to the others as they smiled amusedly at her. Pip flew around in circles before landing on Luna’s shoulder and smiling happily at her, with the butterfly smirking at her before shrugging at her sister.

“So glad to have her with us,” Falla dryly said before shuddering one more time. She glanced to Luna then to Daniel with a small smile. “Well, we’re just going to go for a little flight before we turn in, maybe find a late-night snack while we’re at it. We’ll come to bed later.”

“We are?” Luna asked curiously.

“Luna, I think Daniel and his close mates would like some
time,” Falla explained to her.

“But they’re not going to be alone, they’re going to have each other.”

“Yes, and I’m sure they would like some alone time
,” Falla stressed through a smile at her.

“But they can’t be alone if they’re together,” Luna said confusedly. “If they’re together they’re not really alone.”

“That makes complete sense to me,” Pip agreed.

Falla sighed and face palmed while Luna and Pip exchanged puzzled glances.

“Luna,” Kroanette spoke up raising a hand. “I believe what your sister is trying to say is that Daniel and the other girls want some quality time with each other. As in
time with each other.”

“Ohhhh,” Luna said with a slow nod. She blinked then looked up thoughtfully for a while as the group watched her with blank expressions.

“Think she’ll figure it out?” Alyssa dryly asked.

“Give her a minute,” Specca replied.

Luna’s eyes glanced upward in thought while everyone waited patiently for her to get the hint before she giggled and walked over to Falla and nodded at her. Falla smiled weakly at the girl before Luna turned to wave to Daniel with a happy smile.

“Have fun fucking them tonight, Daniel!” she cheered before she skipped away merrily. Falla merely waved a little to the group before tiredly following after her sister and shaking her head.

“Well then,” Kroanette said looking to Daniel with a weak smile and shrug. “Have a good night, everyone.”

She trotted over towards Lucky while the butterfly sisters and Pip flew off into the air over a tree together, the fairy zipping around the two girls in a wide spiral before suddenly darting into Luna’s bra. As she screamed and dropped down into the tree with a rustle Daniel and the other girls smiled amusedly at the sight before turning to Clover who had been remaining silent so far. She glanced to them with a low growl then rolled her eyes.

“Let me guess,” she muttered. “You want me to stay out here until you’re all done fucking him.”

“That would be
considerate of you,” Specca dryly retorted.

“Fine,” Clover grumbled as she started walking off. She then stopped and glanced back to Daniel questionably. “You seriously
to have sex with monsters?”

“Only those I love and care about,” Daniel answered with a nod.

“Why? They’re monsters. What makes you want to have sex with them willingly?”

“I don’t see them as monsters, Clover,” Daniel explained while gesturing to his mates. “They’re beautiful women with kind hearts and souls. It doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside, it matters what’s on the inside.”

“You honestly see them not as monsters but normal girls?”

“Yes, exactly.”

“Just how hard did you hit your head before coming out here?” Clover asked pointing to her head.

“You want to sleep in the caravan tonight or not?” Alyssa dryly asked.

“Clover, please do not push us,” Specca warned. “We’re offering you a ride back to your home as well as speaking in your defense after you lost your priestess’s treasure. If you have nothing kind to say to us then keep your mouth shut.”

Clover grunted and walked off while muttering something to herself, heading past the group and Kroanette without making eye contact with anyone. As she did Daniel sighed quietly and shook his head as he felt there was wall between them and the elf that was made of steel and ice.

“I understand she went through some tough times,” Triska mentioned before holding onto Daniel’s arm again. “But still, she needs a serious attitude adjustment.”

Squeak nodded and squeaked something in discontent while waving off Clover before crossing her arms and looking away with a scoff.

“No idea what Squeak just said, but I agree with her anyway,” Alyssa said shaking her head before turning to Daniel with a smile again. “Still, let’s not let her ruin our night.”

“That’s right,” Specca added as she held onto Daniel’s other arm. “We’re all back together and have another ruler standing with us from Flairwood. And you’ve made substantial progress with learning to use magic. We need to celebrate tonight.”

“What do you say, Daniel?” Triska purred into his ear.

