Clearwater Romance (27 page)

Read Clearwater Romance Online

Authors: Marissa Dobson

Tags: #Romance

Chapter Five


December 18

For most of the night, Jasmine lay in bed thinking about Logan’s confession of falling in love with her, and by the early morning she wondered if her own feelings matched his. There was a deep connection between them, one she wanted to explore, but the fear of getting hurt again held her back. Or worse yet, having her daughter hurt.

She couldn’t rush this relationship, especially with having Alyssa to think about. She was just a baby, and Jasmine didn’t want her daughter getting attached to a man who might eventually leave. The pain of her ex-husband running out on her when she was pregnant with Alyssa hid beneath the surface. The slightest hint of betrayal could open the healing wound. She wasn’t willing to risk her heart again.

This move was supposed to be her change, to make something of her life that didn’t involve a man. A second chance provided by her grandmother. Maybe Logan was part of the package. Maybe her grandmother wanted him to be the final piece to Jasmine’s happiness. Could she really walk away from Logan just because she was afraid to get hurt?

When she slipped out of bed, she was convinced she wasn’t ready for another relationship, no matter how much she enjoyed Logan’s company. Easing the bedroom door open, careful not to wake Alyssa, she saw Logan in the living room with another woman, his hand resting on her arm. Pangs of regret instantly shot through her heart. The turmoil of emotions she went through with her ex-husband returned.

Logan glanced over the woman’s shoulder, smiling at Jasmine. How dare he act so innocent!

“Jasmine, this is my sister, Lexy. Lexy and her husband live in the next house over. John is the best handyman I know. I called him this morning after the snow stopped to see if he had the part for your furnace.”

Thankful Jasmine had misread the situation. She released a deep breath and returned Lexy’s smile. She dragged her hand through her sleep tousled hair, hoping to look presentable. Disappointment coursed through her at the thought of her furnace being fixed. She enjoyed the time spent snowbound with Logan and wasn’t ready for it to end. “Hi, Lexy. Thanks for coming over in this weather. Hopefully John can fix my furnace so my daughter and I can get out of Logan’s hair. He’s been great, but I’m sure he’s looking forward to having his house back and not having toys all over the place.”

Lexy stood and wrapped her arms around Jasmine. Being in a stranger’s embrace was new and awkward. Jasmine’s arms froze at her sides, unable to return the woman’s hug. Her discomfort must have shown because when Lexy stepped back, she frowned. “Sorry, it just feels like I know you. Your grandmother talked about you all the time and would show us the pictures your mom sent. Every few months an envelope with pictures of you would arrive, those times filled your grandmother with such happiness. She was like an adopted grandmother to Logan and me. Seeing you makes me miss her more.”

She wished she had known her grandmother. The way Logan and Lexy talked about her, she must have walked on water. Jasmine wanted to know more. Did she look like her grandmother? Did she have any of her traits? Growing up, her mother hadn’t shown her any pictures from before she was born, and rarely took any as Jasmine grew up. She was shocked that her grandmother even had pictures of her as she didn’t know any were being taken. There would be plenty of pictures to mark every stage of Alyssa’s youth.

Whenever the furnace was fixed, she’d have to find a picture of her grandmother, to finally see the woman everyone spoke so highly of. Jasmine prayed she was more like the grandmother she never knew than the mother that had let her down in so many ways.

She joined Lexy at the kitchen table and listened to Lexy tell her stories about her grandmother while Logan cooked a huge breakfast. The sizzling bacon made the small cottage smell like home. Logan dished out four plates, placing one in the oven for John when he returned from Jasmine’s house.

When Alyssa’s cries signaled she was awake, Logan set a plate in front of Jasmine, and then laid a hand on her shoulder. “Start eating, I’ll get her.”

Before she could respond, he strolled toward the bedroom. Jasmine’s eyes filled with tears. Never before had someone offered to help with Alyssa. Everything her daughter needed, she was the only one around to provide it.

“He’s just like that, you know.” Lexy chewed on a piece of bacon.


“Logan is a nice guy. He would give anyone the shirt off his back if they needed it. He’s just that way. Always has been.”

