Cowboy All Night (Thunder Mountain Brotherhood, Book 5) (7 page)

“Great show,” Lexi called out.

Aria turned around to find everyone sporting big smiles as they leaned on the rail fence. “I know!” she said. “It was

“I have video.” Rosie waved her phone. “Is it okay if I put it on the Thunder Mountain Academy website?”

“Of course! Spread it around online as much as you want.” Aria hadn’t thought of that, but pictures and videos of Linus would draw plenty of attention to the school. Rosie and Herb had done her a huge favor by offering free boarding and Brant’s training, but the resulting publicity could be huge. She felt better about the arrangement when she thought of that.

“I’ll go do it.” Rosie hurried toward the house.

Herb chuckled. “She won’t stop with the website. She’ll have Linus on YouTube before you can turn around.”

“Actually that’s a cute idea,” Lexi said. “Any past or future students will be interested.”

“Then maybe you’d better go tell her, just to make sure.” Herb pushed away from the fence. “I would, but I have to run some errands in town. I’ll see you all at lunch.”

“Wish I could hang around some more, too,” Cade said. “But I have a truck to wash and detail.”

“Aw, poor baby.” Lexi pretended to look sympathetic. “I’ll stop by after I make sure Rosie plans to upload that video to YouTube.”

Cade brightened. “You’ll help?”

“No, I’ll supervise.”

“I knew that.”

“I’ll work on Aria’s van when you’re done.” Brant glanced at Aria. “If that’s okay with you?”

“Sure.” After Cade left she turned to Brant. “You know, honestly, I don’t care if you wash Matilda or not. After all you’ve done with Linus, making you wash my van seems kind of obnoxious.”

“If you want, you can supervise, just like Lexi plans to do.”

“Or I could help, which makes a lot more sense. But it’s really not necessary. I’ll run it through a car wash next week.”

“But my honor’s on the line.”

She couldn’t tell if he meant that or not. “Really?”

He laughed. “No, not really. If Lexi’s truck is sparkling and your van’s a mess, I can take the abuse from Cade.”

“Then let’s forget it.”

“I’m thinking you’ve never had a guy wash your vehicle before. All sorts of fun things can happen when a hose and water are involved.” Mischief danced in his hazel eyes.

She began to grasp the potential in the activity, although it seemed risky to make out in broad daylight when she wasn’t ready to go public with their mutual attraction. But he was right. She’d never had a boyfriend wash her car. “We won’t be alone, though.”

“We’ll be sort of alone. I won’t start until Cade’s finished.” He paused and gave her a teasing smile. “Also, whenever I wash a vehicle, I generally remove my shirt.”

The guy made it impossible to be serious, so she gave up the effort. “You think I want to see your manly chest?”

“After the way you were ogling me back in the barn, I’d say that’s a distinct possibility. So do you want me to wash Matilda or not?”

She heard the slap of an invisible gauntlet being thrown down. Apparently he was offering more of an adventure than she’d anticipated. She hesitated as her normally cautious nature told her to nix the idea. They’d managed to get away with a stolen kiss in the barn, but this could be pushing their luck.

He waited.

She imagined him shirtless and sweaty. He’d implied that there would be water play and sensuous, slick body contact. Lots of kissing. As her body began to tingle, she lost the battle to be sensible. “Wash and detail, cowboy.”

He grinned. “You’ve got it, lady.”


to the van-washing experience more than ever. Obviously, Aria had never fooled around with a guy in the process of cleaning up a vehicle. She also didn’t realize that the cement slab behind the barn where the ranch trucks and sometimes the ranch horses were washed was a notorious make-out spot.

During Brant’s high school years he and his foster brothers had taken full advantage of it. Offering to wash a girlfriend’s truck during the summer months meant getting them alone behind the barn and hopefully soaked to the skin. Wet T-shirts never went out of style.

