Conviction (14 page)

Read Conviction Online

Authors: Leah Cook

Chapter 14 – James

“Good girl, Kelly. Thank you.” James cocked his head slightly to one side as he tried to figure out what he had said that had caused her pause, when he saw the blush of Kelly’s skin creeping up the sides and back of her neck, almost matching her flame coloured hair. He smiled after her as he realised that she had actually
his comment. His ‘good girl’ had her feeling pleased at herself because she had pleased him.

“James, I think we need to talk.” Sarge said after Kelly had gone for her shower as she was asked. He placed his empty glass on the bench and glared at the younger man who stared hungrily after his damaged little Scraps.

“Oh yeah? What about?” James answered.

“If you build her up and make her happy, I expect you to keep it that way. Do you understand me?” Sarge’s voice was gruff and deep. He was using his cop voice on James. “I think she’s falling in love with you.”

James said nothing as he eyes turned back to their empty bedroom doorway.
he’d just thought of it as
. Maybe this was a good thing. Maybe it wasn’t.

“No. I’m telling
it’s not love. She’s learning about herself and letting herself
for the first time in years. She doesn’t
how to love me. She can’t love me. I’m not good for her. I need…I need more than she is willing to give to me, more than she is even capable of giving. She’s just starting to trust me. That’s it. She can’t love me.”

“I’m telling you James, she does. You can’t ignore this. You have only a few weeks to get this right and if you take her in there all doe eyed, Devlin is going to eat her alive as you as well. You won’t be able to be her Master if you’re too worried about her mental state and if you’re going to set her off. Just
Devlin will probably be enough to send the kid catatonic.”

“You know this is the
way. There is no other safe way to get Abbey out.”

“Call in child protective services, tell them there’s a child in the house that isn’t on any birth record, that is being neglected and possibly abused, I’m sure that will get them moving.”

“You know as well as I do that he would get wind of that and get rid of her before they even get near the house. It takes weeks, sometimes months to get anyone out to do an inspection, they’ve got other cases and other kids who actually exist to them.”

“You and Xander won’t even
and think of another way will you?” Sarge growled across the kitchen bench.

“Dammit, Sarge! We’ve thought about nothing else!” James banged his fist down onto the bench in frustration and anger. He knew what they were doing was risky and potentially fatal to all of them. But they hadn’t been able to come up with another solution that was more viable.

“I just don’t want to see her hurt again. You know, what's left of her family think she’s dead? They held a memorial and everything a couple of years after she went missing. She’s never called them or told them that she’s alive because she thinks it will put them in danger.”

“I kind of figured that was the case.” James answered impatiently.

“So remember that she doesn’t have anyone else. It’s always just been her. Then we found each other, and now for some unknown reason she’s starting to trust in you.” Sarge picked up his keys off the kitchen bench. “Just remember that if this all falls apart and that little girl isn’t brought out alive, she
need someone to blame. You managing to get this close to her this quickly puts you directly in the firing line. Think you can handle it?”

“There’s nothing to
, we’re going to get Abbey out and Kelly with her. I’ll die protecting those girls.”

“Exactly what I wanted to hear. I’ll hold you to it.” The men shook hands, each one gripping the others hand as tightly as they could. Both alpha males with strong personalities, each wanted the other man to know it. “Please tell Kelly that I will see her the day after tomorrow for another session.”

“I will.” James watched as the older man turned and walked towards the front door. As he was leaving he called out again. “Sarge?”


“Thanks for being there for her. She needs you now more than ever.”

“I doubt that, James, you never saw the shell of a girl that I met. She’s done a lot of hard work to get where she is.”

James stood at the bench contemplating Sarge’s words. He knew that man loved Kelly like a daughter and he had seen her at her worst. James couldn’t begin to understand the loneliness that Kelly would have felt when she first escaped from Devlin. Unable to go home to the family she no longer knew because she refused to put them in danger. Unable to go to the authorities because of Abbey and the danger she would put her in. The isolation would have almost been worse for her than the evil things that Devlin had put her mind, body and soul through in the years he held her captive.

