Cora's Kismet (The Twin Destinies Saga Book 1) (11 page)

Chapter Nineteen


A little while later, the quartet moved, from what Cora
assumed was Angelica’s office, to the cafeteria. Viola was starving after her
ordeal, because one thing that had not been provided in her horrible accommodations
was food.

They all loaded their plates and headed to a secluded table
towards the back. Cora felt self-conscious with everyone staring at them, but
there was nothing that could be done about it. With Liam close, she found she
was noticing things like that less and less. It also helped that Liam kept his
hand pressed to the small of her back, which reassured her no one would ever
hurt her again.

When they sat and started talking, it didn’t take long for
Cora to forget the staring people, relax and enjoy the company. They talked and
laughed and ate as if they’d been doing it their entire lives together. Even
after they were done eating, they still sat and talked.

They’d been there for at least two hours when Angelica
walked up and asked if she could join them. They all nodded, happy with the
additional company and Liam stood to pull out a chair for her. She thanked him
and they resumed talking.

The more they talked, the more comfortable Cora and Viola
were becoming with their new found mother.

Another hour passed before Thomas joined their group. It
became awkward for Cora and Viola after that. They didn’t know what to say to
their father and Cora always felt like she did, or said, the wrong thing.

Thomas cleared his throat and looked at Cora and Viola. “I
just wanted to say I’m sorry for everything you’ve been through. It was never
our intention for you to be hurt in any way. Angelica and I have always loved
you both with all of our hearts and we’re grateful you’re home with us now.”

He shifted in his chair feeling awkward, which was something
Cora was positive almost never happened with him. She felt awed, honored and
afraid all at the same time. Viola just stared at him.

For obvious
reasons, we cannot take you back to our main estate, but we do have other
residences and would be honored if our two daughters would consent to stay with
us until other arrangements can be made. Cora, we understand you and Liam will
not want to be apart for long, but until the mating ritual is complete, we’d
prefer it if you do not sleep together.” Thomas looked at them with stern, but
understanding eyes before continuing. “Angelica and I have discussed this and
agree that, of course, the decision is yours.”

The table remained so quiet you could hear a pin drop. The
cafeteria had long since cleared out. Cora and Viola looked at each other and
then back at their parents, speechless. One thing they were not used to was
being given choices. It was either do as you were told and expected to do, or
you paid the consequences, in ways you didn’t want to even imagine.

“Uh, can we have a few minutes to talk
it over?” Viola asked, trying to be respectful.

“Yes, of course.
It will be getting dark soon, so if you choose not to stay with us, we will
need time to make other arrangements. I’m sure you both agree returning to the
Kilpatrick household is not an option,” Thomas said with compassion.

“Yeah, that’s never happening. I’m so glad Cora thought to
grab anything that was important to us when she visited, because if I never go
there again, it’s too soon.” Viola swore with vehemence that Cora agreed with.

Thomas nodded his head in approval as Viola and Cora stood
to go have a quiet conference a few feet away. As they moved away from the
table, Cora reached down and grabbed Liam’s hand, pulling him along with them.
He looked up at her surprised, but didn’t argue as he rose and walked with her.

Viola acted no different towards him, even though he had no
place in this conversation. It was their decision where they stayed. All he
cared about, right now, was their safety.

“Well, what do you think?” Viola asked, keeping her voice
low, as she looked at Cora and Liam.

“I think they’re trying. I’m starting to like Angelica, but
I think it will take a while to get to know Thomas well enough to be comfortable
around him. In his own way, I think he’s trying though. It’s only fair if we
try too,” Cora said, just as low, and squeezed Liam’s hand. She wasn’t sure how
Viola would take her words, so she drew upon his strength in case she needed

Viola remained quiet for a minute, as she thought about it,
and then nodded her agreement. “I don’t like the idea, but you’re right. We’ll
never get to know them unless we meet them halfway. I say we stay with them.
What about you, Liam? Will you be staying there with us?”

Cora had just
assumed where she was, he would be too. It never occurred to her he would stay
somewhere else. She looked up at him and searched his face for any clue as to
what his answer would be.

“I don’t know if Thomas would be willing to allow me to stay
with you. You heard what he said about us sleeping together,” Liam said, the
hesitation evident in his voice. The last thing he wanted to do was upset her.

“Well it wouldn’t be so bad if I was in the room with you
two. It’s not like you’d do anything with me there,” Viola said, as if that
were the most obvious thing in the world.

“You wouldn’t mind?” Cora asked a bit surprised.

