Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (4 page)

“How silly to get upset by weird dreams. Seeing a white leopard would be a very rare occurrence.”

“Don’t downplay the dreams. Sara’s been working with the Priestess for a long time now. Her psychic abilities have improved immensely.”

“I know. I didn’t mean to be rude. But really I’ll be all right. Forgive me, but I want to be away from everyone on the ranch. I need this time alone. Jewel is not intrusive. She’ll give me plenty of space.”

“All right, but call if you have the slightest inkling of trouble.” Daren took hold of her shoulders. “We love you, Sis.”

Tears filled her eyes, but she blinked them rapidly away. A lump formed in her throat. “I love you all, too.”

Daren pulled her into his arms and hugged her. “We want you to meet the right person or persons and be happily in love.” He leaned back and smiled. “We all believe it will happen for you. Maybe it already has.”

Rae walked to her dresser and put powder on her nose and under her eyes. “You’re talking about Cad.”


“I’m not ready to love anyone. Too much has happened lately.”

Daren picked up her suitcases and started out of the room. He glanced back. “Love tends to come along whether we’re ready or not.” He winked at her and strode toward the kitchen and out the door. Rae grabbed her purse and hurried after him.


* * * *


Jewel put Rae’s suitcase in the guest bedroom. She turned and gave Rae a hug. “I can’t believe you’re here. I made a pot of chili, cornbread, and a pitcher of tea. Get comfortable and join me in the kitchen.”

Rae took a deep breath after Jewel left the room. A sense of calm had settled in her as they’d driven the winding highway to Jewel’s cottage. They had passed the nearest small town where Rae had often visited during her previous trips here. When they had gotten out of the car, the scent of pine and a whiff of fresh, cool air had greeted her. She’d been tempted many times to build a place similar to Jewel’s and in the same vicinity. There was something about the area that drew her to it. Maybe she’d go by a realtor office and check out places for sale.

She walked into the adjoining bathroom and splashed her face with cold water, then unbraided her hair and leisurely brushed the long strands out until they fell soft on her shoulders and back. Even little things like letting her hair go free made her feel looser, more refreshed. From the kitchen, the smell of Jewel’s chili permeated the small house. Taking quick strides, she went to join her friend.

Jewel was turned toward the stove, and sunlight sparkled through the window onto her unusual hair. It was an indefinable color, a mixture of blonde, gold, dashes of red, and some dark brown. It looked to Rae as though a beautician took a bit of all the colors and threw them onto Jewel’s head.

She was tall like Rae, but thinner. Since many thought the really beautiful had to be skinny, there were those who would say Rae was too plump. Rae had often envied Jewel her hair and her figure.

“You’re deep in thought,” Jewel said.

“I was remembering how much I envy you your sexy body and gorgeous hair.”

“Yeah, until Nate came along and made you realize you were a beauty yourself.”

Rae frowned and shook her head. “It was a teenage crush. Nothing more.”

“Do you mean you’ve finally quit waiting for him? I hope so. I never did like him that much.”

“You never said anything.”

“I didn’t feel I could until you realized yourself that you deserved better. What happened to open your eyes?”

“He came home for a visit with a wife and son.”

“Shit!” She turned from stirring the chili. “Are you all right? I would go and put my foot in it.”

“I wish I had made the decision myself. I’ve spent valuable time pining over a man who never wanted me.”

“Well, it’s not too late to look for someone else.”

“Do you ever want to marry, Jewel?”

Jewel took her time answering. She poured the chili into bowls and set the cornbread on the table. Then she poured their tea and joined Rae.

“I’ve thought about that question,” she answered. “I decided I wouldn’t marry. Not unless the chemistry just knocked me right off my feet.” She glanced around her cheery kitchen. “I love my home and my work. My life is simple and unencumbered. I don’t see that changing.”

“How’s the painting going?”

“Good. I have a steady list of requests. People send me pictures over the Internet to paint from or they tell me their idea. No fuss, no shop, and the customers come mostly from other satisfied patrons.”

“Do you ever think about returning to the ranch?”

“Not to live full-time.”

