Cowboy Gangster 03 - Outlaws of Love (22 page)

His breath puffed short and ragged and he squeezed the man’s hair in his fists. “
…Fuck…” he whimpered. “Oh my God…”

Moans vibrated up Cochise’s throat and through his tongue. Kane’s cock jumped and the pre-come thickened, oozing in a stream down the side of his shaft. Cochise sucked his finger and shoved it inside him, pushing in deep until he grazed his prostate –then began to massage.

“Fuck!” Kane choked, his ass thrusting up. His insides burned with sexual heat as if the man were jerking him off from the inside out. The Egyptian squeezed his balls in his other hand and continued to slowly lick his quivering, leaking cock.

Oh fuck –I’m gonna come!

His body trembled and strained, and he clenched the man’s hair fiercely in his fists. Cochise dragged his full tongue up over the swollen veins and the ripple of muscle along the underside of his shaft. The firm, hot tip of his tongue began to tease and massage the ultra-sensitive split groove beneath his cock head as the man stroked his sweet spot deep within and worked his balls in his fist.

“Uh-uh! Fuck!
!” Kane shuddered and quaked, his dick as stiff and rigid as a steel bar as it curved toward his abdomen and dripped a steady stream of come juice onto his belly. The Egyptian didn’t let up and kept at him with tongue, hand and finger until Kane’s cock began to pulse, his balls tightening in the man’s palm as his strong fingers kneaded his full sack. He thrust in a second finger and rubbed his prostate with added determination. Kane released his hair and clawed the bed. “Uh-Uh-Uh –

His entire body clenched at once and his cock began to jerk and twitch, squirting shots of come up onto his chest.

“Fuuuck!” he yelled and gasped as more come burst out, splattering his torso. “Oh fuu-fuck! God!
…” His body trembled and his cock remained stiff, trickling come down the shaft to pool around the base as Cochise continued to massage his magic spot deep inside. The sensations remained, refusing to let his erection go down.

Cochise slid his mouth over his drooling cock head and engulfed his shaft, sucking hard, taking him into his throat again and again as he pumped him with his fingers.

“Oh shit…” Kane swallowed thickly, trying to catch his breath. Genuine hardness was quickly returning to his member as he realized the Egyptian wasn’t allowing him to lose his erection, but making sure he remained aroused and able to fuck.



Clint tried to move swiftly without drawing unwanted attention. He approached the small group without being detected and halted a few feet away. “Dane.”

The man turned and instant anxiety spread across his face. “Clint.” he frowned tightly and his eyes darted quickly in Axel’s direction.

Clint glanced fleetingly at Angel who stepped around Dane and stared at him with a mixture of disbelief and fire in his eyes. Angel also shot Axel a quick look. Clint refused to look as well.

“Are you here to see Axel?” Angel spoke up stiffly before Clint could state his business.

“No.” He focused his attention on Dane. “I need to speak with Gavin. It’s important.” It
important –but so much so that it couldn’t have waited til morning? He reasoned that every second wasted allowed the shooter to get that much further ahead of them. But would one more night really have made a difference? He didn’t want to consider his possible ulterior motives and stayed focused. “I just need to ask him a few questions.”

“So you’re
here for Axel?” Angel pressed, his voice tightening. “What –breaking his heart wasn’t enough? You had to come back and rip it out all over again?”

“Angel,” Dane murmured and touched his arm. “Babe. Come on.”

Clint looked at the angry boy. “I didn’t intend for Axel to see me.” He shifted his stare to Dane. “Gabriel was supposed to call you and ask you and Gavin to meet me at the entrance.”

“Gabe called,” Dane said. “But he didn’t say anything about meeting you out front.”

“Yeah,” Clint muttered. He was growing anxious, wanting to get away before Axel became aware of his presence. “I’ll be on my way as soon as I talk to Gavin.”

what Gabe called about?” Angel shot Dane a hard look. “You
he was coming here?” Angel shook his head, eyes glistening as he stabbed Clint with a fierce glare. “Why?” he demanded unsteadily. “Why won’t you talk to Axel? At least explain yourself. You owe him that much.”

