Corporate Ties (Silken Ties Book 1) (14 page)

Lin hesitated and then shrugged. "I like the sex, and why not make some money doing it? I work my own hours. I decide who I go out with. If I want to have sex with them, I do."

"You could do much better."

"Let's change the subject. I know we're not close, but we've known each other for a while and it's unusual to see you so upset. What happened?"

Mo played with the food on her plate.

"You can trust me, Mo."

"I have two sons. One is dangerous, just like his father before him. He only cares about himself, and what he wants. The sooner he's out of town the better."

Lin continued eating, but wanted to push Mo to tell her more.

"Sounds like my family. I can't count on them. I knew that early on. I mean how does a fifteen year old learn that it’s not safe to trust her family, stuff like that, unless it's a defensive reaction? I've used the instinct ever since. Damn, I'm sorry Mo. I didn't mean to bring my shit into this. My situation is nothing like yours."

Mo's brow pinched. "You're wrong. It sounds exactly like mine." She moved close to comfort her guest. "Stop, it's going to be okay. Finish your dinner. You can stay. We'll talk later." Lin knew Jimmie was watching and would make any adjustments needed if her plans changed."Thanks, Mo. I'm all right. You've always been so nice to me. I can't believe your son would be so different from you."

Mo pushed back from the table and reached for her tea. "He was raised by his father. Unfortunately he turned out to be just like him. Now, I'm afraid there's no way to change the way he thinks."

She stared off into the distance, and then turned away. Lin felt her uneasiness and reached for her hand.

"I'm sorry, but it can't be true, Mo. There must be something that you can do. I'd really like help you, Mo."

"You're sweet, Lin. Unfortunately it's something for someone braver than I am. I can't see him taken down, although I know it will happen eventually."

"You make it sound as if you know how to do it, but you can't be a part of it. If this needs to happen, maybe you need to be a part of it, just not the main part. Mo, would you stop him from hurting others, if you could?"

Mo sipped her tea, obviously thinking it over. Lin was right. Even if he was her son, he needed to be taught a lesson, before his greed and lust hurt anyone else and killed him.

She sighed. "You're right. If I can save him from that and anyone else from getting hurt I should do it. Now, we should get you settled. You stay here as long as you want." Lin started to protest, but Mo raised her hand to stop her. "I know you have a place of your own. Here, you have a refuge, somewhere away from any other life. You understand, don't you, Lin?"

Lin nodded, her eyes filling with tears she hadn't ever meant to shed. "Thank you, Mo. You don't know how much this means to me."

Mo smiled. "Oh, I think I do." She reached over and stroked Lin’s face. "I see so much more in you than you see in yourself."

Lin blinked away tears, and steeled her emotions. "I know people, Mo. People who could help teach your son a lesson, and make sure he doesn't hurt anyone again. Like you said, for his own good. Before he gets hurt. At least think about it?"

Mo nodded. "Okay, Lin. I will. Come on, I'll show you your room."



"Samantha, can you meet me for lunch? Sure, that sounds perfect; see you then."

Olivia rested back into her chair, twirling a pen in her fingers. Stein Brothers would have met with Matasuki already. She knew, because she'd seen their reservation for the same room Dolby used for their meeting with Matasuki yesterday. The intercom buzzed and she sat forward to push the button.

"You have a delivery."

She frowned, walking out to see what it could be. A courier stood in front of Linda's desk. She signed the electronic pad, he handed her the package and turned to leave.

"Please wait. I may have a return message." She opened the padded enveloped and pulled out the card and iconic light blue box. Glancing over the note, she shoved the box back into the envelope. "Take this directly back to who sent it."

The courier's eyes widened, but he took the package from her hand. "No message?"

"No, thank you.”

“Linda, I'm meeting someone for lunch. I'll be back at two.


Matasuki smiled when he saw the courier returning with the package. He wasn't surprised. She wasn't anything like the usual women he met, who fawned over him, the ones who dreamed of a man with power and money. He'd figure her out. He would have her, one way or another.


Olivia held the menu, but her mind was on other things. If Matasuki thought she could be plied with jewelry, he'd picked the wrong girl. Still the fact he was pursuing her openly raised her confidence. A hand reached over and pushed the menu down.

"Oh, hey, Sam, I didn't hear you come over."