Rae tried the chili. “This is as great as I remember.”

Jewel picked up her spoon. “Care to tell me about meeting Nate and his family?”

Rae gave her a quick rundown of the previous night. When she finished, neither one of them spoke for a while.

Jewel took their empty bowls to the sink. “I sense you need privacy and quiet. I have a painting I want to finish. Take all the time you need, and if you want to talk knock on my studio door.”

“Thanks, Jewel. I knew you’d understand. I’ll clean up the kitchen. You go to work.”

Jewel dried her hands and headed out the back door. Behind her cottage she’d had a separate large room built with just the right configuration of windows to give her the best light. Rae watched her step across the paving stones and into the door to her hideaway.

After cleaning up, Rae put on her hiking boots and tucked the legs of her jeans into them. Jewel had hiking poles that Rae took with her on her walks, just in case she ran into a critter. Hopefully, the poles would scare him off. So far, she hadn’t had a problem.

She tied a sweater across her shoulders. Underneath the tall trees the temperature could drop several degrees, especially at dusk. Rae struck out along a narrow path to the left, one she’d followed many times. It was late afternoon. She didn’t plan to go far. Pine scent and the whistle of the breeze greeted her, brittle needles crunched under her feet, and several birds she’d disturbed flew into the blue sky.

Rae knew where she was headed. A small lake sat in the middle of the tall trees fairly close to Jewel’s cabin. She took long strides in the direction toward the pond.

This was exactly what she needed, exercise, rest, fresh air, and no responsibility to anyone. She shrugged her shoulders as though to throw off her cares, and laughed at her thoughts.


* * * *


Hidden behind the trees, Garth Sherwyn had shape-shifted into his white leopard persona and his brother, Raoul, was in his silver wolf form. They watched Rae circle the lake and then sit on a large rock at the edge.

Is she the one?”
Raoul turned to look at his brother, Garth. He communicated telepathically.

“She fits Cad’s description. We’ll stay and see that she returns to her friend’s house safely.”

Garth saw her glance around as though sensing she wasn’t alone. Cad had said she had strong psychic powers. Had she picked up on their telepathic communications? She stood and turned. It was the first clear frontal view of her he’d seen.

With his keen eyesight, he was able to see her purplish-blue eyes and golden-tan skin. Her long, jet-black hair fell almost to her waist. Her tall, lush body had curves in all the right places. He struggled not to growl his approval. He raised his nose and drew in a breath of air. A faint hint of citrus and woman curled inside his nostrils. His, his mate and his cousin Cad’s. The woman they’d been waiting for. He could barely hold in the huge growl that simmered in his chest. His legs ached to run to her, to show himself. He stomped down his desire and kept his control. Soon they would be married and mated. If all went well. He intended to see it did.

Inwardly, he grinned when she picked up the walking poles and held them out as though ready to strike. If he wanted her right now, he’d snap those poles like matchsticks.

She started to walk back. He nodded to Raoul, and they followed her until she was safe inside the cottage.

Raoul stood beside Garth looking at the studio. In a minute they saw her friend walk the short distance to her house.

Garth, still shifted as the white leopard, nodded toward the woman.
“You desire her?”


“She will be yours, when the time is right. First Cad and I must have our bride.”

Raoul nodded his head.
“Do I stand guard tonight?”

“Yes, I have to shape-shift and call Cad. I want to get our business rolling.”

“Do you think Mitch Stanton and Daren Connor will agree with your offer?”

“We have to step lightly and feel our way until we know them better. But yes, I plan to succeed. For the sake of our tribe and theirs.”

Chapter Four


Rae glanced at Jewel as she came in the door, and then turned back to the window. Something or someone was out there. She was almost certain.

“What are you looking at?” Jewel asked.

“Nothing. I can’t see anyone. Yet I’m sure I wasn’t alone out by the lake.”

Jewel grabbed two glasses and put ice and tea in them. “Come sit at the table with me.”

Rae was reluctant to leave the window, but seeing Jewel’s determined face, she relented and joined her. She took a long drink of the sweet, cold tea.

“This is good. I hadn’t realized I was thirsty.”