On a warm summer day they’d dry fast, too, which meant that theoretically the adults remained ignorant of what went on back there. Or so the guys had imagined. Rosie and Herb had probably known exactly what was going on and had quietly monitored the situation to make sure things didn’t get out of hand.

Cade didn’t need that kind of setup anymore now that he and Lexi were essentially living together, but Brant had hours to wait before he and Aria would be alone and naked. Washing her van and playing games with her in the water would tide him over until then.

A teenage make-out maneuver was in keeping with his frame of mind at the moment. Whenever he looked at Aria he felt the same reckless desire he’d experienced at seventeen.

Like a roller coaster at the county fair, the thrill would be over eventually and life would settle back into its normal routine. She seemed ready to let off some steam, too, after months of worrying about Josh. But she wasn’t the type to abandon her plans completely.

That made this temporary relationship almost perfect for both of them. Sure, he knew perfect didn’t exist. And nothing lasted forever. Dads could suddenly die of a heart attack and mothers could decide they were sick of taking care of a kid. But leaning against a rail fence next to Aria while he watched a day-old foal expand his horizons was good stuff.

Having her as a client was a new experience. He’d worked with women before, but never sexy and single women. That was probably just as well. He could combine work and pleasure this time, but making it a regular thing would be too distracting.

She let out a contented sigh. “This is so nice. I don’t get outside enough. That’s a disadvantage of my bank job.”

“So what’s the advantage?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”


“A steady paycheck, of course.”

“Oh, that.”

“Yeah, that. I like my customers, some more than others, but the stable income is the big draw.”

He shook his head. “If I had to work indoors five days a week I’d have to keep a bottle of whiskey in a desk drawer.”

“Good thing you don’t have to do that, then.”

“True.” He pulled his hat a little lower to shade his eyes. “I doubt people would trust their money to someone who keeps nipping from a flask.”

She laughed. “Probably not.”

“But if you crave a steady income, aren’t you worried about starting a cooking school? I can testify that once you’re self-employed, the concept of a regular paycheck disappears.”

“I’ve considered that, and it scares me a little, but I like being in charge. The alternative is working as a chef in a restaurant. Camille’s offered me a job but I can’t see myself taking it.”

“Why not?”

“I’d have to follow a set menu over and over, cook the same dishes night after night. When I’m cooking I like to innovate constantly. I’m afraid working at Camille’s would start feeling as repetitious as working at the bank.”

He glanced over at her. “You did say you like drama in your cooking.”

“I do. Camille has a great little restaurant, but her customers are vocal about keeping the menu the same. Last fall I suggested changing up the barbecue sauce recipe and it was a disaster. People pitched a fit, not because it was bad, but because it was different.”

“But there are other restaurants where they love putting new stuff on the menu. You could go to an area like Jackson Hole where movie stars hang out. They’d be all about variety in their food.”

She met his gaze. “You’re right, but I like living in Sheridan.”

“Because Josh is here?”

“That’s a big part of it. The other part is I grew up in this town. Camille and I became best friends in second grade, but I’ve made other good friends here, too. I know the countryside and the best riding trails. If I’m going to build a business, I want to build it in Sheridan.” She took a deep breath. “I belong here.”

He nodded slowly. “It’s good that you know that about yourself.” They were so different. He felt a deep connection to Thunder Mountain Ranch, but he didn’t need to make it his permanent home. Permanence was an illusion, anyway, although that wasn’t how she related to life. “Ready to lead your mare back in so I can get started on your van?”

“Sure. But if you’re determined to wash Matilda, then I’m determined to help you.”

He smiled. “Suit yourself.”

They had Lucy and Linus tucked into the stall in short order. Brant checked that the automatic watering system was working and gave Lucy more alfalfa pellets while Aria loved on Linus some more. Once they left, mom and baby would likely take a nice long nap.

“The wash area is behind the barn.” He worked hard not to smile as he said it. “I’ll go out there and make sure Cade’s left the bucket and towels while you drive around.”

