Crime (15 page)

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Authors: Sofia Cruz

Jessica took a large gulp of air, and then held it as her eyes met Melanie's. She saw passion, hunger, and love. Smiling, her eyes on Melanie's, she eased her legs apart, opening herself wide.
Melanie felt her heart swell, tenderness battling with her lust. She began to lower her mouth to the little nub that was begging for attention, and then stopped. Standing up, she looked Jessica in the eye, smiling at her questioning look. Then she held out a hand.
"This isn't the place for this, angel. Upstairs. In bed. So I can show you proper attention." Her heart felt like it was being squeezed and she had to choke out the words, but it was a sweet ache.
Jessica saw everything she would every need to see in Melanie's eyes right then. Suddenly feeling like she just won the lottery, she leaped off the table and into Melanie's arms, claiming her mouth, her tongue slipped inside and she kissed Melanie as deeply as possible.
Their arms wrapped around each other, mouths locked together, they seemed to waltz towards the back staircase, then stumbled up them. Kissing fervently, they spun each other in circles, using the wall to help guide them back to Jessica's bedroom.
Finding the door, they stumbled in and Melanie pulled her mouth free, her chest heaving as she fought for air. She watched as Jessica struggled free of her robe, then threw it across the room. Seconds later, Jessica was back in her arms and she lifted her up, tossing her onto the bed. As she climbed up to join her, Jessica reeled upward, trying to reclaim her mouth. Laughing, she pushed her back and snuggled between her legs and quickly found Jessica's clit.
"Aahhhh," Jessica moaned as she felt the wet heat of Melanie's mouth capture her clit, her tongue flicking against it, and Jessica arched her back, pushing her pussy tighter against Melanie's mouth.
Melanie tortured Jessica's clit until she felt her orgasm break. Before it was over, Melanie pulled herself across the bed and sunk her fingers into Jessica's hair. Holding the back of her head in her hand, she leaned down and let her tongue delve inside Jessica's mouth. With her other hand, she quickly pushed two fingers inside Jessica's soaked pussy and laid her thumb over her clit. Without breaking the kiss, she pounded her fingers in and out of Jessica's love box, pressing her thumb into Jessica's clit as she rubbed her thumb over it in a circular motion.
Jessica felt another orgasm quickly build, could feel her heart hammering in her chest. Rolling to her side, forcing Melanie to roll with her, she mimicked Melanie and buried one hand in Melanie's hair and the other between her legs.
Feeling the sudden invasion of Jessica's fingers inside her pussy, her thumb on her clit, Melanie tried to pull her mouth away to gasp for air, but Jessica tighten her grip on the back of her head and wouldn't let her pull away. Their hips began to buck wildly against each other's hands. Melanie was so desperate for air, she was afraid her lungs were about to burst, but Jessica held fast, their hips picking up speed. As her orgasm began to break, Melanie felt her entire body spasm and she ripped her mouth away, screaming Jessica's name.
Jessica felt her own body explode and her head fell back as her scream joined Melanie's. Their bodies arched, pushing their pelvises together, then they just collapsed, bodies shaking.
It felt like forever before her body started to calm. Melanie opened her eyes and found she and Jessica were both lying on their sides, facing each other. She could feel Jessica's pussy still quivering around her fingers. Pulling her hand free, she laid her fingers against Jessica's lips and watched her lick them clean. Jessica did the same, and Melanie kept her eyes on Jessica's, as she tasted herself on Jessica's fingers. When they had licked each other clean, Melanie leaned in and kissed Jessica, trying to pour all her emotions into that one kiss.
"Don't ever leave me," she whispered against Jessica's lips.
"I won't."
"Promise me."
Jessica framed Melanie's face in her hands and pulled back just far enough to allow her to look Melanie in the eye. "I swear to you, on my very soul, I'll never walk away from you, Melanie. Not ever." Leaning back in, she sealed her promise with a kiss.
Jessica blinked, the sunlight pouring in through the French doors almost blinding her. As her eyes slowly adjusted, she realized she and Melanie remained in the same positions they fell asleep in, both of them lying on their sides, facing each other in the middle of the King sized bed. Melanie was so close, their foreheads rested against each other.
Jessica gave each eyelid a soft kiss, smiling as she watched Melanie stir at her touch. She brushed her fingers down the side of Melanie's face and Melanie nestled a little closer, still asleep. Feeling mischievous, she tickled Melanie's nose with the tip of her finger, then stopped as Melanie twitched and twisted, but she didn't wake up. Jessica tickled her again, but still she didn't wake. Impatient, she pinched her nose shut, laughing as Melanie's eyes flew open and she sputtered and gasped for air.