“Of course not. You’re my sister, my twin, all I want is for
you to be happy and that’s what he makes you. I can see how much it would
bother you to be away from him, so how about I go talk to daddy dearest over
there and see if I can strike a deal huh?” Viola said, and bounced away as if she
had no doubt whatsoever he would do anything but agree with her.

Liam and Cora stayed where they were and watched the scene
play out before them. It seemed as if Thomas was fighting the idea at first,
but they could only hear bits and pieces of what was being said from where they
were at. All of a sudden, Viola raised her voice, anger at their father’s
evident stubbornness.

“Then find us somewhere else to stay where Liam and Cora can
be together, with me there too. I will be their chaperone if it makes you feel
better, but this is the most alive and happy I’ve ever seen her and I will not
sit back and see her miserable for however short amount of time they’re apart!”
Viola pointed her finger with a jab in their father’s face as she accented each
point of her tirade. It was clear Thomas was unused to being talked to in such
a fashion and he rose to his feet to tower over his daughter.

Angelica stood and moved to break up their argument. “Now
Thomas, listen to them, they are trying to meet us halfway. Viola has even
volunteered to stay in the same room with them so nothing improper occurs before
the mating ritual. We can meet them the rest of the way,” she said, forcing him
to look at her.

Liam and Cora looked at each other and then back at her
parents and sister. Sage rose unnoticed and moved over to stand by his brother.

“Are you sure you want to pursue this? Thomas is not a man
you want as an enemy, you know that,” he whispered in Liam’s ear, just loud
enough for Cora to hear it too.

“This isn’t my plan at all. This is Viola’s idea,” Liam
whispered back, and Cora nodded confirmation.

“Wow! Well, I’ve gotta give her credit, she’s got one hell
of a backbone,” Sage said, with a new respect for her sister.

Liam and Cora nodded their agreement again, while keeping
their eyes on Thomas and Viola.

Angelica continued to try to calm Thomas, and get him to
agree to their terms, while Viola stood her ground with her hands on her hips.
She was not going to budge an inch and Cora wished she had her sister’s

After several minutes, Thomas looked around at all of them
and spoke in a firm and decisive voice, “The terms I will agree to will be
these, the three of you may stay with Angelica and I, Cora and Viola may share
a room as they seem to agree on, but Liam must stay in a separate room and
under no circumstances enter the girls’ room. If this is not agreeable, we can
start making arrangements for other accommodations.”

Viola looked over at Cora and Liam raising an eyebrow for
their decision. Thomas didn’t cave in all together but he did meet their terms
halfway. Cora nodded her agreement and Viola met Thomas’ eyes. “It sounds like
we have a deal,
.” She exaggerated the word dad for emphasis and then

Thomas shook his head and walked away. Viola bounced her way
over to Cora, Liam and Sage. “See, piece of cake,” she said, and they all burst
into laughter, even Angelica.

Chapter Twenty


When Cora and Viola were alone, after what felt like
forever, showered and wearing their most comfy pajamas, they curled up on the
enormous king sized bed they were going to be sharing, for who knew how long. Once
they were settled, Viola gave Cora a knowing look and grinned.

“Ok spill. I want all of the details,” she said, bouncing in
excitement. Cora had dated one guy a few times here and there, but he had never
stood a real chance with her.

“Details about what?” Cora asked, trying to play innocent,
but she knew what details Viola wanted to know.

“Give me a break Cora. I know you’ve kissed Liam. I’ve
watched you do it. Is he a good kisser?” Viola asked, the bouncing on the bed
increasing with every second that passed.

“You really want me to kiss and tell?” Cora asked, teasing
her sister just for the fun of it.

“Duh! That’s what sisters do. Now dish, unless you want me
to go find out for myself.” Viola made like she was going to stand and do just
that, but Cora grabbed her and pulled her back down on the bed.

“Ok, ok, ok. No need to go all drastic. Sheesh. Besides,
I’ll claw your eyes out of your head if you even come close to entertaining
that idea again. I love you Vi, but he’s mine,” Cora said, and then laughed at
the mock terror on her sister’s face.

“I get it. Possessive much?” she asked, raising her hands as
a show of surrender and leaning back away from Cora so far she fell off of the
bed. They both started laughing, sounding hysterical as Viola tried, several
times, to pull herself up off the floor. Cora had to reach down and help pull
Viola back up onto the bed.

“Now, can he kiss?” Viola asked, once she was settled again.
Cora sighed with a dreamy look in her eyes.

