Cowboy Gangster 03 - Outlaws of Love (19 page)

Angelo spoke up. “Guys like that probably hung out at the Blue Grotto.”

Anthony suppressed a smile when Clint visibly cringed. “Fucking shithole,” Clint scowled and walked out.

“You just made his day,” Anthony said.

“Just trying to be helpful,” Angelo smiled.

“Mm,” Anthony chuckled.

Silence settled between them and Anthony felt the tension immediately begin to rise. Cory’s words in the car –
why is everyone so fucking afraid of their feelings?
–had stuck strong with Anthony, and he was certain with Angelo as well.

“When is the nurse supposed to arrive?” Angelo broke the silence, for which Anthony was grateful.

Glancing at his watch, Anthony murmured, “Anytime.”

“And they’re all checked out?” Angelo asked. “Posing as a doctor, that fucker proved he could sneak in right under our noses.”

“I went through our Dr. Perelli,” Anthony said. “If we’re going to have someone living in our home –male or female –I want to damn well know they aren’t fucking planted here.”

A young stocky man in his late twenties entered the room. “An Adrian Durante is here to see you, boss,” he said. “Says they’re expected.”

“Probably the nurse,” Anthony nodded. He stood up. “Let her in, Franco.”

Franco shook his head. “It isn’t a woman, boss.”

Exchanging an uncertain look with Angelo, Anthony motioned Franco back through the doorway. Angelo slid off the stool and followed. They entered the foyer to find a young man standing with his back to them, gazing around. He turned at their approach and Anthony’s steps faltered when he was suddenly caught by a pair of silver blue eyes that stabbed him with a flurry of unexpected tingles. His navel quivered and he took a quick deep breath to calm his heartrate that abruptly insisted on spiking wildly.

What the fuck?

“I’m Anthony Romero,” he spoke with a calm he wasn’t quite feeling.

The young man stared back, silent for a moment. He blinked then cleared his throat. “Adrian Durante,” he said with the faintest tremor to his voice. Why did Anthony find that…pleasantly stimulating? “Dr. Perelli sent me.”

Angelo stepped forward and Anthony glanced at the man. There was something in Angelo’s face that betrayed the effect the young man was having on him as well. “You’re the…nurse?”

Adrian looked between them. “Is there a problem?”

“Uh…” Angelo shifted his eyes to Anthony and something passed between them that Anthony couldn’t quite identify –but it had a pleasant feel to it. Angelo turned his gaze back on Adrian. “No, of course not.”

Anthony’s stare skipped over the young man’s short dark hair and handsome face –and was seized again by his entrancing eyes. What was it about those eyes that seemed to bring time to a crashing halt and make him want to just dive into those silver blue depths?

He flinched at the thought and swallowed hard, forcing the imagery from his head. What was wrong with him? Perhaps what made it more intriguing was the sense that Angelo was as mesmerized as Anthony…and for reasons that escaped Anthony –he felt no spark of jealousy.

“Please…” Anthony motioned to the young man. “…Come in. Let me introduce you to my son, Corrigan.”



“Clint?” Gabriel appeared genuinely surprised to see the cowboy at the club. It hadn’t been without great mental wrestling that Clint forced himself to come here. The risk of encountering Axel was high and he was in no state of mind to stand face to face with the kid just yet. Maybe never again.

Clint glanced around the club anxiously but saw no sign of Axel, Angel or Dane. A fraction of relief seeped through him…trailed by a trickle of disappointment. “I need to speak to Gavin,” he told Gabriel. “Is he working today?”

“No,” Gabriel shook his head. Behind him, lounged on a stool, Cole studied Clint in silence.

“Is he still at his old apartment?” Clint asked. “It’s important that I talk to him.”

“Is something wrong?”

“No,” Clint said. “I just need to ask him a couple questions about his stint at the Blue Grotto.”

Cole grimaced and took a drink of beer. “Nasty.”

“He’s bunking with Ricky, Levi and Tommy now,” Gabriel informed. “But he isn’t there. They all went to a music gig outside the city.” He shifted on the stool. “With Axel, Angel and Dane.”

