CORAL - Forever (A Romance Trilogy, Book 3) (47 page)

“Coral, whatever you want, however you want our intimate
time to be spent is all up to you.” He brings my face down to his and kisses
me, hard. “But come now darling, get comfortable. It’s very late and we have an
early flight, we’ll talk more about this tomorrow, ok?”

“Ok,” I breathe, peck his lips once more and snuggle against
his chest, feeling safe, warm and yet again, even more in love than I was this

“Love you baby,” Tristan says, squeezing me tight.

“Love doesn’t even begin cover it,” I say, grinning widely. “Stars,
moons, across universes, till the end of time, infinity....forever.”

Tristan chuckles. “Sleep now gorgeous.”

“Night Tristan,” I retort dryly.

He chuckles again. I close my eyes and listen to the sound
of Tristan’s slow breathing, his strong heart slowly beating, and before I know
it I am drifting off...




. Tristan is
reading a paper, Financial Times, to be precise, whilst I have my nose stuck in
a very erotic novel on my e-reader. In-fact it’s actually turning me on, in
here, with all these other people around me. I guess that because it’s making
me think of Tristan, what he revealed to me last night, and then what we got up
to afterwards. I still can't believe Tristan’s a dominant – well he’s not – but
kind of is, and he’s to be my husband, in two days time –

Every time I have thought that, my heart has fluttered madly
against my chest. I still can't believe that I’m going to be married! I shake
my head and try to get back to the novel, which is supposed to be taking my
mind off what’s going to happen when we get back to Brighton, but I can't

I sigh inwardly.
What the hell am I going to do with
myself next week
? I put my e-reader down and stare out the window. Tristan
will be back at work, I have a whole week without him. It’s going to drive me
mad, I know it is. I can't sit around not doing anything – “Coral.” Tristan
pulls me from my musing.

“Hmm.” I turn and look at him. He’s put his paper down and
he’s looking at me with his head cocked to the side.

“Holiday blues?” He asks, clasping my hand in his.

“No.” I frown and glance down at our hands.

“Then what is it darling?” He asks, looking concerned, his
eyebrows scrunching together.

“Is Karen still at Chester House?” I ask.

His frown deepens. “Yes, for now.” I nod once, and stare out
the window. He’s not going to like it, I know he’s not. “Coral, will you please
tell me what’s wrong?” He pleads.

“I want to go back,” I whisper.

“To Chester House?” He guesses his eyes wide.

“Yes.” I reply nonchalantly.

“No! Absolutely not.” He barks.

“Tristan, if I want to go back to work I will go back to
work! I’m almost healed, and I am not going to sit around the house all day
while you go off being commander and chief!”

His eyes close briefly. “I’ll only be gone a few hours a
day,” he softly says.

“Doesn’t make any difference how long you’re out for
Tristan, I need to do this.”

“Why?” He asks in defeat.

“Don't you know me at all?” I whisper.

A very lazy, sexy smile appears. “Oh I do,” he says.
“Intimately,” he adds.

I know his meaning, and his game. “Mr Freeman,” I
chide. “Behave!”

Tristan chuckles slightly then frowns. “I don't want you
working’ – “I thought you said we have no need to control one another?” I point
out, remembering what he told me.

He narrows his eyes at me. “Ok, you got me there. But I
still don't want’ – “I’m going back to work!” I tell him firmly.

“What about doing the cookery courses instead?” He says.

“I’m not ready to do that yet Tristan, cooking requires a
lot of moving about. I’m not healed enough for that, besides I don't see how
I’m supposed to fit it in with two months of physiotherapy scheduled for three
afternoons a week!”
That told him!

His lips set into a hard line – He can't argue that one. His
eyes close again and he pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration. Then
opening his paper back up, he continues reading, shaking his head and mumbling
to himself as he does.

I stifle the giggle that wants to burst out of me – then I
have an idea.

“Tristan.” He looks up at me over his paper, he is not a
happy man. Maybe this will change his mind. “Will you take me shopping?” I ask
trying to sound girlie and sweet.

“Shopping?” He says, his voice low.

“Uh-huh. I don't want to be in trousers all the time, so I
was thinking, maybe you could help me chose some new work clothes, you know,
like skirts and dresses?” I instantly picture it. Tristan’s in his office, I’m
at my desk, he calls me in to do something for him, but I’m in the mood, so I
lock the door, hitch up my skirt and give him a glimpse of the sexy stockings and
frilly knickers I have on...Hmm...

