Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (12 page)

“You’re correct. We need to prepare for the unexpected. We suspect at least one of the men has infiltrated our group,” Garth said. “We have a suspect. When you visit I’ll be sure he is at one of our gatherings. I’d like to see if you can pick him out. If you do we can be fairly certain we’re right.”

“You can bring him here. We have a machine that can tap into his memories. We can find out their plans if he knows them.”

“Really?” Cad stared at Mitch. “We don’t have such an invention, but we have others. With the three tribes rejoined we’ll be able to share our knowledge.”

“In the future, when we are sure we can trust you,” Mitch added.

Garth leaned across the table. He frowned and stared directly at Mitch. “That goes both ways.”

“Of course,” Mitch agreed.

“Once we marry Rae, she will be the bridge to bring us together.” Cad pulled on Garth’s arm for him to sit back.

“Our sister won’t be a pawn in your plans. You won’t marry her until we’re sure you sincerely love her, and only if she agrees.” Daren spoke harshly.

Cad glanced around the group. “We’re all tired and edgy. Let’s call it a night and meet in the morning.”

“Fine.” Mitch stood and went to the door. “I’ll escort you out.” As Garth walked by Mitch, Mitch added, “Maybe tomorrow you’ll tell us what else you’re hiding.”

Garth tensed. Cad pushed him on by Mitch, and then they waited for Mitch to lead them out. Sara and Daren followed.


* * * *


Mitch closed the door after Cad and Garth had left. He hugged Sara and kissed her soft lips. “I’d hoped you’d join us sooner.”

“Our son had a nightmare. The bad men were after him. I came as soon as I could get him quieted.”

“Let’s go sit in the study,” Daren said.

“There is a nip in the air. A fire in the fireplace would be nice and romantic.” Sara winked at her two men.

“I’m all for that.” Daren swung her into his arms and carried her down the hall.

“Me, too,” Mitch said. “But first I want to hear Sara’s second impressions of Cad and Garth.”

Daren placed her in her favorite chair and began to start the fire. Mitch sat across from her.

“I’m not as good as Elle.”

“You’ve learned a lot. You do well. They’ll be on their guard more when they meet her.”

“Whereas they think I’m just a simple wife and mother.”

“Honey, you’ve never been simple,” Mitch teased. “Tell us your impressions quick. Then we can get to the fun.”

“As I said before, I like Cad. He’s reserved, calm, a clear thinker. Garth is deeper. He hides himself behind layers of protection. He’s much more on guard, but then he is one of their leaders. I believe he’s committed and serious about his responsibilities. But with him I’d be on guard until he tells you what he is hiding. He doesn’t trust you or Daren enough yet to expose himself. He is sincere about wanting to join with us to strengthen the whole.”

She gazed across at Mitch. Her sweet smile made him want to kneel in front of her and smother her with kisses. The bond between the three of them had strengthened with every year of their marriage. When they’d kidnapped her by mistake, it was the luckiest day in his and Daren’s life.

“But there are significant agreements you need to make, as I’m sure you are aware, before the three tribes are totally reunited,” Sara added.

Mitch smiled. “You are a wise woman. I’m glad you decided to marry Daren and me.”

“Hear, hear, I agree.” Daren rose from in front of the fireplace. “As you requested, Madam. A fire.”

“Daren, I think we can agree to join them in the coming fight with whatever or whoever is the enemy for all of us. But we’ll leave the question of reuniting permanently for later,” Mitch said.

“Sounds like a good plan. Can we please play now?” Daren’s eyes twinkled at Sara.

Mitch grabbed Sara into his arms. “That rug is nice and soft, and the fire will keep you warm.”

“Remember to lock the door,” she told Daren. “We have little ones who might wander in.”

“Got it, darlin’,” Daren said as he pushed in the lock.


* * * *


Cad and Garth strolled toward their cabin. Garth flipped his cell open. “I got Jack’s number before he went to the hospital with Rae. I’m going to ask if we can visit her.” Garth punched in the numbers.

“Jack, this is Garth. How’s Rae?”

“She has a fever and the wound doesn’t look good. I’m starting her on intravenous antibiotics.”

“Can we see her?”

“She’s delirious, but if you are truly her soul mates, you might be able to calm her down without me having to give her more medicine. Where are you?”

