Corporate Ties (Silken Ties Book 1) (18 page)

“Wait, when Paul was married he lived in Long Island. He took the train to work and back every day, right?"

"Grand Central Station," they proclaimed in unison.

"Let's go." Brian had a silly smile on his face when he kissed Olivia. His excitement almost blocked out the knot of anxiety sitting like a stone in his stomach.

The trip back to the stash point went by quickly. But instead of taking the sedan, they walked six blocks to the nearest subway station and took that conveyance into the city. As a precaution they changed trains a few times, planning to reach Grand Central Station at rush hour.

"Great timing. Lots of people to use as a cover." Olivia let him guide her through the throng. "Did the code give us a number for the locker or just the combination?"

Brian pulled out his phone. "Thirteen. I'll send the number and the combination to your phone. Go; I'll stand watch."

She nodded. "Good idea. I'll meet you back here."

She left Brian and circled around until she got to the locker area. Finding the right locker, she lifted her phone and pulled up Brian's message. She took several breaths and shook out her hands.

One more deep breath and she spun the number dial. To the number nine, back twice around to the three and back to the number six. She hesitated and then pulled the handled up. It moved! But before opening the door, Olivia placed herself in position to block the line of sight of anyone watching or the security camera’s view into the locker. “Come one Paul, make this worth it.” She opened the door just enough to see inside. There was a zippered, leather portfolio. She reached down for her pack, unzipped and pulled it up, pulled the portfolio quickly out of the locker and shoved it into her pack. Checking the locker one last time, something caught her eye. She grabbed it. Stuck it in her jean pocket and closed the locker door and spun the lock. For some reason she stopped and with her hand gathered the bottom of her t-shirt. Then leaning against the locker to again block the security cameras, used her t-shirt to wipe down anywhere she'd touched. Instead of meeting up with Brian, she took another train and then a taxi home. When she got there she went straight to the desk.

"I want to put this in the safe."

"Of course. The concierge clerk opened a drawer and pulled out a form. He seemed to be taking forever. She signed the form and he slipped a tag on the portfolio and they walked together to where the safe room was. She watched him enter and return without it, handing her a receipt.

"Thank you. Please call me a cab."

While she waited she messaged Brian.

"I can handle this on my own. Please don't follow me."

Her first stop was the New York City Library. She selected a computer in one of the walled conference rooms. From her pocket she pulled out the stick she'd discovered in the locker, and stuck it into the computer. It only contained one file. She opened it and began scanning its contents, her eyes widening as she understood the importance of the information. She emailed the entire file and a short note to two people and put the stick back into her pocket.

Her teeth nipped at her bottom lip and as she scrolled through the recent contacts on her phone and selected one. After she pressed it and heard the phone ringing, she closed her eyes and waited. Her heart thumped against her ribs. Her mouth was so dry her tongue felt thick and when the ringing stopped, her stomach lurched.

"I don't want to wait,” she said without preamble. “I want to come to you now."


Brian ran up the stairs and out into the street, hailing a cab.

He gave the driver his address. "Hurry." He clicked on Jimmie’s number, his breath short, his heart pounding in his chest. "Jimmie, can you see Olivia's tracking beacon?"

Jimmie reached over a clicked through several screens. "Yes, it's coming up. She's at home."

When Brian got to the apartment he pounded on Olivia's door. There was no answer, so he called down to the desk.

"Yes, this is Brian Shaw. Could you tell me if Miss Grayson came in tonight? I was supposed to meet her here. She did? Thank you. Shit!" He clicked his cell again. "Please tell me Olivia's tracking has moved."

"Sorry, still showing her at home."

"She ditched us, Jimmie.  She left the tracking beacons in here. Okay keep surveillance on track. Let me know if you see her anywhere near Matasuki." Brian's mind was racing. Had she been playing him the entire time?


Olivia knew Brian's men were watching Matasuki, it didn't matter. In fact it was comforting. She just didn't need Brian involved. If something went wrong she could handle the consequences for herself, but not if something happened to him. No, Matasuki had to know she'd broken it off with him, that he was no longer a part of her life.

She arrived at the Plaza, rushed to the ladies room and changed back into her black dress. She presented herself at the front desk and asked the clerk to call ahead for her. Immediately, she was escorted into Matasuki’s suite by a manager, who left her in the sitting room.  The fact a manager had brought her, made it clear Kimiko still hadn't returned.

She took a causal pose. Arms folded over her chest, weight on her left side. "I hope you were serious about my coming to work for you. I've given my notice."

With a smug smile Matasuki walked toward her, motioning for her to sit. She hesitated and so he motioned again. She sat and he joined her.

"Yes, I was serious. I already have a contract drawn up. I have only to print it out. My staff is in another suite. Let me call over." He stood and walked into the other room. She'd brought nothing with her but the pack and her cell phone. All she knew was this had to be done, and she was the only one who could pull it off, the only one willing to do whatever it took. "
Calm down
" she urged.

Isamu came back into the room and stopped at the bar. He glanced at his watch, it was nearly six.

"Can I get you a drink? And it's nearly time for dinner, would you join me?"

"I'd love a glass of red wine. It's been a long day, but if you want to dine here, I'd love to join you."

He nodded, not bothering to cover his satisfaction. He picked up the phone, before addressing her again.

"Anything in particular you'd like to eat?"

"I trust you to choose something."

