Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (5 page)

“All right. I’m wearing camouflage today instead of shifting. Her friend will work until noon, and she won’t see me if she looks in my direction.”

Garth nodded and headed to his room to remove his sweats and put on jeans and a shirt. Today, he’d find a way to meet her. Desire swirled through his blood at the thought.

They’d rented a truck. Garth waved at his brother and drove toward town. Crisp, cool air blew in the windows. He liked this country. There was plenty of cover for letting his leopard out to run at night. He had two distinct parts. Would she accept both? He’d make sure she couldn’t resist.

He spotted her friend’s black SUV as soon as he drove onto Main Street. It was a small town, and she walked out of City Hall at that moment. He drove on down past three or four cars and trucks before he parked. In the rearview mirror he saw her cross the street to a real estate office.

What a good place to meet
. He’d worn boots with his jeans. Reaching in the backseat, he grabbed his tan cowboy hat and put it on. Then he strolled to the office where she had gone in.

She was sitting in front of a desk, on the right, talking to a blonde-haired woman about the same age as her. Both glanced his way as the bell on the door jingled.

“Hello, ladies.” Garth took off his hat and smiled. “Don’t let me interrupt.” He walked toward a chair placed against the wall. “I’ll wait.”

The blonde turned back to her customer. “As I was saying, there are several parcels of land available for sale. I have an eleven o’clock appointment, but afterwards I can drive you to see them. Two of the best have houses on the property.”

“Ahem, I hate to interrupt again. But I’m looking for the same thing. Perhaps I might ride with you ladies?”

“Do I know you?” The realtor wrinkled her forehead.

“Your partner rented my brother and I the Turner cottage for the month. We like the land, and thought we might buy here.”

She pushed her hair back and smiled. “Wonderful. We’re always pleased to have new neighbors.” She turned to Rae. “Do you mind if he goes with us?”


* * * *


Rae studied the man. He must be at least six three or six four. He’d removed his hat, and his hair was blond. The bright color shone in the overhead light. His blue plaid shirt stretched across broad shoulders and tight abs. Snug jeans hugged lean hips and long legs. For some reason, she didn’t want to look directly into his face. He worried her. Being around him made her hackles rise, as the old saying went. Still, she had no concrete reason to refuse.

“I guess not.” Rae finally answered the woman’s question.

“I’m Gayle Hutson.” The realtor walked around Rae and put out her hand.

“Garth Sherwyn. Pleased to meet you, Miss Hutson.”

“Please call me Gayle.”

The woman wasn’t very subtle. Her blinking eyelashes and cheesy smile made it evident to Rae and certainly to the man that she was flirting. It irritated Rae. She started to say she’d come back another day when he turned and looked directly into her eyes.

He had an aristocratic face with an aquiline nose. His sky-blue eyes seemed to search into her soul. She tried to look away, but couldn’t. Her face heated with the unexpected desire which had flared to life in her core. What was happening to her?

“And what is your name?” His powerful voice rolled along every nerve ending.

She tried to break the spell. “Rae,” she said, leaving off the rest.

A whimsical smile touched his sensuous lips. “Only Rae?”

“I hardly see the necessity of full introductions. We will never see each other again.”

“Perhaps, and perhaps not.” He turned back to Gayle. “Is there a restaurant where I might take Rae to have lunch and get better acquainted?”

Rae wanted to laugh except none of this was a laughing matter. Gayle obviously wanted to go with them. She’d glanced at the door as though hoping her next appointment wouldn’t show. Rae was sure he knew the realtor wanted to be included.

She knew for certain when he added, “If your appointment doesn’t show you could join us.”

Gayle brightened. “I may be able to. She’s already ten minutes late. But you two go ahead. Cross the street and go to the left one block. You can’t miss the Sampson place. They have good home cooking.”

“Thank you. Rae, will you join me?”

As if she had a choice. She didn’t want to make a scene, and he knew it. His bright eyes sparkled with mischief.

“Thank you. I am hungry. Hopefully you’ll be able to join us, Miss Hutson.”

Garth put his arm out. “Shall we?”

