Corporate Ties (Silken Ties Book 1) (12 page)

Olivia gathered her things. "Since the Gala is over, I have a bit more time and I think I deserve a break."

"Yes, you do. I'll see you tomorrow then."

Olivia picked up her cell and in two clicks had dialed a number and now waited. "Hey, I'm heading home. I have to stop at the market. Can I make you dinner?"

On the other end of the call, a big smile lit up Brian's face. "That sounds great, Liv. I'm going to be here a while, but I should be able to be at your place around seven."

"Perfect, I'll see you then."

She took a taxi to the market closest to her apartment and browsed the aisles. Italian for lunch, so she passed that by. Keep it simple. Steak, baked potatoes, and Caesar salad. Nice wine. How about making her famous baked fudge for dessert? She was out of nearly everything. In the wine aisle she looked at several.

"I heard that's a very good year."

She turned and caught herself before her mouth sagged open in surprise, finding Adam Stein standing next to her.

"What are you doing here?"

"Since it's a store, I'm shopping."

She looked past him and around. "So where's your cart?"

"I just started."

"Sure you did." She put the bottle of Cabernet in her cart. "Nice seeing you again."

He followed her. "What did I do?"

Olivia shrugged. "Nothing, but be Adam Stein. Our competition and my boss's

Adam frowned. "He told you?"

"It came up." She kept walking and he kept following.

"I know you're going to be tough competition. I didn't..."

Olivia stopped, and swiveled around. "Getting Matasuki is exactly what I'm going to do." Her gaze narrowed. "You have, of course done your due diligence."

Adam scowled at her. "Of course."

"Good, then you know everything you need to know. See you around, Adam."

Adam stood dumbfounded in the middle of the produce aisle. Did he know everything he needed to? Did his team? No, she was just messing with his head. He paid for his wine and settled into his car. Shaking his head, he pulled out his phone.

"Eric, I've got a feeling we've missed something on this Matasuki thing. Get the files from Nate and check them again, use some other sources, dig deeper. I don't want to get into the meetings unprepared, or be surprised by something."

He tossed the phone on the passenger seat and started the car. She’d been in his head since that night. He thought about her all the time. He'd never encountered a woman like her and she’d left him without saying another word. No, 'it was great, call me', nothing. Several times already he'd used the remembered images of that night to get himself off. Maybe it was just ego. No woman had ever left him willingly before. The Mercedes’ tires screeched as he turned sharply into the garage and then again as he jerked it to a stop. He had to force his gaze not to linger at the spot where he'd taken her. Grabbing his phone and the wine, he walked to the elevator.


Olivia's mind wandered. The sounds and sights of the city blurred as Adam's face flashed in her mind. She closed her eyes, replaying the way his hands and breath had felt on her skin.

"We're here miss," the driver said, jarring her reluctantly back to reality.

She paid the cab fare and tip, taking her packages, left the cab. Marvin opened the door as she approached.

"You can have us pick up anything you need, Olivia."

"I know. I just didn't know what I wanted. Thank you, Marvin."

Setting the bags on the kitchen counter, she sighed. How did everything suddenly get so complicated? After showering and changing she checked the clock. Nothing she was making would take very long. She placed the wine in the cooler and curled up on the sofa with her laptop. Maybe she’d missed something in the files Paul had sent. Something she could use. Scrolling down the files she noticed some embedded links. She hovered the mouse over them, jumping at the knock on the door.

"Brian, you're early."

"I can go and come back."

He turned as if to go and she chuckled, grabbing his arm. "Don't be silly. Come in. I expected, if anything, you'd be late, that's all."

He grinned as she pulled him inside.

"I want to show you something. I was just looking through the files Paul sent me. Look at this. I hadn't noticed them before, did you?"

Brian squinted as she held up the laptop, finally taking it from her and walking with it to the bar.

"No I didn't. You didn't click on them did you?"

"I was about to when you knocked on the door."

