Colter's Revenge (3 page)

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Authors: Jan Springer


Jan Springer

“Dr. Colter Van Dusen?”

A woman’s soft voice snapped him from the shocking scene and he turned around to face a beautiful brunette of about fifty with sparkling brown eyes. He recognized her instantly from the pictures S.K.U.L.L. had asked him to memorize. Dr. Cheri Blakely. This was the widow of the scientist he’d killed. Now that he was meeting her in person, it was hard to imagine this gorgeous woman having been married to the mad doctor who had almost wiped out the female race by selling a submissive virus to the DogmarX, a group of terrorists who believed all women should be submissive to men.

“Please take care of the doctor’s luggage, driver,” she said to his limo driver. When the man left to do her bidding, she extended her elegant hand to him. Her fingers, laden with diamond and sapphire rings, felt velvety warm against his palm. Her wrists were adorned with an array of gold bracelets that clinked as they shook hands. He didn’t miss the extra squeeze she gave him just before they parted.

“I recognized you from the portfolio your company Lamp Light Research sent to me. I’m Dr. Cheri Blakely. I’m pleased you could take the time out of your busy schedule to make it for the conference.”

“I’m pleased to be here,” he lied. “My company is very interested in purchasing the cure for the X-virus mutation C.”

“My, you do get down to business rather quickly, don’t you?” she chuckled.

“Didn’t anyone tell you that all business and no pleasure makes for a very boring convention?”

Before he could answer, she clicked her fingers.

Two burly, bare-chested men came down a nearby hallway with a barely clothed, very young woman walking between them.

Sweet Jesus. The woman looked absolutely stunning.

Another roar of heated blood coursed through his veins at the sight of the black leather halter-thong teddy. Her young, curvy body was barely concealed beneath a delicate mesh cloth. It left little to his imagination.

Her head was bowed in a subservient pose. Long strawberry blonde bangs were draped over her forehead and tangles of silky hair dropped over both her shoulders. A ball and gag held her mouth captive.

When Bev said he’d get his own sex slave he hadn’t quite pictured one this young or presented to him quite this way.

He remembered not to swear with anger and demand her immediate release. Beneath the sheer mesh her pussy was partially shaved, the remaining curly pubic hair in the shape of butterfly wings. A small opening in the cloth allowed shiny, delicate golden butterfly weights to dangle brilliantly from labia rings. Her pierced belly button contained a tiny gold butterfly that hung from a gold ring with a short one-inch chain. 14

Colter’s Revenge

He noticed red marks lashed across plump breasts and giant nipple rings adorned too-small red nipples and too-big butterfly weights dangled off those rings.

“By the frown on your face I take it Reena does not please you, Dr. Van Dusen?”

The surprised tone in Dr. Blakely’s voice made Colter’s head snap away from the young pleasure slave. How the hell could he take this young woman to his room and enjoy sexual relations with her? She was barely out of her teens.

“She pleases me.”

“Good. I’m glad to hear it. Reena is as yet an unClaimed woman. She was recently captured in the Maine Woods. She’s rumored to be part of the growing Resistance. Sexual torture among other things hasn’t proven useful in getting information from her and so the government has given her to Pleasure Palace to put her to work here satisfying men. I’m sure you’ve heard about the Resistance? A group of unClaimed women along with some sympathetic men who’ve banded together and are using illegal means to try to bring down the Claiming Law?”

At her comment Colter’s heart picked up speed. Yes, he’d heard there was a group calling themselves the Resistance. His brother Cade, who was now a bounty hunter, had mentioned them. He’d also mentioned that capturing members of the Resistance and turning them over to the government could be a very lucrative enterprise. Colter eyed the woman with renewed interest. Could she be a member of the Resistance as Cheri had said?

“She’s been fully trained as a pleasure slave now. Her need for independence squashed. She is eager to please.”

Despite a shard of shame flashing in her eyes, she lifted her head for a quick peek at him. He noticed a roar of defiance in the way she held her shoulders back. It was quite obvious they hadn’t broken this woman. He stifled an inner smile of encouragement and suddenly realized he couldn’t take advantage of her.

