Read Clipped by Love (Bellevue Bullies #2) Online

Authors: Toni Aleo

Tags: #romance, #new adult

Clipped by Love (Bellevue Bullies #2) (30 page)

“Wrap it up,” I remind him, and he nods.

“For sure.”

“I wonder where Baylor is?”

“She isn’t coming,” he says, taking a beer from Shane.

“Yeah, she is. I told her she is,” I say, and Shane laughs.

“You two are weird. I can’t decide if I think y’all are hot for each other or ready to murder each other,” he says and I shrug.

“Or both,” Jace says, and I roll my eyes.

“None of the above. We are a team; we should all be here together.”

“True, but she is a bitch, dude. No one likes her,” he says, and I know this. That’s why I had to get her here. Get some Jack in her, and she’ll be Baylor from the beach. I know it. And then everyone will love her. I just wish she’d let go a bit and enjoy life. She’s so obsessed with winning, it’s insane.

“Give her a chance. She’s just driven, that’s all,” I say before taking a pull of my beer. “She’s a good person.”

He looks at me like I’m crazy and asks, “How do you know?”

“Well, we—”

Before Jace can finish, I punch him in the arm as I say, “I just do.”

“Whatever, dude,” Shane laughs. “But you’re my cap, so I’ll take your word on it.”

“Not yet,” I remind him. “Find out Monday.”

“It’s in the bag, Jay. You know that,” he says, and I smile.

I like that they all think it’s mine. It actually cures my uneasiness about it all. Baylor can beat me, but I’ve been working my ass off to make sure that doesn’t happen. I nod as he walks away, and when I glance over at Jace, he’s glaring at me as he rubs his arm. “You’ve got to quit hitting me, man.”

“Keep your mouth shut then.”


And then he’s gone.

His arm is forgotten because he found some girl to fuss over him. I wouldn’t expect anything else; he’s a cute little shit. Looking out at the party, I lean back against the sink while I nurse my beer. From where I am standing, I can see every entrance, so I’ll know when she gets here. I haven’t been able to shake the image of those short shorts all day. She is so determined and so fucking stubborn. It was insane and pathetic watching her trudge up and down that hill today. She was obviously dying, but she wasn’t going to let anyone else know that. She was resilient and beautiful and didn’t quit. She ran the whole time. Yes, she was slower than a herd of turtles through peanut butter, but she ran and I was bursting with pride.

As much as I wanted to wrap my arms around her and kiss her once we got back to the top with Shane and Justin, I also wanted to scream at her. As soon as we reached the top, she started puking, along with Justin and Shane. Shaking my head, I could only watch and pass out more water. If she weren’t so fucking stubborn, she wouldn’t have pushed herself, but I’m noticing that she is dead set on beating me.

Not sure how she is going to take it when I get my position on Monday.

Might have to sleep with one eye open.

As the night goes on, I don’t move from my spot, and I find myself looking at my phone every ten minutes or so, checking the time. I don’t know where she is, and a part of me thinks she’s bailed. She may be hell-bent on beating me, but she is also hell-bent on not getting to know anyone and keeping everyone behind the wall that she’s built around herself. I don’t understand it, and I want to know why she does that. I want to know everything. She intrigues me but also drives me wild.

That’s why I have to know her. That’s why I keep pushing and hoping that maybe she’ll open up a bit. I pray I didn’t glue that door shut with what I said. I just really need her to forgive me and for us to get along. It would be so much easier. But with Baylor, I don’t think there is any other way but hard. Which will make getting inside her head so much sweeter once I do it.

And I will.

When a text vibrates my phone, I look down to see that it’s from Jude.


Jude: How much you give Mom?


With my brow furrowed, I type back.


Me: Why?

Jude: I just got off the phone with Lucy because she didn’t have the money for it, and I thought she’d call me, but Lucy said she called you.

Me: Yeah, she did. No big deal.

Jude: It is. How much?