"Good, remember what I told you about links? That reminds me. I have a link I would like you to send to Matasuki. If you can get an email address directly to him, it would be perfect, but as long as he is connected somehow, it will still work. Don't use any of these until I have them checked out. The link I’m having you send to Matasuki contains an embedded file that will insert itself in the hidden program files on a single computer and wend its way through the system to the mainframe, where it will run in the background undetected.  With it we will be able to do some sophisticated surveillance. The links you found may do the same thing. Leave them to me."

Olivia walked up beside him, curling her arm around his waist. "I do remember now. You're pretty handy to have around."

He twisted to face her. "I
good with my hands."

She lifted her chin, moving in until she felt his hot breath, and ever so gently pressed her lips to his. He caressed her back as the kiss heated and became deeper.

She opened her mouth to him, caressing his tongue with hers, in long strokes.

He moaned, and broke the kiss. He gazed down at her lovely face, and kissed her lightly again. It was then he realized something startling.
He'd missed her

"I decided on steak for dinner. I hope it’s okay," she said as she moved away.

"Sounds great, really great actually. How was the rest of your day?"

"Okay. It was hard to concentrate on anything after our meeting. I can't help thinking there's something I’ve missed." She pulled the steaks out and then reached for a pan. "There's wine," she said, gesturing to the cooler under the bar. "Maybe you can help me forget all that."

He picked a bottle out of the wine cooler. "I'm certainly willing to try, Liv."

Olivia smiled and pictured the possibilities, while seasoning the strip steaks.

Heating the pan she asked. "How do you like your meat?"

He grinned. "Well tended to, and medium rare."

"Mmm, again we agree."

Brian watched her prepare the steaks.

"You know, for two loners, this feels awfully comfortable. Being together, I mean."

The corner of her mouth turned up in a lop-sided smile. "It's nice, isn't it?" She glanced over, his smoldering stare boring into her. Her stomach twisted. She wasn't sure the feeling was from passion, or from fear. Was she letting him get too close?

Brian looked away. She knew he’d noticed the change in her expression. Remembering where the cork screw was, he pulled it out, opened, and poured the wine. It was obvious to him, someone had really hurt her. He knew, because it'd happened to him too. Stepping closer, he handed her a glass.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

She accepted the glass, and felt his fingers brushed lightly up her arm. Her skin tingled from his touch and she could barely manage not to groan. Knowing how perceptive he was, he was talking about more than dinner.

"You're doing just fine." She set her glass down and stepped into his arms, lacing hers around his neck. "I'm skittish, you understand. We enjoy each other don't we?"

"Yes, we do. You're right, I understand. We'll take it slow."

She kissed him. God, he tasted good. A hint of wine lingered on his lips.

"I better attend to that meat," she said, stepping away.

"Oh yes, the steak." He actually snickered.

"Why don't you get the salad fixings out? I was thinking Caesar, but I have everything for a garden salad if you'd prefer."

"Garden salad sounds good. Knife, cutting board?"

Olivia pointed him in the right direction. And decided as she watched him assemble the salad ingredients that even the way he chopped vegetables was sexy. This was bound to turn out badly, but in the meantime, she was going to enjoy him.
'Try not to sabotage this
' she told herself.

"What kind of dressing do you want me to make?"

"You make your own dressing? Still can't figure out why you're single."

"I could say the same thing about you. How about ranch?"

"Sure. Well, for one thing, a lot of men aren't interested in a strong woman." She shrugged as she turned the steaks. "And I guess I’ve already mentioned it's hard for me to trust."

"We both have trust issues. Olivia,” he paused long enough that she turned and looked at him. He’d stopped working and was looking at her with an intensity that made her shiver. “You can trust me."

"Thank you for saying that."

He placed his hands on her arms and turned her toward him. "I mean it. You. Can. Trust. Me."

"You mean it right now. Steaks are done."

Brian sucked air in through his teeth. "Ouch."

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to hurt you."

"I'm a big boy. I like the fact you're up front with things. I'm interested in your opinion."

Olivia's eyebrow arched. "My opinion is what attracted you?"

He grinned. "Okay, you got me there. But as I get to know you, I find you're even more attractive to me than you were. God that sounded a lot less corny in my mind."

Olivia chuckled. "Come on, let's eat."

