Cora's Kismet (The Twin Destinies Saga Book 1) (12 page)

Chapter Twenty-One


The girls were so hungry they didn’t wait to be asked twice.
They headed over to the table and loaded their plates high before taking their
seats. As they stuffed their faces, without any regard to etiquette or manners,
Liam chuckled a little bit. He was so happy to see Cora eating and that she had
a healthy appetite.

After they were finished and sitting back in their chairs
resting, while sipping coffee that tasted like it must have come straight from
heaven, Thomas cleared his throat gaining their attention.

Cora sat up remembering that Angelica had said there was
something important Thomas had wanted to talk to them about.

“As much as we’d like to relax and enjoy our time getting to
know you both, we need to get down to business. We have six months to get you
trained in controlling your powers, but first, we need to unbind them,” Thomas
said. Cora could see a hint of regret flash in his eyes before it was gone, and
she wondered if she’d even seen it in the first place.

“How do we unbind them?” Viola asked, interested, all of a
sudden, in what Thomas had to say. Cora was getting irritated with her sister’s
ambivalence to their current situation. She didn’t understand how none of the
seriousness of their current situation seemed to matter to her, while the
prospect of having cool powers did, when every detail meant the world to her.

“We will do it this evening at dusk. We need the sky that
has partial sun as well as the rising moon for the ritual to work,” Angelica

“So why did we have to get up at the crack of dawn if we’re
not doing anything until this evening?” Viola asked, with an edge to her voice.
Cora glanced at her sister out of the corner of her eye.

“Because, there is a lot you need to learn before we unbind
you, so you are prepared for your powers to be returned to you. It will be
overwhelming for you to have so much power running through your bodies when
they’re not used to it. You will need a basic understanding of how to control
it otherwise it could be dangerous, for yourselves, as well as those around
you. Considering Cora somehow managed to tap into her powers while bound, we
need to make sure you are ready to be unbound before we perform the ritual,”
Thomas explained, with a small degree of patience.

Cora nodded her head in understanding. She felt more than a
little bit relieved when Liam reached for her hand under the table and squeezed
it tightly in his own. Viola just leaned back in her chair with a stubborn set
to her jaw.

“What if we want nothing to do with any of this? Has anyone
considered that at all?” Viola pushed. Cora snapped her head to the side to
stare in disbelief at her twin.  A minute ago she was all over Thomas, eager to
learn about their new powers, and now she was refusing anything to do with
them? Cora was becoming lost with the drastic switches in Viola’s attitude.

“You don’t have much of a choice Viola. This is your
destiny.” Thomas’ gaze hardened as he spoke with a dangerous edge to his voice.

“Viola, what’s
wrong?” Cora asked her sister, concerned.

“I just think all of this is such a load of crap. They
couldn’t be bothered with us for the last 17 years, but now all of a sudden,
we’re the most important things in their world because of some stupid prophecy.
If this prophecy is the only reason they want anything to do with us then I
want no part of it. We suffered for years Cora! We endured more than they’ll
ever know, because they threw us away to Patrick and Anna. So yes, I think
there’s something very wrong with everything right now,” Viola said, her voice
heavy with the pain and anger that had built over the years. She’d always tried
her best to hide it, but Cora had always known it was there, simmering under
the surface.

“I am so sorry darling. Things were never supposed to be
like that. You were supposed to be cherished always. The Kilpatricks will pay
for everything they have put your through, we promise you that. You both have
always meant the world to us.” Angelica tried to soothe Viola but could see it
wasn’t making a difference at all. She looked over at Cora for help.

“Vi, calm down,” Cora started, and reached for her sister’s

“No, I won’t calm down. Where were they when Anna beat us or
locked us in closets, tied up and unable to even go to the bathroom, except on
ourselves? Where were they when Patrick was trying to pimp us out to all of
those sleazy douche bags he’d bring home? How about when there was no food in
the house for us to eat for days and we were starving? Why didn’t they come and
protect us when Patrick and Anna were trying to separate us or using us as
slaves, Cora? Oh wait, I just loved it when Anna was in that one very special
cruel mood of hers and forced us to go around with no clothes on, down on our
hands and knees, like dogs. Then as a leash, pulled us by our hair while
Patrick watched with that look in his eyes. Where were they then? Can you
answer that Cora, because I sure as hell can’t!” Viola exclaimed, breathing
heavy, with tears streaming down her face.

Cora couldn’t look at Liam after everything Viola had just
revealed. She hadn’t wanted him to know any of it. She didn’t want to see the
look of pity in his eyes when he looked at her. Cora felt him reach for her and
recoiled from his touch. Everyone was silent from the shock of Viola’s harsh
words, the only sound being Viola’s heavy breathing. Cora felt as if her heart
stopped in her chest and she couldn’t breathe as the memories Viola had
described assaulted her.

