Colter's Revenge (7 page)

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Authors: Jan Springer

Colter had been at the check-in desk when Ashley’s bodyguard had appeared and presented a note from Ashley requesting the use of the pleasure slave named Reena. Her bodyguard had thrown angry scowls at him, making it very obvious he didn’t like Colter being there. It was a direct contrast to the friendly way he’d behaved toward him at the general’s place in Iraq.

The instant Colter had checked-in, he’d refused the offer of being escorted to his cottage and headed outside where he’d been able to stake out the bodyguard while immediately calling his backup for help. Although the bodyguard wasn’t able to speak and tell anyone his true identity, he could still write a note to anyone and blow his cover. On top of that, he needed the bodyguard out of the way so he could have access to Ashley. A couple of minutes later when Blade and a S.K.U.L.L. member had turned up, he’d instructed the member to take over surveillance, allowing he and Blade to head over to his cottage.

Maybe Ashley had said something?

No, for some damned, unexplainable reason he sensed she wouldn’t hurt him. But she may have said something inadvertently. He’d have to question her when he returned to the cabin. It was imperative he kept his cover. Cheri would drop him like a 37

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hot potato if she discovered he was the one who’d broken her husband’s neck months ago.

“Alas, I wish I could take your gorgeously swollen erection into my mouth, Dr. Van Dusen. I believe yours is the biggest cock I’ve ever had the pleasure of scratching, but I have to leave Pleasure Palace tonight. I have an appointment I cannot miss.”

An odd relief poured through him at her words.

“Seems like it’s my night for getting stood up.”

“Don’t despair. I will return.”

“With the cure, I hope. My company is quite anxious for the bidding war to begin.”

“The cure will show up when the time comes, Dr. Van Dusen. Not to worry.”

Having said that, she kissed him full on the mouth. Her lips were cold as they slid over his and he barely kept himself from gagging before she broke off.

“That should hold you,
mon ami
. Ta-ta.” Waving as she left, Colter slumped with relief into his chair the instant she cleared the doorway. Shit! His balls and cock were on fire. He’d have to check out the damage. But first he needed to get back to Ashley.

* * * * *

Ashley gritted her teeth against the pleasure-pain slicing through her sore, tight nipples. They felt swollen and raw, looked an angry red and needed some tender, loving care pronto.

Colter was right when he’d said her nipples would get sensitive. Son of a bitch. How dare he do this to her?

She wished she could take the rubber rings off, but her hands were firmly cuffed. She’d tried to rub her nipples against the soft edge of the blanket, but the delicate friction grating against her rock-hard nipples had just made her horny. An edge of nervousness zipped through her. What if Colter didn’t come back?

God! Where was that son of a bitch? Why was he so angry? What had happened to the tender, possessive man she’d fallen in love with?

The sound of the doorknob twisting made her catch her breath. As it flung inward, she saw him walking in, and with him came the unmistakable odor of alcohol. He’d been drinking.

His hot gaze immediately grazed over her nudity. Shimmers of delight raced up her spine at the lusty way he looked at her. It almost made her forget he’d tied a collar around her neck and cuffed her.

The bastard knew her fetishes. Being collared and cuffed was one of them. He remembered her weakness of loving to be dominated sexually…unfortunately that’s the only way she wanted to be dominated.

“How are my nipples doing?” he asked.


Colter’s Revenge

He was breathing heavily. His stare hot. Intense. He must have been gone only about twenty minutes, but he seemed different now. The curve of his jaw looked darker with stubble, his voice hoarser as he came toward her. “Are they sore?”

Her pulse roared at the sight of the big bulge pressed against his pants. She might ask the same question about his balls. She held her question back and tore her attention from his pants to find his smoldering gaze drifting to her shaven pussy. She creamed wonderfully.

Irritated at her reaction, she forced anger into her voice. “When are you letting me go?”

“When I’m finished with you,” he replied. Softness splashed into his eyes. Once again he was looking at her as he’d done in the past. Tenderly. Hungrily. She swallowed at the sound of his zipper lowering.

“Would you like a little relief?” he asked her.

Her heart hammered as his hand slid inside his pants.

“First you have to bring me relief.” His last two words slurred.