“The first time we kissed was in the kitchen of his family’s
cabin, right before Sage got there, and it was the most incredible thing I’ve
ever experienced in my life. I never wanted to stop because it was pure
heaven.” As Cora spoke her eyes glazed over remembering their kiss in vivid

“Oh gag me,” Viola said, as she swatted Cora with a pillow,
trying to pull her out of her dreamy state.

“That’s a thought,” Cora said, laughing when Viola pretended
her feelings were hurt.

“So, have they said anything about this unbinding thing? I’m
curious to see what we can do. I mean, I hear you were pretty impressive, and I
wish I could say I saved my own butt back there when it counted, but that never
happened,” Viola said, and turned their conversation serious.

“I don’t know, maybe we should ask at breakfast tomorrow.
You’d think they’d need time to teach us to use these powers of ours before
this big prophecy is supposed to happen. I guess we also have to find you a
mate before it can happen. So, is there anyone you’re feeling, even a little,
mated to Vi?” Cora teased. “You and Sage were looking kinda cozy.”

“Sage? You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Viola said, with an eye
roll and another swat of the pillow at Cora. “He’s hot and everything, but so
not my type. Besides, just because we’re twins and you hooked up with his brother,
doesn’t mean I’m going to hook up with him. There are some things we just don’t
need to do together.”

Cora laughed at her sister’s reaction. Viola was one hundred
percent a drama queen, but Cora loved that about her.

“Well then I guess we’d better get you socializing with as
many guys as possible,” Cora said and wiggled her eyebrows at her sister.

“Hmm, yes, that
has some serious possibilities,” Viola said, and pretended to go all dreamy at
Cora’s suggestion, then they both giggled. The sheer amount of giggling was a
sign of the high amount of stress they were both under, because they never
laughed and giggled this much. They were both wondering to themselves what
their futures held and whether or not they’d be able to survive long enough to
reach their 18

Cora yawned and stretched her muscles. She stretched out on
her side of the bed and rolled onto her side so she was facing Viola.

“I’m so glad we got to you before it was too late. I am so
very sorry it took me so long to find you,” she said, pouring everything that
she felt into her words.

Viola stretched out next to her but didn’t turn to face her
right away. “No problem, it’s not like you didn’t have your own crap going on.
Patrick showing up, that’s deep, serious crap.”

“Yeah I know. I’m just glad he wasn’t able to hurt any of
us,” Cora said, rolling over onto her back.

“Me too. I wonder where Anna’s disappeared to. Have you ever
known her to be this quiet?” Viola asked, worry in her voice.

“No, but I haven’t thought about her too much, with
everything else going on. I guess we should watch our backs, because she is,
without a doubt, planning something, and whatever it is, it won’t be good,”
Cora said, making them both somber.

“You’re right.
It’ll be big, and it’ll be bad for everyone,” Viola said, as though it was some
kind of premonition, which sent a chill down Cora’s spine. Neither girl spoke
again as they each contemplated what dangers lay ahead in their future. Cora
wasn’t sure when it was they both fell asleep, but she didn’t open her eyes
again until morning.




They were
still sleeping when Angelica knocked on the door and came in. Cora sat up
rubbing her eyes, while Viola remained on her side, sound asleep.

“I’m sorry to
wake you but your father and I need you downstairs,” Angelica said, the regret
she felt showing on her face. “I’d prefer to let you sleep a bit longer.”

“It’s ok. I’ll get Viola up and we’ll be down soon,” Cora
said with sleep still thickening her voice.

“Is there anything you need? We can get you clothes, shoes
or anything else,” Angelica asked, but Cora shook her head.

“Not right now. I’ll talk to Viola and we’ll let you know if
we need anything later,” she said, as she slid her legs over the side of the
bed and stood. “I think I’m going to grab a shower before waking Viola up
though. She’ll hog all of the hot water if I don’t.”

Angelica smiled and nodded her head. “Ok, I’ll leave her be
and let you wake her then. Enjoy your shower and breakfast will be waiting for

As she turned to leave, Cora took a few steps, reached out
and placed her hand on Angelica’s shoulder. “Thank you for everything.”

“You’re welcome. It is our pleasure to have you here with us
again.” Angelica turned and gave Cora a tight hug.

“Is Liam awake yet?” Cora asked. It was the question she’d
been dying to ask since her eyes opened.

“Yes, he’s downstairs with your father,” Angelica said with
a knowing smile.

Cora nodded. “Well, I guess I’ll see you downstairs soon.”

She turned and headed into the enormous bathroom, grabbing her
stuff as she went, and Angelica let herself out of the room.

