Read Crime Online

Authors: Sofia Cruz

Crime (3 page)

Chapter 2

Her nipples felt as hard as pebbles. She gasped as she felt the tip of a tongue flick across it. Then soft, wet lips slid down, engulfing her breast. They slid back, sucking the nipple, once again teasing it with that wonderful tongue. Melanie groaned in protest as the mouth disappeared. Then gasped as it settled on her other breast, giving it the same exquisite attention. She glanced down, seeing a shock of red hair. She lost focus again as those magical lips slid down the center of her body, felt a tongue dip into her belly button, then disappear again. She purred as she felt that tongue trace her tattoo of a hummingbird that lay just above her mound. Suddenly that mouth latched onto her clit, sucking and teasing it with that tongue.
Gasping, Melanie jerked awake and found beautiful blue eyes staring back at her, sparkling with mischief. Then all thought fled as Felicia began running her tongue, ever so slowly, up and down her slit. Melanie's head crashed against the pillow, her hips jerking up to meet Felicia's tongue. Satisfied that she had Melanie's full attention, Felicia reached up and parted Melanie's labia, sinking her tongue into Melanie's love hole with one swift motion. Felicia growled as she finally got a taste of Melanie's girl honey, sweat and a little salty. She started to work her tongue in and out of Melanie's pussy. Slowly at first, then faster as Melanie's hips bucked. Melanie reached down to cup the back of Felicia's head, pushing her down, silently begging Felicia to go deeper. Felicia stiffen her tongue and pushed in as deep as she could.
"Oh Goddddddd! Don't stop, baby. Please, Felicia, don't stop," Melanie gasped, her hips picking up speed. Sensing Melanie was close to orgasm, Felicia held her head still, her face pushed as far into Melanie's pussy as she could go. She bent the tip of her tongue up. A scream ripped from Melanie's throat as she felt Felicia's tongue hit her sweet spot. Felicia then reached a hand up and began rubbing Melanie's clit, pressing harder and harder as she felt Melanie's body writher and twist against her. "Felicia! Oh God Felicia!" Melanie screamed as she felt her orgasm break. She arched her back and held it as waves of sensation spiraled through her. Finally, she slumped down against the mattress, gasping for air.
Smiling, Felicia dragged herself up Melanie's body, pressing against her as she went. "Good morning, sunshine," Felicia purred, kissing Melanie, letting her taste herself on Felicia's lips. Melanie kissed her back, licking every drop of her cum from Felicia's lips and face.
"It's still dark baby. God, but you're up early!"
Felicia laughed. "That would be a really wicked thing to say to me if I was a guy, cher."
"Thank God you're not. No guy has ever managed to get my juices flowing this early in the morning."
"Lord, but you're naughty."
"Wicked, baby. Wicked. There's a difference."
"And what would that be?"
"Take a shower with me and I'll show you," Melanie whispered. Now that she was wide-awake, she felt the need to really taste this woman. She wanted more than what she got last night when she was too drunk and too horny to take her time.
Melanie flipped Felicia over onto her back. Climbing out of bed, she turned back, letting Felicia look her fill. Grinning, she watched Felicia's eyes as they traced the length of her well-toned body. In her line of work, you had to stay fit and, just this minute, she was glad of all that time she spent working out at home. Her aerobic workout kept her slim and toned. Weight lifting gave her a strength that most people didn't realize she had, since Melanie was careful that she didn't get the look of a Schwarzenegger with tits, though she could bench press her weight, plus some. Just then, she felt a little thrill of triumph as those brilliant blue eyes darken, a look of hunger spreading across Felicia's face. Melanie's grin turned wicked as she thought of how all that weight lifting was about to pay off.
Reaching out, Melanie grabbed Felicia's hand, dragging her off the bed and down the hall towards the bathroom. She pulled Felicia inside and shut the door. Reaching into the shower, she turned the water on, adjusting the knobs to get the right temperature. She stood with her hand under the spray, waiting for the water to turn warm, and took the time to get her first really good look at Felicia. Sensing her appraisal, Felicia turned her back to the sink. Placing her hands on either side, she grasped the edge and leaned back a little. She spread her feet just a little bit apart so Melanie could get a good view of her shaved pussy.
Watching Felicia pose for her, Melanie felt herself getting turned on, a fresh wave of juices spreading through her. Realizing the water was where she wanted it; she stepped into the shower, never breaking eye contact with Felicia. She crocked a finger, motioning Felicia to join her.