“What makes you think you weren’t alone?”

“I felt someone watching me. At first I gloried in the feeling of being free. Being miles from another person except you. Then as I walked around the lake that sense of freedom left. My body warmed as though eyes were trained on me. Trying not to be obvious, I searched the area.”

“You didn’t see anyone though.”

“No. But I’m also almost certain I was followed back here.”

“I’ve had the same sensations,” Jewel said.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I was sure it was just from being alone too much. And it only happened once.”


“Early this morning. I went out for my walk. An uneasy feeling crept up my spine, so I turned back. When I got home, I locked the doors and looked out the window. I thought I saw a silver wolf in the thicket near the house. But in the blink of an eye whatever it was had gone.

“I’m sorry. You might have been hurt. I should have warned you. I’d convinced myself what happened earlier was an illusion, brought on by spending too much time alone.”

Rae’s thoughts went back to last night. She’d mentioned Jewel’s name. Had Cad arranged for someone to keep an eye on her? If he did, he had no right, and she planned to tell him so. He couldn’t just burst into her life and take over.

“You look awfully fierce. What are you thinking?”

“There’s someone I didn’t mention. He drove me to the party last night.” She told Jewel about meeting Cad and going to the party with him. She left out their sexual encounter.

“The man seems determined we’ll marry. He believes he’s stronger than me and will wear me down.”
And he might if my body has its way.
She stared across at Jewel and spoke firmly. “He’s in for a surprise.”

“From your description he sounds very sexy. How can you resist him, and are you sure you want to?”

“I’ve had enough of men.”

“I guess so. You just found out about Nate yesterday.”

“Yes, and it was one of the longest days in my life. I’m more angry at myself than anything. In my mind, he was strong and honest like my brothers. Sure, he told me not to wait, but he knew I had. He’s talked with his parents and seen them when they visited him. He was a coward about facing me. I’m sure he still wouldn’t have if Mitch and Daren had not insisted. I have no respect for him, but his little son almost brought me to my knees. Nathaniel looks like Nate except for his eye color.”

Rae lowered her head. “All those years I dreamed of us having children, of us having a son like Nathaniel.”

She tried to brush the tears off her face.

Jewel walked to Rae, and put her arms around her. “There’s something better waiting for you. You’re special. Whoever it is, he will be special, too, and maybe it will be this Cad. What’s his full name?”

Rae laughed, but it sounded harsh to her ears. “You’ve heard of him. He’s the great attorney, Caedmon Quinlain.”

“No way. I’ve seen him on television. Not lately but in the past. Honey, he is one fine-looking gentleman. If you don’t want him, I may.”

Rae knew from Jewel’s voice and expression that she was teasing. Still, a whisper of jealousy lit inside her. She pushed it down. Ridiculous, even if they had been intimate, she still didn’t know the man that well.

“Let’s not talk about this anymore. I want to relax and not think about the ranch or men. When I go for my next walk I’ll be ready in case I have to defend myself. Do you still have that extra pistol?”


“You should carry yours, and I’ll borrow your other one. If anyone or thing threatens me I’ll shoot.”

“I agree. It’s best to be prepared. I have a license to carry a concealed weapon. You can use my holster for yours.”

“Fine. When we finish dinner, I’m going to my room to meditate.” Rae went to the fridge. “I saw you had chicken cooked. I’ll make a fruit and chicken salad.”

“Thanks. I’ll shower and change out of these clothes that smell like paint.”

Rae busied herself with cutting and chopping vegetables, fruit, and the chicken. She hummed to keep her thoughts away. Gradually her sense of peace and quiet was restored.


* * * *


Garth paced around the cabin they’d rented. Her scent still tingled in his nose. He wanted to see her again, and to touch her, if only briefly.

This morning he’d stood outside her friend’s cabin watching. She didn’t come out. The friend went into her art studio as usual.

“What are you going to do besides pace all day?” Raoul asked. He frowned at Garth. “You’re making me antsy. Sit down.”

“I’m going into town. There’s a good chance she’s forgot to pack something and will head to the store. You watch the cabin. If I’m wrong contact me.”

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