CORAL - Forever (A Romance Trilogy, Book 3) (55 page)

Tristan walks over and collects the champagne, I watch him
walk back to me, wondering again, how I became so lucky. I smile up at him, and
accept the glass he hands me.

“To us.” He says, grinning from ear to ear.

“To us,” I say. We click glasses and both take a sip. “Mmm,
delicious,” I say, taking another gulp. “Do we really have to go back so soon?”
I ask.

“You don't want to go back?” He says chortling at me.

“Well I was thinking...” I turn and glance down at the large
bed, then bat my lashes at him.

Tristan grins his very sexy smile. “Later,” he chuckles. I
pout back at him, which makes him laugh even harder. I reach up to kiss him,
but he takes a step back. “We both know what will happen if we kiss in here,”
he says, and even though I know he’s right, I still feel rejected. “Come on,
we’d better get back.” Tristan drains his glass, so I knock the rest of mine
back and place my hand in his open palm. “I’m not saying no,” he tells me. “I fully
intend to sneak off with you this afternoon and have my wicked way with you,”
he adds.

The most wonderful, exhilarating, spine tingling feeling
spreads through my entire body.

“I hold you to that husband,” I say smiling up at him.

When we reach the stairs, Tristan stops and gazes down at
me. “By the way, we are staying here tonight, and we’re stretching her legs
tomorrow, we’ll be out for the whole day,” he says.

“Really?” I squeak, thoroughly delighted.

“Yes darling wife.” His lips swoop down to mine, his kiss is
tender and intense all at the same time, he pulls back quickly. “Ah I want
you!” He barks, frustrated.

I snort back at him. “The feelings mutual,” I say dryly
which makes Tristan laugh.

We head up on deck, then make our way back towards the car.
I’m still in shock...I can't believe he bought a yacht for me...


, Tristan jumps out the car and
comes round to my side. Opening the door he helps me to my feet, then lifts me
up into his arms, making me giggle in delight. Stuart opens the front door for
us. “Tristan, what are you doing?”

“I have to carry you over the threshold baby,” he says
puckering his lips for a kiss, so I lean forward and do exactly that...


Half an hour later and we’ve had
another glass of champagne, and I’m about to have a chat with Joyce, but
Tristan stops me. “Time for our wedding dance,” he says.

“But we haven’t picked a song?” I say, my eyes wide with

“I have,” he says, shrugging and smiling lovingly at me.

“You have?” I squeak.

“Yes.” He’s laughing at me again. “Is that ok?” He adds.

I smile shyly and nod my head.

“Come on, let’s show them how it’s done.” Taking my hand, he
nods to Rob and leads me into the centre of the room. The conversations die
down to a quiet hush. For the first time today I actually feel embarrassed. I
look around at all our guests, they all have their mobiles out, so they are
going to video us, or take photos.
Shit! What if I fall over?

“I won't let you fall,” Tristan says, reading my mind again.

“Ok,” I breathe. “What song have you chosen?” I ask.

Tristan smiles widely at me and shakes his head. “Surprise,”
he whispers.

“You’re going to make me cry!” I say.

“Hope not,” Tristan chuckles.

Bryan Adams – I’ll Always Be Right There starts playing –
no! I am going to cry!

“Keep your eyes on me,” Tristan whispers and starts to twirl
us around. I am having heart palpitations.
Ok, ok, breathe Coral, breathe!

“You ok?” Tristan asks, bringing my hand up to his lips. I
nod mutely. The words to this song are so beautiful, and perfect. He really
does get some things so right!

“Forever,” I whisper, smiling up at him.

“Forever,” he whispers back.

The song comes to an end. Tristan stops and leans down to
kiss me. The room erupts with applause again. Bryan Adams is swiftly followed
by Aerosmith’s Don't Wanna Miss A Thing.

“I love this song,” I whisper to Tristan. “Dance with me

“With pleasure wife.” I giggle with glee as Tristan spins me
around, then pulls me back and captures me in his arms...


We have all eaten
from the amazing buffet of food, and the cocktails are still flowing. I have
talked so much today. Having so many people to talk to is exhausting. I’m glad
there’s only a small bunch of us, god knows what it would be like if this had
been a huge wedding – I snort at myself – Who am I kidding? I don't know any
other people, so how can it be a big wedding?