Shaking off the sombre thoughts James head to his dungeon and flicked on the wall lights. He loved this room, loved the smell of the metal and leather. The smell of sex that would permeate the air after a session with a sub. Not that this room had seen much action in the last couple of months. He left his playing for the club, preferring to play in public where he was free to walk away from a sub after their agreed session. The only subs he brought home were usually on a more permanent basis and he hadn’t had that for a long time. He walked to the back corner where his stereo was hidden in a cupboard and chose a CD with some easy flowing instrumental music. Normally he would put on more erotically themed music but for Kelly he wanted something lighter. He knew how she felt about sex with him, but he needed to broaden the scope of their relationship to get into her head better. After setting a few items up next to a massage table he went to find Kelly.

Chapter 15 - Kelly

Kelly could hear James coming, his bare feet padding along the wood floors. She swore he would come close enough to her so that his feet were just out of sight and then walk away again. He was playing with her, trying to psych her out. Kelly thought about her breathing and focused on trying to calm her rapidly increasing heart rate. It didn’t help that the corset was pulled so tightly that it made it hard to pull in a deep breath, plus the fact that her breasts were now pushed so far up that with her head bowed her chin rested on their soft tops.

“Stand up please, Sweetheart, and follow me.” Kelly stood as directed keeping her eyes to the floor, following James’ bare feet through the dark room. “Up you hop.”

Kelly looked up and saw what looked like a massage table in front of her and then looked at James in confusion.

“Are you confused by what I have asked you to do?”

“No, Sir.”

“Then I suggest you hop up there or this will turn into something that it should be.”

Kelly tried to sit on the edge of the table, but the corset made it hard to bend and she ended up slipping to the floor.

“I’m sorry, Sir! I’ll try again.”

“Nothing to be sorry for, I only ask that you try, you don’t have to be perfect.” James answered as he chuckled quietly. “This time let me help you up. Those corsets don’t allow for much freedom of movement do they?” James gripped her by her hips, displayed perfectly in the confines of the tight corset. Her breasts piled at the top and he had the sudden urge to lick them but managed to hold himself back.

“Ah, Sir?”

“Yes, Kelly?” he breathed out.

“Can you put me down now please?”

James looked at her in confusion before realising he had picked her up but hadn’t put her down and she was left dangling in mid-air. Quickly he lifted her to the edge of the table and helped her slide back.

“I want you to lay down for me and put your hands above your head.” He said in a calm and quiet voice.

Kelly did as she was told and found it much easier to breath once she was laying down. Placing her hands above her head Kelly closed her eyes and concentrated on relaxing. She wasn’t scared of James anymore, only her reactions to what he was going to do. She had managed to get control over her anxiety and panic attacks but had purposely avoided all physical contact in order to lessen the triggers for her attacks.

“You’re doing so well, Little One.” James said as he gently stroked the side of her face with the back of his hand. “Now, I’m going to blindfold you but I will leave your hands and feet unbound, however if you move them without permission I will secure them in cuffs. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

Gently he lifted her head and wound a red silk scarf over her eyes several times before tying it in a soft knot at the side of her head. He paused enjoying watching Kelly lay across his table, her chest heaving with anticipation and her body shaking slightly. Her breasts were ready to pop out of the tight corset and nothing would have made him feel more in control than relieving her of the item right at that moment. Again, he held back, wanting the timing to be perfect. He took in her lean legs and muscly thighs and his eyes narrowed as he took in the scars and markings on her legs. At that moment he was glad that he had blind folded Kelly, he didn’t want her mistaking his disdain for a dislike of her body. He quietly enjoyed her body and its taught perfection. The hardness in his jeans proof of that. He quickly adjusted himself into a more comfortable position before reaching for the massage oil that had been warming on the bench next to the head of the table. He heard Kelly take in a quick breath as he reached over her body. He loved her reactions to him and whilst he knew sex wasn’t on the cards for them, he also knew that her body was starting to respond to him and that she was having issues processing the new feelings.

“I’m going to rub your feet, okay, Kelly?”