“I didn’t know it was behind the barn.” Judging from her expression the location made a difference. “I thought we’d do it in the gravel driveway by the house.”

“This is way more efficient.”

“And way more private?”

“Well, yeah.” Finally he couldn’t hold back a smile. “Why do you suppose I’ve been so dead set on washing your van?”

“Despite what you said before, I still thought it was a point of honor.”

“Nope. I wasn’t kidding. I don’t give a damn about my reputation.”

“I see.” She looked him up and down. “Then maybe I should worry about mine.”

That slow perusal flipped a switch and he was suddenly ready to rock and roll. “Now your reputation is something I do care about. I would never—”

“You wouldn’t? What a shame.” Turning, she sauntered down the aisle.

He groaned softly. “Sexiest walk ever.”

“I should hope so,” she said over her shoulder. “Since I’m putting some effort into it this time for your benefit.”

He groaned. “Better be careful. I feel like something’s going to break.”

“No, it won’t. I’m very sure-footed.”

“I wasn’t talking about you.”

She laughed. “See you around back.”

Taking a deep breath, he willed his bad boy to calm down. Soaking her shirt and stealing a few kisses were all he’d had in mind for this episode. Chances were slim that someone could show up, but it wasn’t impossible.

Yeah, too risky. He picked up the old canister vac from its spot near the back door and walked outside. Cade had left the bucket, a couple of sponges and the chamois for him. Some old towels were draped over the faucet and the hose was coiled and ready to go.

A rock was sitting on the edge of the cement for no good reason. But when he moved it, he found a scrap of paper with “Have fun” scribbled on it. He’d suspected Cade had engineered this van washing by not lighting his last match. This somewhat confirmed it.

Lexi wouldn’t interrupt them, either. She knew the score. Herb was in town running errands and Rosie would be busy in the house posting pictures online and getting lunch underway. That should give him a good half hour alone with Aria, maybe longer. As a teenager he’d learned that a lot could happen in thirty minutes.

Just then, Aria drove around the end of the barn and parked on the cement. “How’s that?”

“Perfect.” He unsnapped his shirt.

“I’m taking off my boots,” she called from the driver’s seat. “I don’t want to get them wet.”

“Take off whatever you want.” He hooked his shirt on a nail that had been put there for the purpose years ago. “I won’t complain.”

“Considering we’re out here where anyone could see us, I think just the boots and socks are all I’m willing to strip off.” She hopped out and closed the door. “What about you? You don’t want your boots getting wet, do you?” She walked around the van and stopped short.

Her wide-eyed stare and audible swallow did wonders for his ego. Usually he didn’t care what a woman thought of his body, but apparently with Aria he did.

“You took off your shirt.”

“I said I would.” He picked up the end of the hose and tightened the nozzle so it wouldn’t go everywhere...yet.

“You did say that. I just wasn’t—”

“Prepared for all this male beauty?”

Her laughter made him feel great. Her dedication to her brother’s cause was admirable, but he sensed she’d let it rule her world for too long.

“I’m worried about your boots, though,” she said.

“Don’t be.” Maybe worrying about stuff was a habit with her. He hoped not. “They’re my work boots. They’re old and have been through all kinds of weather.” He turned on the water.

“If you say so. What do you want me to do?”

“Stand there and admire my manly chest while I hose down Matilda.”

“Am I required to say ooh and aah at the same time?”

Teasing was a good sign. “Wouldn’t hurt.” He activated the spray and moved it over the roof of her vehicle.

“Ooh, ooh, you big strong man, you. Little ol’ me can’t reach the top of my van. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have someone tall and handsome to hose it down.”

He flashed her a grin. “You’d get a stepladder.”

“A stepladder wouldn’t look like you, though, would it? A stepladder wouldn’t have bulging biceps and an impressive six-pack. It wouldn’t have back muscles that ripple whenever you—”

“That’s enough.” Yeah, she was teasing, but his libido didn’t seem to know that.