I’ve spent time with Erin, Ellie and their partners, chatted
with Joe for ages – her kids have joined Lilly, and Erin and Ellie’s kids
outside. I think they’re enjoying playing in the massive garden – I’ve chatted
with George and Phil, and Cindy Crosby who came with her husband Josh. Claire
and Karen are both here, so it’s been really cool to get to know them both a
little more. Of course, my family are all here, which makes me think of
Tristan, and the fact that his folks are not here.

I turn and gaze across the room at my gorgeous man who is
chatting away with Rob – he doesn’t seem sad – but I bet it’s playing on his
mind. Just as I think that I see....I shake my head – I did not just see that,
surely? I blink twice and it’s gone –

Tristan suddenly throws his head back in laughter, he’s
killing himself laughing. Rob must have said something really funny to him – I’m
so glad those two are getting along now. I try to shake off the vision and turn
to continue my conversation with Bob. I take a seat next to him, my feet are
hurting from dancing so much. I’ve never danced with so many partners before.
Rob, Carlos, Bob, George and Phil have
twirled me around so many times, although Phil did squidge my toes three times.
And of course, my wonderful husband has twirled me around plenty of times, and
he is, by far, the best dancer in this room.

Just when I thought I could give my feet a rest, Malcolm
comes over to me and asks for a dance. I smile politely and agree. He takes my
hand and we start twirling around – He’s very good at this, thank god!

“You look very happy Coral,” he says as we softly turn in
time with the music. Rebecca Ferguson’s Nothings Real But Love.

“I am,” I beam.

Malcolm smiles down at me. “Coral, there’s something I want to
tell you,“ he says staring down at me with a serious expression.

“Ok,” I say, wondering what this is going to be about.

“I love Gladys very much Coral, I want you to know directly
from me that you have no need to worry. She’s turned my life around, right when
I’d got to the stage when I didn’t think I would meet anyone to spend the next
half of my life with, and I thank god everyday that we met, I feel very
blessed. I want you to know I will always take care of her. There isn’t
anything in this world I wouldn’t do for her and I intend to spend the rest of
my life making her days happy and full of love.” He smiles down at my quite
frankly shocked expression. “But there’s something else I want
know.” He stops and takes a deep breath. “I know about your past darling, your
father abandoning you, losing your sister and then your mother being
institutionalised. I just want you to know I think you are one brave,
courageous young woman, and I wanted to offer something to you...” He takes
another breath hesitating. “I want to offer you me,” he says, smiling down at
me. “As your father,” he adds.

My chin hits the floor, it takes a few moments for it to
sink in, what he’s just said.

“I know we haven’t known each other very long, but believe
me Coral, I will be there for you whenever you need me, to give you advice, as
a shoulder to cry on, or if you just need someone to comfort you. I want to
give to you all the love and affection you should have received from your
father all those years ago.” I blink back the tears as I stare up at him,
totally dumbfounded.

Malcolm smiles apologetically. “Sorry darling, I didn’t mean
to upset you.”

I shake my head, he has no idea what this mean to me. “Oh
Malcolm!” I squeak. I stop dancing and wrap my arms around his torso, squeezing
him tight. “Thank you,” I choke out, sniffing loudly. He carefully places his
arms around my shoulders and gently comforts me.

“Oh and just to say, you can call me Dad if you want to.” I
squeeze my eyes shut, my heart is thumping wildly against my chest. I feel my
heart stitch back together just that last little bit – I feel like I’m finally

“Malcolm, you’ll never know how much that means to me,” I

He squeezes my shoulders a little harder. “Actually I think
I do, I know you have Tristan in your life, but I’m really looking forward to
being a father to you.” The floodgates open and I cry like an idiot –
Now is
not the time to have done this Malcolm!

“Oh dear, I didn’t mean to make you cry,” he says, gently
comforting me. “Would you like me to escort you to the bathroom?” I pull out of
his embrace and smile up at him, he looks very blurry right now. I reach up onto
my tip-toes, place my hand on his shoulder and kiss his cheek, then do a little

“It’s ok, I need to go upstairs and fix my make-up,” I say,
feeling slightly embarrassed I have cried so hard.

