CORAL - Forever (A Romance Trilogy, Book 3) (58 page)

My mouth pops open. “You’ve bought a shop that’s doing so
badly, it’s almost’ – “No Coral, the shop isn’t doing too badly, needs
renovating and the menu changing like you said – his father had a gambling
problem,” Tristan adds, his brows pulling together. “The stress of being in so
much debt is probably what gave him the heart attack!”

I hear Henrique talking again – ‘
Thanks to you Mr
Freeman, I can finally get him home’

“What did you do Tristan?” I whisper, gazing up at my
personal angel.

He smiles shyly at me. “I made a deal,” he says.

“What kind of deal?” I whisper.

Tristan sighs heavily. “That he knocked the price down on
the business and in return I would, well, pay his University fees,” he says,
shrugging slightly.

“And?” I prompt.

Tristan sighs again. “He’s a good lad, and his mother...well
she’s devastated. Her dream was to retire in Portugal, go back to her roots,
but she can't do that unless I...intervened.”

I swallow hard against the lump that’s formed. Tristan has
to be an angel, who else would help complete strangers out?

“So he put the shop up for sale and you enquired?” I say.

“Yes, I told him if he slashed the price of the business, as
it’s going to need money investing to get it back into profit, that I would
help him and his mother instead.”

“How have you helped his mother?” I ask, reaching up to
stroke his cheek, and gazing adoringly at my man, my husband. Tristan smiles
his shy smile. “Tell me,” I push.

“I have bought a very small cottage for his mother in
Portugal. Paid for his father’s body to be shipped back, and the funeral so
they can bury him there.”

“Tristan!” I gasp.

“It’s just good business sense,” he says, shrugging at me.

“No it’s not!” I swoon. “You could have gone in there and
just made a deal on the shop, but you didn’t! How did you find all this out?” I

“He broke down...poor kid’s missing his father, stressing
about the shop, his mother, and well...he said he felt like his future was
crashing down around him, that he’d never see University again.” I look like a
fish right now, my mouth opening and closing with no words coming out. “But
none of that is important Coral,” he adds.

“Not important!” I scoff.

“No, what is important,” he says turning me around to look
at the shop again. “Is whether you can see yourself here,” he adds.
My own place, can I see myself here?

“It’s only office hours darling, no evenings or weekends.
Unless you wanted to open weekends and have someone run it for you,” Tristan

I am speechless.

“Coral, say something baby!”

“Tristan...” Tears pool in my eyes, I turn and look up at my
wonderful, caring, simply irresistible husband. “It’s magical Tristan,” I add. Tristan
wraps his arms around me. I nuzzle my head in his chest, and wrap my arms
tightly around him.

It is magical that he’s done this, he’s really thought about
it, and to have done that for Henrique and his mother - He is so sweet! I
squeeze him tighter.

Wow! – I have my own sandwich shop!
The moment I
think that ideas start flooding my mind, all the little things we can do, the
little touches, little changes that will make a huge difference to the place –
I think I can make a success of this! I lift my head and gaze up at Tristan.
I’m so in love with him!
It’s ridiculous to feel this way!

“Happy?” He asks, placing his hands on my cheeks.

“Very, but a little scared,” I say.

“Why?” He asks, his forehead creased in concern.

“I have no idea how to run a business Tristan, cooking food
yes, but’ – “You have no need to worry about that!” He interrupts.

“I don't?” I squeak.

“No baby, you’ve got me,” he says, smiling brightly at me.
“Coral, do you really think I would just leave you to it?” I smile up at him
feeling guilty. “Have a little faith,” he adds, running a cool, soft finger
across my bottom lip. “I’ll teach you, but you’ll be the owner baby. You choose
the hours you work. I can help you hire the best staff, it’s all up to you
baby. It’s all your choice,” he adds.

“Ok,” I whisper blinking up at his beautiful face. “Thank
you husband, it’s perfect,” I add.

“You, my darling wife, are most welcome.” His lips meet
mine, kissing me sweetly.