Sam settled into her seat, placing her napkin on her lap. "Not surprising. You were deep in thought, what's up?"

"This Matasuki thing. It's so much more complicated now. Every day it gets crazier and crazier. I need to know about the stock."

"Loralie and her friends have done just what you asked, and they're still buying small to medium amounts, nothing which would be perceived as unusual or threatening. The girls and I have been doing the same using the trusts we set up. Anything else you want me to do? You should know, we think someone else is buying stock, too."

Olivia opened her purse and took out a card, sliding it across the table to her. "If something happens to me, or you can't get a hold of me, you tell him what I was doing and you follow through on your own. Understand?"

Sam nodded and took the card, glanced at it, and then slipped it into her pocket. "What are you getting yourself into Liv?"

"This guy had a friend of mine killed and he's threatening others."

"You know that for certain?" Olivia nodded. "Let the police handle things. Have you told them what's going on?"

"Sam, the FBI has a very thick file on Matasuki. It's obvious, from what I know, Matasuki has someone on the inside the FBI, helping him. The police are small time compared to his assets and I'm not looking for help from them. They haven't even come to Dolby to ask any questions."

"Ready to order?"

"Sure. I'll have the lobster roll. Just water with lemon."

"Sounds good. I'll do the same," Sam decided, giving the waiter a nice smile. Olivia noticed her friend running her glance up and down the waiter’s retreating form as he left them. "You hardly even noticed him, and he's gorgeous. What else is going on with you?"

Olivia's lips turned up into a sly smile. "I'm being a good neighbor, that's all."

"A good neighbor. I thought you didn't date anyone in your building. You've always said it can make things awkward."

She shrugged. "And it may happen this time. He's great though. I'm really enjoying him."

"Good for you. Lucy is seeing someone too. I haven't met him. He's a driver or something."

"Six dates is her record I think."

Sam chuckled. "Wow, that many? Seriously Liv, you be careful. If this guy doesn't mind killing people, you're no match for him. I really wish you'd let it go."

"I'll be careful, I promise, and Sam, everyone including Matasuki thinks I'm no match for him. It's an advantage I don't plan to waste."



Chapter Eleven



Adam shook his head. "That was the strangest meeting I've ever been to." His brother Eric glanced behind him to Matasuki as he signed for something from a courier in the lobby.

"I got the strange feeling he'd already made up his mind and he was just going through the motions. He met with Dolby yesterday didn't he? I can't believe that our proposal was that much better than theirs."

"Yes, he did. Their proposal may not have been better, but I bet the delivery was."

Eric frowned as they stopped at the entrance and waited for the car to pull around.

"Seriously? Adam this is business. You really think a man like Matasuki is so captivated by a woman he'd let it cloud his judgment?"

"Maybe, maybe not. If all things were equal, what would sway you? Besides you didn't see the way he looked at her the night of the Gala."

"No, but if it’s anything like the way you looked at her; you're right, we're in trouble with this one. Maybe we've underestimated Tyson all these years."

"Oh, I know
have.” Adam eyed his brother. “I've always known how smart he was. He's just so stubborn."

Eric laughed. "And I wonder where he got that from. He's just like Dad and so are you. Let's get some lunch before we head back."


"Maybe these two hunks will get take your mind off things for a minute," Samantha quipped. The two men walked past their center table and took a seat. Olivia glanced over just as they received their menu. The two men stopped to listen and when the waiter moved away, Adam Stein locked his eyes to hers.

," she thought, but couldn't look away. He stood and Eric turned, rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Olivia, nice to see you again."

"Yes, nice to see you too, Adam. This is my friend, Samantha."

He forced himself to glance at her lunch companion. He recognized her from the night at Chao.

"Hello." He looked back to Olivia. "May I speak with you for a moment alone, Olivia?"

"Uh, I have to powder my nose anyway," Samantha said. They both nodded as Sam got up and left for the rest room, Adam took her seat.

"Maybe I should congratulate you. I'm fairly sure Matasuki will be going with Dolby."

Olivia pulled her chin back. "Really? I take it your meeting didn't go as well as you planned. Actually, if you did the research I was referring to, you wouldn't be upset to lose his business."

Adam's eyes narrowed. "Yet,
still pursuing his business."