Clint’s heart stuttered briefly at the sound of Axel’s name spoken aloud. “They’re at a…concert?”

“No,” Gabriel said. “A county fair. The Veterinarian’s niece is in a band, apparently. She invited Axel and Angel to the gig when they took the pup in for its checkup.”

The pup. Pressure tightened Clint’s chest, squeezing his throat. That look in Axel’s eyes when Clint handed him the pup…

There are a lot of ways to say “I love you”…he said it when you gave him the pup.

“The vet’s niece,” Clint mumbled. He remembered her. She was a hard one to forget. She wasn’t his concern, though –their location was. “A county fair…that’s open and exposed. You told them to stick together, right?”

“Dane will keep Angel and Axel close,” Gabriel assured. “And the other four boys…” He smirked. “They move in a herd.”

Cole chuckled and nodded. “They do, don’t they?”

“Fine,” Clint murmured. “But I need to speak with Gavin today. What’s the name of the town they went to?”

“Anderson,” Gabriel told him. “About a forty minute drive heading West out of the city.”

Clint nodded. “Call Dane. Have him meet me at the entrance of the fairgrounds with Gavin.” He looked at Gabriel stiffly. “

“If that’s what you want,” Gabriel said.

“It is,” Clint muttered and left the club, wondering at how easily lies were beginning to slip off his lips.



Gabriel watched the cowboy walk out then twisted around on the stool and took out his phone. He made his call and waited for Dane to pick up. “Hey. It’s Gabe,” he said. “Clint was just here. He’s headed out your way. He needs to talk to Gavin about something. Probably be there in a little less than an hour, so keep an eye out for him.”

Dane assured that he would. Gabe suspected that Axel was right there, as the man seemed careful to avoid using Clint’s name. When he ended the call, Gabe picked up his beer and took a drink. Cole stared at him and Gabe met his eyes. “What?”

“You were supposed to tell Dane to bring Gavin to the entrance to meet Clint,” he said. “You know Clint is trying to avoid seeing Axel.”

“Oh right,” Gabe murmured, then shrugged. “Slipped my mind.”

Cole chuckled low. “Are you seriously trying to piss off the cowboy?” he asked. “Because I pissed him off once and got slammed against the wall with his arm rammed against my throat. Not fun.”

“Ah, babe,” Gabe rubbed one hand along Cole’s thigh. “That’s how he shows you he likes you.”

Cole cocked an eyebrow. “And if he
like someone?”

“Two words,” Gabe said. “Brock Coulson.”

Cole cringed and clutched his own crotch. “Remind me to stay on Clint’s good side.”

Laughing, Gabe nodded and kissed Cole firm on the mouth. “Now, let me to show you how I express my
for you,” he said quietly and palmed Cole’s package.



“Who was that?” Angel looked at him expectantly as Dane put his phone away. Axel’s attention was on him as well.

“Uh…Gabe,” he said, trying to keep his tone level, casual.

“What did he want?”

Dane shrugged and shook his head. “Nothing of consequence.” He pointed to one of the nearby booths that displayed an array of jewelry, pocket knives, leather wallets and array of other items. “Those are cool.” His attempt at distraction from the phone call worked as he directed Angel and Axel’s attention to the booth.

The rest of their group wandered over, intrigued by the display items.

Dane’s stomach knotted; Clint was coming here? His gaze came to rest on Axel. Should he tell him? Axel appeared somewhat relaxed at the moment, almost enjoying himself. Dane didn’t want to ruin their outing. If Axel knew that Clint was going to show up, he would turn into a ball of tension and anguish.

Just leave him clueless for now.
Maybe if Dane spotted Clint first, he could prevent an emotional disaster. Or a fist fight –which might break out if Angel saw the cowboy.



Chapter 21
“Unbidden Emotions”


Kane’s hands were on the Egyptian’s chest, fists gripping his shirt, dragging him inside the apartment before he could consider if he really wanted to put one more brick in the wall that was slowly forming around him, imprisoning him in this wild
that was going nowhere. He kicked the door closed and shoved Cochise against it, delivering his own hungry kiss.