Ok, so maybe this is what he’s been up to over the past
month, constantly in and out of his office at home, taking ‘private’ calls. He
even banned me from going in there by teasing me and saying he had some top
secret files I wasn’t allowed to see. In fact come to think of it, Stuarts been
acting weird and secretive too. I’ll bet it’s all been about this, Tristan
wouldn’t have wanted me to find out and spoil the surprise.

I sigh blissfully, my loving husband – Still feel like I’m



I mean, can you die of
happiness? I have a wonderful husband, a man I can completely be myself with
and still he loves me, a man who is my home. We live in a wonderful house that
shelters us, keeps us warm at night, protects us from the elements. I have a
career I never thought I would ever have, and a life full of love, family and
friends. So I’ll ask again, is it possible to die from being this blissfully

I can't help smiling at myself as I prop my feet up onto the
table. I am in the sandwich shop, but I’m in the back room taking a break. I
take a sip of my Cappuccino and marvel at the fact that I am here, that I own
this place. It makes me think of my old job, and how Joe’s doing.

After careful consideration of my suggestion to give Joe a
chance, Tristan agreed to give Joe a trial. I trained her for a couple of weeks
before I left, and so far, so good. Tristan said she’s doing really well. I
think she’s pleased as punch that she was even considered for the position. But
like Tristan, I think there’s certain people in life that deserve a break, and
Joe is definitely one of them.

I can't wait to see Tristan tonight. It’s his birthday in a
month, and tonight I’ll be surprising him with my gift. A delicious shiver runs
through me. I’ve bought him lots of little presents for on the day, and a
weekends racing at Brand’s Hatch, I think he’ll love that. But only recently
did I find out – from Edith – that Tristan’s always wanted to learn how to fly.
That he’s actually quite fascinated with planes and has been since he was a
child? I was really shocked when Edith told me this, and when I asked why he
hasn’t delved further into this passion, she said she didn’t know. So, I’m really
hoping he’ll like the gift of flying lessons. It won’t be here though, as
winter will soon be upon us, so I wanted somewhere with better weather. Carlos
was the one that suggested Spain, so that’s where we are going for a week.

Flights are booked, Joe has secretly blocked out his diary,
and the tickets for the weeks flying course arrived in the post today – I bite
my bottom lip feeling nervous. I really hope he likes it.

I can't believe another month has passed by so quickly. However,
I was wrong in thinking the sandwich shop surprise was what was taking Tristan
away from me at home, he’s still in and out of his office – I’ve never known
him be so busy, and kind of tense, so I’m really pleased we have this break
coming up, he needs it.

I did ask him last night what he’s up to though, hoping it’s
not more surprises – I still haven’t got over the yacht - but apparently not.
He said that he’s working on several property deals, that some of them are
abroad, and that time zones suck! I laughed at his expression and let him stalk
off into his office...


We were so busy today. I’m hoping that means we’ll be back in profit soon. I’ll
have to ask Tristan to check it out for me. The moment I walk into the house, I
know something isn’t right. The house is eerily dark and silent. There’s no
lights on anywhere. Edith isn’t in the kitchen, which she normally is at this
time of night, and Tristan hasn’t come to greet me, which he always does when I
arrive home. I frown and scan my surroundings, something...something’s wrong –
But what? Why do I feel worried, on edge, like all my senses are on hyper

“Tristan?” I call out for him, my heart hammering against my

I hear footsteps in the kitchen, and I’m about to take a
step forward, but to my complete and utter horror, Kane comes waltzing around
the breakfast bar, a smug smile spread across his face.

What is he doing in our house?
I glance
at the alarm, the cover is down, and there’s no green light flashing. The
police don't know we’ve intruders in our house –

I should be afraid, for myself, for Tristan, for Edith, but I’m
not. My body instantly floods with adrenalin, fight or flight kicking in. All I
feel is pure rage flooding through my veins – Rage and hatred for this evil
twisted freak. I grit my teeth and glare back at him –
What the fuck is he
doing in my house!

I take a quick snap shot of the room, there’s no sign of a
struggle, so where the fuck is Tristan?

Kane stops at least four feet away from me. “So glad you’re
home,” he says, smiling brightly.