The boy was right –he owed Axel a hell of a better explanation than he’d given him. But that was all water under the bridge. He had more pressing matters to deal with. He looked at Dane. “Gavin…”

Dane nodded and turned around, stepping over to the others with him and Angel. “Gavin.” He touched the boy’s arm. “I need you for a minute.”

The other boys started to make a teasing remark then fell silent when they saw Clint. Gavin looked at him with uncertainty. “Is something wrong?”

“No,” Clint told him. “But I need to ask you some questions.”

“About what?”

“The Blue Grotto.”

Gavin’s face pinched with the same disgust that Clint felt. “What about it?”

“Let’s talk in private.” He gestured to the boy to follow him. “It’ll only take a moment-” His throat closed, squeezing off his words, when he was suddenly caught in Axel’s stunned stare. The young man stood half way between the group and where he’d been speaking with the girl –who was no longer in sight.

Clint felt every eye on him –watching expectantly. He tried to pull from Axel’s stare, but the kid’s power was as strong as ever. The pain and anguish he’d seen in his eyes the day he’d walked out –had festered and multiplied. Clint’s heart went wild in his chest, screaming at him to run to Axel, kiss away his pain and make everything right again.

When Axel began to shimmer in his vision, Clint tore his eyes away and grabbed Gavin’s arm, drawing him away from the group and out of sight of Axel.

He’s fine. You saw the way he looked at the girl. The way she looked at him. He’ll be fine.
Clint blinked irritably against the sting in his eyes.
He will.



Chapter 24


Axel tried to run but his feet wouldn’t move. He didn’t want to stand there and watch Clint turn and walk away
, but his eyes refused to pull from the cowboy until he passed out of sight with Gavin in tow.
He isn’t here for you. He doesn’t want to see you…talk to you…nothing. He doesn’t miss you like he said he would.

His eyes glued to the spot where Clint had disappeared, Axel trembled, felt the tears forming. His vision blurred as his heart came apart all over again. This was the last place he had expected to see Clint. Why did he have to come here?

“Axel?” Angel was beside him, his voice soft, quiet and thick with concern.

Axel couldn’t speak. His throat hurt as he swallowed with effort past the swelling knot. Warm tears seeped into his lashes and trickled down his face. Everyone was looking at him and he wanted to scream at them to look away.
God, please make me disappear. I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to be anywhere.

His feet finally uprooted and he turned from Angel and walked away. He didn’t know where he was going and didn’t care. He couldn’t be here, with everyone staring at him…pitying him. It made him feel weak. Pathetic.

“Axel!” Angel came after him at a fast walk, catching up. “Wait.”

“Just leave me alone,” Axel choked and picked up his pace.

“Axel, don’t let him do this to you,” Angel’s voice shook with emotion.

Halting abruptly, Axel stared at him. “
him?” He trembled. “I don’t have any say in the matter! I can’t just…” His jaw tightened and tears thickened. “I can’t just fucking turn it off, Angel. I’m not
him do this to me –he just

“I know,” Angel whispered. “I’m sorry. I just meant…” He licked his lips slowly as a wet film glazed his eyes. “He’s the one making the mistake, Axel. The one who’s losing out.”

Axel stared at him. Angel meant well, even believed his own words. It wasn’t as easy for Axel to believe as well. “If that’s true,” Axel said thickly. “Then why do I feel like I’m the one losing everything…while he’s…” His chin trembled. “…Perfectly fine without me?”

Angel sniffed and wiped his eyes. “I don’t think he is, Axel,” he said quietly. “I really don’t.”

.” Axel rubbed the tears from his face, but more coursed down his cheeks. “He doesn’t care about me. I was just a…a stupid fool to think that someone like him could care.” He shook his head and choked on a sob. “I don’t want to care about him, either.
At all.

