Read Clipped by Love (Bellevue Bullies #2) Online

Authors: Toni Aleo

Tags: #romance, #new adult

Clipped by Love (Bellevue Bullies #2) (26 page)


o did you see that goal?”

Nodding my head, I laugh as my brother beams at me. During the game against the Ducks, Jude did an awesome toe drag before shooting top shelf. It not only resulted in a goal, but it was on the NHL highlight reels. It was pretty sick.

“Yeah, dude, badass,” I say, complimenting him.

“Dude, I jumped up when it went in. I was like, mind-blown by it! I’m so practicing it tomorrow after camp,” Jace practically yells beside me. Shaking his head at our overzealous little brother, Jude’s grin only grows.

“Speaking of camp, how’s that going?”

It’s like a light switch. One second I’m grinning, the next I’m grumbling. Camp. Fucking camp. “Baylor is stressing me the hell out” is what it should be called.

No shit,
you will never guess who is on our team!” Jace yells, and instantly, I punch him in the chest.


“What the hell!” he wheezes as Jude laughs, and I wave him off.

“I didn’t even hit you that hard,” I say, and he’s gasping for breath.

“Says the Hulk! Fuck! I’m telling Mom, you big asshole,” he snaps before getting up and actually crying to our mother.

“Are you serious?” I yell at his retreating back. “Be a man!”

“He is such a fucking pussy,” Jude says with a shake of his head. “When’s he gonna realize telling Mom doesn’t scare us?”

Looking at him skeptically, I laugh. “Why you lying?”

He laughs at that and shrugs. “She can’t get me in California.”

“The hell I can’t, Jude Marshall! Don’t care that you’re getting married and play professionally, I’ll knock you into next week!” she yells, and I scoff at Jude’s worried look.

“Told ya,” I say as my door opens and my mom pops her head in, her arms full of laundry.

“Can you not act like ten-year-olds and be adults? Keep your hands to yourself.”

“Can he stop acting like a whiny little brat?” I ask and she shrugs, almost like she’s thinking the same thing, but she’s doing her job as a mom and at she least tried. Before anything else can be said, the door shuts and I roll my eyes.

He’s such a little baby.

Looking back at the screen, I shake my head. “I’m gonna kick his ass.”

“You should. I mean, how is he even making it at camp?”

I shrug. “I have no clue. He’s such a little bitch.”

“For sure,” he says, nodding in agreement. “But no, really, what’s the reason for knocking the air out of him?”

Running my fingers through my hair, I let out a long breath as I hold his gaze. I’ve been waiting for the last two days to talk to Jude. I can’t talk to Jace about it because he just laughs and taunts me, but Jude will know what to do. He can help me get rid of these feelings and fight for what I want. Because the good guy in me wants to say to her, take it. Take everything from me. While the asshole is saying, I will murder you. It’s almost like I have the angel and devil on my shoulders.

Annoying as hell.

“Baylor is on our team.”

It’s a simple statement. But to some, like me, it has the power to knock them on their ass.

Like I knew it would, his jaw drops as he sputters questions at me. “What do you mean? Baylor, the chick from the beach? How? When? Why? You’re joking, right? Did you talk to her? Oh shit!”

Leaning against my hand, I shrug. “Dude, I have no clue. It’s like God thought, hey, he’s focusing on his career and he’s doing good; let’s throw a kitchen sink at him.”

Jude scoffs. “I mean, it can’t be that bad.”

“She wants captain.”

“The fuck?!” he screeches and I nod, not even having the gusto in me to tease him for squealing like a girl.

“Exactly. And then we had it out, and I apologized for the way shit went down.”


“But still she snapped at me, screaming, and I don’t think she’s forgiven me. Then she’s saying I’m defending her because, of course, the guys are being dicks to her because they are scared of her talent. I make them wait so she can take showers, and they are so fucking pissed. So maybe I am.”

“Whoa, what? She’s showering with y’all?”

“Yeah,” I say, almost like I’m giving up. “It’s so damn stressful. If she was just some regular girl, I don’t think I’d be so torn up about it, but because it’s her…I’m freaking out and threatening lives. Dude, it’s been real.”

I expected him to guide me. To be the big brother I need, but instead, he laughs. “You’re so fucked, dude.”

“What?” I actually yelp, and he laughs even harder.

Wheezing for breath, he shakes his head before looking up at the ceiling. When he starts to laugh again, I glare, crossing my arms over my chest as I watch him. I don’t know what the fuck is so funny, but he is pissing me the hell off. I’m half tempted to hang up on him, but maybe he’ll stop laughing and actually guide me. But by the way he’s laughing, I have a feeling I have a better chance of getting sucked off by Baylor than getting any kind of guidance out of my brother.

Maybe I am fucked?

Wiping his eyes free of tears, he looks at me and shakes his head. “You’re such a good dude. You know that, right?” I don’t answer, and he smiles before going on, “You are doing right, bro, better than I would have. I would tell her to fuck off and make her eat my dust because no one is taking my position. But you, you’re gonna do that while protecting her. It’s sorta cute.”

“Not what I need to hear here,” I remind him, and he scoffs.

“What do you need to hear, then?”

“I need to know what to do.”

“What to do?” he asks. “Jay, you’re doing it. You quit your job, right?”


“You’re focusing on your game?”

“Yeah,” I agree again.

“You’re doing right by your team? Being a leader?”

“Yes, and I think by doing what I am for Baylor, it shows that. But it’s not only for the captaincy.”