Me: Don’t worry about it.


When my phone starts to ring, I ignore the call and tuck it back in my pocket. I know that I should answer it, but I don’t think Jude should have to be the only one to carry the weight of this family on his back. I can help and I will. There were so many times I gave Mom money this summer and Jude never knew about it. He shouldn’t be the only one doing it. She has three other kids, and I want to help her. I have to help her. While it would be ideal for my dad to do what he needs to do, I know it won’t happen, so we kids will step up and be the support my mom needs. Lord knows she’s been the perfect mom to us, so it’s only fair that we support her the way she has us.

When the side door opens, I push away my thoughts of my family drama and watch as Baylor walks in. She’s holding a box, but that doesn’t hold my attention for long. It can’t. Not with the way she looks. Her hair is down in a wavy mess of curls, and she’s wearing more makeup than normal, like she had on the beach. And within seconds, I can hear the ocean waves. She does that to me, takes me back to that moment… Or maybe it’s the beer, but man, she is gorgeous.

Coming in, she looks around, and when she sees me, she bites into her lip and heat courses through my body immediately. I push off the sink as she comes toward me. But before I can reach for the box or even welcome her, Jace is stepping in front of me, taking the box.

“Hey, you came!”

She shrugs. “Yeah, decided to take your advice.”

What advice?

“Cool!” he says, pulling out the bottles upon bottles of Jack she’s brought. “Damn! You brought a lot! How did you buy this?”

Meeting his gaze, she smiles. “With money.”

“But you aren’t twenty-one,” I say then, both of them looking at me.

Looking away, she shrugs, “Actually, I am.”

“What?” I ask, confused, as everyone gathers around, popping bottles. “When was your birthday?”

“Today,” she answers, and I’m surprised by that. How did I not know that?

“Damn, Moore, couldn’t tell anyone?” Markus says before digging in the cabinet, I know, looking for shot glasses.

She shrugs. “I don’t really talk about me much.”

“You should,” Jace says. “How are we supposed to give you a good celebration?”

“It’s not a big deal,” she says, but it is. She may not think so, but some people do care.

Like me.

But I don’t say that, instead I lean against the sink, crossing my arms over my chest and watch as they set up twenty-one shot glasses. Filling each glass, Markus then stands on the counter before cupping his hands around his mouth and making a loud bird-calling noise. Baylor jumps, looking up at him like he’s crazy, while everyone gathers around.

“Today is our girl Baylor’s twenty-first birthday! So first, let’s get to singing for her!”

“Whoa, no, ha-ha,” she tries to stop him while her face turns bright red, but everyone is already singing. When a little grin comes over her face, I find myself grinning too as I sing along. She’s cute when she’s embarrassed. Since she isn’t holding the box any longer, I’m able to drink her in further. She’s wearing a tank with the words “My Cup Size is Stanley.” Her jeans sit low on her hips while a black leather jacket hangs big on her shoulders. With those lips that bright red color that I am finding I love, she looks classically retro, if that makes sense. What doesn’t make sense, though, is how quickly she turns me on.

When her hazel eyes meet mine, her teeth come out to sink into her bottom lip, and I have to stand up off the sink just to catch my breath as everyone finishes singing.

“Thanks, guys,” she says shyly, her face bright red, matching the shade of her lips.

“Sure! Now, time to do your shots.”

She laughs. “Excuse me?”

“Twenty-one shots for the big twenty-one!”

She shakes her head. “There is no way I can do all that at once!”

Markus laughs as Jace says, “No, we know, but you can’t leave this spot till you’re finished. Which means people can keep refilling your shot glasses.”

“What!” she screeches, laughing, and I hide my grin.

“Truth, get started! You have twenty-one minutes before people can start refilling.”

“You guys suck!” she complains, and Markus nods.

“True, but I’ll do one with ya,” he supplies.

“So will I,” Jace says, taking a glass too.