Brian's phone buzzed. "Yeah, Jimmie. Okay, record everything and go over the tapes. Call me back if you find something I need to know right away. Otherwise I'll see you in the morning." He glanced to her.

"Our contact. The one following Matasuki's mother just came in."

"Maybe you should go."

"They can handle it."

Olivia slid into her seat. "I have to tell you, Brian. I'm really getting into all this stealthy, spy stuff."

"You're a natural, Liv. Did you always want to do what you're doing?"

"No, I was going to raise horses, be a rock star, or something. I'm learning right now. I want my own business."

Brian carved into his steak. "What kind of business? Something like Dolby?"

"No, nothing like Dolby. Entertainment of some kind. How about you, Brian?"

He shrugged. "I always wanted to work for myself. I've always been a nerd, a techie. I was the kid who always had his nose in a book. The one asking annoying questions, getting beat up and shoved in lockers. Until I started to grow."

Olivia swallowed and nodded. "That could be my story. No one paid much attention to me at all, until I started to....blossom."

"You sure did. Where was home then?"

"San Diego."

Brian's phone buzzed again. "Sorry." He listened and his forehead pinched in a frown. "It's okay. He's not our problem anymore."

"Paul's gone. My guys lost him in the park."

Olivia leaned back, dropping her fork. "All of this is so bizarre. His behavior is something I never expected. None of this is."

"I hope he wasn't right about Matasuki wanting him dead."



Chapter Nine



Brian kissed her. "I should go home tonight. I've got a really early day tomorrow."

She stroked his face, both of them still heated from their passionate coupling. She kissed him, but didn't protest. He waited. He'd hoped she'd relent and ask him to stay anyway.

"I'm meeting Matasuki tomorrow at four, at the Plaza."

The mere thought of this meeting made him so anxious his heart started to pound hard against his chest.

"I'll have something for you in the morning. Don't leave before I see you." He twisted out of bed and walked toward the bathroom.

Olivia watched his tight body posture and then followed him. She wrapped her arms around his waist from behind as he waited for the shower to heat and kissed his shoulder.

"It feels really nice to have someone worried about me. Thank you."

The feeling of her body pressed to his had his cock twitching to life yet again. He just could never get enough of her.

"I do worry about you." He turned, hugging her close kissing her forehead. She looked up at him through her thick lashes and he was lost. Smiling enticingly, she softly trailed her fingers down his arm, grasped his hand and backed into the large shower."

"We may not get very clean."

He grinned. "Clean is over rated."

Kissing her hard this time, he pushed her back against the cool marble; she dragged her calf up his leg, hot water pinging across their skin. She reached down, sliding his hardness up and down her slit before placing it at her entrance. Brian grabbed her raised leg under the knee, and supporting her leg in the crook of his elbow, drew her open. He thrust forward, sheathing himself to the root in one motion. Breaking the kiss with a gasp, he threw his head back, luxuriating in the feel of her tight pussy, and of her nails raising trails of red welts across his back.

Their hips ground together. Olivia moaned, her hard nipples rubbed over his chest as he thrust into her. He slowed his movements, adding a sensual twisting motion that almost drove Olivia over the edge.  He moved in and out of her, as the steam billowed around them. “Olivia, open your eyes, I want to see them as you cum.” Locking eyes as they pounded together, her hands moved down his body and over the tensed cheeks of his butt. He moaned and Olivia saw his pupils dilate fully. She used her toned vaginal muscles to first clamp down and then did an ever increasing rhythmic pulsation around him. She watched as he tried to hold back and saw in his eyes when he gave into his building orgasm. He growled loudly. They came at the same time, staring into each other’s eyes. Olivia's vision dulled, and her eyelids slipped closed. Her leg started to shake, and he held her close as he slowed his movements.

His heartbeat pounded over his temple, both of their breathing sounded liked they’d just run a mile. Brian released Olivia's leg and she eased it down as she relaxed her fingers from where they’d dimpled his flesh. Pushing slightly back, she gently kissed him again.

"You're right. Clean is
over rated."