Felicia sucked in a breath at the evil grin on Melanie's face. "Said the spider to the fly, huh cher?"
"I won't bite Felicia. Not unless you want me to."
"I want. I definitely want." With that, Felicia stepped into the shower, under the spray and into Melanie's waiting arms. Melanie slowly turned so that Felicia's back was against the shower wall. She reached out and pulled the curtain shut, cocooning them in the shower. Melanie just stood there, her hands resting lightly on Felicia's hips, just the tips of their breasts touching under the warm spray. Felicia shuddered; suddenly realizing she might be in over her head.
Feeling Felicia's reaction and, noticing the hint of nervousness that crept across her face, Melanie soften her smile. "Relax baby. I'm not dangerous. I just really enjoy my work."
"Being a P.I.?" Felicia stuttered, her tongue suddenly feeling too thick and heavy to form words.
Melanie laughed. "That too, but right now I mean working on you." She reached for the soap and, building up lather in her hands, began soaping Felicia's body. She took her time, enjoy the feel of Felicia's soft skin and gentle curves. She started at her shoulders and glided her hands up and down her arms, working in the soap as she went. Then, with her hands back at Felicia's shoulders, she slid them down her sides, squatting down to reach her feet. Kneeling, she soaped Felicia's legs, making sure she hit every spot, behind her knees, the inside of her thighs. She purposefully skipped Felicia's pussy. Standing up again, Melanie began soaping Felicia's chest, spending extra time on the shape and feel of Felicia's breasts, teasing the nipples with her fingers. She pinched one nipple between her thumb and forefinger and began rolling it between her fingers. Felicia moaned, the sound coming from the back of her throat.
"See? That's not so scary, now is it?"
Unable to speak, Felicia just shook her head no, her eyes riveted on Melanie's every move.
Chuckling, Melanie reached up and, grabbing Felicia by the shoulders, slowly turned her around so she was facing the wall. Melanie began washing her back, gently sliding her hands over Felicia's heart shaped ass. Then she stepped back, Felicia letting out a whimper of protest at the sudden lose. Then Melanie's hand was near her face, offering the bar of soap.
"Your turn, baby."
Felicia turned around, leaning against the wall for support. Her body felt so tight, her knees weak and every drop of water felt like pin pricks against her highly sensitive skin. Melanie gave her a gentle smile and just stood there, hands at her sides, not making a move. Felicia looked up to find Melanie watching her. Seeing the patience in her eyes, Felicia felt a little calmer, so she started to wash Melanie, taking her time in the same places Melanie had with her. She marveled at Melanie's body. She was fascinated with her tattoos. Melanie had a hummingbird on her abdomen with vines, one on each side, which spread over her hips and wrapped around her body to form a heart shape at the small of her back. At the top of her back was a phoenix, its wingspan spreading from shoulder to shoulder and ended right around where her bra strap would sit. There was a claddagh around her left ankle and a Celtic knot band that wrapped around her upper right arm. She also had scars. Some where probably just cuts that hadn't healed well, but there was one, on her left thigh, that was almost three inches long. Felicia just bet there was one hell of a story that went with it.
Melanie felt the sweet tension begin to slowly build as Felicia's hands explored her body. She was really enjoying the combination of Felicia's soft hands and the rich lather of soap. When the tension reached a slow ache, Melanie stopped Felicia and turned her around so, once again, her hands were braced against the wall, her nipples flattened against it. Melanie stepped up so her front was pressing against Felicia's back, barely a drop able to pass between them. Melanie placed her lips on Felicia's neck, just over her pulse point. She felt Felicia's heart begin to race as she rested her hands low on the side of Felicia's legs. Melanie dragged her hands slowly up Felicia's sides, brushing her breasts with the tips of her fingers, and then running her hands back down. She repeated this several times as she used her tongue to trace small circles on Felicia's neck, right over her pulse. Felicia's heart hammered away, beating so hard, Melanie could feel the vibrations through her tongue and echo through her body. As Felicia started to pant, Melanie slid her hands around to Felicia's mound. Slowly, she pushed a finger into her wet channel. Feeling Felicia's girl honey pour out over her hand, Melanie slid a second finger insider her and began to slowly finger fuck Felicia. With her other hand, Melanie began teasing Felicia's clit. Felicia began to rock her body back and forth, bucking against Melanie's hand and then pressing back against her chest.
