Coming Together: Special Hurricane Relief Edition (7 page)

Read Coming Together: Special Hurricane Relief Edition Online

Authors: Alessia Brio

Tags: #Anthology, #Erotic Fiction, #Poetry

moaned loudly
and jerked her head to the side. Her breathing
was labored and seemed to grow louder as the tempest of the storm
drew nearer and more intense. A delicious pain sweeping across Liz's
shoulders and down her chest. The wind would not be denied tonight
and the sailboats moored nearby rocked precariously, their riggings
slapping wildly at the masts in a cacophony of metallic tone
Trees and bushes swayed according to the ebb and flow of the wind and
the constant rustling of leaves grew above the earlier whisper,
joining the wind with its own swishing noise.

arms struggled weakly in the brunette's grasp before giving up
entirely, letting herself be taken away on the passion of her lover's
storm. Liz slid her fingers down the blonde's wet face, continuing
down her neck on their way to her breast. Sabrina cried out when her
aggressor's fingers closed around her nipple and pinched it roug
removed her thigh from the blonde's sex and
received a groan of frustration from the smaller woman.

looked up into the brunette's face, and
Liz read a distinct
message in her eyes—silently begging for the pressure against
her aching sex to be returned. She was completely unprepared when the
taller woman thrust two fingers inside her, forcing the air from her
lungs. Sabrina's eyes pinched shut, her breath coming in jagged
as her mistress plunged into her again and again. Holding on with all
her power, the little blonde struggled mightily, waiting for the
signal to let go.

storm intensified, lightning and
thunder blotting out all
rational thought and driving the women in their quest for ultimate
surrender. Sabrina chewed her lip in earnest, and Liz could tell the
fires within threatened to consume her if she did not find release
soon. Turning pleading eyes on the brunette, she whimpered and gasped
as her inner walls tightened with every thrust. Just when Liz sensed
that Sabrina was ready to bite the bullet and give in without
permission, she gave a slight nod to give her what she craved.

The moment
she saw the nod Sabrina let go. As quickly as if a switch had been
flipped she shuddered and then stiffened as a primal scream flew from
her upturned lips, joining the rolling thunder and howling winds. It
was as if the power of the storm escalated her pleasure as the first
sharp clap of thunder echoed around them. Sabrina's legs buckled as
if she were being carried away on a powerful gust of wind, her body
sliding down the rocks behind her.

Liz gently
carried her to the sand, knowing the blonde was far, far away; lost
in the storm of her own pleasure. Spurred on by the tempest
surrounding them, Liz straddled the quivering woman and proceeded to
place frenzied kisses all over her slick torso. Sabrina's eyes
fluttered and opened wide as if she'd just woken from a deep slumber,
when Liz's tongue slid up her neck and over her chin. Liz noticed the
return to consciousness and never faltered in her kisses. She hovered
above the blonde for several seconds before firmly pressing her lips
against the blonde's.

opened to the kiss immediately and moaned when the brunette's tongue
plunged into her mouth, hard and demanding, conveying her hunger and
dominance in no uncertain terms. A blinding flash of lightning struck
ground nearby, followed by a deafening crash of thunder, and Liz tore
her mouth from Sabrina's. She threw her head back and ground her
pussy against the blonde's, falling victim to nature's power and
allowing it to fuel her desires. Sabrina, now fully aware of her
surroundings, slid her sandy hands up Liz's sides and dragged her
nails down her lover's back.

she touched, Liz's body was firm, taut with desire that was quickly
turning to need as raw as the thunder and lightning exploding around
them. When the blonde looked up at her again, Liz saw the passion
mirrored in her eyes. It was impossible to decipher their color in
the dark night, but the bright glint reflected in them with every
flash of lightning was enough to convey th
e intensity of the
chaos brewing within. Just when things around her seemed on the
razor's edge of spinning out of control, Liz began to move.

She felt as
if she were stuck in a time warp. All of her physical senses alerted
her to the fury of the storm around her, but intense as it was, the
physical was countered by the deliberate slowness of her face moving
ever closer to Sabrina's. Calm and controlled despite the railing
z was completely focused.
She equated the moment to lying in the eye of a hurricane. Unmeasured
mayhem all around her, close enough to reach out and touch, and yet,
lying over her
lover, she knew she was where
she belonged.

heart pounded harder and harder the closer she got to Sabrina's face.
So strong, so enticing and yet vulnerable somehow, trusting with
everything she had, though her good sense warned against it. Sabrina
was all things at all times, and Liz was constantly amazed at the
variations she had witnessed in their time together. Unpredictable
was perhaps the best word to describe the persistent flux of energy
and emotion that powered Sabrina.

blinding flash of light broke the darkness, illuminating everything
around them. Liz had the inclination to squint against the harsh
light, but never got the chance when the light flashed on her lover's
face. Pale blue eyes grew larger as Sabrina's pupils shrank quickly
against the brightness. She was so focused on the woman above her
that she didn't so much as blink. Liz's breath caught in her throat,
and the vision of Sabrina's face in that instant was burned into her
memory for eternity.

deafening clap of thunder that followed caused Sabrina's hands to
clench, her fingernails tearing into Liz's back. A sudden growl of
surprise and pain proved to be the catalyst for Liz in that moment.
It was as though something literally snapped inside her and before
Sabrina knew what was happening, the brunette had crawled up her body
and momentarily hovered over her. The next thing she was aware of was
a sharp pain at the top of her head as Li
z's fingers wound
into her blonde tresses and jerked her head upward.

