Cowboy All Night (Thunder Mountain Brotherhood, Book 5) (6 page)

“Thank goodness you waited for me. I would have been crushed if I’d missed this.”

“I wouldn’t have let that happen.” Okay, he was grandstanding a little, but it was true. Nobody at the ranch would have allowed Aria to miss watching Linus experience his first time outside.

“How about Rosie and Herb? Will they come and watch?”

“You couldn’t keep them away. A foal’s first day in the pasture is special. Lexi and Cade are up at the house having breakfast with them, so they’ll all come down in a bit.” And he’d text them so they’d know she was here.

But not yet. He didn’t foresee a lot of opportunities to be alone with her unless he created them. He wanted to savor their privacy for a little while longer.

“Brant, can I ask a favor?” She paused and turned to him.

“Sure.” He stopped walking.

Taking off her hat, she stepped toward him. “Would you please kiss me?”

With a groan he swept her up in his arms so fast she squeaked in surprise and his hat fell off...again. His mouth found hers and he thrust his tongue deep. His hands slid unerringly to her sweet ass and when he lifted her up, she gave a little hop and wrapped her legs around his hips.

Dear God, it felt good to wedge himself between her thighs. He continued to devour her mouth and she gave as good as she got, parrying each thrust of his tongue with one of her own. Her little whimpers of need drove him beyond reason.

Backing her up against an empty stall, he supported her with one forearm while he reached beneath her shirt and cupped her breast. She arched into his caress with a soft moan.

He pressed his aching cock between her thighs. So damn good. Wrenching his mouth from hers, he gasped for breath. “I swear I could take you right here.”

Her eyes glittered. “And I’d let you.”

“We can’t.” But he found the front catch of her bra and flipped it open.

” Her fingers dug into his shoulders as he stroked her breasts. She swept her tongue over her moist lips. “I’ve... I’ve been...thinking.”

“Good.” He sucked in more air as he brushed his thumb over her erect nipple. “I can’t think at all right now. All I want to do is—”

“Me, too.” She closed her eyes and shivered. “That feels so good.”


“Tonight, after I’m finished with deliveries.”

“You’ll call me? Because I can be at your apartment in—”

“I’ll come over.”

“Oh, thank God.”

“Leave your door unlocked.”

“I won’t be asleep.” He couldn’t imagine falling asleep when he knew she’d show up.

“Maybe not, but...go to bed. I could be late.”

“And I could be naked.”

She smiled. “Saves time.”

“I’m all for that. Okay, one more for the road.” He delved into her luscious mouth and feasted for as long as he dared. But they were taking an enormous chance that someone would come into the barn, so he eased her back to her feet. “Someone’s probably noticed your van by now. They’ll wonder.”

“Will they really?”

He looked into her eyes. “No. I skipped breakfast so I could be down here when you drove in. And I never skip breakfast. As they say in poker, that was a tell.”

She reached under her shirt and fastened her bra. “I thought you were the cool guy who never let anything rattle him.”

He watched her breasts shift under the purple material and another jolt of lust shot through him. “Yeah, I thought so, too.”


quick trip to her van and repaired her lipstick while Brant texted Rosie. She was a little shocked by her forward behavior but not the least bit sorry. She was used to guys who latched on to every opportunity to get physical, but Brant wasn’t like that, so she’d had to make the first move this morning.

Once they’d walked into the privacy of the barn, she’d expected him to kiss her. When he hadn’t, she’d realized a more direct approach was required. As he’d said the night before, he wasn’t out to wreck her carefully laid plans.

She knew how much he wanted her, but he’d focused on Josh. She appreciated that, but Josh wasn’t here. Dealing with her brother had become increasingly frustrating, and in contrast here was Brant, willing to go along with...whatever.

Brant offered the perfect gift for these trying times—a chance to take a break, have fun and relieve some of her tension. She remembered what Rosie and Herb had said—he liked to move around and keep his options open. They hadn’t spelled it out but she’d gotten the distinct impression that Brant wasn’t a good prospect for a committed relationship.