Daniel looked around at the four girls that were watching him with immoral smiles, feeling two of them holding onto his arms while Alyssa was gently cupping his crotch and Squeak was tracing her fingers down along his back. He then chuckled and held his arms around Triska and Specca, holding them close to their surprise as he glanced back to the caravan behind them.

“I’d say we may not be leaving as early in the morning as we planned,” he reasoned, with all the girls holding onto him anxiously from those words.


Clover fired another arrow from her bow, launching it clear across the field she was in and into a tree next to another bolt she had struck there. The elf grumbled and brought out two arrows with her hand and primed them both, firing the bolts with a loud twang before she grabbed three more arrows and quickly fired them as well. All the bolts struck the tree near each other with sharp whacks while Clover grumbled to herself with a small scowl on her face.

“They’re all fucked in the head,” she muttered before firing three more arrows at the tree with expert precision. “Especially Dan. The fuck is he talking about, loving a monster like she’s a normal girl. We’re not normal, we’re fucking monsters.”

She growled and walked over to the tree, pulling out her arrows and setting them back in her quiver before making her way back towards the campsite.

“What the hell is his deal anyway?” she pondered to herself. “Humans don’t like monsters, not even a little bit. We can’t live together in peace, that’s just bullshit. And those girls, they’re all having sex with him together? The hell is up with that? That’s not normal, none of this is.”

She walked up the hill and stopped at the top while looking around at the stars above, her long pigtails gently swaying in the breeze while she tried to wrap her head around this strange concept.

“They have to be after his seed too, that’s all they want. No way could they all
him and each other as well. Sharing a man between them, they must just be that desperate to get his seed. They’re probably loners and rejects out here in The Outerlands, that’s just sad if you ask me. They couldn’t find a real man so they’re settling for this nutcase, fucking pathetic.”

The elf made her way down the hill towards the caravan, her eyes seeing perfectly in the dark and taking notice of Lucky lying down asleep in a soft bedding of grass near the ride. Next to him Kroanette was settling down in another patch of bedding she had prepared of tall soft grass while Pip fluttered around above her. After she sat down on the grass the fairy darted down into her bosom, nuzzling herself between the soft mounds with a happy sigh before sleeping quietly against the girl’s chest. Kroanette sighed and shook her head then merely lied back on her bed for the night as she felt there was no point in questioning or even fighting the fairy on this now.

“Keeping a Darker One with you like that,” Clover quietly scorned. “You’re just asking for it.”

She walked over to the caravan where she saw Falla and Luna sitting on the roof gazing up at the stars. The curtain was pulled across the entryway with a soft orange light coming from the edges and underneath while the butterfly sisters sat above the entrance with their wings fluttering once behind them.

“Hold it,” Falla cautioned as Clover started to climb up onto the ride. “They’re not done in there yet.”

“Yeah,” Luna added. “You might want to wait out here a little longer.”

“What do you mean they’re not done yet?” Clover snapped at them as she got up onto the front seat. “It’s late and I want to sleep in my bed.”

“So do we,” Falla quipped with a smirk. “And we will, once they’re done.”

“Don’t interrupt them, they’ll get upset,” Luna insisted.

“What are you talking about? It’s been over an hour, he’s just one guy, how long can he possibly go for?” Clover scoffed before nudging the curtain aside slightly with her bow. She leaned closer and peered into the cabin before jumping with wide eyes.

Inside the cabin both overhanging lanterns were lit, the large room within the caravan illuminated perfectly to show all the new furniture and belongings to the travelers since they had left Flairwood as well as Daniel and his four mates who were all in bed together without their clothes on. Clover watched with disbelief at seeing Daniel riding Squeak hard while she was in her preferred position of being on her hands and knees on the bed. Of course it wasn’t just the feeling of him being rough with her, although by her physical standards it was more of a gentle lovemaking, but also that Daniel had learned that if he scratched along her abdomen just right when she was getting worked up it led to her climaxing continuously, something that he was getting better with as evidenced by his hand going up along her appendage and grazing it with his nails which caused her to squeak loudly with a flushed face before she dropped down onto the bed and squeaked repeatedly into the covers.

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