“Cora…” Liam started, as he tried to reach for her again and
she brushed his hand aside.

“Is all of this true?” Thomas demanded, his fury vibrating
the air around them.

“Do you think I’d make any of
up?” Viola asked
her voice harsh and ragged from her high running emotions. Cora could sense the
pain and fury raging inside her sister, because it was the same as what was
raging inside of her.

“Cora?” Thomas demanded.

“Please…” Cora whispered. She didn’t want these memories
being brought to the surface. The nightmares were bad enough.

“Is it true?” Thomas’ voice raised an octave with pure rage.

“Yes.” Was all Cora could say in response. Inside she was
cursing Viola for revealing everything. She thought they had a silent agreement
that they wouldn’t tell anyone about the horrid abuse they had endured most of
their lives, until both of them were ready for the information to be divulged,
but now Viola had just gone and dumped it all out in the open. Cora hadn’t even
had a chance to prepare her mental barriers for the barrage of painful images
that were now bombarding her mind in a relentless attack. Viola’s total
disregard for her wishes felt like betrayal to her, and stabbed her like a
knife in her heart.

“I will kill
them. You will not have to fear them anymore, I swear that to you both,” Thomas
vowed, in a voice low enough to send shivers down Cora’s spine.

“I am here Cora, no one will ever hurt you again as long as
I live.” Liam vowed solemnly and pulled her into his arms, refusing to let her
push him away any longer. The tears flowed from her eyes, but she held her body
stiff, refusing to show weakness and melt into his arms, even though that was
exactly what she wanted to do in that moment.

Angelica pulled a shaking Viola into her arms and crooned
soft words to try to calm her raging daughter. She met her husband’s eyes over
Viola’s shoulder and a silent agreement was reached, there would be no mercy
for Patrick or Anna.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Hours later
Cora was holed up in her room, angry at Viola for revealing everything she had
wanted to keep hidden. She was glad Viola had stayed downstairs and left her
alone to deal with her pain and anger. Liam had wanted to come with her, but
she’d refused. She could feel him sitting outside her bedroom door, waiting for
her to let him come to her and try to make her feel better. What he didn’t
understand was there wasn’t any feeling better from the horrors she’d endured
at the hands of those sadistic psychos. There was only pain, pain and more

She curled up into a ball and cried at the memories that
just wouldn’t go back into the box she’d kept them locked tightly inside of,
until this morning. She’d felt disgusted as Viola went on her rant and kept
praying her sister would shut up or that she was dreaming the entire horrifying
scene, but of course, she was never that lucky.

“Cora, please talk to me,”
Liam pleaded with her in
her head.

“I can’t,”
she responded with a sob.

“Why? Did I do something wrong?”
Liam asked her,
sounding frantic.

“No. You did nothing wrong. I never wanted you knowing
any of that. I don’t want to see the look of pity or disgust in your eyes when
you look at me,”
Cora told him.

“I do not pity you Cora, and you will never disgust me.
You are my world. I cherish you with all of my heart. All I want is to comfort
and protect you. Please let me in so I can do that,”
Liam pleaded with her.
She could hear the truth of his words in his voice, both in her heart and in
her head.

“I can’t Liam. I need you to understand that I need a
little while to sort through this,”
she pleaded with him.

“I am not leaving you to deal with this alone, Cora.
You’ve done that too much already. Let me help you. Your pain is my pain, you
are my mate.”

“How can you even want anything to do with me after
everything you heard this morning?”
Cora wailed with humiliation.

“None of that was your fault! None of it. I can’t fault you
for things others inflicted upon you. You need to understand that. You are a
beautiful person with a heart of gold. Even after everything you’ve been
through, you can still love and see the beauty in the world. You are a miracle.
My miracle,”
Liam said, his passion flowing into her mind while the words
made her melt inside because she had no doubt he meant what he told her.

“You weren’t there.”
Was all she could say.

“I wish I had been because then you wouldn’t be hurting
now. I would’ve taken you away from there,”
Liam told her, his sincerity
ringing loud and clear. She could feel his heart breaking for her pain and
suffering, and it made her uncurl from her ball on the bed and unlock the door
to let him in.

They stood there looking at each other in the doorway for a
long minute before Liam reached out and pulled her into his strong embrace. She
wanted to fight him, but knew there was no use, there was no energy left in her
to fight. When she met his eyes, she was relieved to not see even the slightest
amount of pity or disgust, like she’d feared, but only concern and love.

“They cannot hurt you again. I will not allow them to. You
are safe with me Sweetheart. Always,” Liam whispered, and stroked her back.

