Club X-Dare (Siren Publishing Allure) (13 page)

Read Club X-Dare (Siren Publishing Allure) Online

Authors: Kat Barrett

Tags: #Romance

“Excellent. I can’t wait to see what the finished chambers look like.”

Daniel gathered up her patterns and designs, putting them into his briefcase. “I will give you a call on Monday or Tuesday and let you know what is going on.”

“Great. Call my cell. I may still be up north.”

“Will do. Hey, nice rock. Are you two getting hitched?”

“We are discussing it,” replied Condor.

“Congratulations. Talk to you in a few days,” Daniel said as he headed inside.

Mark walked over to them. “So how does everything look?”

“I think it’s shaping up nicely. How hard would it be to make a slight change in the back of the building?”

“What kind of slight change?”

“An addition with four chambers connected by a central hall. There needs to be a smaller greeting station at the entrance with a segregated door. The rooms are going to need heavy-duty wiring and a vanity set up in each one.”

“It can be done, but I wish you had said something sooner. I will stop construction in that area and have an additional set of plans drawn up. You know this is going to run into more money?”

“It is no problem,” replied Condor. “She has no lack of funding. Just let us know what the addition is going to cost.”

“Okay, I will get it done. Anything else that needs addressing?”

“Not that I can think of. Can you keep an eye on Frank and Luis for a few days? I am going up to the other club for the weekend,” replied Aino.

“Sure thing. Enjoy yourself.”

“Also, I may be going in for surgery, so I might be a little scarce for a while. Call me if there are any problems. I can always talk on the phone.”

“Nothing serious, I hope?”

“I don’t know yet. I have to wait for some test results. I will let you know before I disappear.”

“I hope everything works out all right. Have a good trip, and don’t hurry back. The construction will continue even if you aren’t here every day,” he said with a teasing grin.

“I know that. I just enjoy watching everything come together. I should be back on Monday or Tuesday. Have a nice weekend, Mark.”

“Maybe I will see you up there.”

“It would be a pleasure. Only one difference. I’m the boss on that construction site,” she replied with a sassy grin.

Mark chuckled at her correlation. “What are you, in real life?”

Aino laughed at his question. “I am a lead. I used to be a guide, but I can’t do that if I am down here all the time. I won’t be working. It will be simply for pleasure.”

“Interesting. What’s your pleasure?”

“I’m a dominatrix. Yours?”

He hesitated for a moment, and then whispered, “I’m an outlander with a fetish for gadgets and costumes. I love to be painted with liquid latex. I also have a thing for being mothered like a baby.”

Outlanders were people who had been in the club for over a year, but had eccentric desires that didn’t fit into any of the club categories. They wore simply a white band and when approached, were asked their preferences. “Interesting. Our two paths don’t cross. If I don’t see you, enjoy.”

“I always do,” he replied before walking away.

Condor chuckled. “Somehow I can really see him wearing a bonnet and diaper.”

“So can I,” Aino replied with a laugh. “Why wait until tomorrow? Let’s go now before the afternoon traffic sets in.”

They headed back to the house, packing up the perishables in a cooler to bring with them. Aino grabbed a few items of clothing and put them in a carry case. She locked up the house, suddenly not caring if the condo was finished or not. They were on the road, heading up north a short while later. They were in separate cars, but once they were back together, the weekend had real potential.

Chapter 15


Condor called her on the cell. “Want to stop at the house for lunch?”

“Sure. It is not a bad idea to check everything out. We haven’t been there in a while.”

She veered off the highway, taking the exit down to the main throughway. The house was part of a quiet residential community with a locking gate at the entrance. She flashed her card at the reader box and waited as the gate opened. Condor was right behind her, his Vette racing through as she cleared the opening. They both waited as the gate closed and then drove on to the house. The complex maintained the property, and the entire place was well manicured and impeccably clean. A few kids were playing basketball on the court before the small playground. Their house was on the opposite side of the complex, and they took a right, following the slightly curvy road to their driveway. Condor stepped out of the Vette, and the woman next door sat up in her folding recliner. “Hi, I was wondering if you had given up the place?”