"We've protected ourselves, Adam. And just between you and me, and I hope I can trust you to keep it that way. I wouldn't be upset to lose his account. Either way, be careful what you ask for."

Adam opened his mouth just as Samantha returned. He reached inside his jacket and pulled out a card.

"Please call me later."

Olivia took the card. There was such heat registering in his gaze and she had to admit she was still unquestionably attracted to him. He was a true alpha male. Matasuki was one too, but that's where the comparison ended. Matasuki wanted; no maybe he needed, to dominate people, especially his women.

"All right, Adam. I will."

Samantha's eyes widened as she took her seat. "What was that all about?"

"Just business."

"Didn't look like it."

Olivia sighed and shook her head. "Why does he have to be so damn..."



Adam roughly unbuttoned his jacket and sat down, still staring in Olivia's direction.

Eric interjected, "I was sure you were going to throw her over your shoulder and stalk out of here. What is it about her that gets you so riled up?"


"I think it's because she's not into you. Smart girl."

"You're an asshole, you know that?"

"Yeah, well this asshole is hungry. Ah good," he said as the waiter approached. "We're both having steak, New York Strip, rare, green beans, sautéed and bring us each bourbon; doubles, neat. Thank you." When the waiter retreated Eric added. "Maybe it's time to have a family meeting."


Olivia kept reading the same line of the report over and over. Nothing was registering. Then the intercom buzzed.

"Yes, Linda?"

"Clay's on line one."

Olivia jerked the receiver up and pushed the blinking line.

"Clay, what is it? Paul drowned? I know, it's terrible. So, nothing from the police? No clues? How's Maureen? Okay, I'll see you at the funeral. And Clay, thanks for calling me."

Linda came in, her eyes sad. "Olivia, I'm so sorry. I know he was a friend of yours. You should go home early. I'm sure everyone would understand."

"Thank you, Linda. I think I will. I know Dolby will send flowers, but I want some sent from me too. Can you take care of that for me, please?"

"Of course."

It was almost four and she wasn't doing any good here anyway, so she packed up and headed out. When she got to her building lobby, the man at the desk waved her over.

"There's a package for you, Miss Grayson." He handed her another smaller padded envelope, which she opened and pulled out the card.

"Since rubies aren't to your liking, I hope you'll like this better," Isamu.

She pulled out the box and opened it. A diamond bracelet. Smiling she slipped it back inside.

"Send this right back for me please."

She shook her head and walked to the elevator. Her left arm crossed her chest and she rubbed at her shoulder. Her briefcase felt unusually heavy at her side. Inside her apartment she set her briefcase beside the sofa like she always did and pulled off her jacket, suddenly exhausted. All she wanted to do was sleep. Walking to the bedroom she heard the buzzer.

"You have flowers down here, should we send them up?"

She sighed. "No, I'll be right down." She slipped her jacket back on and grabbed her clutch from her briefcase.

Two dozen red roses in a crystal vase were waiting, and a card that merely said. "These?"

"Send them back, please."

Once back upstairs, Olivia felt the card in her pocket and pulled it out.

I guess we should have a talk, even if Tyson doesn't think so.” 
She sank into the couch, pulled out her cell and pressed in the number.

"I'm sorry he's in a meeting, can I give him a message?"

"Tell him Olivia called. I'll call his cell later."


"The flowers are coming back, Mr. Matasuki, what would you like to do with them?" The clerk asked.

"Throw them away," he growled.


Kimiko grinned as she followed along. He was getting frustrated with this woman. She'd known all along this creature wasn't his type. She could never give him what he needed. Still if she ever did try to come between them, a high price would have to be paid.


Adam sat with Eric in the conference room looking through the Matasuki files again. What Olivia had said was driving him crazy. They hadn't seen anything in the files that would cause a red flag, but obviously Olivia had.

Eric tossed a file down on the table. "Maybe she's just yanking your chain, Adam. I can't see anything."

"I don't think so. She doesn't need to play that game. If it's here, I'll find it."

"It's almost six, I'm going home. I have someone waiting for me. You should try it sometime. Did you ever think if it was something bad, Tyson would have warned us?"

Adam glanced over. "Are you sure about that? Would you?"