“Almost to the cabin where we’re staying.”

“I’ll pick you up in a few minutes.”

Garth closed his phone. “They put something bad on the beaks. Rae’s sick. We’ll see her, and then decide if we need to call and talk with our doctor. In the study of shape-shifters I’m sure he’s more advanced than Jack.”

“You think the birds were shape-shifters and not avifauna with manipulated genes?”

“In the past that’s probably how they started, but they’ve come a long way since our ancestors left the planet. I saw the man’s eyes inside the bird. He realized when he took the fatal wound.”

“When are you going to tell them about you and the others?”

“Not yet,” Garth whispered. “Here comes Jack’s truck.”

Jack leaned across and opened the door. “Get in. We need to get back. Her temperature spiked higher.”

Cad swung into the backseat. Garth sat in front. Jack drove fast on the narrow paved road. In the distance they saw the lights of the hospital.

“You have a modern facility.”

“The old one was too small. It was torn down about ten years ago, and we built this one. We have anything they’d have in a larger metropolitan facility.”

As soon as Jack parked, all three jumped out. They took quick strides into the building and onto the elevator.

“She’s on eight. It’s our ICU unit. I have her isolated for now since we have no idea what we’re dealing with. Some of us have already been exposed. There’s no need to take any further chances. My wife is a scientist. She took a sample of my blood and Rae’s earlier to study. Maybe she’ll find something to help us.”

Jack stopped in front of a room. “You’ll need to wear a gown and mask,” he instructed them. “Inside the entryway, wash your hands and put on gloves.”

“If we put on gloves she won’t feel our touch,” Garth complained.

“She will. If she is as receptive to you two as your true mate would be.” He raised an eyebrow, clearly challenging Garth.

“I like you.” Garth grinned, put on his gown and mask, then went into the alcove to wash and glove up.

Rae was thrashing her head back and forth on the pillow and moaning. Sweat formed on her brow, face, and body. Jack listened to her heart.

“Whatever is inside her is putting stress on her heart. Her heartbeat is rapid and irregular, not good.”

Garth went to one side and Cad to the other. Garth took her hand, and Cad placed his on her brow.

“We’re here, Garth and me and your physician, Jack. You will get better. We’ll help. Feel our energy flowing through you.” Cad reached for Jack’s hand, and Jack took hold of Garth’s. “A complete circle of wellness is flooding your blood, circulating throughout your veins from the top of your head to the ends of your toes. Hear my voice. Concentrate on my words. Listen to me. We will push the darkness out.” Cad continued to recite the words over and over. After about thirty minutes, her movements slowed, and her skin began to cool. She shivered from her wet gown and the damp sheets.

“Amazing,” Jack whispered. “I’ve never seen such a quick improvement. Will it last?”

Cad let go and flexed his hands, as did the other two. “Perhaps or we might have to try a few more times. If it doesn’t last after three times trying, it won’t be a permanent cure.”

“Well, it gives us time to find out what we’re dealing with. I’m going out to call my wife and see if she’s found anything in the blood. Are you two staying?”

“Yes, until she’s out of danger.”

Chapter Eleven


The nurse came in and shooed them out while she changed Rae’s wet gown and bedsheets. Garth and Cad paced the hospital corridor. As soon as the nurse left they went back inside.

Rae was pale, but lying quietly. Cad touched her skin. “She’s still cool. Maybe the healing circle worked.” He sat on one side of her and Garth on the other.

“Daren wouldn’t know to check the cowboys for a bullet wound. I’m going to call Mitch. The other bird was hit at least once,” Garth said.

“It’s a good idea, but you can tell him.” Cad nodded his head toward the door.

“How is she?” Mitch asked. He and Daren strode into the room, dressed in their gowns, masks, and gloves.

Cad recounted the healing circle they’d done. “Did you hear what Garth said?”

“Yes. I’ll have our foreman, Lang Connor, and some of the men he trusts do the checking.” He looked at Garth with questions in his eyes, but when Garth shrugged, he stepped away from the bedside to call Lang. He gave Lang the information, and then went back to the Rae’s bedside. Daren squeezed her hand. There was no response. “Has she been awake at all?”

Garth stood by Daren. “Not since we’ve arrived.”

Garth glanced at Cad when he saw the slight trembling return.