Jasmine picked at her eggs with her fork, trying to put the thoughts in her head into words. “He’s been great, and Alyssa has really taken to him. I’m just not used to all the help.”

“You’ve been doing everything on your own?” Lexy’s chewing paused in mid-motion.

Jasmine nodded. “I had to. There’s no one else.”

Tossing the half piece of bacon on her plate, Lexy placed her hand over Jasmine’s. “Maybe that will change.”

Jasmine couldn’t place hope that her life would change so quickly. For her, dreams never came true, leaving her with little confidence that the dream of having someone to share her life with Alyssa would either. “I should check on Alyssa. I’m sure she needs to be changed, and she’ll be hungry.”

Before Jasmine stood from the breakfast bar, Logan stepped out of the bedroom, carrying a still sleepy and somewhat weepy Alyssa. Her sweet daughter took more after her and was not a morning person. Logan passed her to Jasmine. She cuddled her daughter against her chest.

“Logan, why don’t you take Jasmine to town today? I’m sure you need some stuff, especially since I hear there’s another storm coming. I can watch Alyssa.” Lexy put her hand up as if she knew Jasmine was going to protest. “Logan can vouch for me, I love children. You have nothing to worry about. I’m sure you need more diapers and stuff for Alyssa. Around here you never know how long you’ll be snowbound, so you should always stock up.”

The timing seemed a little suspicious, like Lexy was trying to push them together, but Jasmine did need to a few items for Alyssa, especially if more snow was expected. “I’m game. I need to get more diapers. I also planned on picking up a few more gifts. If there is a children’s store in town, I would love to stop there.”

Logan stood by the fireplace, drinking his coffee, a sly grin stretched over his face. “Sure, but I have to run up to Old Man Miller’s and check on him on the way home, if you don’t mind.”

Jasmine nodded, already excited to get out of the house.

Logan grabbed his jacket from the closet. “Lexy, if you’re sure you’ll be okay here, we’ll go in a few hours. I want to cut more wood, and then I’ll check in with John to see if he needs any help. While I’m doing that, you ladies can get to know each other better.”

* * *

While in town, Jasmine picked up the essentials for Alyssa, while Logan bought enough supplies to be snowed in for the next month, and still be okay. She was surprised how quaint the small town was with the core businesses lining the Main Street. She had always pictured living in a place like this. How blessed her daughter would be to be raised here.

The Tiny Treasures Baby Store on Queen Street had so many cute things for Alyssa. Now that Jasmine didn’t have to worry about money, she couldn’t stop from picking up a few new outfits, as well as a few toys to replace the ones they left behind. She even picked up a Christmas present for Logan to show her appreciation to him for opening his home to her and Alyssa.

Heading out of town, toward Old Man Miller’s house on the mountain, she took in the picturesque views of Clearwater. Even with all the Christmas spirit in town, with the shops and houses decorated for Christmas, her eyes widened as they stopped in front of a small home resembling a gingerbread house. The Christmas lights twinkling in the semi-darkness, highlighted by the setting sun, were breathtaking.

“Here we are. Come in and meet Old Man Miller, he’s expecting us.” Logan parked his truck and pulled his keys from the ignition.

Inside Old Man Miller’s house was even more surprising. A large white couch sat in front of a crackling fireplace, a small bistro table hugged close to the huge bay windows, and candles were lit all around.

“Old Man Miller is a chef,” Logan explained, shutting the door behind them. “He mostly does catering for town events with his apprentice, but he also rents this house out for special events. It’s a popular place for proposals. The rental provides a catered dinner for two, made by Old Man Miller himself.” He turned to her, his gaze deep and piercing. “Jasmine, during the short time since you and Alyssa walked into my life, I’ve never had such strong emotions. You put a spring in my step and a smile on my face. I wanted to do something special for you. Taking you out to dinner in town wouldn’t be anything like what Chef Miller can provide. He’s the best chef, but retired a while ago to spend more time with his wife. Besides the wonderful food, there is a magnificent view of the town. Come enjoy dinner with me.”

She couldn’t decline. Logan had been amazing to her and Alyssa, and she should have been doing something special for him, not the other way around.