He leaned lightly on the top of the car and smiled. “No, we just don’t spend a lot of time here. We have a condo up north. Is everything all right?”

“Yes, fine. No problems or anything. There are a lot of winter birds here. My name is Helen.”

“Well, we are not winter birds. Our condo is just outside of Orlando. This is just our retreat house when we want to get away for a day or two. Thanks for keeping an eye on the place for us.”

Aino popped the back hatch and gave the woman a pleasant smile, digging some food from the cooler. She dropped it into a carry pack and then lowered the lid, plugging the unit back into the adaptor. “We can come out later and get the rest it if we decide to stay.”

“Good idea, let’s go inside. We are getting the once over.”

“I feel that.” Aino turned and waved her hand. “Have a nice time in the sun, Helen.”

“I will. Why don’t you come join me?”

“No thanks, I am not much for sunbathing.”

Condor waved and took the satchel from Aino, walking toward the house. Once they were safely inside, she groaned. “Doesn’t she know what lying in the sun does to your skin?”

“Probably, and she doesn’t care.” She unpacked the food, putting it in the refrigerator as Condor went to turn the water back on. The house was warm and stifling, and she turned the air-conditioning up, feeling the flow of cooler air spring from the vents. Condor walked into the living room. “Everything looks okay. I don’t see any signs of unwanted entry or leaking pipes. It will take a while for it to cool down though.” He tugged his shirt off, dropping it on the sofa. “Should I call the club and see if they have any dungeons open on Sunday night?”

“Sounds like a plan to me. Will Merika be there for me to play with?”

“Probably. Tell me what you are going to do to her.” he asked, dropping down on the sofa and putting his feet up on the coffee table.

Aino filled two glasses of ice water from the refrigerator door and added some powered tea as she considered his question. She strolled over, sitting cross-legged to face him. “I think that I will begin by checking her files to discover her fears. Any idea what they are?”

“Spiders, bugs, and snakes. Basically anything that crawls.”

“Interesting, anything else?”

“Be right back.” Condor headed outside to his car and grabbed his laptop off the seat, bringing it inside. It took only a few moments to boot the unit up, and he turned the screen to face Aino. She began to read, looking for interesting tidbits in Merika’s file. “She’s twenty-two and works as a waitress. Now where does she get the funding to be a club member?”

“Read a little further. She is married to an older man who travels a lot. She waitresses at one of her husband’s restaurants to pass the time.”

“Okay, I see it. I love this, biggest turn-ons are watching the sunset in an outdoor sauna and making love in the surf. She likes anything that pinches because she says it feels erotic. Her nipples and clit have all been pierced. Allergies, she has none. Fears are as you said, but she also listed lightning and thunder. Her biggest fear is skiing because she was almost trapped in an avalanche. She hates cats and people with big mouths. I envision her shackled down to a floor mat. I think that a large bucket of shaved ice and some cicadas are just the ticket for this one. I will put them in the ice and spread it over her skin. She will be blindfolded, and when the ice melts they will warm up and begin to crawl on her. I can hear her screaming, now.”

Condor watched as she sucked her cheeks between her teeth, her eyes narrowing with imagination. “You are a bitch. Tell me more.”

“I think that I will have a small jar to put the creatures into and will set it next to her head. They will be pissed about being trapped once they totally warm up, and they will make that high-pitched rasping noise. At that point, I will begin to tap on her with a pin-filled leather strip. It will feel as if she is being bitten by the creatures as they scream in her ear. By then she should be really fired up, and I will put the jar out of sight before releasing the blindfold. She can listen to them sing, as you and I have sex over her.”

Condor shut the file down, standing up and pulling Aino to her feet. “How are you feeling?”

“Aroused and not in pain, why?”

“I want to try something. Strip, woman.”

