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Authors: Sofia Cruz

Crime (13 page)

Melanie sank down beside Jessica, her body shaking with need, but she tried to keep herself under control, giving Jessica time to recover. Slowly, Jessica felt her body calm and she turned her head, locking eyes with Melanie. She sensed her trembling and, giving her a slow smile, started to undress her. Jessica moved quickly, knowing Melanie was right at the edge. Once she had her naked, she fell back beside her, capturing her mouth while she let her hand glide down and slip a finger between her legs. Feeling how wet Melanie was, Jessica quickly added two more fingers and slowly worked them in and out, as their tongues warred inside Melanie's mouth. Melanie sank her hands in Jessica's hair, pulling her tight against her, and Jessica quicken the pace of her fingers, pumping them in and out. She felt Melanie's groan vibrate through her, and soon Melanie was bucking and whimpering against her. Jessica felt Melanie's juices spilling out over her hand as she came.
Slowly, Melanie sank back against the blanket, not letting go of Jessica's head. She stared into the greenest eyes she'd ever seen and knew that, if Jessica walked away from her this time, it would break her.
Jessica saw the uncertainty in Melanie's eyes and felt a moment of guilt. Then she gave Melanie a light, reassuring kiss, telling her without words that she wasn't going anywhere. The kiss ended and Melanie released a shaky breath.
"God, Jessica, we have to quite doing this to each other. One of these days we may end up fucking each other to death," she said on a laugh.
"There's worse ways to go," Jessica purred, smiling down at Melanie. She bent down for another kiss, keeping it gentle and sweet. It didn't take long, though, before she could feel the heat building between them again, but it wasn't as urgent this time. She rolled to her side, pulling Melanie with her, not breaking the kiss.
They took their time now, kissing and caressing each other, gently exploring each other's bodies with their hands. Melanie let her hand glide down Jessica's back and cupped one small globe in her hand, gently squeezing and kneading the soft skin. Jessica squirmed against her. Melanie grabbed the back of Jessica's knee and pulled it up over her hip, so that Jessica's leg was stretched out straight. She let her hand glide back to her ass, her fingers skimming the underside of Jessica's leg as she went. Reaching her slit, she took her time tracing it with her fingers and felt Jessica squirm a little more, pressing against her. Melanie eased a finger between Jessica's cheeks and quickly found her rosebud, gently pressing against it with the tip of her finger while she pressed her thigh tighter against Jessica's mound.
Jessica groaned into Melanie's mouth at the slight pressure against her ring. Knowing what Melanie was about to do, she pushed a hand between their bodies, cupping Melanie's mound. Melanie felt a tingle between her legs from the slight pressure of Jessica's hand. She teased her finger around Jessica's ring and, deciding she was wet enough, slowly worked her finger in.
Jessica tensed a little at the intrusion then, willing herself to relax, started pushing back against Melanie's finger, helping her ease it in. At the same time, she slipped a finger inside Melanie's love box, twirling it around. She could feel Melanie jerk a little every time her finger skimmed over her G-spot, and smiled against her lips. Melanie pushed her finger in deeper, capturing Jessica's mouth with hers and pushed her tongue inside. Soon, she started working both her tongue and finger in and out of Jessica's body, carefully matching the pace of her tongue and finger.
Jessica groaned and slid another finger between Melanie's neither lips, trying to match the pace Melanie was setting. Before long, they had both quicken their movements and were rocking against each other as they both felt another orgasm slowly build. Inch by sweet inch, the pressure increased, teasing them both with the promise of release. Jessica thought she'd died and went to heaven, then jerked her head away as she cried out, her orgasm coursing through her body. Melanie was right behind her, jerking and pressing against Jessica's hand. She felt Melanie's muscles clench tightly around her fingers just before they both came, hard, soaking each other with their juices.
Melanie eased her finger out of Jessica, and then rolled her onto her back, falling on top of her as they went. Sliding both her legs in between Jessica's, she sank against her, letting her head rest on Jessica's shoulder.
Jessica couldn't remember the last time she'd felt this relaxed, her bones like liquid. Happy and content, she pressed a kiss to the top of Melanie's head, letting her hands lazily stroke up and down Melanie's back. Melanie purred against Jessica's neck and the two of them feel asleep in each other's arms.