"Yeah, of course I would” Eric bit his lip.  “I guess. Well, depending on what it was. Would he believe me? I don't know."

"This is messed up isn't it? How did we let this happen? Yes, its business, but we're family, and that's got to mean more than business, doesn't it? Whatever happens with this stupid file, things have to change."

"Agreed. See you tomorrow."

Eric left and several minutes later a soft knock came on the door and it opened.

"I'm going home, Mr. Stein. Here are your messages. I'll see you in the morning."

"Thank you, Emma."

She closed the door and he sorted through the short stack. He stopped when he got to Olivia's. He pulled at the sleeve of his jacket exposing his watch. It was an hour ago, damn, and she didn't leave a number either. Next he looked at his cell phone, no messages. He set it on the table and picked up another file. 'Acquisitions'?

"I don't remember seeing this one before." He sifted through each sheet and then sat forward and looked through them again. His phone buzzed and still deep in thought he answered.

"Adam Stein."

"I've signed and faxed you back the contract you proposed. Since you had already signed it, I assume we have a deal."

"Mr. Matasuki, I wasn't expecting to hear from you so soon. I guess we do. I look forward to working with you."

"Keep this between us. We'll announce it at the end of the week."

"Fine. I'll talk to you soon." He clicked, ‘end call’ and slumped back into his seat. A thin line of sweat began to form below his thick hairline. "Shit. Now what?" His chest was tight, and his eyes darted back and forth while he tried desperately to think. His phone buzzed again and he let it. Finally he looked at the small screen at a number he didn't recognize.

"Adam Stein."

"Adam, its Olivia."

He rested his elbow on the table, his head in his hand.

"I think I found what you were trying to tell me. About the acquisitions? Now it's my turn to ask this stay between us."

"Of course."

"Just minutes ago Matasuki signed a contract to work with Stein."

"He signed a contract that won't allow a takeover?"

"No, no he didn't. I just figured out what you meant."

"Oh no, Adam. You have to stop it."

"I'll call our lawyer.” He ran his hand over his face. “I took a chance leaving a signed contract with him, damn it. I shouldn't be telling you this at all, except you were the one who warned me. Did Tyson know about this? Of course he did,
he didn't call me."

"You're a smart business man, Adam. So is he, he figured if I found it, certainly you and your brother with all the resources you have at your disposal would have. I'm even surprised you went to the meeting yourself. Wasn't one of your people handling this?"

"They were until you were involved."

"I don't understand."

"I figured you were going to beat me out of this contract if I didn't personally handle it. You were right. I got what I asked for. Go ahead, say it."

"I'm sorry, Adam. You'll figure out how to fix things. Tyson was right, you're really smart. Go; be good at what you do."

"Have dinner with me tonight. I need to talk more about this."

"I think that's a really bad idea. Being seen together is not something we should do."

"Meet me somewhere then."

"I can't, not tonight."

"Tomorrow night then?"

"I'm having dinner at Tyson's tomorrow. He's entertaining Matasuki. I'm sorry."

Anger began to fill him, and his jaw tensed. "No problem, see you around, Olivia."

The phone went dead and Olivia felt terrible. What could she do? She'd protected Dolby, and she’d done her best to warn Adam. What could she do, indeed? She had a plan. She’d let it play out, push it forward faster than she wanted to, but play it out nonetheless. A corner of her mouth turned up, and she scrolled through a few numbers, she chose one, someone who had great connections.

"Loralie, I need another big favor."


Brian arrived and stopped at Olivia's door and then decided he should give her some space. As he turned to leave, the door opened.

"Hey, I was just coming down to see if you were home. You must be busy."

"No, I was thinking I should leave you alone for a change."

She smiled. "Yeah, probably, but it's too late now. Come on in." Olivia extended her hand and he took it, shaking his head, glancing up through his lashes.

"What am I going to do with you?"

"I'll show you in a minute. First, I've have things to tell you."

"I have things to tell you, too."

She turned, pulling him into her apartment. The door shut and he pulled her back toward him, circling her waist from behind and kissing her, his stubble scratching her cheek as his warm lips moved across it.

Olivia swiveled, taking his face in her hands.

"You're so good for me." Pressing her lips against his, before backing away. "You're very distracting, but I want to tell you some things."

"You're pretty distracting too, and you don't hear

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