The man had Kane’s shirt off in seconds then grabbed his bare hips and pushed him back, moving with him, their lips locked and tongues intertwined. Kane groaned, his strong arousal growing harder as the Egyptian’s bulging crotch bumped him with each urgent step. Cochise resisted when Kane directed him toward the sofa.

“I want to fuck you in your bed,” the man panted on a low growl and bit Kane’s neck.

Despite the burning in his loins, Kane hesitated.
His bed?
He had already decided he
take this man to his bed. It was too personal. Too

“It’s a good sofa,” Kane shuddered. Cochise’s hot, wet tongue slipped across his throat, his teeth raking his skin. He swallowed hard past a rising whimper as his stiff cock jumped forcefully against the seam of his jeans. Cochise palmed his crotch and Kane’s breath caught sharply. The man had wonderfully strong hands.

,” he insisted with a heated rasp.

It took merely a squeeze of his cock to eradicate his resistance and he tugged the Egyptian to the hall then on to his bedroom. There was a different level of urgency in the man than their previous “sessions”, something behind his eyes that fueled his fire even hotter. He shoved Kane down on the bed and yanked open Kane’s pants. His short nails raked Kane’s skin as the Egyptian dragged his pants down his legs and off, chucking them away. His stare burned into Kane’s naked body as he hurriedly shed his clothes and released his rock hard cock, already dripping with raw anticipation.

Kane leaned forward to grab his member, taste his glistening cock head when Cochise knocked him down on his back with a short grunt. His own dick hardened at the man’s assertiveness and this time he reached for Cochise’s hips to pull him between his thighs. The Egyptian didn’t resist and thrust against Kane, raking his slick cock head up the length of Kane’s rigid member.’

“Fuck.” Kane gasped and shoved his hips up, rocking eagerly as their cocks rubbed firmly together. “Oh my God…Fuck me!” He clutched the man’s flexed ass cheeks, breath puffing against Cochise’s face, his lips as the Egyptian seized another kiss. When the man’s hips drew back, Kane eagerly anticipated his hard cock driving into him in one powerful thrust.

He isn’t wearing a condom!
The sudden thought crashed through the sexual fog, but he was on his stomach, face down on the bed before he had a chance to speak. Rather than being impaled by the Egyptian’s large dick, the man clutched his ass, spread him open and buried his face between his tense cheeks.

“Uuh!” Kane yelled and gripped his pillow, his heart pounding like crazy. He shoved his face into the softness, stifling a loud gasp as the man’s hot, slick tongue swirled around his tight hole then licked up through his crease, dragged down to his full balls, then returned to his entrance. “Holy fuck,” he gasped again, a fierce shudder racing through him. Hot breath blasted his tight ring –then a strong tongue pushed through. “Ahh –
” Kane panted hard and lifted his ass. Cochise squeezed his cheeks more firmly and thrust his wet tongue into his hole again and again, burrowing as deep as possible. “Oh my-”

Kane’s jaw clenched, slicing off his cry. His neck cords strained and his breath caught and held as Cochise slipped a finger inside him and found his sweet spot. Kane jerked and writhed as a second finger worked its way in. His breath surged out of him in a sudden gasp and he shoved back against the man’s fingers. The Egyptian’s wet tongue slithered his sensitive ring as he pumped him deep and firm.

God! Right there…Oh fuck…”

The man’s free hand rubbed firm down the back of his muscular thigh and back up to his ass. He licked up the wall of his left cheek, scraping his teeth over the swell of glute muscle –then bit into his flesh not too gently.

“Uuh!” Kane yelled but didn’t draw away, rather moaned and offered himself to the man.

Cochise finger fucked him deeper, harder and dragged his tongue upward through the depression of his lower back, the tip tracing up through the furrow of muscle along his spine. The man shifted without removing his digits and his steel cock dug into Kane’s leg, smearing his skin with cum juice. Cochise moved slowly up over him until he was half covering his body, still working him with his fingers. The man’s teeth raked his shoulder blade and Kane shivered, his skin prickling. Hot breath puffed the nape of his neck and he felt the Egyptian’s lips tremble against him briefly before planting hungry kisses along his shoulders.

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