"You little witch!"
"Morning, cher. Sleep well, did you?" Jessica lay there giving Melanie a wicked smirk.
Melanie just glared at her while she rubbed her nose, then she twisted around, throwing her legs over the side of the bed. Her hands slightly behind her, flat on the mattress, she started to push herself up, but Jessica reached out, her hand closing around one of Melanie's wrists, and pulled her arm out from under her.
Swearing, Melanie lost her balance just as she was standing up, and fell to the floor in a heap. Feeling really irritated, she wasn't the nicest person in the world when she first woke up anyway, and she scooted forward and turned around so she was sitting on the floor, facing the bed. She only got more irritated as she saw Jessica stretched out on her side along the edge of the bed, smiling down on her with a twinkle in her eye.

"Please tell me this isn't going to be a regular thing?"
"What thing is that?"
"You waking me up every morning with juvenile pranks," Melanie growled.
"My, someone's grumpy this morning." Jessica was still grinning at her like the Cheshire cat.
Glaring, and giving Jessica another growl, Melanie stood up and headed for the bathroom. She really needed to pee. She heard Jessica laughing behind her and she couldn't help but smile a little as she shut the bathroom door behind her.
A few minutes later, she padded back down the little hall towards the bed, noting how silent the room was. If Jessica had fallen back asleep, she was definitely going to get some revenge.
Clearing the hall, the bed came back into view, and she saw Jessica lying on her back on the bed, her head turning towards her as she felt Melanie's presence. She stood there a minute, her eyes traveling down Jessica's body, then back up, and studied her face for a bit. Seeing those emerald green eyes staring back at her, Melanie smiled. Ok, she could get use to this. She walked over and sat on the edge of the bed beside Jessica.
"What time is it?"
"Ten." Jessica was still smiling at her.
Melanie rubbed her hands over her face, trying to clear some of the morning fog from her mind.
"So. What's the plan for today?"
"Plan?" Melanie didn't think she liked the look in Jessica's eyes. She could tell trouble was on the way.
"Yes, plan. You have my sister's address right? It's Saturday, so lets go back to Baton Rouge and see her."
"Whoa! Hold on a second, Jessica. It's not quite that easy."
Jessica frowned. "Why not? We go up there, tell Felicia to get her ass in the car, and bring her home."
"We? You got a mouse in your pocket, or something?"
"I don't have any pockets at the moment, cher." Jessica gave her a wicked grin and Melanie watched her trail a hand down her body and dip down in between her legs. "Unless, of course, you're counting this one."
"Christ, you never quit, do you?" Melanie's voice was a mix of disgust and amazement, and she shook her head in wonder that Jessica could be so sharp after they'd spent almost an entire day making love and had only gotten about six hours sleep.
"I question the 'we' part, angel, because I'd like to know how it is that you're so sure that Felicia doesn't make a run for it the minute she sees you? The two of you didn't exactly part on the best of terms." She watched Jessica's face fall and silently cursed herself. Reaching out, she rubbed her hand up and down Jessica's arm in an act of comfort.
"Jessica, I'm sorry. It's just that, well, part of the reason Felicia left was because you two weren't getting along any more. I'm afraid that, if she sees you on her doorstep, she'll take off again."
Jessica remained silent. Sighing, Melanie shifted to lie on her side beside Jessica, facing her. She reached out and caught Jessica's chin in her hand and turned her head to face her.
"There'll be a time for you to face your sister and work things out. I just don't think the two of us driving up to Baton Rouge and confronting your sister is the best thing to do right now. Besides, this Lonna Tassin is still an unknown. I'm not taking you anywhere with me when I don't know what we'll be walking into. I won't put you at risk, Jessica. I just won't do it, so don't even ask me to."
Jessica lowered her eyes, suddenly finding the sheets incredibly interesting. On a grunt, Melanie release Jessica's chin and lay down on her back, staring at the ceiling. They were both quiet for a time, lost in their own thoughts.
Suddenly, Melanie slapped her hands against the mattress and climbed out of bed, heading for the bathroom again.
"Where are you going?"
"To take a shower. Then I'm going to get dressed and drive up to Baton Rouge. If I hustle, maybe I can talk to Felicia and be back here in time for dinner."