I instantly realise I’m being flanked from behind. I drop my
bag, clench my fists, and step my feet apart ready to fight them off –
I wish I wasn’t in a skirt and heels right now!
But I don't panic, because
any minute now Stuart’s going to come through that door, and they’ll be screwed.

I grit my teeth and glare at Kane. “Where’s Tristan?” I

He laughs, and takes another step forward, I take a step
back in response.

“I thought you might ask that.” He cracks a smile again. “Careful
boys, this one knows how to fight,” he adds, then nods to the men behind me.

The two men lunge and try to grab hold of me. Will always
told me that screaming is useless, that it just wastes energy, so I fight, with
all of my might. I manage to pull my arm free from the guy on my left, I turn
and slam the heel of my hand into his nose. I don't think I shoved it into his
brain, but he looks stunned for a moment as blood starts pouring out his
nostrils, then he passes out on the floor –
One down!

The other guy still has my other arm in his grip, so I
crouch down, pulling his arm as I do, and go to flip him over my back, but he’s
evidently trained in this kind of fighting, so he counteracts me, by twisting
back on my arm and kneeing me in the stomach – I groan as all the air leaves my

In the next second he flips me onto my stomach, smashing me
to the floor, he crushes his knee in between my shoulder blades and pulls my
arms back –
Fuck that hurts!
But I don't scream, I won't scream. I pull
my leg back, kicking him hard at the bottom of his spine with the heel of my
foot, but he just twists and rams his foot down on the back of my knees. I’m
pinned to the floor –

Then I feel my hands being tied –
He pulls me
up by my shoulders, pushes me onto my side and brings his fist down hard across
my cheek, making me groan in pain –

“That’s enough!” Kane snaps. I glare up at my attacker. His
eye is split, and there’s a streak of dried blood that’s run down his cheek. His
left cheek is swollen, his ear is split and bleeding and his lip is split too.
And I know, I just know – he’s fought with Tristan.

“Bring her down,” Kane snaps.

Kane stomps across the hallway and heads down the stairs.

I’m instantly pulled to my feet, I quickly kick off my
heels, I’ll fight better without them. He grabs me by the scruff of the neck
and drags me along with him. We head down the stairs, down into the basement.
Kane is in front of me, but too far in front for me to kick him in the back.

We bypass the cinema room, then Kane opens the door to the
swimming pool, and I’m pushed through. All the air leaves my lungs when I see
him. I feel my heart thud to a stop then begin racing out of control. Tristan
is next to the pool. He’s sitting on a chair, his arms and feet are bound to
the chair with duct tape, and there’s several free weights taped to his legs –
His face is almost unrecognisable; he’s been beaten so badly that he can barely
hold his head up, his right eye is so swollen you can't see his eye at all.

There’s a man standing behind him, Tristan must have fought
with him too because he has a split lip, a bloody nose, and his right cheek
bone looks cracked. It’s really swollen and has blood pouring out of it, and
he’s clutching his stomach as though he’s in pain.

I look down at the weights again, then at the swimming pool
– And I know, it’s to make him heavier, so he’ll sink to the bottom of the pool


“Tristan!” I gasp. I’m shocked and horrified by what lies
before me.

“Coral.” Tristan says, his voice so torn, so ragged, it’s as
though he’s being hung drawn and quartered. He takes a deep breath, wincing as
he does. “RUN!” He roars wildly.

Kane laughs at Tristan and takes a seat on the bench by the
wall. I hadn’t realised, but he’s dressed smartly in a suit, it’s almost as
though this is some sort of business transaction for him, he crosses his legs,
and straightens his tie, he looks very relaxed and serene.

Then I notice another man, sitting in the far corner, his
arms have been tied behind his back, and he looks as though he’s in pain. The
lighting is so dull in here that I struggle to work out who he is, then he
leans forward, groaning in pain. The spotlight above him illuminates his face. In
that instance I realise it’s Kane’s brother – Dillon.

“Let me go you fucker!” Dillon shouts.

My attacker pushes me further into the room. I’m only a few
feet away from Tristan now. I try to struggle free and take a step towards
Tristan, but Kane holds his leg up in front of me, effectively blocking me.