That isn’t the way it works. Usually the person is on their own, but I’m glad they are helping her out. She’d be shit-drunk because I know she’d finish ’em all before the twenty-one minutes were up. They all clink their glasses together and down the shots. When they slam the glasses on the counter, Baylor’s face is priceless while Jace and Markus yell out like two frat boys.

“That’s right, Moore! Get it done!” Markus says, shaking her by her shoulders.

“Hurry up, so we can do a keg stand!” Jace says, and then they both run off, leaving Baylor with her shots.

Looking up at me, she asks, “What if I dump ’em all out?”

I smile, shaking my head. “You won’t.”

She lets out a breath and nods. “I won’t, but ugh. I’m gonna be so pissy drunk.”

“For sure,” I say, coming up to the counter, it being the only thing putting space between us. If it weren’t there, I’d stand as close as I could just to enjoy her scent. I remember it being very flowery, almost fruity though. Her scent is as complex as she is. Mind-blowing really.

Taking one of the shots, I say, “Happy birthday.”

She smiles before taking another shot and clinking it against mine. We down the shots, and while she chases it with the Coke she brought, I down mine with beer.

“That’s a lot of Jack,” I say, shooting another glass as she shrugs.

“Wanted to bring enough for the team.”

“Trying to buy their vote?”

She shakes her head. “Nope, don’t need to,” she says in her snide little way.

“Hmm, I don’t know. I’m probably gonna get it without buying them off.”

“We will see,” she says before taking a shot. Laying the glass down, she says, “You know it isn’t a vote, right? My dad picks the captain.”

I didn’t know that, but I shrug. “He’ll pick who the team loves.”

“Maybe. But after tonight, I could pull ahead,” she say, leaning against the counter. “I did bring the liquor.”

A grin pulls at my mouth as I nod, picking up a glass, and she does the same. Clinking them together, I say, “You did.”

Shooting mine, I lay my glass down and say, “Nice jacket.”

She looks down and then back up at me, a small smile on her lips. “Thanks.”

“It’s old?”

She nods. “It was my mom’s.”

Biting the inside of my cheek, I nod. It’s well known that her mom is a very touchy subject—how could it not be? But still I feel really bad for what I said so long ago. Reaching for another shot, for liquid courage, I guess, I shoot it and she grins. “You’re taking all my shots.”

I shoot another and grin back at her. “I’m helping you out.”

“Thank God,” she says, laughing before shooting one. “I should have just said no.”

“They wouldn’t let you, and it’s good, you are being a team player. Good job.”

She glares playfully. “I’ve been a team player.” I look at her skeptically, and she shrugs. “I’m trying, okay?”

I laugh at that and nod. “Yeah, you are.”

“I didn’t want to come.”

“Never would have guessed that.”

Her eyes narrow a bit before she rolls them.

“Why is that?” I ask then, and she shakes her head.

“I don’t want to make friends just for them to not give two shits about me later.”

“Sounds like you have experience with that?” I note, and she nods.

“When I was in Arkansas, I made a lot of friends from my team, or who I thought were friends. And as soon as I left, they didn’t care. They were happy I was leaving.”

“They were jealous,” I say, holding a glass up to her. “They couldn’t handle your awesomeness.”

She smiles, clinking her glass to mine. “That’s what I said.”

“And you’re right,” I say before shooting the shot. The liquid burns down my throat, and soon, things are a little hazy. “Sheesh, maybe we should start dumping these,” I say when I look down to see we still have a lot left.

When I look up at her, she’s already looking at me, surprised. “Sorry, I’m still shocked you said I was right.”

I scoff. “Don’t worry. I won’t admit that often.”

She grins as she nods, shooting three more in a row. “I’m gonna be flat on my face in the morning.”

I nod just as Jace and Markus pop over. “You have ten minutes left. How many do you have? Nine? Jeez,” Jace says, and then they both reach for two, shooting them.

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