An hour later, their stomachs full, they admired the incredible view while enjoying a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Soon they would have to head back into the cold night, but Jasmine never wanted this moment to end. “Thank you, Logan. No one has ever done something so special for me. I will always remember this night.”

Logan reached across the small table and cradled her hand in his. “I’m glad. I hoped tonight showed you that you’re special to me. Clearwater is a wonderful place to raise a family, and there are so many fun things to do here. It’s truly a winter wonderland.”

She pushed her chair back and walked to the front window to get a better view of the town. “Clearwater is just like the town I always wanted to settle down in, somewhere small where everyone knows your name.” Gazing out at the town all lit up, she could see the houses decorated for Christmas. “The town is beautiful from up here.”

Logan stood behind her, wrapping his arm around her waist. “You’re the beautiful one.” He turned her to face him, and before she had a chance to think, he lowered his lips to hers. His kiss was long and sweet, and likely the best kiss she ever had in her entire life.

Was he trying to seduce her, to win her over? She wanted to take a chance with Logan, to risk her heart again. She only hoped he didn’t leave her shattered.

Chapter Six


December 20

Jasmine was loading the lunch dishes into the dishwasher when the front door opened, letting in a gush of cold winter air along with a few snowflakes. Lexy nudged the door with the tip of her boot, her arms full of toys. “I figured Alyssa needed more toys to keep her busy, and I wanted an excuse to visit,” she said, smiling. She possessed the kind of face that could light up a room, and her smile only made it more effervescent. “Why don’t Alyssa and I play while you and Logan go for a walk or something? I’m sure you’re feeling restless.”

That was the understatement of the year. Living on the East Coast most of her life, Jasmine wasn’t used to being snowbound. Sure she dealt with snow, but not like this.

Lexy laid the toys on sofa and returned to the kitchen. “Oh, I have some bad news. John said the wrong part came in for the furnace. Kelly’s Hardware is ordering the correct one in this week.”

“Thanks for letting me know.” She honestly didn’t care about the furnace, being secretly content with staying at Logan’s. “It would be nice to get out of the house for a short time. I haven’t been stuck indoors this long before. I’m going crazy. Would you like to go for a walk?” She glanced at Logan who was playing on the living room carpet with Alyssa.

He jumped up. “I know the perfect spot.”

Jasmine closed the dishwasher door and grabbed the heavy winter jacket she’d bought in town. She waved to her daughter as she slipped her feet into her boots. Lexy settled down by Alyssa, making Alyssa giggle as Lexy tickled her cheek. Jasmine was amazed by the changes in her daughter since arriving in Clearwater. Alyssa went from always being stuck on Jasmine’s hip, to accepting Logan, Lexy, and even John. It was almost like being part of a real family.

Logan led her down to the pond and up a small hill, where a winter wonderland appeared below. Some kids were sledding, while others built snowmen or had snowball fights. On top of the hill sat wooden benches where parents could rest and watch their children.

Logan swept the snow from a bench with a gloved hand, clearing a section for them to sit. Jasmine smiled and watched the children playing. Logan wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Before long, Alyssa will be playing outside like this.”

She sat, silent for a moment, realizing how quickly her daughter was growing up. “I can’t believe it. Some days it seems like she’s growing right before my eyes, and other days I wonder if I will ever get through the baby years.”

“Don’t worry, we will.” He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze.

Something about his declaration of being part of Alyssa’s growth made her stomach jump nervously. Her heart raced with excitement.

Logan turned to face her. “If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?”

She didn’t have to think about it, because there was only one place she had always wanted to visit. “Paris. I would like to go to Paris. Back in Virginia, one of the girls I knew attended high school there as an exchange student. She loved it. She told me all about her travels and showed me pictures.” Jasmine wanted to experience the same thrill and excitement. Unfortunately, once she had Alyssa, she had spent all her savings for her trip. She didn’t get to Paris, but her baby girl was worth every last cent. Maybe someday, once her daughter was grown, she’d be able to take the trip of a lifetime to Paris. For now, her dreams would have to suffice.

Paris was a fantasy. If she had to pick any other place to be in the world, it would be right here, right now.

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