No problem there. She wasn’t in the market for a forever guy. Her cooking school plans were already delayed because of Josh, but she would dedicate every spare moment to them once he recovered. Although she wouldn’t have gone looking for someone like Brant, he’d dropped into her lap. She’d be a foolish woman to let a busy schedule and guilt over her uncooperative brother keep them apart.

He was waiting where she’d left him, halfway down the aisle of the barn. He leaned casually against the side of a stall, his thumbs hooked through his belt loops. His lazy smile sent her hormones into overdrive. Thanks to their enthusiastic kisses and the promise of more later, her irritation with Josh had been replaced with lust for Brant. Not a bad trade-off.

She had her phone in one hand and would have loved a picture of his casual pose. He was pure cowboy yumminess. Somehow she didn’t think he’d go for a photo shoot right now, though. It could destroy the mood.

He watched her approach with a masculine gleam of appreciation in his eyes. She didn’t have to guess what he was thinking about. She was thinking about it, too. The question of whether they’d have sex had been decided. It was only a matter of time.

A very long time. Their rendezvous was hours away and he was right there. She pictured stripping off his shirt and smoothing her palms over his muscled chest. Then she’d unbuckle his belt and unzip his jeans...that image sent moisture between her thighs.

“You’re going to have to stop ogling me like that.”

She lifted her gaze from his crotch and looked into his eyes. “You started it.”

“That’s not my fault. You have a sexy walk.”

“I don’t, either. No one’s ever said that before.”

“I can’t help it if other guys are blind. Watching you walk toward me was like foreplay.”

“Seeing your hot self leaning against the stall was like the opening scene of a porn movie.”

“Except in the movie they get to do it.” He grimaced as he pushed away from the wall. “Lady, you are tough on my package.”

“They say anticipation is half the fun.”

“Somehow I doubt that’s true in this case.” His smile was strained. “Speaking for myself, I could ditch the wait.”

“Me, too.” She gazed at him. “Maybe I shouldn’t have asked you to kiss me, huh?”

“Are you kidding?”

“If I hadn’t started something you wouldn’t be in pain right now.”

He chuckled. “Worth it. Totally worth it. But the gang will be here any minute so let’s proceed to Linus and Lucy’s stall while I do my level best to calm down and not grab you.” He turned and ambled away.

“If you’re worried about accidentally grabbing me, you could put your hands in your pockets for safekeeping.”

“Ordinarily that’s a great idea, but at the moment the front of my jeans is stretched to capacity.”

“I noticed.”

“I’m sure you did, you saucy wench.”

“Brant, can I say something?”

“Sure. Just don’t touch my privates. Something might detonate.”

“I’m really glad we met.”

“Not half as glad as you’ll be when you’re floating around the cabin tonight.” He paused in front of the stall door and peered in. “Aw, look at that. Cuteness to the rescue. If we concentrate on that we’ll be fine.”

Aria smothered a laugh. “Oh, my God.” While Lucy nosed in the grain bucket searching for any stray alfalfa pellets, Linus strutted around the stall, neck arched and stumpy tail in the air as if he owned the place. “Has he got attitude or what?”

“I guess all the compliments I’ve given him have gone straight to his head. Now he thinks he’s all that and a bag of chips.”

“Which he most certainly is. Can we go in?”

“Absolutely.” He opened the stall door.

Linus paused and eyed the new development with curiosity. “Hey, Linus, you handsome devil,” Aria crooned as she stepped inside.

Linus snorted and tossed his head.

“FYI, Linus.” Brant came in behind her and closed the door. “The ladies usually prefer a more modest sort of fellow. Just sayin’.”

“Not me,” Aria said. “I like me a little attitude.”

Brant chuckled. “Duly noted.”

“Would you please hold my phone? I’m going to need both hands.”

“Want me to take some video in here?”