A little later, Jessica woke up, finding that Melanie had slid off to lie against her side. Her cheek rested on Jessica's shoulder and her arm was stretched out over her stomach, her hand resting lightly on Jessica's hip. Jessica pressed a soft kiss to Melanie's forehead, knowing now that this was the woman she had fallen in love with. She smiled as she felt Melanie's body stir, watched as her eyes tried to work themselves open.

Melanie yawned, stretched, and found Jessica looking down on her, smiling. Melanie returned the smile and felt her heart swell a little. Everything was ok now and she felt warmth spread through her at the thought that she and Jessica would finally be together. She glanced around at their surroundings, watching the trees sway in the breeze. She marveled at how warm it still was, even though it was late October, Halloween about a week away.
"I do hope this is a nice, secluded spot, angel. I'd hate for anybody to stumble upon us, just now."
Jessica moved her arm over Melanie's head and wrapped it around her shoulders, pulling her against her. "Not to worry. We won't be interrupted. I promise." Jessica stretched a bit herself, felt that sweet achy feeling you get from being well loved and spent. She twisted around so she was lying on her side, facing Melanie, and let her fingers skim down the side of her face.
"I'm sorry, Melanie. Sorry for hurting you the way I did at Trish's, for letting my temper get the best of me and not hearing you out when you tried to call me. I wasted precious time, I know, but that's over now." Jessica took a breath, gathering up her courage. Looking Melanie in the eye, she continued. "I'm in love with you, cher, and if you don't completely hate me for the hard time I've given you, I'd like to give us a chance." Jessica held her breath, waiting for Melanie's answer.
Melanie felt the grin spread across her face, Jessica's words like an answered prayer. "I don't hate you, Jessica. I couldn't, even if I wanted to." She skimmed a hand down Jessica's side, watching it as it glided over soft, smooth, porcelain skin. "It scares me a little, knowing how easily you claimed my heart, without me even knowing it. I don't think I really understood my own feelings for you until I was back in Pittsburgh, alone, praying for the phone to ring."
Melanie watched Jessica wince at her words and quickly gave her a soft kiss. "It's ok. You were right. I shouldn't have left the way I did, and if it's any consolation, it hurt like hell getting on that plane."
Jessica rested her forehead against Melanie's, pulling her in close. "Let's start over, Melanie. Let's forget all the garbage that's happened between us, and just start over."
Melanie smiled, gazing into Jessica's eyes. "I don't want to start over. If we start over, then this wonderful afternoon would never have happened and today, angel, is probably the best day of my life." She watched as tears started to well up in Jessica's eyes. She kissed them away, then jumped up, eager to lighten the mood a little.
She pulled Jessica up to stand beside her and looked meaningfully between the river and Jessica. Jessica, realizing what Melanie intended, tried to jump back, but Melanie grabbed her hand and started running towards the river, dragging Jessica along behind her. Reaching the edge, she spun around, grabbed Jessica and tossed her in. She burst out laughing as Jessica hit the water, then came up sputtering.
"You bitch! Do you know how cold it is in here?"
"No, but I'm sure you're about to tell me."
Jessica came rushing at her and Melanie danced out of the way, laughing. She briefly wondered what kind of picture the two of them made, stark naked and jumping around the riverbank, then forgot all about it as Jessica lunged again, grabbed her around the waist, lost her balance, and they both fell with a loud splash into the river.
Melanie gasped as the shock of the cold water, against her hot skin, hit her like a punch. Laughing, Jessica threw a handful of water in her face, and then made a run for the small beach. Wanting revenge, Melanie grabbed her from behind and tossed her back into the water. Standing at the edge, the water lapping around her ankles, she watched Jessica try to spring up, slip in the loose dirt of the riverbed, and fall back down, landing on her butt with a big splash. Jessica's hair was soaked and lay plastered all over her face. As Jessica tried to push her hair out of her eyes, Melanie watched, captivated, as drops of water slid down over Jessica's body.
Jessica looked up just in time to catch Melanie licking her lips, staring at her like she was lunch. Slowly, she worked herself into a crouching position in the water and waited. Just when Melanie took a step towards her, she bolted up and to the left, running up the small hill towards the blanket, for all she was worth. She could feel the cool autumn air brushing over her wet skin, goose bumps forming all over her body. Racing up to the blanket, she snatched it up off the ground, gave it a quick shake, and then wrapped it around her chilled body. She turned in time to see Melanie clear the top of the hill and stood admiring her lovers' long, lean body, taking in the tattoos while she watched Melanie's skin ripple as her muscles worked. She was enjoying the scene so much, she didn't notice Melanie quickly advancing, not showing any signs of stopping. Next thing she knew, she was flat on her back on the ground with Melanie straddling her, laughing, as she looked down at her. Jessica felt the water drip down off her body and splatter against her face.