Cheri’s gaze dropped to the area between his legs. “She’s looking for a well-hung man such as yourself to show what she’s learned during her training. I’ll have her sent to your cabin.”

“For me, business always comes before pleasure. I won’t be partaking in any until the business aspect of my trip is over and I win the bid for the X-virus C cure.”

“You’ll have a long wait then,” a familiar woman’s voice curled through the air and Colter couldn’t help but stiffen with both dread and excitement. He smelled her fresh, clean scent a split second before she stepped into his view. God! Was he hallucinating?

She looked so different than the last time he’d seen her. She’d been a beauty when he’d bedded her years ago. But now she was even more beautiful. The buttery chandelier light made the luxurious black hair piled high on top of her head absolutely glow. Delicate silver ribbons were beaded intricately through the lush black curls. A couple of sexy tendrils hung down on both sides of her face. 15

Jan Springer

Tiny silver chain necklaces draped around the long column of her neck and he didn’t miss the single sliver of silver metal trailing from the necklaces to drop between the luscious swells of her generous breasts. Breasts pushed up high and pressing hard against the tight, glittering silver dress that boldly hugged her curves. To his irritation, he found himself intrigued with the possibilities of where that single strand of chain led.

“I didn’t expect you until later, Ashley.” Cheri’s cold voice sliced through Colter’s shock. But try as he might, he just couldn’t seem to tear his gaze from Ashley. He noticed the paleness to her skin, the nervous way she smiled at him and then the quick way her eyes darted back to Cheri.

“My bodyguard was able to push through all the checkpoints quickly with the bribes the general gave me to use.”

“Bribes by the general are most impressive,” Cheri commented. “I trust you have the general’s document giving you permission to be here and to act on his behalf?”

Ashley nodded.

Colter noticed her fingers tremble as her dainty hand dipped inside her glittery silver purse. She withdrew a document and handed it over to Cheri. He could just kick himself for continuing to stare at Ash like some dumb, lovestruck teenage boy. But he just couldn’t help it. She looked so sophisticated, more hauntingly beautiful than he remembered. Was it any wonder the general had kept her hidden, preventing him from finding her and exacting his revenge?

Conflicting emotions raged through him, happiness at seeing her again, burning anger that of all times for her to come back into his life this was the most inopportune. Obviously S.K.U.L.L. had had no inkling she would be here or they would have prevented her from coming. She could easily blow his cover. He had to eliminate the problem. Pronto.

She turned her dark blue eyes upon him again and heated blood surged into his cock at the memories of them together. Of her soft whispers, her hungry touches upon his flesh, her cries of arousal every time he’d made her orgasm. He could literally feel his member growing, thickening, pressing hard against his pants—wanting to escape. Wanting to bury itself deep in Ashley’s ultra-tight channel. The tightest, warmest, wettest channel he’d ever encountered. An odd emotion he couldn’t quite put his finger on glittered in her eyes. If he had to venture a guess, he’d say she looked relieved to see him.

“I’m glad to see the general allowed you to attend the convention in his place, Ashley,” Cheri said coolly. “I, of course, will need to speak to him and get verbal permission for you to be here.”

“I already told you over the phone he’s out of the country on his latest quest for an art collection. When he calls, I will tell him to call you.”

“You make sure that you do.”


Colter’s Revenge

“The general, of course, is concerned for my safety. I trust this document will ensure it until he has a chance to get in touch with you?”

“It looks official enough,” Cheri said, giving the paper a cursory glance. Her eyes narrowed and her voice lowered so that only the three of them could hear. “As to that other matter we discussed over the phone. I trust your hysteria has been resolved and I will get what I want when the general returns?”

A look of utter fear flooded Ashley’s face and Colter couldn’t stop the pang of uneasiness from gripping him.

Something was wrong.

Terribly wrong.

Ashley rebounded quickly, plastering a bright smile on her luscious lips, making Colter wonder if maybe his instincts were incorrect.

“Yes, the general has made it quite clear that I have nothing to say on the matter.”

What matter? He wanted to ask the question but forced himself to center his emotions. He couldn’t allow Cheri to get an idea that Ashley and he knew each other, and he could only hope she wouldn’t blow his cover.


“But the general did say he is most interested in obtaining the cure for your husband’s virus, Cheri. I intend to make sure he gets what he wants.”