Dane approached slowly, an anxious look on his face. “Are you okay?” he asked Axel.

Averting his wet eyes, Axel shrugged, his brow pinched tight.

“You knew he was coming and you didn’t say anything?” Angel shot angrily at Dane.

“I’m sorry,” Dane directed his apology to Axel. “I should have told you. But I was hoping to spot him before you did and…” He shook his head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to ruin your night out.”

“He came all the way out here…” Axel whispered hoarsely, then glanced at Dane. “…For Gavin?” His voice cracked and he swallowed thickly.

“He just needed to ask him some questions,” Dane said. “It wasn’t…personal.”

“Questions about what?” Axel asked quietly.

“I don’t know,” Dane said. “I think maybe about the place where he used to work.”

Axel wiped his face again as his eyes drifted to the stage where Zoe and the other band members were busy getting set up. “She’s nice…don’t you think?” he whispered, his throat working.

Clearing his throat, Dane nodded. “Yeah, she seems to be.”

Axel watched her for a moment in silence. Something about her made Axel feel…
. Just an everyday ‘girl-next-door’ type that made life seem fun and simple. She didn’t bring with her any chains to tie a person down, no complications or trouble…

“Axel?” Dane murmured.

He blinked and continued to gaze at her. “I like being around her,” he said quietly. “She makes everything feel…easy. Maybe…” Axel’s chest tightened. “Maybe Clint was right.” He looked at Dane and his voice lowered. “I don’t belong in his world and he…” An ache crept through his heart. “…He doesn’t belong in mine.”

“But…” Angel glanced helplessly between Dane and Axel. “You were so good together.”

Axel pursed his lips and ducked his head, his eyes burning. “Apparently not that good.” He looked up in time to see Zoe hop off the stage again and weave through the growing crowd in Axel’s direction. He dried his face and hoped the onset of nightfall would cloak the dampness in his eyes.

“Hey,” Zoe flashed a big smile as she approached. “We’re going to start in just a few minutes.”

“Great,” Axel nodded with a wavering smile.

”We’ll…” Dane motioned toward their small group. “…Let the others know it’s about to start.”

Angel cast Axel a troubled look as he followed Dane.

“Is…everything okay?” Zoe frowned, uncertain.

“Yeah,” Axel murmured with a slight rasp. His stare darted to where he’d last seen Clint –and his heart shuddered when the cowboy stepped back into view, still speaking to Gavin. Axel looked away quickly as Clint’s eyes shifted in his direction.

“Okay,” Zoe said. “Well, I hope you enjoy the show and we don’t entirely suck.” She laughed softly and rolled her eyes in a charming, cute manner.

“I’m sure you’ll be great,” Axel smiled. His heartbeat refused to calm as he felt the weight of the cowboy’s eyes.

“I have a cute boy to impress this time,” she winked. “I will for sure give it my very best.”

Axel laughed quietly and ducked his head, his hands slipping into the front pockets of his jeans.

“You’re adorable when you’re embarrassed,” Zoe mused. She hesitated then stepped closer and quickly kissed his cheek. “Wish me luck,” she grinned, a slight blush to her face as she slipped away before he could respond.

He stared after her, a little stunned by her bold move but liking the warm feeling it gave him.

Had Clint seen the kiss?

Axel felt a measure of satisfaction at the possibility that he had.



“What’s going on?” Ricky asked as Dane and Angel approached. His eyes darted from Axel to Clint and back to Dane, brow tight with confusion. “I thought Axel was tight with the cowboy. They sure seemed tight the other day, from what Gavin said.”

Dane could feel Angel’s hurt and anger wafting off the boy. “I don’t know for sure what’s going on with them,” Dane murmured. “Clint isn’t exactly the most emotionally open man.”

“He’s being an
,” Angel said tightly, his voice thick. “He could at least
to Axel. Why the
is he doing this?”

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