She didn’t want to touch him. All her nerves were tingling, and sending off warning bells. His eyebrow arched as though questioning her reaction. Gayle frowned at her.

Taking a deep breath, Rae said, “Of course.” But she walked past his arm and went out the door. He followed close behind. His musky male scent blew around her. At the door of the restaurant, he reached by her and pushed the door open, then put his hand at the small of her back to escort her inside.

A jolt shook her body, not unlike Cad’s touch. She glanced at him, and his face was right there. He was so close if she leaned a half inch their lips would touch. She thought she saw a flash of fire in his eyes. They’d turned a silvery blue. She licked her dry lips and saw the flash again.

It took all her will power to turn and walk quickly out of his reach. A tired, thin-looking waitress headed their way with menus.

“Come with me. We have a booth toward the back.”

Rae silently groaned. Garth chuckled. How did he know? She hadn’t made a sound. When she slid into the booth, he sat beside her.

“We’ll leave room for Gayle.”

“Who the hell are you, and what do you want?” She frowned at him and edged closer to the wall to put space between them.

“You know who I am. I introduced myself. I also explained I’m looking for acreage.”

“Huh, you might fool Gayle. You don’t fool me. I’ll be watching you.”

“And I will be watching you.” He lifted her hand unexpectedly and kissed her palm.

Rea jerked her hand back, but it was too late. Fire sparked down her spine, and her pussy clenched with hunger.

“Get back from me or I’ll scream.”

He picked up the menu as though nothing had happened between them. “The homemade soup sounds good.” Those wicked, enchanting eyes stared into hers. “You won’t scream. Not until I make love to you. Then you’ll scream with pleasure.”

Her pussy wept with desire. She was in a world of trouble.

Chapter Five


Rae was relieved when Gayle joined them. She slid into the seat across from Rae and Garth.

“My appointment hasn’t come, and my partner came back. I’m hungry, so this gives me a chance to eat before we go on our ride. The properties aren’t close together. It will take a couple of hours to see the three I have in mind.”

Gayle dominated the conversation and flirted continuously with the man at Rae’s side.
It gave Rae a chance to get her equilibrium back. As he talked to Gayle, Rae tried to read his thoughts. With most people she had no difficulty. Although she never tried without permission, unless she was on assignment or asked to for a specific, very good reason. She justified her actions on needing to know this man’s agenda to protect herself.

But she hit a brick wall, figuratively speaking. No amount of effort could get the tiniest speck of information. Who the hell was he? Suddenly, he glanced her way and opened his mind.

“I’m your destiny.”
Then he turned to continue his conversation with Gayle.

Shocked, Rae wanted to get away. To have time to think. But no. She mustn’t look weak or frightened. She’d only ordered soup and managed to finish it and her tea. She excused herself to go to the ladies’ room while he and Gayle finished eating.

Rae locked the door. She stared into the mirror, closed her eyes, and took several deep breaths. When she reopened her eyes she felt calmer. She’d better get back to the table before they started wondering what had happened to her.

She touched up her lipstick before returning. Garth stood when she arrived back at the table. “We’re through. Gayle”—he smiled at the woman getting out of the booth—“is ready to show us the properties.”

“I parked my SUV right out front,” Gayle said.

“You two ladies go ahead. I’ll take care of the check.”

“Thank you.” Gayle gave him a big smile. She took brisk steps out the door.

Rae hesitated. “I’d prefer to pay my own way.”

“Duly noted. Now go get in the car.”

She frowned at him, irritation poked at her nerves. “I don’t like you.”

“You’re a poor liar,” he whispered. He strode toward the front desk to pay as Rae stormed out of the restaurant.

Gayle waited by the driver’s door. “You might prefer to sit in the backseat. You’d have more room or you can sit in the front.”

There was no mistaking her heavy hint. It suited Rae perfectly. She didn’t want to ride in the front and feel his eyes on her.

“Thank you.” Rae climbed into the back.

Garth came out just as she closed her door. She almost laughed at his quick frown. Then it was gone. He smiled at Gayle and assisted her into the SUV.

Rae enjoyed viewing the countryside. Green trees and blue lakes could be seen in the distance. They went around mountains and down in lush valleys.