“You’re drunk.”

“As a skunk,” he laughed.

Her eyes drifted to his pants, to that luscious cock he slid out and held in his hand. She frowned at the sight of the fresh scratch marks etched along his swollen balls and hard shaft.


“You’ve been with Cheri.”

“You jealous?”

She didn’t answer, but she could now smell the other woman’s perfume wafting through the air. The sweet scent sickened her. Infuriated her.

“How do you know I’ve been with Cheri? Her obvious fetish for scratching a man’s balls isn’t something she’d tell just anyone.”

She could barely manage a glare at him despite the overwhelming urge to answer his question.

“Would it help if I told you nothing happened?”

“I’m sure those scratches are a figment of my imagination? That’s how she brands her next man. She wants you, Colter. You won’t have a choice in the matter. She always gets what she wants. Don’t think for a minute sleeping with her will give you a better chance at obtaining that X-virus cure.”

“I have no interest in bedding that woman. But I do have an interest in your hot, little mouth relieving the pain she’s inflicted. If you remember, I’m not into pain, but I can exact it on someone who is, if she really wants it.”

Her tummy clenched wickedly at his words. A side effect of the X-virus C mutation was a heightened enjoyment of the sexual things a woman enjoyed when she was 39

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normal. When she’d been uninfected, she’d enjoyed a little pain with her sex. Now she craved a lot of pain with her pleasure.

But to be turned on by a man who’d stolen her heart, abandoned her and was now treating her like shit. It just wasn’t normal. Thankfully the fog of submissiveness was lifting again. There was still time to get him to do her bidding. Bastard!

“Undo my cuffs.”

He shook his head. “I want you on your hands and knees, Ash. You, as my pleasure slave. Your luscious mouth sucking my cock. Just like old times. Then we’ll talk.”

She couldn’t stop herself from licking her lips. She wanted to taste him. Wanted to remember the silky hardness of his cock in her mouth. To feel the masculine power of his heated length sliding into her throat.

But she needed to stick to her principles. Giving into Colter Outlaw would enslave her heart again, and the last thing she needed right then was another complication in her life.

Damn Colter Outlaw for thinking he could just pick up where they’d left off without so much as an explanation as to why he’d never taken her away from the general as he’d promised.

His gorgeous cock loomed closer. The bright red lashes of another woman’s claw marks looked angry and raw as they mingled with the pulsing web of blue veins. His shaft needed to be comforted. Soothed by a woman’s tender mouth. Her mouth.

“I’m waiting, Starry Eyes,” he said impatiently, his fingers stroking the massive length.

Oh…heavens. She could barely form a coherent thought anymore. Right then all she wanted…no, all she needed was to taste him. To feel his engorged cock in her mouth, sliding down her throat. Needed to remind him how it had been between them when they’d been together. It was the only way she could think of to keep him away from Cheri Blakely.

Her breath hitched in her throat as he grabbed her by her arm and helped her up.

“On your knees, sweetheart.” Pleading gripped his voice.

Sexual tension rippled through her pussy at his command and she sank to her knees onto the warm, plush velvety carpet. Her mouth watered yet again at the sight of the dark silk arrow of hair aiming down to a thick thatch cradling two swollen spheres and his long, thick cock, which was only inches from her mouth. The angry purple mushroom-shaped head pulsed, a drop of pre-come appeared in the slit. She could smell him. Hot, fresh male ready to be devoured. Heart hammering wildly in her ears, she parted her lips and, with the tip of her tongue, gave the tip of his smooth, fat head a long luxurious swipe, sucking the salty dot into her mouth.

Delicious. Absolutely delicious.


Colter’s Revenge

His cock twitched. He groaned. Her nipples tingled in response.

“Bend your knees a little,” she whispered. He did as she asked and she sat up on her knees where she leisurely brushed one nipple and then the other one against his hot cock head, gasping at the pleasure sparks the gentle friction created. She watched as her bound, aching nipples grew even longer, harder, and the intricate web of veins in his shaft pulsed thicker, became engorged as she continued her seductive touches. Then she nudged her breasts away and leaned her mouth closer, placing gentle kisses here and there, relishing his increasingly louder groans. When she reached his thick root, his hand fell away and she took one swollen, scratched, velvety-hard ball into her mouth, sucking gently, tenderly at the scratches with her tongue. He sighed his thanks and moaned with her every ministration. When she was finished sucking and soothing both his balls she let him go, kissing her way back up along the pulsing, hot length to find another bead of pre-come waiting for her.