Jessica leaped off the bed and followed Melanie down the short hallway. "Wait a minute! Where the hell do you get off going up there without me?"
Melanie stepped back to lean against the wall, facing Jessica. "I just told you why I'm not taking you with me." She rubbed her hands over her face again, in what Jessica was quickly noticing to be a habit born of frustration, or tiredness. "Damn it, Jessica, I don't want to fight with you," Melanie admitted as she dropped her hands to her sides.
Jessica leaned against the opposite wall, silently considering her options while she studied the carpet. After a few minutes, Melanie caught herself paying way too much attention to Jessica's well-built body. After all of yesterday's activity, she couldn't believe she was standing her considering jumping Jessica's bones again!
Reaching a decision, Jessica looked up to catch Melanie's heated look, and felt a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Ok, so maybe I shouldn't worry that Melanie wants to see Felicia by herself because she wanted her instead of me," she thought. Apparently, Melanie was still very interested in her. She had to start trusting Melanie sometime, she thought, or they'd never last together.
"Oh, all right! Go see Felicia then, but you damn well better be back by dinner, or I'll come looking for you."
Hearing Jessica's words, seeing the look on her face, Melanie finally figured out why Jessica was so reluctant for her to go looking for Felicia without her. She crossed to Jessica and framed her face in her hands.
"Felicia and I are just friends now, Jessica. Just friends. You're the one I'm in love with. Totally and completely in love, and I'll never do anything stupid and risk losing you. I just need some time to see if I can talk to Felicia and find out, exactly, what's going on. That's all."
Jessica nodded and Melanie pressed a kiss to her forehead. "What to help me with that shower?" Melanie asked with a knowing grin.
Jessica reached out and slapped Melanie on the ass. Yelping, Melanie sprinted for the bathroom, Jessica right on her heels.
Hours later, Melanie drove into Baton Rouge and reached for the notes she had laying on the passenger seat, double checking Felicia's address. It took her another half an hour to fine the apartment building. Climbing out of the car, she stretched, and then turned around to stare at the building, her arms resting on the roof of the car as she studied it.
It was a yellow brick building six stories tall. Felicia's apartment number was 415. She noticed the building had a security entrance. Should she just buzz Felicia's apartment? Would Felicia let her in if she did?
Walking towards the sidewalk, she strode over to the alley that ran along side the building and noticed a fire escape. That was a possibility, but she had no way of knowing if it would take her to Felicia's apartment. She walked back towards the front door, and was walking up the steps when a boy of about ten walked out. Running up the last few steps, Melanie reached out and grabbed the door before it could swing shut. As she stepped around the boy to walk inside, she stopped halfway through as she noticed the kid giving her a weird look. Taking a gamble, she pulled out the key in her pocket and held it up.
"My friend asked me to run over and get something from her apartment."
The boy's eyes narrowed on her. "Oh yeah? Who's your friend?"
Melanie chuckled. "Lee Anne St. Clair in 415."
The boy's eyes widened. "Oh. Sorry."
"That's ok. You're smart to check."
The kid got a slightly smug look on his face and his chest seemed to puff out a little at the compliment. "Yeah. You can never be too sure, you know?"
"Right. You just never know." Melanie was smiling as she watched him walk away. "Cute kid," she thought. Inside, she debated between the steps and the elevator. Opting for the elevator, she hit the button and waited for the doors to slide open. Moments later, she walked through the doors onto the forth floor and started scanning the numbers on the nearby doors. Judging how the numbers ran, she turned right and headed down the hall, scanning doors as she walked. About a third of the way down she found 415. Looking around, she found the hallway deserted, so she felt safe stepping up and laying her ear against the door. She could hear movement, but no voices. Well, it was now, or never. Taking a deep breath, she knocked.
"Be right there." It was definitely Felicia's voice, but that didn't calm Melanie's nerves. She still wasn't sure if Felicia was alone or not. She mentally crossed her fingers. Now wasn't the time to come face to face with Lonna. She wanted some answers from Felicia first.
Seconds later, the door opened. She and Felicia stared at each other for what felt like twenty minutes, but was only seconds. Watching Felicia's eyes, she knew the instant her presence registered in Felicia's brain and managed to shove her foot in the doorway just in time to stop it from slamming shut in her face.
Pushing it open, she walked inside as Felicia darted for the phone that sat on the table in the middle of the living room. Melanie bolted after her and grabbed Felicia from behind, wrapping her arms around Felicia's middle, trapping her arms at her sides.