“Yes, Sir.” Kelly’s voice was barely audible and James was having trouble distinguishing her reaction as either anticipation or fear. That was unusual for him, after all, he’d been a dominant for a long time now and usually it didn’t take him long to learn the cues of a new sub. Kelly had spent so long hiding her emotions and feelings that he was having to learn along as she allowed them to be released.

He popped the top of the oil and smiled as Kelly nearly jumped of the table. Her arms came up above her head but she quickly put them back on the end of the bed. He didn’t want to restrain her, but wanted her to learn how to control her body when she wanted. He covered his hands in oil and slowly poured some along each foot to the ankle. She squirmed and giggled quietly and he almost burst out in cheer for the sweet sound. He loved her laugh, her chuckle and her giggle. He craved the sound almost as much as he craved submission.

Slowly he worked each foot, easing the knots and tension from them in slow, rhythmic motions. He watched her chest and her face as she slowly relaxed and allowed herself to enjoy his touch.

“How are you feeling now, Kelly?”

“That is so amazing, Sir. I’ve never had my feet rubbed before. Except by myself, of course.”

“Good, I’m going to be working on your lower legs now, first the right and then the left.” He waited for her to nod that she had heard him before he squeezed a slow, long line of oil up her right leg to just below the knee. She squirmed a little as he reached the knee and her legs showed some tension. Fight or flight. As he slowly worked the oil into her pale skin from the ankle to the tops of her calves he felt her relax even more. So he started to talk to her in a soft voice, so she would still stay relaxed.

“Kelly, you have the most beautiful skin. Your muscles are so tight and still so delicate. I am so grateful that you are allowing me to do this for you. Thankyou Kelly, for trusting in me.” James continue to murmur words of praise and affection as Kelly succumbed to a deeper relaxation, barely acknowledging he was speaking. A small ‘mmm hmmm’ was all he would her from her every now and then. When he had finished both legs he placed a hand on one thigh and blew out a breath he didn’t even know he had been holding at her still relaxed body.

“Kelly, I’m going to do your thighs now, those beautiful thighs of yours. I can’t wait to get my hands on them, rubbing in the oil and massaging out the tension in them.” Again he spoke to her in hushed tones and let her murmur her responses. As he grew closer to her pussy she only tensed the slightest part and when he asked her to open them for him she only hesitated a second before complying.

“Good girl, Kelly.”

Kelly felt like she was on another planet. Her entire body felt like it was floating, as if she was half asleep and half awake. She had
relaxed like this before. Ever. As her mind floated she wondered if he had possibly drugged her water with something to calm her nerves. The dismissed the idea as quickly as it formed. James had been nothing but honest with her, always telling her what he was going to do
he did anything.

She was listening to the low tones in his voice, her state of bliss filtering out most of what he was saying, Kelly only managed to make out a few of his words. Time had no meaning, she could have stayed like that for days and, the way she was feeling, she didn’t really care if she did. Reality was far too painful and complicated.

James continued to work on her body. As he finished one section he would tell her where he was moving to next, wait for a sign of understanding before starting his intense massage again.

Eventually he asked her to roll onto her stomach. Kelly complied immediately, her blindfold still in place and her hands left above her head.

“Kelly, I’m going to undo the corset now and open it up so I can do your back.”

“Mmm hmm,” she said something else but all he was able to catch was the '
on the end. He grinned at her easy compliance. Gone was the fighting little firecracker and in her place this relaxed and at ease women. He had never seen her so relaxed, but all it would take is a split second to trigger her panic and send her walls flying back up, enforcing her physical and emotional fortitude.

Slowly he eased apart the delicate lace of the corset before guiding it open to reveal the porcelain skin and her striking phoenix that adorned her back. The tight material had left her with some small marks but as he massaged the redness subsided. Kelly’s face was turned to the side and he took a few strands of hair and pushed them away from her face so he could watch her reactions. She shivered as his fingers brushed her check but didn’t panic or pull away. He smiled again, this was definitely progress.

He started at her shoulders, pushing down in to the deeper muscles and around into her ribs. Kelly floated further away, still able to feel his hands on her as she did so. She wanted to feel like this forever. As he delved lower towards her buttocks Kelly was surprise that she didn’t mind his touch. He hadn’t hurt her. In fact, the only time he
hurt her was when he had punished her, and she had both deserved and needed it. James kept telling her where he would be moving on to next, and spoke quietly to her murmuring affection as he moved his hands over her skin.