Suddenly, Melanie jerked Felicia around so her back was to the wall. Melanie sank down to her knees and pushed her face and arms down between Felicia's legs, hooking them up over her shoulders. Felicia shrieked as she was suddenly lifted into the air. On instinct, she wrapped her legs and arms around Melanie's head, holding on for dear life as she felt Melanie's hands cup her butt, holding her in place.
Melanie thrilled at Felicia's response and, knowing Felicia was close to the edge, began to tongue fuck her in earnest. She couldn't get enough of Felicia's sticky sweetness as her tongue pounded in and out of Felicia's vagina, rubbing and pushing her nose against Felicia's clit. Felicia slammed one hand against the ceiling for leverage, the other hand forming a death grip on the back of Melanie's head, and began bucking wildly against Melanie's mouth. She could feel her orgasm building to furious proportions inside her. Seconds later, the world exploded, Felicia went blind as waves of pleasure crashed through her. She could feel her own cum pouring out, Melanie's tongue lapping against the walls of her pussy as she frantically tried to drink it all in.
Felicia sank back against the wall, trembling as smaller orgasms spread through her body. Gasping for air, she pressed both hands against the ceiling, afraid of falling. She yelped as she felt herself begin to slide down the wall. Suddenly soft, gentle arms wrapped around her, helping her stay on her feet. She slumped against Melanie, wrapping her hands over Melanie's shoulders, knowing full well that this woman was the only reason she was standing at all.
She felt a warm breath as Melanie feathered kisses over her face. "Come on baby. Let's get you out of here and back to bed. The hot water's starting to run out."
"So that's wicked, huh?" Felicia managed between gulps of air. "What about you?"
"You already took care of me Felicia. This was me returning the favor."
"I didn't think I was THAT good, cher," Felicia said on a weak laugh.
"You were inspirational baby. Now come on. You've got to lay down before you fall down." Melanie helped Felicia out of the shower, sat her down on the toilet seat and began toweling Felicia dry. She then dried herself off and, reaching for fresh towels, she wrapped one around herself and another around Felicia. Lifting Felicia onto her feet, she let her sag against her, taking the bulk of her weight, and led her back to bed.
Felicia felt the mattress give under her weight as Melanie gently laid her down. She felt Melanie pull the sheets up and tuck her in. She reached out blindly, her eyes still fighting to come into focus, and, feeling Melanie's arm, grabbed on, pulling her into bed with her. "Stay with me, please," she whispered.
Melanie turned Felicia onto her side and then slid in behind her, she above the sheets, Felicia under them, and wrapped an arm around Felicia's waist. Pulling Felicia against her, she pushed her hair aside and kissed the nape of her neck. "Relax baby. Go to sleep. I'll stay right here until you wake up."
Melanie held her new lover against her, listening as Felicia's breathing evened out and slowed. Suddenly feeling a little possessive, she tightened her hold on Felicia's waist, and watched the sun rise and spill through the balcony doors.

Chapter 3

Melanie woke up slowly. As she pried her eyes open, she quickly shut them again, blinded by the morning light. Oh shit! She sprang upright to find the apartment awash with the morning sun. She twisted around to find the alarm clock. Ten o'clock. Shit!
"Felicia. Felicia. Wake up baby." Melanie gently shook Felicia awake.
"Get up baby. We are so late."
"It's ten o'clock Felicia. You're late for work."
"Shit! Ten o'clock?"
"You were suppose to be at work an hour ago. I'll bet David and your sister are freaking out, wondering where you are."
Wide-awake now, Felicia leaped out of bed. "Where's my purse, cher?"
"Over by the door I think. Why?"
"I need my cell phone." Felicia rushed over to the front door, frantically searching for her purse. Finding it, she dug out her phone. "Damn! I left it on last night and now the battery's dead."
"Use my phone to call your cell. It's on the wall near the couch."
Finding the wall phone, Felicia quickly punched in her cell number and started hitting keys to access her messages. "Oh man," she groaned. "Jessica's left six messages this morning. Even Uncle David left one.
"You can have the bathroom first. It won't take me long to get ready."
With that, Felicia raced across the apartment into the bathroom. Hearing the door slam shut, Melanie sank back against the headboard. Last night was wonderful but, God, was she making a mess of things. Visions of getting to the office and David telling her she was fired, started playing through her mind. She let out a groan and thumped her head against the bed.