“Sure, why not?” About that time Lucy glanced up and started toward her. Aria had tucked a few carrot pieces in her jeans pocket before leaving home and she pulled one out. “Hey, Luce. You did good, girlfriend.” She gave the mare a chunk of carrot and scratched under her cream-colored mane.

To Aria’s delight, Linus edged up close to his mom as if he wanted to find out what was going on. “Lucy, sweetheart, is it okay if I make friends with your baby boy?”

“Nice technique,” Brant murmured.

“Hope so. I’m making it up as I go along.”

“Following your instincts is always a good idea.”

She smiled. “Guess so.” She gave Lucy another piece of carrot and spoke softly while gradually transferring her attention to the foal. Crouching down, she held out her hand with her fingers curled under. The colt nuzzled the back of her hand, which tickled. She swallowed her laughter so she wouldn’t startle him.

Moving slowly and talking to both mare and foal, she eased her hand around until she could scratch Linus’s neck. He gazed at her with his baby blues and she fell even more in love than she had the night before. “His coat is like mink.”

“I know. It won’t be like that forever.”

“But it is, now, and I’m so lucky to be here on his first day of life. I’ve never experienced that before.”

“It’s special.”

“I can see why you love your job.” She glanced over at Brant and noticed his wide smile as he kept the video running. “You look pretty happy right now.”

“I am. This is a great beginning. Linus seems to like people. He shows every indication of being an easy colt to train.”

“That would be fabulous.” She turned back to Linus. “You’re going to be awesome, aren’t you? I love your white blaze. So handsome.”

“See if he’ll let you rub his face.” Brant kept filming. “He let me do it earlier this morning.”

“I’ll bet you’ll let me, won’t you, Linus? That’s a good boy. What pretty blue eyes you have.” She stroked up the length of his blaze and back down. “Doesn’t that feel nice? Now I’ll massage your cheeks, and now scratch your forehead. What a beautiful colt you are.”

Lucy bumped her on the shoulder in an obvious bid for more carrots and almost knocked her over. “Easy, Luce. Easy does it.” Aria gave Linus one last gentle scratch. “Your mom wants more treats, kid.”

She stood and looped an arm over the mare’s neck. “She probably deserves it after producing such a fine son.” Hauling out another piece of carrot, she held it on her open palm so Lucy could curl her lips around it.

“Perfect ending to the segment. Turning off the video.”

“Thanks. Whether Josh is interested or not, my folks will love having a copy.”

“I’m sure they will. It went really well.”

“Didn’t it? Not that I was the reason. You hung around with him before I got here. You laid the groundwork.”

“And you could have obliterated that groundwork.”

“So why did you let me go right in?”

He smiled. “Following my instincts.”

“Oh.” Pleasure warmed her cheeks. “Thank you.” After giving Lucy one more pat she stepped toward him and held out her hand for the phone. “I’ll send this to my folks right now. They bought Lucy for me and they’ll love seeing the three of us together.” They’d love seeing Josh as part of the happy group, too, and they would, eventually. Typing quickly, she sent off the video.

“I just realized something. You’re the only client I’ve had who’s a first-timer with the birth process.”

She smiled at him. “Do I get an award for that?”

“Yeah.” His chuckle was low and extremely sexy. “I’ll have one waiting for you at the cabin.”

Before she could respond, Herb, Rosie, Cade and Lexi walked into the barn. “Can’t wait,” she said under her breath.

“You and me both.” And he left the stall to greet his family.

Moments later Aria had the honor of leading Lucy out of the barn. “I wish this horse had a rearview mirror,” she said to the group walking ahead of her.

“Linus is following right along,” Brant said as he monitored the colt from behind. “Head up, ears forward. It’s like he knows something good is coming.”

Aria wondered if that comment had been a veiled reference to tonight’s rendezvous. She wouldn’t put it past him.

Rosie looked over her shoulder and grinned at Aria. “I’ve never seen a colt more perky than this one. I can tell from your expression how happy you are with him.”