James massaged the globes of her ass, never taking his eyes off Kelly’s tranquil face. What he could see of it anyway, as it was turned to the side. He was constantly aware of her breathing and the steady pulse beating in the veins of her slender neck. He moulded his hands to her body, gently lifting her cheeks and exposing her pussy to him. He had been surprised to see that she had been fully shaven the first night he had stripped her bare. Now he was grateful as it allowed him to see that her folds were glistening with wetness. Gently and slowly he let his hand dip down to her folds, quickly moving it back to her ass for more massage away from her sensitive folds.

“Kelly, are you okay? Do you want me to stop?” He continued to massage as he waited for an answer.

“I’m…I’m okay. No, please...don’t stop.”

“Roll onto your back then, please, Little One.”

Kelly complied immediately without the slightest hint of hesitation, her breasts bouncing as she turned and lay down, again, she kept her hands above head. James poured oil onto her chest and he hardened at the sight of her bests rising and falling and her hardening nipples from the oils. The room was temperature controlled, so he knew she wasn’t responding to a chill.

Kelly felt exposed but at the same time, safe and content. She continued to float on the euphoria in her mind as James massaged her breasts, paying particular attention to her erect nipples. He rolled them between his fingers gently but firmly causing her hips to lift slightly off the table. She didn’t know what was happening. She felt like a fire had been started in her body, low in her stomach and with each touch, each massage of her flesh and sensual roll of a nipple the fire grew.

James slowly worked down her stomach adding oil as he needed. Her skin absorbed most of it only leaving a light film that would soak in before he finished. As his hands met the tops of her thighs he started to talk to Kelly again, now convinced that she had entered subspace. He didn’t even know it was possible to get there with a simple massage. But then he understood that touch for Kelly was something she wasn’t used to and a sensual massage was definitely something she had never experienced before. All her experiences with sex had been painful. He wanted to give her something that would help her to change that sole perception.

“Kelly, can I touch your pussy? I would like to massage that as well. I don’t want to leave an inch of your skin untouched.”

“Mmm hmmm,” Kelly responded quietly as her hips arched in response.
James massaged her breasts with one hand and rested his other hand across her entire pussy. He didn’t move it, simply let it sit there as she acclimatised to a more intimate touch. Her breasts rose quicker and quicker as he increased the pressure he was using to massage and grind them. He flicked a nipple and she moaned. His own erection now painfully pushing against his pants, he was dying to take it out and free it from its tight confines and give it the freedom it craved. Instead, he ignored his discomfort, not wanting to remove his hands from Kelly’s body. For both their benefit, he knew that he needed to keep going. He definitely hadn’t expected things to go this far today. He expected her to stop him at any moment during the massage. She had surprised him with her tranquil and relaxed state and her ability to tolerate his touch.

Slowly he moved his hands and explored her outer folders, gently sliding a finger up and down each side and in to the creases of her thigh. He hated the scars that marred her body intimate folds, and could only imagine the horrors she had endured to get them.

He continued for a while, and soon her thighs opened on their own and her folds opened like a flower, her wetness clearly evident on her pussy and a small amount had trickled onto the table below.

Dipping a finger into Kelly’s juices that had spilled from her body onto the table, James sucked it into his mouth. Kelly’s hips raised off the table in response to the noises he was making knowing full well he had just tasted her most private juices.

“Kelly, you taste amazing. So fucking sweet. You look so sexy right now, with my hands on your body and that blindfold on. I’m going to taste you properly very soon.”

Kelly didn’t responds verbally, her body arching off the table as his finger finally made direct contact with her clit. Kelly took in a sharp breath and moaned as he made slow, deliberate circles around her hardened nub. James had never seen a clit react like Kelly’s. Never had he felt one harden so much under his touch. He ached to put his fingers inside her but again he held back not wanting to overwhelm her or have her come crashing back from subspace with his fingers in her warm pussy. That would most certainly cause a panic attack and irrevocable damage to the progress that they had made.

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