“I don’t think so. I haven’t praised your sculpted pecs or the cute line of blond hair that leads a woman’s eye straight down to your—”

“No, really. You can stop, now.”

“Why? Are you getting uncomfortable?”

“You might say so.” He ignored the pressure building behind his fly as he wrangled the hose so he could rinse off the hood and the other side.

“I hate it when that happens, don’t you?”

“I’m not sure you can even understand the concept, given your different setup.”

“Sure I can. I—” She rounded the back of the van just as he directed the spray there. “Oh!”

He’d soaked her unintentionally. The intentional part was supposed to come later, after they’d accomplished most of the task. “I’m sorry! I didn’t realize you were in motion!”

“It’s okay.” She stood there smiling at him, drops of water sliding down her cheeks and chin. Her T-shirt was transparent and her nipples jutted forward, clearly outlined through the fabric of what must be a thin bra and shirt. “Isn’t this supposed to be part of it?”

He twisted the nozzle and shut off the water. She looked so sexy standing there that he could barely breathe. If he ditched the hose and picked her up, he could prop her against the van and repeat that amazing kiss they’d shared in the barn. He could fondle those tempting breasts, maybe even taste them.

But the van might never get washed. “Um, yeah, but I figured we’d at least get the van mostly—”

“How likely is it that somebody will show up back here in the next few minutes?”

He cleared the hoarseness from his throat. “Not very likely.”

“Maybe later?”

“It’s possible.”

“Then give me that.” She grabbed the hose, twisted the nozzle and turned it on him.


“Fair is fair!” She shut off the water before lowering the hose to the cement.

He wiped his face. “Okay, we’re even.”

“Yeah, but I don’t want to be even. I want to be ahead.” She grabbed his belt. “Come here, cowboy.” Pulling him closer, she began licking the drops of water from his chest.

He groaned. “Aria...”

She paused in mid-lap. “You don’t like it?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Good.” She didn’t stop.

Belatedly he remembered that a grown woman might have more moves than the teenaged girls he’d played the car-wash game with years earlier. The unexpected blast of cold water followed by the warmth of her lips and tongue created a sensation he’d never experienced before, and despite his halfhearted protest, he didn’t want her to quit.

“You can’t strip off your shirt and not expect a woman to want this,” she murmured. Hanging on to his belt, she sank lower, lapping and kissing, nibbling and sucking.

Naturally he began imagining how her mouth would feel on another part of his anatomy, and before long he was hard as a fence post. He figured she could tell when she dropped to her knees. He shouldn’t allow her to continue.

He opened his mouth to tell her to stop and nothing came out. He blamed it on the erotic feel of her tonguing his navel. No guy could think of the right words to say when a woman did that. She kept it up while she unbuckled his belt and worked down the zipper on his damp jeans.

After that, he had no choice. His cock was doing all the thinking. He braced both hands against her van because otherwise he might fall.

And then...oh, dear God. His fantasy of how this car wash situation might turn out hadn’t gone nearly far enough. She took her time at first and he understood that. He was a little intimidating. But she didn’t stay intimidated for long. Eventually she took in most of what he had to offer and drove him right out of his mind.

He fought against coming too fast, but it was a losing battle with Aria in charge. From the beginning he’d pegged her as a goal-oriented person, and apparently her goal at the moment was to make him come.

Although he wanted to believe he’d held out for minutes, the actual time might have been seconds. He climaxed spectacularly but quietly because sound carried. His breath hissed out between his teeth when she swallowed. As he stood there gasping for breath, he knew this moment would stay with him forever. He would never forget Aria. Maybe that had been a foregone conclusion all along.

Gently she tucked his extremely happy cock inside his damp briefs, tugged up his zipper and buckled his belt. Although he watched her do it and understood intellectually that this must have been real, he still thought it could have been an outstanding dream and he’d wake up any minute.

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