Olivia stretched, a contented smile still on her lips as she woke. She turned on her side and pulled a pillow to her. His scent lingered on the fine cotton and she breathed it in. With a sigh she rolled over and swung her feet off the bed. After a quick shower, she stood in her closet looking for just the right outfit for the big meeting with Matasuki. Something business-like, but sexy too. He was a man, and she’d recognized his interest in her that night at the Gala. She pushed through hanger after hanger of suit jackets and skirts. Finally she pulled a set out.

"When in doubt, go with your gut."

She'd chosen a cobalt blue, lower mid-thigh length skirt and matching jacket. Next, she went to the drawer and picked a lacy black, bustier and panties, a set of silky thigh highs, and a pair of classy heels, not too high, to finish the outfit. No one would see the underpinnings unless she wanted them to.

She set her hair in large hot rollers and she’d do her makeup before dressing. Once her makeup was complete she removed the rollers and looked in the mirror. She finger-combed her cooling curls, fluffing and separating them before finishing off the look with a shot of extra-hold hair spray. She pulled on her skirt, and her suit jacket.  As a final touch she chose a light, sweet cologne, spraying it on with short bursts. Now, smiling at her reflection, she approved, just a sneak peek of black lace edged cleavage to entice and distract; perfect.

"Okay, game on, Mr. Matasuki."

She took a taxi instead of the subway and confidently walked into her building. Heads turned. She ignored them, but smiled. Her phone buzzed as she got to the elevator. Brian.

"Oh damn. I was supposed to wait for him," she mumbled. "Hey, I'm sorry. I was so into picking an outfit, I totally forgot. Okay, I'll stop home before I go. See you around three-thirty."

The morning went by slowly. Olivia spent her time going over everything she still had on Matasuki and that included the thumbnail from Paul. She had a salad at her desk and at one, Linda buzzed her.

"Mr. Grant wants to see you in his office."

"I'll go right now. If Jerrod calls or comes by, I'm just out."

"You got it."


Tyson's door was open and he glanced out past his secretary when he heard voices and did a double take. "
Oh Christ
." Olivia always looked good, but today, she looked stunning.

He stood and met her at the door.

"Good to see you, Mr. Grant. I have the finished proposals for us to go over."

He closed the door noticing that half those in the outer offices were looking over.

"Good, we need a strategy."

"I'm worried about Jerrod. He won't see these until we get there, and he is my division leader."

"I out rank him. I don't want him to know anything. Olivia, I had Brian's company sweep the offices. Several of the offices were bugged. Including Paul's....and yours. I wasn't spared either. Brian’s team found no tampering on the security tape, but the maintenance person could not be identified as one who works for us. Brian's company will set up new surveillance equipment without our own security team’s knowing and have it monitored off site."

"That's, well, creepy. How selective were the bugs?"

"Most division heads, several of our lawyers. Like I said, me."

"That means they heard our conversation on Friday laying out our plan to make Dolby takeover-proof."

"And you were right. You were the one who didn't want to finish our conversation here."

"But I did spill the beans, so to speak. If it got to Matasuki that we know what he's up to, it changes everything doesn't it? What's our strategy now?"

Tyson walked over and stared out the window for a moment.

"Okay, you're right. This is what we're going to do. I'm not going to do a thing to make Dolby undesirable. However, we are going to add an addendum to our proposal. I’m going to stipulate they cannot own more than ten percent stock and they can't attempt any kind of takeover, or change in the top management of Dolby for the life of the contract. Otherwise, no deal."

"Good idea. Can't you suggest Stein do the same?"

Tyson narrowed his gaze and stared at her in silence. "Let them decide what they're going to do on their own."

"You'd let them go down without a warning?"

"Listen, Olivia. Stein Brothers is a very big business. The Steins are smart and savvy business men, if they've done what they need to do, they know what we do."

"Okay, you're right, and you're the boss. I'll get legal right on the new addendum." She left the folder for him and turned to leave.

"Olivia, wait." She swiveled back and waited as Tyson walked over. "Here's my cell number. Please call after you've finished your first meeting, or anytime you need to, for anything. And of course, if there's any question what to do." She took the card from him, but responded with a simple nod.

She did what she was told, gathered everything up and put it in her briefcase along with her laptop and headed home to meet Brian. In the cab she pressed call on her phone.