“Oh no you don't.” He warns and I’m yanked back again by my
hair. Kane nods to the man behind Tristan. He steps in front of Tristan, brings
his fist up and slams it into Tristan’s face.

“NO!” I launch myself towards him, but my attacker wraps his
arms around me in a vice like grip.

“Release her.” Kane laughs.

My attacker throws me onto the floor - with my arms behind
me, I have no way to protect myself – as I hit the cold tiled floor, I grimace
in pain. My shoulder feels like it’s dislocated and my lungs feel like all the
air’s been knocked out of them. And as I fell, my head glanced off the corner
of the wooden bench, blood starts pouring down my right cheek –
where the fuck are you?

“What do you want Kane?” I shout, slightly disorientated.

He smiles widely at me, then leans down towards me. “It
would seem your husband has been meddling in other peoples affairs. You should
have told him Coral, don't try taking on the devil when you have something to
What the fuck does that mean?

I try to work it out. I frown up at Kane, then I realise he
doesn’t mean him. This isn’t Kane’s idea, it’s his father’s, and if it is,
where the fuck is he? Tristan starts jumping up and down in the chair, howling
with rage as he wildly thrashes about, trying to free himself.

“Finish him off,” Kane spits, gesturing to the man that
fought with me to help the other. The two men both stand in front of Tristan,
fists raised. All the air leaves my lungs –

“No!” I shout. “Please, I’ll do whatever you want just don't
hurt him anymore, please,” I beg, keeping my eyes locked with Kane’s.

He smiles as though this is exactly what he wanted to hear,
then he starts to laugh again, and gestures for the two men to back off.
Tristan is still thrashing about, his teeth bared, his one eye wide as he
continues to struggle free.

“I’m gonna rip your fucking head off,” he growls at Kane. I look
up at Tristan, and subtly shake my head at him, mentally pleading with him to
stay calm.

I look back at Kane. “Why are you here? What do you want?” I

He bends down in front of me. “A re-enactment.” He smiles,
his eyes alight with joy. “That’s what I want, and that’s why the little bro is
here.” I look up at Dillon, he has his eyes closed, his head hung low – He has
no part in this. I wonder if he will do what his brother wants?

“As for the why...” He cocks his head to the side as though
I should know.

I frown up at him, then glance at Tristan.

“Oh!” Kane laughs. “You don't know do you?” He looks from me
to Tristan, then back again.

“What do you mean?” I snap, trying to get my head round it.

Kane laughs again. “Shall I tell her Tristan?” He says
turning to look at him.

“Get away from her!” Tristan growls, which makes Kane laugh
again, he’s enjoying this.

He turns and smiles widely at me. “My Dad told me all about
bumping into you again, as you can imagine I was intrigued to know more, after
all it’s been a good couple of years hasn’t it.” Kane stops and looks across at
Tristan, who starts howling in rage again –
Tristan, please calm down!

“You see Coral, turns out Daddy made one too many mistakes,
trusted people he shouldn’t have trusted. Apparently, they’ve been
investigating him for a couple of years now. They have a couple of witnesses,
who of course won't testify, not if they value their families lives, but
unfortunately, because of your dear husband here, and the very inquisitive
Detective Annie Marsh, they have him on fraud and embezzlement charges, again!
So, they have shut down all his companies, frozen his shares and there’s
forensic accountants going through all the books as we speak.”

I look up at Tristan, he hangs his head in shame –
Tristan, what have you done!
I blink back the tears, he lied to me, he
promised he wouldn’t do anything about this. And now he has, look what’s
happened. I stare down at the floor, I don't believe this!

Kane continues. “So, I thought, before I have to disappear
for good, and because this was also a personal request from my father, that
we’d all have a little fun.” I swallow hard. “Release her,” Kane snaps. I feel
the bindings on my wrists being cut away. It’s my chance to run to Tristan, but
I know it won't do any good. So I just stay where I am, on the cold floor just biding
my time.
Where the fuck are you Stuart?

Just as I think that, Stuart comes waltzing into the room.
Tristan instantly stops struggling, and we both stare, wide eyed and opened
mouthed and Stuart.

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