“Oh, I know. You’d do it for anyone.”

“Right,” I say and Jude shrugs.

“Then what else do you want?”

Looking at him like he’s an idiot, I ask, “What to do about Baylor?”

He returns the look before holding his hands up. “What do you want to do?”

My face scrunches up before I yell, “I have no fucking clue!”

“So how am I supposed to help you with that?”

“Oh my God, Jude, you’re supposed to guide me, do some big brother shit!”

He laughs. “Dude, I got you on hockey. You’re the woman expert. I come to you with my woman problems.”

I scoff because he’s right. Jude is horrible with relationships and girls. Why did I think he was gonna guide me on this? “I like how that was singular.”

He smirks. “I’m a one-gal dude now. Love my redheaded hotness.”

“Gagging,” I reply, and he laughs before shrugging.

“But really, Jay, you’re doing right. I see no wrong in what you’re doing.”

“But it’s hard,” I admit and he nods.

“Because you like her.”

I don’t even deny it. I just stare at him as he goes on, “And that’s the hardest thing because I know you want to show her who’s boss, but you also want to see her succeed. It’s tough, dude. You’re in a shitty spot, but keep doing you.”

Looking down, I let out a breath through my nose. “Should I ignore her? Try to act like she’s not there?”

He scoffs, which makes me look up. “I’m pretty sure you’ve tried that and failed.”

I have. And man, it’s so hard. She doesn’t make it easy with those glossed-up fucking lips and banging-ass body. When I was watching the shower yesterday, I caught a glance of her naked ass and almost passed out from the mere sight of it. An ass. Really? I’m pathetic.

“I mean, have you told her how you feel?”

“She doesn’t do feelings,” I answer, looking up at him. “And when I threw at her that I wanted to have sex with her when she accused me of it, I thought she was gonna punch me.”

“She’s weird,” is his opinion and I nod.

“She isn’t normal. That’s for sure.”

“Which is why you like her,” Jude says, and I shake my head.

“Guess so. Glutton for punishment, eh?” I smile then, thinking of her sweet voice, and when I look up, Jude’s looking at me like I pulled a hockey stick out of my ass.

His brows come together and before he can ask, I say, “Don’t ask.”

He laughs before saying, “10-4, good buddy. But remember, just keep it up. It sounds like the captain spot is yours.”

For as much as I want it, hearing him say that does make me feel better, but it doesn’t ease my worries about Baylor. She isn’t going to make it easy. Not for the captainship or even life.

She may have been born to play hockey, but she was put in my life to make me a wreck.

And the sadistic thing is that I like the way it feels.



While yesterday I wanted to protect Baylor, today, I want to kill her.

“When I pass you the puck, you put your stick down and stop it!”

Looking across the ice at me, she yells, “I know you aren’t talking to me.”

“You’re the only person on this ice missing my passes, so yeah, I am talking to you.”

“You’re delusional,” she snaps, and then she is skating toward me. Everyone has stopped, probably to watch the show. We’ve been at it all day. I mean, the crazy chick tried to check me. I’m on her fucking line! She’s fucking insane. Looking up at me through her cage, her eyes in slits, she screams back, “How am I supposed to stop a pass that is above my head? Or even ten feet away from me?”

“Get in front of it! You’re just standing there. Like a fucking princess, expecting everyone to just cater to you. You have to work around these parts, sweetheart. We don’t cater anyone.”

“Princess!” she sputters, and, of course, that’s the only part she hears. “The only fucking princess I see is you. By the way, maybe you should wear pink instead of teal.”

“You would know all about colors, huh, princess? Being a girl and all,” I snap back, when really, I don’t even know why. It wasn’t a good retort, but then I say, “You’ve been fucking up all day. I’m your teammate, treat me like one, or get the fuck out of here.”

“You don’t know shit. If you want me to treat you like a teammate, act like one instead of fluttering around and swinging your stick everywhere!”

“Fluttering? Not your teammate? I’ve been your teammate since the moment you stepped on
ice! I don’t know what you’re thinking, but stop being a girl and act like the dude you keep trying to portray.”

“I’m not portraying anyone. I’m being me.”

“Princess, you’re so far from being yourself, it’s scary. Play the fucking game,” I say before shaking my head. Her eyes are blazing, and I know mine are too. There is so much tension between us and I know it’s about to burst, but what can I do? I can suggest something because, in my mind, I’ve already ripped off her helmet and kissed her, but I know if I try that, she’ll knock my teeth out.

“Fuck you,” she seethes just as the whistle is blown.

When Coach comes up beside us, we don’t break our intense stare-off as he says, “Well, apparently, there is some animosity here. And yeah, I like it. I like the drive and the fighting for your position shit, but yeah, this is not the place for a screaming match.”

“Yeah, well, when you’re fighting with a girl, there is no other way of talking out your issues other than screaming,” I say, and her eyes slit even more.

“Well, you would know, being the biggest bitch on the ice,” she says, and I swear, why did I want to fuck her again?

Chuckling, Coach shakes his head. “Well, I guess you two will be doing laps for the rest of practice. Burn off some steam. Go,” he says and then blows the whistle, but we don’t move.

I’m not moving until she does, but then I can see she isn’t going to move until I do.

“You’re so intent on beating me, yeah?”

“Oh, there is no contest,” she snaps back, and the fire in her eyes has me feeling all kinds of ways.

!” Coach yells, and I actually do jump. “Now!”

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