Cad gathered them all around the bed. “We take hands. I’ll say the words and you put your other hand on her body and send healing thoughts to her.

If this doesn’t work I’ll have to convince them to allow me time with her alone. But they are going to want explanations I’m not ready to give. Still, I won’t let her die.
Garth moved to the top of her bed and placed one hand over her heart, and held out the other to Daren.

Cad placed his hand on her forehead, and Mitch and Daren held one of her hands. Cad started to speak. Garth noticed her heart skip a beat, but then it steadied at the sound of Cad’s voice.

“I love you, Rae. You must come back to Cad and me. We will treasure you, protect and comfort you. You are the woman for us. No one else can do. Healing warmth is a golden stream pouring into your blood and circulating to your every cell. Come back, Rae. You are needed and loved.”
Garth said the words silently over and over as Cad spoke out loud.

“Her trembling and fever didn’t get as bad this time, and her body responded a few minutes quicker.” Cad brushed his masked mouth across her forehead and stepped back. Garth kissed her through his mask. Mitch and Daren held her hands to their chests.

“She is surrounded by love,” Cad said. “If this doesn’t bring her back I doubt doing it one more time will make a difference.”

Mitch’s cell rang. “Hello. You do? Yes, take him headquarters. We’ll be right there.” He flipped his phone shut.

“Lang was lucky. They found a cowboy, not ours, who they suspect is our culprit. He was hidden in some bushes across from the hospital. Lang said he suspected the man was hoping to sneak into the ER and steal supplies for his injury. Do you two want to come with us for the interrogation?”

“Cad, you go,” Garth said. “I’ll be along, but I want to stay here and see if she has any more problems.”

Mitch put his hand on Garth’s shoulder. “Thanks. I’d rather not see her left alone. I can send Sara to sit with her.”

“I’ll call when I’m ready to leave,” Garth said.

He was impatient for them to go. He pulled his chair close to her bed and held her hand. He’d started to close his eyes when Jack returned. Jack checked her temperature and her eyes and tongue.

“She’s got a low-grade temp now. That’s much better than earlier. Her pupils dilate. Has she responded verbally yet?”

“No. We did another healing circle when her brothers and Cad were still here. I’m going to sit with her for a while.”

“Fine. Call the nurse if you have any concerns. My wife hasn’t been able to isolate the poison yet. She’ll continue to work on it. I’m going to sleep in my office. If you need me, call. I can be here in minutes.”

“Thanks, Jack. I won’t forget your help.”

“Hey, she’s one of ours. Everyone loves Rae.” He waved good-bye and went out.

Finally, he was alone. Garth took hold of her hand and closed everything out of his mind but her. Silently he chanted the magic words his mother taught him when he was three years old. Over the years she’d instructed him in the power of their gift. She’d stressed it must not be used indiscriminately. He sent the words from his mind to Rae’s over and over.

A whisper sounded in his head.

He opened his eyes. Rae lay quiet. Her eyes were still closed. Taking a deep breath, he sank back into his trance.

“Can you hear my thoughts, Rae?”
Telepathically he sent the words to her. At first there was no reply, and then he felt her fingers stir in his hand.

“It is safe to wake up, my love. You will get well and strong.”
He repeated the message in his head then opened his eyes.

Her purplish-blue eyes stared at him. “It is you. I thought I was dreaming.” She glanced at the bed and around the room to the window where the first dawn light began to brighten the sky.

“I must have slept all night. Hopefully Jack will release me this morning. What are you doing here?”

“Watching over you.”

“Was I in danger?”

“Not with me here. And Cad and your brothers have been by to check on you. They’ve caught the man we think you shot. They’re questioning him.”

Rae smiled. But her eyes closed, and she sank into a deep, healthy sleep. Garth called Mitch.

“She’s better. You can send Sara. I’d like to catch up on what you all are doing at your headquarters.”

“Sara is ready. She planned to go visit Rae soon whether you called or not.”

“I’ll be waiting for her.” Garth hung up and sat by the bed to hold Rae’s hand until Sara arrived.


* * * *


Cad must have ridden back with Mitch and Daren. He had left the truck for Garth. Garth stepped on the gas. He wanted to find out how much information the man had given them. Had the ones sent from their home planet discovered Garth was a shape-shifter? If so, did the man tell Rae’s brothers?

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