“I am. He’s a beauty.” She hoped that Rosie and the others attributed her extra sparkle to her excitement about Linus’s first day in the pasture. She
excited, but not only about Linus. A certain tall cowboy vied for the top spot in her thoughts.

Thank goodness for that. Otherwise she might be feeling sad about Josh not being here for this big moment. Brant gave her something else to think about.

For example, he’d taken a moment when nobody else was paying attention to inform her that he’d be at the back of the parade with an excellent view of her cute little fanny. Naturally she thought of that the whole time she was leading her mare out to the pasture. When she heard his singsong comment of “lookin’ good,” she didn’t think he was referring to Linus.

And that was okay with her. She hadn’t been in a relationship in a while, and she’d never been in one with a man as fun-loving as Brant. He could tease her all he wanted. She was soaking it up like a sponge.

No one had mentioned Josh’s absence, and that was fine with her, too. The others had probably sensed she was uncomfortable with his lack of participation and didn’t want to make a point of it. She hadn’t realized how much Josh had consumed her every thought until Brant had suggested she might need a break.

Last semester’s academy students had helped modify the pasture in anticipation of Linus’s birth. The other four horses were on the far side of a new fence, which gave Lucy and Linus their own private section. Aria was relieved that Herb and Rosie had taken that precaution.

Cade opened the gate for Aria and flashed her a smile as she led the mare through. “This is a treat. Thanks for sharing Linus with all of us.”

“I’m the one who’s grateful. You guys have been terrific.”

“And we’re about to get our reward.” He glanced behind her. “The star of the show looks ready for his debut.”

As Aria led both horses in, the four on the other side of the new fence glanced up, surveyed the newcomers and went back to their grazing. Aria turned around to watch Linus as he stepped gingerly through the gate and into his first experience with grass.

Brant walked in behind him and Cade closed the gate. “Turn mom loose,” Brant said. “Let’s see what happens.”

She unclipped the lead rope and moved away. At first neither horse moved. Then Lucy snorted and trotted a few yards away. Linus followed, picking up his hooves as if he’d stepped in something icky.

“He doesn’t know what to make of it,” Aria said.

“He’ll figure it out.” Brant walked over to stand beside her.

She had the oddest parental feeling, as if she and Brant were watching their child head off to school on the first day. “What if he doesn’t? What if he hates being out here?”

Brant laughed softly. “He won’t.”

“But what if—” She forgot whatever she’d meant to say as Lucy took off and Linus was forced to follow or be left behind. In seconds he had the hang of it. Before long he was the one leading the romp and racing around his mother.

His stubby tail wagged as he ran on his impossibly slender legs. He bucked and whirled in ecstasy as the horses in the far pasture eyed his antics with apparent disdain. He took a couple of pratfalls, but he bounced right up again and bounded off.

“Oh, Brant.” Her throat clogged with emotion and she clutched his arm. “He’s so...happy.”

“Yeah.” He covered her hand with his and squeezed. “This is something you’ll never forget.”

“I should be filming it.”

“Give me your phone. I’ll do it. You just enjoy.”

She handed over her phone and let go of him so he could be the videographer for this moment. She didn’t want to view it on a screen. Tears of joy blurred her vision and she wiped them away so she wouldn’t miss a thing.

Linus cavorted as if his hooves were on springs. Lucy clearly grew weary of it after a few minutes, but the colt seemed oblivious. He tore around the pasture in a frenzy of happiness.

“He’s so excited,” Aria said. “He looks as if he could go on like this for hours.”

“His battery will run down pretty soon. This is a sprint, not a marathon.”

Sure enough, Linus began to tire. At last he stopped in his tracks and looked around for his mother. When he spied her grazing nearby, he trotted over and began to nurse.

“Should we take them back into the barn now?”

“Not yet.” Brant turned off the video. “The grass will be good for Lucy and I’m sure she likes being outside again.”

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