“Who knows what could happen?” I whisper seductively. I lean
forward, peck his cheek, then sit back to look at him. His eyes are dark and
tempting, his look heated.

He swallows hard, shifts slightly in his seat, pulls his
newspaper down so it’s hiding his hand, and readjusts his man bits –
yeah! That worked.

I innocently bat my lashes at him. “So will you take me?” I
whisper shyly.

Tristan clears his throat, lifts his hand and places it
behind my neck, then he slowly pulls me down towards his face, stopping right
before our lips meet. “You are one hell of a negotiator,” he breathes, his eyes
boring into me.

“Do we have a deal?” I whisper gazing at his wide, dark
chocolate eyes.

“Oh baby, you know I’m going to say yes to that. Besides, I
can keep an eye on you at work, but be warned, if I think you look tired I’m
sending you home.” He tells me firmly.

“Yes boss,” I giggle.

He narrows his eyes at me. “Frustrating woman!” He hisses.

“Kiss me,” I challenge. Tristan glances at the other
passengers then quickly pecks me on the lips. Releasing his hand from my neck,
I sit back in my seat feeling triumphant.

“I’m presuming you won’t go back until Monday?” He says

“Monday sounds good. Shall we go shopping Sunday?”

“The day after the Wedding?” He says incredulously.

“Yes, I think it’ll be fun. Just think what we could get up
to in the changing rooms.” I say, grinning broadly.
Just think of the

His mouth pops open. “I don't think so Coral,” he retorts,
knowing my meaning.

“Why not?” I moan.

He leans into me. “Because they have cameras – and besides,
the last thing in the world I want is for anyone to see my wife in the throes
of passion.” I shiver internally, all humour gone – No, definitely not if they
have cameras. Tristan grasps my hand in his. “You ok?” I nod once. He squeezes
my hand again. “Let’s go shopping tomorrow,” he adds.

“Tomorrow?” I look up at him. “But you’re working?”

“Yes, I am. I can spare a couple of hours at lunchtime
though, besides I’ve made plans Sunday,” he says in his authoritative voice,
trying to hide a smile.

“You have?” I squeak, wondering what he’s got planned.

“Yes.” Tristan turns and grins widely at me. “My wedding
present to you,” he softly adds.

Oh...holy mother of God...Crap, crap, triple Crapiola!

“What?” He asks, registering the horror on my face.

“’ve got me a wedding present?” I squeak feeling

I haven’t got Tristan a wedding present? What kind of a
fiancé does that make me? Tristan throws his paper into the chair next to him,
reaches over, lifts me up and sits me in his lap.

“What are you looking so upset about?” He asks, holding his
hand against my cheek so I can't look away.

Tears pool in my eyes – I am a horrid person, who does not
deserve him.

“Hey,” Tristan softly says. “There’s no need for tears.” I
sniff loudly, and stare down at my twisted fingers. “Coral, please tell me what
you’re upset about,” he says, his voice tender and full of love.

“I...I haven’t got you a wedding present,” I squeak keeping
my eyes downcast. “What does that say about me?” I croak, swiping at the stupid
tears rolling down my cheeks. Tristan chuckles, my eyes dart up to meet his.
“You think it’s funny?” I sniff.

“Coral, it’s the last thing in the world I was expecting –
especially with what you’ve been through,” he softly says, tenderly stroking my

“But you’ve got me one!” I squeak a little high pitched.

Tristan chuckles again. “Yes, but I...” He stops, and looks
down at my hands that are anxiously pressed together, he lifts them up, brings
them to his lips and kisses them several times. “I don't need a wedding present
baby,” he says.

“You don't?” I squeak.

“Coral, you’re everything I’ve ever wanted, so you kind of
are my wedding present.” My mouth gapes open.

“Oh Tristan,” I mewl, wrapping my arms around his neck and
cradling my head under his chin, not giving a damn who’s in the room with us.

“Can't wait to open you up,” he adds in his sexy, husky

I gasp and look up at him, all tears gone. “Tristan Freeman,
you have a very dirty mind!” I retort, trying not to laugh, and failing badly.

Tristan laughs too, and pulls me forward so he can gently
kiss my forehead...