They’d gone quite a ways from town when Gayle pulled into a long driveway off the main road. The land started at the roadway and ended against a backdrop of trees and forest.

“This place is further from town than the other two parcels. I thought we’d start here and work our way back.”

“I can tell you right now it’s not the place for me,” Rae said. “I want somewhere more isolated, not as close to a well-traveled road.”

“I agree,” Garth said. “It’s not what I have in mind either.”

“All right, I’ll circle around and head back toward the next stop.” She drove out of the valley, and went a few miles back toward town. Then she turned left, and took a curvy route up the mountain side.

About halfway, Gayle turned onto a narrow tract. The SUV bounced over the uneven surface. “This road needs some work done on it. The owners moved East about a year ago and haven’t had the road kept up.”

“No problem. I expect to make changes wherever I buy,” Garth said. He glanced back at Rae. “How about you?”

“I’d keep the road as it is. Hopefully it would discourage unwelcome guests.” She gave him a fake smile, and he laughed out loud.

“Well, this may be your place,” Gayle said.

Gayle turned right onto an even narrower road. At the end, the area widened, and an A-frame house faced an opening in the trees to look out over the mountain. Gayle parked and took them toward the side door of the house.

Rae walked around the area before going inside. The place was surrounded by dense forest and had a gorgeous view right in front of the cabin. Definitely a private spot. She hurried inside to see if the house itself was as pleasing as the land.

Garth and Gayle stood in front of huge two-story glass windows which were divided by a rock fireplace. Outside the view included mountains, valleys, and crystal-clear lakes.

“It is breathtaking,” Gayle commented. “As you see, the kitchen is behind the bar and to the side a small dining area. The short hall to the left of the kitchen goes to a bath and a bedroom. The other larger bedroom and bath are up those stairs.” She nodded to the winding staircase to the right of the kitchen. She led them down the short hall.

The bedroom was small but adequate. A full bath was across the hall. They walked back to the kitchen. Rae admired all the modern conveniences. Then they were shown up the stairs to the loft.

The master bedroom was large and painted a pale green. The front had the same view as downstairs, in the back, two windows faced the woods.

“And this is a much bigger bathroom.” Gayle opened an adjoining door. Her cell rang, and she glanced at the caller’s name. “I have to take this. Look around. I’ll be back.”

Garth stood back for Rae to enter the bath first. The walls were a cream color, and double sinks and counters were against the left wall. At the end was a small window, and to the right a huge shower tiled in dark green. There were three shower heads angled to spray water all around a person.

“A couple could have a lot of fun in there,” Garth said.

Rae felt her face flush. A vivid image of him and her naked, together, imprinted itself on her mind, making her heart jump and her nerves sizzle with heat.

He moved close to her, and his scent tantalized her with every breath she took. Leaning down to where his mouth almost touched her ear, he whispered, “I would cup your gorgeous breasts in my hands and nuzzle at the fine skin of your neck. You’d lean your head on my shoulder and turn so I could taste that sweet mouth. Your pussy would yearn for my hard cock to go inside you.”

Rae jumped away from him. His whiskey-toned voice had mesmerized her. She flew around him and down the steps.

Gayle looked at her over her shoulder. “All through? I was making a few notes.” She smiled at Garth. “Did you see enough?”

“Yes, we did,” Rae answered. “I don’t have much more time. Can we see this last place, and then get back to town?”

“Sure.” Gayle led the way to her car, and they were soon traveling on the highway. They hadn’t gone far before they turned off in the opposite direction to climb another mountain.

Rae’s heart still pounded against her chest. When he’d whispered in her ear, his deep, sensual voice had slid into her head and sent desire rushing through her veins. For one second she’d forgotten her initial reaction to him and the warnings in her head. She’d wanted to put her arms around his neck and rub against his strong body. The heat his words generated had gone straight to her pussy. Her inner walls had clenched. He was a dangerous man in more ways than she’d thought.

She took several deep breaths, but it didn’t help her regain her composure. She’d stay as far away from him as possible and drive back to the cabin right after they got to town.

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