Sabrina gave
a low moan. Her mind may have been miles away, but Sabrina's instinct
was firmly in tact and her response was flawless. Liz released the
blonde's hair the instant Sabrina's tongu
e made
contact with her pussy and the electricity coursing through her veins
as a result, was nearly more than she could handle. Falling forward,
Liz caught herself on her hands, her legs splaying wide of their own
accord and forcing her pussy down hard on Sabrina's face.

blonde, unfazed by the increased pressure, wound her arms around
Liz's thighs for purchase and thrust her tongue into her lover's
entrance. So intense was the sensation that Liz's arms gave out,
leaving her weight resting on her elbows and her forehead burrowing
gently in the wet sand. Unable to control her own body, Liz's hips
rode down hard against the blonde's face and she again felt sharp
fingernails penetrating the flesh of her inner thighs as the blonde
continued the torment.

telling tightness that had developed in the small of Liz's back was
the only warning she got that she was close, but she was still
completely unprepared when Sabrina's tongue dusted over her clit. The
first swipe was much more intense than she had expected and in very
short order, a massive explosion ripped through her. Liz's head flew
off the sand, her hands flying to Sabrina's hair, pulling the little
woman's face hard against her throbbing pussy. Sabrina seemed to go
into overdrive, punishing Liz's clit with her tongue.

head fell back when a second climax rocked her to her core, and she
released the blonde's hair as all strength left her body. Leaned back
as she was, Liz went limp and fell against Sabrina's legs, her head
cradled neatly between the blonde's knees as her chest heaved wildly
to restore her vitals to a normal state. Liz had no idea how long
she'd been unconscious, but when she awoke there was a soft gentle
rain falling over her. The wind had dissipated into a gentle breeze
and the only lightning that could be seen was a faint flashing glow
in a heavy line of clouds far off in the distance.

thoughts were unclear, and she had to blink several times in order to
regain her focus, but even that didn't help her understand why she
was lying outdoors in the rain. A healthy shudder rocked her frame
just then, followed by a soft warm tongue sliding lazily over her
pussy, and the night's events came rushing back with startling
clarity. Liz moaned softly and reached down between her thighs where
she found her lover's face. Liz breathed deeply and sat up, sliding
her body down Sabrina's until they were face to face again.

half expected to see a beaming look of triumph on the little woman's
features, but she should have known better. Sabrina lived and
breathed to please her. She always had. Liz realized then, as she
stared into those blue-green eyes, that she could weather any storm
she came upon, as long as Sabrina was with her. She closed her eyes
then and gently pressed her lips to the smaller woman's. She was
vaguely aware of the soft splash of tiny raindrops dancing over her
back, but was soon lost to all outside sensation as her tongue traced
along the blonde's pale pink lips.

kiss was everything the storm wasn't, slow and gentle, soothing and
calm. Their hearts beat in unison for the next several breaths and it
wasn't until a small giggle bubbled up in Sabrina that either of them
broke away from the kiss.

so funny?" Liz asked with a smile, pulling back to look into the
blonde's face.


look on Liz's face said it all, because a deep belly laugh rolled out
of Sabrina, tickling the woman on top of her into a fit of laughter
as well.

glad you find this mop so humorous, Blondie. Yours is looking pretty
ragged too, ya' know?"

got just the thing," Sabrina said and stood, holding out her
hand to the brunette.

helped Liz to her feet and led her to the water where they dove into
its inky blackness. Together they swam until their nude bodies were
cleansed of sand and cooled from their wanton exploits on the beach.
Joining hands again, they walked up the beach toward the hammock. No
trace of the week's heat could be found, but Sabrina automatically
climbed into the hammock instead of going back to the house. Liz
hesitated a moment but couldn't resist joining Sabrina when the
little woman opened her arms invitingly and said, "Come home, my

~ ~ ~



it get any fucking hotter? I can no longer thrash about on my cotton
sheets, waiting for some errant breeze to caress my skin and cool me
down. I try writing to break the monotony of the heat, but I find
that my concentration only lasts for so long before I am sweating and
swearing yet again, pathetically shaking my fist at the unforeseen

know that everyone is suffering and that they, too, are just as
crabby as I am. I equate this feeling to the frustration of being
with a bad lover; someone who can get you excited but lacks the skill
to get you off. It's that momentary space in time where you linger,
waiting on the perch of perfection before soaring off into an abyss
of physical pleasure, almost there but just out of reach. The heat is
a teasing, taunting bitch. And I do realize it's a rare day that I
don't like to lay in the suns rays, but the energy it takes to put on
a bathing suit nearly escapes me.

knows how bitchy I get when the heat sucks at us like this. She is
that all-patient person and that just irritates me all the more. Why
can't I be more like her? She's from the south and used to these
itinerant heat waves, but living in the northeast is vastly different
from anything she's ever known.

don't have air conditioning simply because we live on the shore of
the Atlantic. The light southeasterly winds we normally enjoy have
been blowing in ridiculously arid and dry. So, we have decided to
move our bed onto the beach for the time being. We bought a special
canvas hammock that sleeps two and set it up high on the beach, just
out of reach of the water line at high tide. It's a huge hammock with
mosquito netting that hangs down from one end to the other from a
special overhead attachment. This weather seems to have made the
insects irritable as well, and I certainly don't want to be the one
they vent their frustrations on.

bamboo that grows around the perimeter of the beach acts as a natural
fence and provides wonderful shade. Our beach is private, but most of
the locals will come to swim if they want. As long as the gate is
open, they know they are welcome. We've been closing the gate at
night so that we might have some peace and quiet.

works at the hospital as a pediatric nurse. She has the patience of a
saint while I have the patience of a gnat. The only good thing about
her working while I stay at home is the fact that she can spend her
busy days inside with the A/C. I think this might be why she is so
empathetic about my grumpiness. Believe me, when I get like this, I
don't even like me.

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