"Get off me!" Felicia tried to wiggle loose, but Melanie held tight.
"Calm down! I just want to talk to you, Felicia!" But Felicia continued to try and pull herself free. "Damn it, Felicia!" They struggled a little longer before Melanie twirled her around and pushed her towards the couch. Felicia hit the couch and immediately sprung back up. Anticipating this, Melanie was ready and quickly wrapped a hand around Felicia's arm and tugged her back towards the couch.
Sitting down, she pulled Felicia down with her and made her sit down beside her. "I just want to talk, Felicia. That's it." Slowly, she let go of Felicia's arms and held both hands up in front of her signaling surrender. The minute she let go, Felicia slid down to sit on the opposite side of the couch, but didn't try to run again.
"What do you want?" Felicia snapped.
Figuring she might not get a lot of time to talk to her, Melanie decided to cut to the chase. "Who's Lonna Tassin and why is she paying for your apartment?"
Melanie held her breath, watching Felicia's face, half expecting her to bolt again. She saw Felicia's eyes widen at her question, then they started to flick over the room. Felicia seemed skittish and it was making Melanie really nervous.
"Felicia, what's wrong?" Melanie was careful, this time, to keep her voice soft and calm. When she didn't get an answer, she tried again.
"Are you in some kind of trouble?" Still no response, and Felicia was looking everywhere but at her.
"Felicia, baby, what's wrong? Please talk to me. All I want to do is help you, Felicia." Refusing to budge, Melanie just sat there, but didn't say anything else, just waited Felicia out. In the silence that followed, she studied Felicia. She seemed unusually pale, as if she'd been sick recently. Melanie noticed Felicia's eyes had lost some of their normal spark and she had circles under her eyes. Felicia seemed worn out, beaten, and Melanie realized that it hurt to see Felicia this way. She had a strong suspicion that this was Lonna's doing, and Melanie vowed to punch her lights out, first chance she got.
Time seemed to stretch out for hours as Melanie and Felicia sat on the couch, Melanie watching Felicia, Felicia refusing to look at her. Running out of patience, Melanie slowly sank down to kneel on the floor in front of Felicia, gently resting her hands on Felicia's thighs.
"I'll protect you, Felicia, you know that. We're friends. You can tell me anything." Felicia didn't answer and she still wouldn't look at her. Sighing, she bent her head, resting her forehead on Felicia's knees. Closing her eyes, she rattled her brain trying to figure out what to do next.
Melanie had no idea how long they two of them sat like that, but finally she felt Felicia's fingers brush over her hair. She stayed still, afraid that any sudden movement would scare Felicia away. More minutes might have passed before she felt Felicia's fingers sink into her hair, Felicia's hand resting on her head.
" have to go, Melanie. She can't find you here and I'm not sure when she'll be back."
Melanie finally looked up and looked Felicia in the eye. "Why can't she find me here, Felicia? Will she get jealous? Angry? God, tell me she doesn't hit you." Melanie practically growled the last sentence; visions of someone beating Felicia made her eyes darken in anger.
It wasn't lost on Felicia. Seeing the concern, the anger on her behalf in Melanie's eyes, made her feel wistful, and a little sad. If only she'd told Melanie everything from the beginning. If only she'd gone to Pittsburgh, looking for Melanie. But those weren't options any more. Upset, she pushed Melanie away from her and jumped up from the couch, walking behind it towards her bedroom, which was separated from the living room by pocket doors, which now stood open.
Melanie stood up. She couldn't remember ever seeing Felicia this sad, this upset, and she followed her into the bedroom. She stopped in the doorway as Felicia sat down on the side of the bed, staring blindly out the window. She knew Felicia wanted her to leave, but it wasn't going to happen. She wasn't leaving Felicia like this; not in the shape she was in now.
"Talk to me," Melanie pleaded. Seconds ticked by in silence.
"She has something on you, doesn't she?" Felicia didn't respond, but Melanie watched as she hung her head.
The silence continued to stretch on and Melanie remained in the doorway, wheels spinning.
"Lonna tricked you into embezzling funds." Melanie stated it like a known fact, stepping into the room and to the left so she could see Felicia's reaction. When Felicia's head whipped up, her eyes wide, she got the answer she was looking for. Sighing, she slowly walked over and sat down beside Felicia, Felicia's eyes following her every move.

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