“Coral?” Tristan is at my side, looking anxious.

“Thank you Malcolm, what you just said...means a great deal
to me.” He nods once, smiling down at me. I look up at Tristan, and take hold
of his hand. “Escort me upstairs?”

“Of course,” he says, glancing once at Malcolm. As we
carefully climb the stairs so I don't trip over my dress, I let Tristan know
what Malcolm just said to me, he looks relieved.

“Why do you look relieved?” I ask, heading into our bedroom.

Tristan follows. “Because I thought he’d upset you, which
would have meant I would had to have words with him.” I freeze.

“You would have done that?” I squeak.

“I will always fight for your honour Coral, and protect you
from anyone who wants to hurt you.” He tells me in firm voice.

“Oh.” I smile lovingly at him.
I want him now!
I pull
on his lapels so his body is pressing hard against mine. “Are you going to
fulfil your promise to me?” I ask, trying to seduce him.

Without a word, he bends down in front of me and takes hold
of the bottom of my dress. Then his warm hands clasp around my ankles, making
me catch by breath. Feels different though, I guess that’s because I can feel
his wedding band on his left hand. Then he looks up at me through his long
lashes, his eyes dark and seductive –

“What do you want wife?” He asks, slowly skimming his hands
up the back of my legs, the material of the dress hanging over his forearms.

I am hot and panting already. “You, husband. Inside me now!”
I manage to say.

His hands continue up behind my knees and keep going, he
hasn’t broken eye contact. His look is heated, calling to me on every level. As
his hands reach the top of my lacy stockings he gasps aloud. Then he stands,
and tells me to turn around with his finger. I do so, smiling seductively at
him, and he slowly pulls the zip down on my dress.

“We don't want to get this beautiful dress creased,” he says
as he slowly pulls it off my shoulders. “And we don't want anyone knowing what
we’ve been up to,” he adds, his voice all deep and sexy –
No, we certainly
do not!

Tristan kisses my scar, then takes hold of my hand so I can carefully
step out of my dress. As I turn and look up at him, his mouth pops open. And he
just stands there, open mouthed, blinking rapidly as he drinks me in. I have my
brand new vintage ivory corset on, frilly, sexy ivory knickers with a matching
suspender belt, and nude stockings that have a pretty, flowery pattern at the
top. My heels are high, which makes my legs look longer – so right now, I am
feeling very sexy!

He swallows hard. “Good God you’re wearing stockings.” He
eyes widen, and his cheeks flush as he continues to drink me in, then he shakes
his head slightly, almost as though he’s coming out of a trance. “Don't move an
inch,” he tells me, his voice low and raspy. Then I watch Tristan walk into the
built in closet, hang up my dress, and his jacket, then lock the bedroom door. My
heart starts hammering against my chest, I am aching with want and need. Tristan
walks back over to me, he looks so sexy, so debonair.

“Oh Coral, you look so beautiful, so sexy.” He says, gazing
adoringly at me. I don't think twice. I grab hold of his lapels and push him
against the bed, then I sink to my knees, un-zip his trousers, pull them down
with his boxers and take his hard, heavy erection in my mouth.

“Coral...” He gasps. I look up and lock eyes with him. “I
don't want to come,” he firmly tells me. I nod as best I can and suck harder,
twirling my tongue around, gently pulling my hand up and down, tasting him, all
of him. God I’m so in love with him – he turns me on so much!

“Mmm...” I suck harder, keeping eye contact with him.

Tristan hisses, then leans down, takes hold of my arms and
gently pulls me to my feet.

“You have made me the happiest man alive today, do you know
that?” Before I have time to answer, his lips swoop down, kissing me hard, his
tongue moving with mine in perfect symmetry.

Tristan moans with desire, which makes my blood pressure feel
like it’s spiked. He has his arms wrapped tightly around me, crushing me
against his firm body. He suddenly spins me around so my back is to his front. His
hands skim across my shoulders, then down over my breasts, my nipples are straining
against the corset. He wraps his one arm around my waist, pulling me against
his erection. His other hands skims down over my belly, over the skimpy
material of my knickers, then his fingers find my clitoris. He slowly circles
his fingers.

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