“God, woman, you are the starry-eyed devil herself,” he whispered harshly as he placed his hand back on the root of his cock and aimed it toward her open mouth. His words warmed her. The instant his silky, hard flesh touched her lips she could feel his tense need, the coiled desire in his cock.

From then on her instincts and pleasuring experience took over. Opening her mouth, she allowed his silky, hard cock to come inside. For a split second she thought of escape, of sinking her teeth into his thick, juicy flesh, of hurting him as she’d been hurt by him.

That thought disintegrated as he said her name again, this time in an almost painful moan. As if his heart were being twisted, broken in the same way hers had been shattered.

He said her name again. This time a plea for her to continue. She hadn’t even realized she’d stopped. She pulled her head back, allowed his erection to slide almost all the way from her mouth before she pulled her head forward again, allowing him to sink back into her mouth all the way to the back of her throat. Instantly she felt the rapid pulse of his cock and began a steady rhythm that matched it. Strangled moans ripped from him as she bobbed, allowing her tongue to caress the length of him, sucking her cheeks inward to fashion the same wet tightness of a woman’s channel.

His breaths grew ragged. The groans higher. His hips bucked against her in a frenzy. His cock grew tighter and suddenly he cried her name once again in warning and she smiled at the warm gush of salty stream sliding down her throat. Greedily she accepted his liquid, her mind bringing her slowly back to the other times she’d done this to him. Times filled with passion.


Jan Springer

A sharp, hot, tingling arousal knotted deep inside her belly. It spread outward, slid into her pussy as she remembered the tender way he’d touched her, had made love to her during those long, hot nights in the general’s palace. Her warm thoughts shattered as he pulled his limp flesh from her throbbing mouth and he slumped onto the bed.

His breaths ragged through the room, his eyes were closed, sweat glistened on his forehead.

Her nipples burned, screamed to be released from their rubber restraints. To be soothed by his loving, hot mouth. Her pussy pounded with wicked anticipation he would in turn go down on her, her clit felt so engorged she knew a few hard rubs and she’d climax violently.

She had to get the cuffs off. Bring herself relief. Get her medicine before the next wave of submissiveness hit.

“I won’t allow you to make a slave out of me. I’m not as stupid and naïve as I was the last time we were together.”

Puzzlement slashed across his face. His eyes popped open. A fierce frown draped his full lips. He looked as if she’d just insulted him.

“I don’t think you’re stupid…or naïve,” he said softly.

God! She’d forgotten how sensitive he could be beneath that confident exterior.

“You sure are acting like it. A woman doesn’t want to be collared and used by a man she—” she was about to say “a man she once loved” then quickly changed her mind. He’d only laugh at her. “A man she hasn’t seen or heard from in years and used as if she’s just a piece of meat, a vessel for his own lust.”

She could hear his breathing slow. Could sense the tenseness between them begin to subside. If only a little.

“Forgive me, Starry Eyes.”


“I should be thinking about your relief too. Come closer so I can take off those rubbers from your nipples.”

Oh darn.

“You can un-cuff me. I’ll take them off.” The last thing she needed was for him to touch her with those gorgeous hands.

“Now you’re acting naïve,” he chuckled.

“Oh come on! I have things I need to do.”

“You mean doctors you need to fuck so you can get a chance at the cure. Maybe even have a go with that bodyguard I took care of.”

“He’s not my bodyguard. He’s one of my husbands,” she lied, hoping he’d get pissed off enough to let her go.


Colter’s Revenge

“The man’s been castrated and he doesn’t even have a tongue to pleasure you with.”

“There are other ways…and I might add he’s quite good, better than some men who are whole.”

That same shocked, horror look she’d seen earlier when she’d told him she was Claimed raced across his face, making her want to tell him the truth. She almost did, but another plan began to formulate. Something that would ensure she could have a better chance at getting the cure.

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