Jessica tried to push her off. "Get off me, cher! You're soaking the blanket."
Melanie didn't budge, using her body to keep Jessica pinned to the ground. "No, Jessica, you're soaking the blanket. You better take it off and share before it's too wet to do me any good." With that, she reached out and started yanking the blanket off.
Jessica grabbed the top of it, trying to keep it in place. Fighting for the blanket, she rolled, knocking Melanie off balance. Soon, they were rolling around in the grass, laughing and wrestling. Finally, Melanie admitted defeat and stood up. Jessica started to roll with laughter at all the grass and dirt that was stuck to Melanie's wet skin. She looked like some kind of forest creature, something out of an old children's story.
Melanie looked down at herself, frowning as she found she was quite a mess. Jessica's laughter was contagious, though, and she soon joined in. Giving Jessica a shrug, she ran back down to the river and jumped in, trying to clean herself off. Standing back up, she found Jessica on the beach, staring at her. She slowly walked out of the water towards Jessica and felt herself shiver as she watched Jessica's tongue dart out, curling up to touch her top lip.
Jessica felt herself growing hungry again as she watched the water spill down Melanie's body. As she felt Melanie draw near, though, she jumped back a little and threw the towel at her. Melanie caught it, then just stared at it, before looking back at her.
"It's a hand towel, Jessica. This isn't going to do me a whole lotta good."
"That's your problem, cher, because it's doing wonders for me." Jessica heard the huskiness of her own voice as she watched Melanie try to dry off with the little towel. She caught Melanie giving her a meaningful look and she raced back up the hill towards her clothes, running the best she could, her movements hampered by the blanket.
Melanie threw her head back and groaned. They could play like this all day and it would be dark soon. Besides, she was starting to get hungry, for food, and for another go at Jessica's lush body. But she didn't want to do that here. She was hoping she could get Jessica home so they could spend the rest of the day rolling around naked in bed. She started up the hill, swiping at her wet skin with the towel as she walked.
She reached the tree just in time to watch Jessica, already in her underwear, trying to wiggle her wet body back into her jeans. Jessica looked up, caught Melanie watching her, and doubled her efforts. They had to get home. Now.
Melanie seemed to have the same idea, because Jessica noticed that she bent down for her clothes instead of making a grab for her. She quickly finished getting dressed and waited for Melanie to do the same.
It took a few minutes because her skin was so soaked, but Melanie finally got her clothes back on. "Well, Jessica, what do you say we head home?"
"My house, cher. You can follow me in your car," and Jessica turned and walked towards her old Ford.
Melanie watched Jessica sashay back to her car and couldn't resist running up and giving her ass a little smack from behind as she passed by on the way to her rental car.
The ride home was eventful, to say the least. Jessica was smiling the whole way, laughing as they would come to a stop sign, or traffic light, and hear Melanie behind her, gunning her engine. About a mile from her house was a little one-lane bridge. Halfway across it, Jessica stopped the car, wiggled her bra off from under her shirt and then started back across, holding the bra up in the air, the wind from the car making it act like a windsock. Looking in her rearview mirror, she could see Melanie behind the wheel of her own car, laughing. Jessica let go and watched the bra splatter across Melanie's windshield. She started laughing even harder as she watched Melanie slow down to a crawl and shimmy out the driver's side window far enough for her to grab the bra and pluck it off her windshield. Once Melanie was back in her seat, Jessica hit the gas and flew the rest of the way home.
She had an ear-to-ear grin on her face as she drove through the gates of her house. Jessica sped up the driveway and skidded to a halt in front of her house. She was halfway over the side of the car when Melanie suddenly appeared, wrapping her arms around her waist, and hauling her against her, kissing the daylights out of her.
Jessica squealed as she felt Melanie lift her the rest of the way over the car door, and when her feet hit the ground, Melanie started waltzing her around the driveway, both of them slipping a little on the lose gravel. Now peeling with laughter, Jessica grabbed Melanie's hand and dragged her into the house.

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