I take a deep breath in
and slowly blow it out. It’s done, I have said goodbye to my mother, laid her
to rest. When Stuart collected us from the airport, he had her belongings
sitting on the back seat for me. As we drove back to Brighton, I looked through
them and decided on the items to bury. A photograph of me as a baby in her
arms, my father beside her, they both looked so happy. And a photograph of
Kelly too, she was older, a couple of years maybe, as she sat on my mother’s
lap, her father, I’m presuming stood behind them both. It was a very strange
experience, but at least I feel as though I can move on now. Focus on the
future, on the life I am going to have with Tristan.

It still feels very strange being back though, back in
Brighton, back to reality.

On the one hand, I am beyond excited to be marrying Tristan,
and I’m looking forward to seeing my friends and family again, but on the other
hand, I feel quite sombre. I still haven’t decided what to do with my studio,
which reminds me, I need to unpack all my stuff – and I still have no job, even
though I’ll be at Chester House while I search for a new one – All the problems
that were here, are still here.

There’s a dark part of me, an old part that wants to run
away, back to Cornwall, but I know I can't do that. But more than anything else
I’m feeling melancholy because I now have to share Tristan – our little bubble
has been burst, and I want it back, so badly.

“Hey,” Tristan says, squeezing my hand as Stuart pulls up
outside the house. “Everything ok?”

I turn and put on my best fake smile. “Sure,” I say. That
did not sound convincing.

“Shall I take the bags inside sir?” Stuart asks. Tristan
nods to him, but keeps his eyes firmly locked with mine.

“You didn’t cry,” he says, softly stroking my cheek. To be
fair, I’m surprised I didn’t as I stood at my mother’s would be grave and lay
the photographs down, then planted the tree. Tristan held my hand as I said my
silent goodbyes, he’s been so good with me, so supportive – Maybe it just needs
time to catch up with me?

“I think it’s because I feel relieved more than anything
else,” I say.

“You’re so brave,” he says, squeezing my hand again. I shake
my head and stare out the window at the house. Tristan sighs. “What is it
Coral?” I shrug. “Holiday blues?” Tristan asks again.

“No Tristan it’s not,” I tell him firmly.

Tristan unclips his seatbelt. I feel him slide across the
seat to me. Reaching up, he cups his fingers under my chin and turns my head to
face him. “Tell me,” he demands, his tone sharp.

I sigh heavily. “Just...back to reality I guess,” I say
trying not to frown. I really don't want to tell him how much I’m going to miss
him today, how desperately empty I already feel, and he hasn’t even left yet.

Tristan swallows hard. “Are you having second thoughts?” He
says, his voice almost a whisper.

I frown at him.“Second thoughts about what?”

“Marrying me,” he says his voice solemn.

My eyes widen as I stare back at him. “No Tristan, no second
thoughts. My feet are toasty warm, how about yours?” I ask.

“On fire, and no – no second thoughts. I’ve been waiting to
marry you all my life,” he tells me, “I just hadn’t found you yet.” And I melt
– He really does say the sweetest things.

I smile a genuine smile. “Sorry,” I say, reaching up to
caress his beautiful face. “I just know how much I’m going to miss you today,
that’s all.”

Tristan sags with relief. “Me too,” he says leaning in to
kiss me. “Let’s get inside, you look tired,” he adds.
I feel tired! –
been taking a morning and afternoon nap everyday for the past nine days, and I
feel like I need one. I look down at my watch, it’s 11.15am – Rob won't be here
until twelve to collect me, I guess I have time.

“Ok,” I smile sweetly at him and peck him on the lips.
Tristan jumps out the car and comes round to my side. Opening the door, he
gives me his hand – I so love that about him. I place my hand in his and step
out into the morning sunshine.

“Dr Green has called,” he says. “She wants to see you on

“Ok,” I sigh. Tristan squeezes my hand and we head through
the open door. Edith is in the kitchen, ready to greet us both. I smile warmly
at her as we walk over.

“Well hello you two,” she says. “You both look so well, did
you have a good time?” She asks, directing her question at us both.

“Edith, we had a fantastic time, thank you.” Tristan says,
grinning widely.

I smile up at Tristan, and squeeze his hand – We had more
than a fantastic time, we had a very eye opening, sexy sex time – That’s what
we had! Tristan gazes down at me and winks, I swear he’s reading my thoughts
right now.

“Well it’s good to have you both back,” Edith says.

“Thanks Edith,” I say, smiling fondly at her.

“Can I get you anything?” She asks, looking from me to

“Coral’s tired, so she’s going to take a nap, but I’m
famished. Can you rustle me up a quick sandwich before I head into the office?”
Tristan asks.

I smile and roll my eyes at him –
Where does he put it

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