Aino pulled off her T-shirt, tossing it on the floor. She slid her shorts and underwear off in a single movement and stood before him, unhooking her bra. Condor grabbed the quilt off the sofa and rolled it into a human-width bundle, laying it on the floor. She giggled, knowing that he was planning out an experiment. She walked closer, straddling the quilt, so they stood, legs spread, facing each other. Condor ran his hands up her body from her hips, softly stroking her skin and sending tiny shivers of anticipation into her brain. His palms cupped her breasts, and he massaged her skin, avoiding touching her nipples, but rather working around them with his fingers. Aino’s hands slowly slid up his arms, keeping the distance between them as she dragged her nails over his skin. Her eyes were closed, and when he touched her hardened nipples with his tongue, Aino jumped with the electric feel of his wet mouth. His left hand continued to encircle her breast, as his right flowed liquidly down her ribs and stomach. The touch was enthralling and when he pushed her cunt lips apart with his fingers, Aino moaned at the sensation. With the softest, airiest touch, he encircled her clit, her entire body arching towards him in confirmation of enjoyment. Condor nipped his way up to her lips, his hands shifting up and down until both palms grasped the cheeks of her ass. Lifting her upward in a startling show of brute strength, he whispered in a deeply sexual tone, “Wrap your legs around me.”

Aino locked her feet behind his back, her arms tightly wrapped around his shoulders as he slowly slid up into her cunt. His motion was gentle, tentative as if he were waiting for her to react from pain. “Shit, we are supposed to be using a condom.”

“I am fine, Condor. It doesn’t hurt anymore, and you feel incredible.”

He moaned his agreement, reveling in the feel of her hot, inner body. She was luxuriously slippery, his flesh moving with hers in a wave of friction and pulsing heat. Aino whimpered, her mouth opening as she gasped in air, pulling herself tighter to his chest. She was not really heavy, but it was going to be impossible for him to maintain the position they were in for any length of time. He moved her with his hands, her body responding to every thrust as if it had been weeks since they were together. Her moans became more rampant, demanding in the sheer quality of the sound. A vibration seemed to travel up through her form and then she constricted him, her pussy a boa that was crushing around him with throbbing heartbeats of glorious pleasure. His knees gave out, and they both dropped to the floor. Condor laid her back on the quilt and collapsed on top of her, his heart pounding against his ribs.

Aino was wild, covering his face with kisses before she finally settled on his lips to devour him with her enjoyment. Her head lulled back, and she laughed. “Oh, that was great. I have always dreamed of making love that way, but didn’t think it would ever happen unless I was dating a wrestler.”

Condor began to chuckle when a knock at the kitchen window stopped him. He sat up slightly, seeing the shadowy form of a head behind the curtains. “Let me guess who that is.”

He slid back from her and frowned at the light-pink stain on the quilt. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, why?” she asked, feeling the subtle pinpricks of pain but trying to ignore them.

“There is blood on the quilt. Let me go see what the sunbather wants.” He pulled his pants on and walked to the door as Aino dragged the quilt up over her body.

“Is everything all right?” she asked the moment he opened the door.

“Fine, why?”

“I thought I heard someone scream.”

“You have very good ears. Is that a problem?”

Aino was dying to see the woman’s face. She was silent, and Aino imagined her bottom lip hanging down as she tried to find words that were tactful.

“Where is your wife?”

“She is lying on the living-room floor.”

Aino sat up just enough to see Helen push past him. She stormed into the living room and then stopped short as Aino grinned at her. “Hi, I tend to get a bit loud. Sorry if I disturbed you. He isn’t my husband by the way.”

Helen’s face went scarlet with embarrassment. “You were having sex?”

“Of course we were. What did you think I was doing, beating her?” Condor asked, already knowing what Helen was thinking.

“I am so sorry. You just never know these days, and well, it is the middle of the afternoon.”

“Your point?” asked Condor. “We are only allowed to have sex during a certain time of day?”

His cell phone chimed, and Aino grabbed it off the table. “Hello? What’s wrong, Benny? Oh shit. He is right here,” she said, handing the phone toward Condor. “Helen, I am sorry that we scared you. Condor is not abusive, and he would probably beat the hell out of any man he caught hitting a woman. We just got engaged last night, and we haven’t had a chance to celebrate. We came up here to spend a few days alone in quiet. Now, if you don’t mind, I would like to get dressed. I think our plans just changed.”

Helen blushed darker at Aino began to get up, the quilt partially wrapped around her body. “I’m sorry. I should mind my own business. Congratulations,” she said, scurrying back out the door and shutting it.

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