"Samantha, how are those stock purchases coming? Yeah, check for me. No, don't text me. I'll call you back. Thanks, Sam." Next she texted Brian. "
I'm on my way.

The stress was building, but this is what she'd signed up for. Take it for what is it and learn all you can. Regardless of what Tyson thought, Matasuki needed to be stopped.

The elevator opened and Olivia found Brian waiting for her.

"I really am sorry about this morning."


Brian couldn't help his gaze from roaming over her body.
Jesus, was he a fool to let her go into this on her own?


"It's okay. I know what a big day this is." He followed her to her door and inside. She turned suddenly and threw her arms around him, their briefcases thudding to the floor. The force of it surprised him, but he recovered quickly, covering her lips with his.

Abruptly she pulled back. "I'm sorry, I needed that."

His hands roamed up her back. "Don't be sorry, Liv, I needed it too."

She pulled him close her head resting against his shoulder.

"I know I'm supposed to be the strong, tough one, but damn, Brian, I'm so nervous. My stomach is sick with it."

He kissed the top of her head. Nothing felt more natural than to comfort her.

"Don't worry. I'll be close by. What I've got for you will make it like I'm in the room with you. I'll be able to hear and record everything. Let me show you."

He took her hand, picked his briefcase off the floor and placed it on the table. He unzipped it and reached inside. Smiling, he pulled something surprising out, and held it up to her.

A lovely, simple necklace. A one inch oval of abalone. The pearl essence of the polished shell was encased in white gold and dangled from a matching chain.

"It's plated in rhodium, and has not only a tiny microphone, but also a camera. I can record anything you say or hear and see what you see. It’s state of the art, micro technology, voice activated, it only turns on then, but with an override, so it won’t be detected if they do a security sweep," He stepped closer and draped it around her neck, twisting the clasp.

Olivia reached up, feeling its light weight against her chest.

"Thank you, Brian. It makes me feel so much better; safer. It's been a tough afternoon." She turned to face him and though she tried not to, her eyes misted. Being vulnerable wasn't something she did, let alone showed anyone.

He brushed her hair back away from her face, and by blinking rapidly to keep the tears from escaping, she was relieved when her eyes cleared without the need for a tissue.

"You don't have to do this Liv." He bent, his lips caressing hers. His phone buzzed. His eyes pinched shut. "
.” She pulled back and he reached into his pocket.

"Yeah." As he listened he turned away from her. "Thanks. Stay on re-con." He hesitated and then turned.

Olivia sensed his angst. "What is it?"

"The police found Paul's body this morning."

Her hand flew up to her mouth, the tears she’d forced back rapidly formed and escaped.

"I'm so sorry, Liv."

Brian pulled her into his arms and held her tightly to him. She fought back a sob and swallowed hard. Gritting her teeth as tears silently drifted down her cheeks, her fingers pulled into tight fists against Brian's back. The frown of pain pinching her face turned into one of steely determination. Anger replaced the sadness in her eyes as she stared over Brian's shoulder.

"He's not going to get away with this."

Brian pulled away. "Don't let Paul's death cloud your judgment. Liv?"

She looked up and his eyes searched hers. The anger softened when Olivia recognized the fear in them.

"I won't Brian, I promise. I have to fix my face and get going. I don't want to be late."

He held up his phone."Okay, but if you need anything, I'm a sound or sentence away. Don't hesitate."

"You'll have to trust me as much as I trust you, Brian. I'm young, but I'm really good at what I do. This is my first real chance to prove it and I'm going to."

He gently pressed his lips to hers. "Go fix your face. I'll wait."


Brian watched her and listened for the water before looking in her briefcase. He found her purse and pulled two tiny, digital devices from his pocket. He placed one inside the lining of her purse, the other in the lining of the briefcase. The technology made them virtually undetectable and they could be activated remotely. She didn't need to know he could find her if he needed to. He was much more worried than he thought he'd be. Hearing about Paul had changed everything. It could have been a mugging, a robbery gone badly, but that's not what his gut told him. He sure wasn't going to take any chances with her.

"All fixed."

"Gorgeous as usual. Maybe later you'll let me help you out of those clothes."

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