“I wish I could believe you, but Anna’s still out there
somewhere, and I doubt she’s just given up,” Cora choked out. “She was the
worst between the two of them.”

“We’ll protect you,” Liam said with more conviction.

“I hope so,” Cora responded with a sigh. She didn’t feel
like arguing with him. He had no idea of just how evil Anna was. As she thought
about the depraved woman, chills ran down her spine. She knew it wasn’t even
close to being over.

Liam didn’t respond to her words but continued stroking her
back, trying to comfort her. They remained standing in the doorway to her room,
neither wanting to break the embrace so they could move further inside.

Cora lifted her head when she heard two sets of footsteps
coming towards them. She looked over Liam’s shoulder to see her parents walking
toward them, holding hands and looking very sad.

Thomas cleared his throat and Liam stood straight, releasing
Cora from his embrace but keeping his arm around her waist as comfort.

“Where’s Viola?” Cora asked, before anyone else could speak.

“She’s downstairs sleeping on the couch. We talked for a
while and she explained things in more detail for us. We want to apologize for
the horrors you had to endure growing up. We hope you know it was never our
intention for you and Viola to be hurt in any way. Patrick is being dealt with
as we speak and he will never harm you, or your sister, again. Anna will be
found and punished to the severest extent of our laws,” Thomas spoke to Cora
with such an air of authority and she wished she could believe his words. She
had no doubts he believed what he was saying would happen though. She could
still sense the anger simmering inside of him but could see the compassion and
pain in his eyes for what she’d endured.

“I know there’s nothing we can say or do that will make this
better, but I’m hoping time will bring us together as the family we were always
meant to be,” Angelica said, laying her hand on Cora’s arm.

“To be honest, I never wanted you to know,” Cora whispered.

“Why darling?” Angelica asked.

“Because, I didn’t want you to feel pity for us. Yes, we had
a hard life growing up but we survived it, together. I don’t ever think about
any of it anymore,” Cora said with passion, although she was lying, because she
had nightmares about it just about every night, unless Liam was there to keep
them at bay.

“We’re here to help you heal. Anything you need, don’t
hesitate to ask. We are family even if we’ve only been together a few days,”
Angelica told her, seeing through her lie. She saw Thomas nod out of the corner
of her eye. This was getting awkward for her and seeming to sense that,
Angelica pulled back and placed her hand on Thomas’ arm. “We’ll leave you alone
now, but please know we love you and always have.”

They turned and headed back down the hallway to the stairs.
As soon as they were out of sight, Liam took Cora’s hand in his.

“Would you like to go for a walk? It’s such a beautiful
day,” Liam said, hope sparkling in his beautiful eyes.

“Sure,” she said, because she didn’t trust herself to say
anything else. She was on emotional overload and one more thing could tip her
over the edge. Besides, she enjoyed being in Liam’s company. A feeling of
safety and contentment washed over her and her pain began to fade.

Not letting go of her hand, he led her down the stairs and
out of the front door. In an instant, they were surrounded by guards, and Liam
felt Cora tense up.

“It’s okay, they are here to protect you.” Liam tried for a
soothing voice, but she could hear the irritation in it.

“How are we supposed to enjoy our walk if we can’t see
anything but guards the whole time?” Cora asked, drowning her words in heavy
sarcasm. None of the guards even twitched a muscle at her obvious irritation.
“Isn’t this a bit excessive?”

“Don’t worry, they’ll back off when we get to where we’re
going. And no, it’s not excessive.” Liam smiled down at her and gripped her
hand a bit firmer with his own.

“Where are we going? I’m not up for much right now,” Cora
told him, letting her exhaustion sound in her voice. Liam looked over with a
worried expression on his face.

“It’s okay, it’s not far. Come on,” he said, excitement
pushing his worry away. He tugged on her hand and they hurried along. Liam
started talking about different things they passed and his heart warmed when he
saw small smiles start to relax her face. They walked for about ten minutes
before he stopped and pulled out a blindfold. “Do you mind? It’s only for a

Cora stared at the blindfold in shock. “Why?” she asked,
struck almost dumb.

“You’ll see, but if it makes you uncomfortable I can just
use my hand to cover your eyes. I just want to give you a little surprise.
Trust me, it’s nothing major.” Cora saw the hope on Liam’s face, buried her
feelings of being blindfolded, and nodded her head. She saw the guards fan out
away from them and start a patrol of the area, so she knew they must be close
to their destination.

When she nodded her consent, Liam’s face lit up into a
brilliant smile and he reached up to tie the blindfold behind her head with the
tender touch of a lover. After checking once to make sure she couldn’t see
anything, he took her hand and led her to the surprise he had put together
after this morning’s failure of a family breakfast.

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