“I bet you always give the general whatever he wants,” Colter couldn’t stop himself from commenting dryly.

He noticed Ashley bristle at his remark. Ouch, sore spot?

“You two know each other?” Cheri Blakely cocked a curious well-manicured eyebrow at the two of them.

“Actually—” Ashley began.

“No, we don’t,” Colter quickly cut her off. “I’m Dr. Colter Van Dusen. My company is Lamp Light Research. And I aim to get them the cure.”

He extended his hand.

She hesitated a moment before slipping her warm fingers against his palm. So soft. So fragile.

Both concern and arousal coursed through him as he shook her hand. He didn’t miss the traditional slave chain jewelry on her wrist, fragile strands that reached out and encircled each of her fingers. Nor did he miss the nervous way her long, black lashes fluttered as her eyes once again darted from him to Cheri and then back to him again.

Instincts about something being wrong kicked in again. Big time.

“Well, Dr. Van…Dusen. It looks as if we want the same cure. Perhaps I should quickly eliminate my competition?”


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Colter stiffened at her remark. Was that a threat? Would she divulge to Cheri Blakely his real identity and screw his chances at getting the cure and exchanging it for his brother?

“Perchance we should meet and discuss this over drinks?” Ashley said. “Maybe I can change your mind about acquiring the cure?”

He was just beginning to register the big six-feet-seven-inch-tall, burly, bald-headed man standing behind Ashley. He was the same bodyguard who had allowed Ashley and himself many spontaneous rendezvouses while he’d stayed at the general’s mansion in Iraq. He remembered that the man couldn’t speak due to his tongue having been cut out by the general and he’d also been castrated among other things to ensure he would never take an interest in Ashley.

The man was eyeing Colter with a rather intense scowl of hatred. Despite his inability to speak, he knew instinctively this guy would break his cover if Ashley gave him the word to do so. He forced himself to take a deep, calming breath and returned his attention to Ashley. A lusty happiness edged away the nervousness in her eyes as she gazed back at him. Rest assured, he’d make sure that look changed to one of pleasure-pain soon enough.

“If your…bodyguard will allow you?”

“He won’t mind. I would be honored to meet you at shall we say five? At the bar?”

“I’ll be there.”

“Well, I’m glad to hear there will be a little healthy competition going on for the cure,” Cheri Blakely cooed. “Just remember there will be three other doctors who will bid, Ashley. You may have to spread your legs for them also.”

At Cheri’s comment, Colter’s self-control slipped a notch.

“I’m sure you’ll get to them before I do,” Ashley said cheerfully as if it were an everyday occurrence for both women to spread their legs for men. Fuck! Who was he kidding? Ashley had done exactly that for Blade and him at the general’s Iraq mansion. He forced himself to bite back a scalding retort that was sure to grab unwarranted attention.

“I must get a move on and check myself in. I’ll see you later, Dr. Van Dusen.”

The intense way Ashley looked at him made his balls swell even harder. Now that he had access to Ashley once again, revenge plans quickly formulated in his thoughts. The big bald-headed bodyguard followed close behind the woman Colter had fallen in love with during the Terrorist Wars. Her cute, rounded ass shimmied against a tight silver dress that hugged her every delicious curve as she headed to the check-in counter.

“Take Reena back to the dungeon to await another customer. When Dr. Van Dusen decides he wants to be serviced by her, be sure she is quickly made available for him,”

Cheri instructed the two muscle men who had brought the pleasure slave forward for him.


Colter’s Revenge

Colter forced himself to stifle the flicker of concern when the men roughly grabbed onto the young woman’s pale upper arms and quickly ushered her back down the hallway. He’d have to mention her to S.K.U.L.L. See if they would extract her based on the rumor of her being with the Resistance.

“Come with me, Doctor, I’ll introduce you to a most wonderful shoeshine while we await for your turn to check into Pleasure Palace.” Cheri chuckled as she linked her arm through Colter’s elbow and led him toward the room where he’d seen the naked woman polishing the man’s shoes.

Just before he entered the side foyer, he allowed himself a quick glance over his shoulder. A glance that allowed him another breathtaking view of the only woman he’d ever wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

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