The shower itself was a little bit of heaven, but Cora
rushed through it anyway. She couldn’t wait to get downstairs to see Liam. Her
heart leapt in her chest when she thought of him and she hurried even more.
After ten minutes, she stepped out and wrapped the towel around herself as
Viola stumbled into the room, her grogginess evident.

“What is going on and why are you up at this insane hour?”
Viola grumbled at her.

“Angelica woke me up. I guess we’re needed downstairs, but I
figured I’d let you sleep just a few minutes more while I showered. It’s your
turn sleepyhead,” Cora said and bounced back into their bedroom. “And hurry up!
I want to get some breakfast,” she called back over her shoulder.

“Breakfast?” Viola called back, moving into the doorway.

“Yep. Angelica said breakfast would be ready for us
downstairs. I don’t know about you, but it sounds really good to me,” she said,
as she sorted through what few clothes she’d stuffed in her duffle bag before
leaving the Kilpatrick’s yesterday.

“It’s been forever since we’ve had breakfast in the morning.
At least a hot breakfast that is,” Viola responded with longing.

“Yeah it has, so get your butt through with that shower so
we can go eat some, before it gets cold.” Cora nudged with her words, while
holding up the perfect outfit.

“Breakfast isn’t the only thing you want to get downstairs
for,” Viola said with a knowing smirk, and turned to go back into the bathroom
with a huff.

“Aw come on. You’re the one who talked dear old dad into
letting him stay here for me.” Cora said, her voice full of gratitude that she
knew Viola could hear.

“Yeah, I’m not sure if I regret that now or not. I don’t
know if I like this cheerful in the morning Cora or not. I’m thinking before
coffee, not,” she said, and slammed the bathroom door closed before Cora could

Thinking about Liam, Cora’s heartbeat sped up. She threw her
clothes on and started arranging her hair. He’d only seen her at her worst so
far, and she wanted him to see her at her best. She arranged the front of her
dark hair up on the top and left the back flowing around her shoulders and down
her back. She was putting the finishing touches on her hair when Viola exited
the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

“Wow Sis! You’d think you guys were going on a date instead
of just going downstairs to breakfast with the parents we’ve just met! I gotta
say though, you look hot. If he wasn’t already hooked, he would be now.” Viola
teased with a low whistle, and pulled out her own clothes. Viola dressed in
simple jeans and a t-shirt and pulled her long hair up into a pony tail. She
turned around to see Cora examining herself in the mirror.

“Are you sure I look okay?” Cora asked, doubting her
clothing choice. “It’s not too much?”

“You look fine. I love that top on you and those jeans go
perfect with it. Quit worrying so much. It’s about time you started caring
about what you look like,” Viola said, while rolling her eyes. Viola had helped
Cora pick out her current outfit, while her sister argued against it in the
store. The baby doll top flowed down to an A-line bottom which flared out
around her hips in a beautiful coral color that accented her eyes. The jeans
hugged her in all of the right places then flared out in a boot cut around her

Cora took one last look in the mirror, nodded her head and
turned back to Viola before changing her mind. “So, are we ready?”

“Yup. I’m hungry, and I need coffee, so let’s go,” Viola
responded, and opened the door just as Liam was raising his hand to knock.

“Hi,” he said, his voice breathless when he saw Cora.

“Hey,” Viola said, and stepped past him out of the room.

Cora rushed to the door. She stopped short when she saw him
standing there. “Morning Sunshine. You look amazing.”

“Morning. You think so?” she asked, blushing.

Viola rolled her eyes behind Liam and sighed, exasperated.
“Come on you two, I’m starving.”

Cora laughed and Liam reached out wrapping an arm around her
waist as she moved into the hallway. He leaned over and kissed her and she
thought she was going to melt right there.

Viola cleared her throat in impatience and Liam pulled back
with reluctance. “I guess we’d better get some food into the two of you. It’s
going to be a long and busy day,” he said, while gazing in her eyes.

“Sounds good to me,” she breathed back. They turned and
headed down the stairs. “So, do you know why our parents need to see us so

“That’s for them to tell you,” Liam responded, with a
mysterious smile.

“What? No

“Nope.” Liam winked at her.

Cora swatted at his arm. “Aw come on. I hate surprises. Just
a little hint.”

“Not a chance.”

They entered the dining room and the twins stopped dead in
their tracks. The dining table was covered in food from end to end. Everything
they could think of was there.

“Please come in and join us,” Angelica invited them with a

They walked to the table almost drooling.

“Help yourselves to whatever you want,” Thomas told them
also smiling. Seeing the smile was unusual to them, since he hadn’t done it much
in the short time they had known him.

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