He was quite handsome, she decided. It was the arrogance that had always turned her off. But she understood why women were attracted to him. His looks, the power and fortune behind them, were like a drug to most. She, on the other hand, was not looking to a man to fulfill her needs. She'd decided long ago, independence was what was important. Brian had her thinking differently. Maybe she
share her life with someone...someday. But right now she had to focus on the task at hand: Isamu.

"Here you are."

She smiled up at him, taking the wine glass from his hand.

"The funeral for your friend and co-worker was today. I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"Thank you. It's hard to say goodbye to those you care about." She shifted and her eyes narrowed. She sipped her wine, finally addressing him again. "Paul was afraid of you, Isamu. He thought you were going to kill him. He told me he had incriminating evidence taken from your FBI investigation file while he was an agent with the agency. After his death he left that evidence with me. She reached into the pack at her feet and pulled out the memory stick and held it up. "He told me this contained every bit of information needed to take you down."

She watched Isamu’s expression change. His eyes narrowed and turned hard, the smug smile disappeared. His lips pursed in anger and then he laughed derisively.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Miss Grayson."

"Really Isamu? If we're going to work well together we need to be frank with one another." She tossed him the stick. "It's yours. I haven't looked at it."

"Excuse me a moment."

She shrugged and nodded. "Of course, take your time." Olivia observed him as he quickly walked out of the room. She was sure she was now sporting a similar smug smile to his earlier one. She sipped her wine feeling more confident.

After twenty minutes, Isamu came back into the room.

"And this is the only memory stick?"

"Yes, as far as I know. I had to figure out a complicated code in order to find it."

"And your boyfriend, he doesn't know about this?"

"If you're talking about Brian. He's
my boyfriend. We went out several times, and that's the end of it. He did some work for Dolby and he was helping me look for Paul. That's all."

"Does he know you're here? That you're going to work for me?"

"No. Why would he?"

A knock came on the door and he got up to answer it. It startled her more than she let on and her pulse raced again.

A young woman came in, followed by a waiter pushing the room service cart.

The woman bowed slightly, and presented Olivia a document. After Olivia accepted it, she bowed again, turned and walked to Isamu. She spoke briefly with him, bowed politely and left the room.

While Isamu directed the waiter, Olivia paged through the employment contract. It was full of clauses she would reject out of hand, but
the power
her position afforded her was all inclusive, spelled out clearly in a concise two pages. After reviewing it twice, Olivia could find no loopholes in that section. The power is what she wanted but she’d take the more than generous seven figure salary along with it. She'd add some things, take some out, but overall it was a satisfactory employment contract. She slid it into the pack and picked her wine up again. Everything was progressing just the way she wanted.


Once the entree was served, Isamu dismissed the waiter and the small talk turned to business.

"You read over the contract, I presume?"

"Yes, I'll have my lawyer look it over. There are a few changes I'd like to make, but overall it's acceptable."

He smiled and shook his head. "You are unlike any business woman I've ever met. I've met some tough ones, some determined ones, yes, even some who tried to seduce me in order to curry my favor. First you protect your company and now leave it to come to work for me. What am I to deduce from such behavior?"

"I know what your real objective is Isamu. Dolby isn't the prize you really wanted. Stein, however, is another matter. I needed to make sure you weren't swayed by my very convincing proposal."

"Yes, it was very convincing, and I admit, if it weren't for the addendum, I may have waited for Stein and taken Dolby first."

"Let's talk about Stein for a moment, then. Since I am your new head of U.S. acquisitions, I'd like to move ahead with it. I know you usually wait, but I have something in mind and if we move quickly it would be done before they can put up any real fight. With the long term contracts they already have on the books, the ones they have in the works and the assets they've acquired over the last three years, Stein would make a great base of operations for Matasuki in America. Instead of selling everything off piece by piece, we merely take it over, put in our own people."

Astonishment resonated in his eyes now as he stared at her, trying to absorb everything she'd just told him. He twisted in his seat and adjusted his napkin.

"Go on," he urged, his voice deep. Olivia could see from his expression he knew he'd truly underestimated her and maybe all she was interested in was the power.

Olivia didn't want to show all her cards right now, and she had to make sure he was convinced she was here for more than the job.

"Their board meeting is Tuesday afternoon."

"And our board meeting is Friday."

She could see he was becoming agitated and continued. "We'll talk more about it later. None of this means anything without you." She placed her hand over his. "Anything I do now is for you, not your company, not for the power, or the money. I don't need any of it. It doesn't mean anything to me, but pleasing you does."

His eyes brightened, he stood and went back to the bar. Reaching down and raising a bottle of champagne.

"We should celebrate, and don't worry, I'll make sure you get home safely."

"I don't want to go home tonight."


Brian tossed and turned all night. At four he finally gave up and called into work.

"Yeah it's me. No one called, so I'm assuming Olivia stayed at the Plaza. No, stay on site. I want the surveillance to continue. If she won't protect herself. I'm going to."


Olivia didn't sleep either. She'd stared into the darkness. Sex just for the sake of sex, was normally an easy thing to do. It only was about giving and receiving pleasure, and she did that very well.

Isamu mumbled something in his sleep and she turned over to look at him. He looked peaceful, a shadow of a smile lingering on his lips. She slid her hand up his arm and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Good morning," she said in Japanese.

"Yes, it is. I was afraid all of it had been a dream."

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