Forty-five minutes later, Felicia and Melanie rushed through the lobby of Matthews Enterprises and jumped into the first available elevator. Melanie had the brief thought that this was getting a bit too familiar. She turned her attention to Felicia. Ever since Felicia had disappeared into the bathroom this morning, Melanie had been debating what to do about this new relationship. She really liked Felicia. She was fun, easy to be with, and the sex was great, but she was, after all, a client, and Melanie knew she had crossed the line by spending the night with her. "Felicia?"
"Yeah baby," came Felicia's absent-minded reply as she watched the floors tick by on the screen.
"About last night..."
"Last night was great, cher. Meet me after work and maybe we can go to dinner. Or something," she said with a wicked little grin.
"I'd really like that but...."
Felicia turned, giving Melanie her full attention now. She had a bad feeling she knew what was coming next.
Melanie saw by the look on Felicia's face that she was waiting for the break up speech. Feeling like a complete heel, she stared at the floor, trying to figure out what to do.
Oh hell! "I'd love to have dinner. When do you think you'll be done?"
A wide grin spread across Felicia's face. Suddenly the doors opened. Any further conversation was cut short as they both jumped out of the elevator and rushed down to Felicia's office.
They burst through the door, startling Felicia's secretary Sally. "Sorry, Sally. Where's my spare suit? As you can see, I'm running a little late today," Felicia said with a smirk.
Melanie and Felicia walked into Felicia's office while Sally went looking for Felicia's suit. Melanie plopped down in one of the two chairs in front of the desk, while Felicia took her seat. Just then, the door flew open, revealing one very angry red headed Cajun.
"Where the hell have you two been!? Wait. Don't answer that. I think I know, since you're still wearing the same clothes from last night," Jessica fixed a furious stare on her sister. Melanie hadn't even turned around in her chair. Round two, she thought.
Felicia glanced at her sister, her lips twitching with the smile she was trying to suppress, and made a show of checking her email.
"Well? One of you answer me, dammit!" Melanie could feel Jessica vibrating with anger. Pushing out of the chair, she walked over to face her new nemesis.
"Since you can obviously tell where we've been, and what we've been doing, I figured that was a rhetorical question."
If looks could kill, Melanie figured she'd drop like a stone right there. They stood glaring at each other, Melanie refusing to say any more, when they both jumped at the sound of Felicia's scream.
Melanie spun around to find Felicia shaking in her chair, eyes riveted to the computer screen. She rushed around the desk and, taking one look at the computer, hauled Felicia out of her seat and pushed her towards Jessica. "Take care of her," she barked.
The screen was filled with a digital picture of some very recent road kill. Slowly, the picture faded out and was replaced with one sentence that was positioned dead center on the page. "Back off bitch. Or you're next."
Jessica held onto Felicia, trying to comfort her, but her eyes never left Melanie's face. She watched in awe as anger leaped into Melanie's eyes and then, just as quickly, was squashed down, eyes going flat. She marveled at how quickly Melanie tapped down her anger; at the iron clad control this woman had on her emotions. If someone were to walk in right now, they probably wouldn't realize that Melanie was mad enough to spit nails. Unless, of course, they noticed her hands clenching and unclenching, every so slightly, as she held them to her side.
Jessica started to let go of Felicia and come around the desk, but Melanie held up a hand, stopping her.
"Have you checked your email yet today," Melanie asked.
"No. I was waiting for Felicia. When she didn't show up by 9:15, I started looking around the office and calling her cell. I haven't even turned my computer on yet."
"Good. Don't. Take Felicia somewhere else and settle her down. Better yet, go to David's office. Both of you should just stay and work there today."
Jessica started to protest, but Melanie cut her off with a glare.
"Don't argue. Just go. I'm going to stay here and try to trace this email." With that, Melanie sat down and tucked in behind the desk. She began working away on the keyboard.
Sensing she had just been dismissed, Jessica wrapped her arms around a still shaking Felicia and led her out, closing the door behind her.
Melanie couldn't remember the last time she was this furious. She was all but shaking with anger. She started pounding away at the keyboard, determined to find an IP address she could trace. Melanie knew the embezzler had sent this email, probably hearing that the Matthews's had hired a P.I., and started getting nervous. She wanted this bastard in the worse way.
Melanie hung up the phone and sank back in the chair. Throughout the day, as she had found each IP address, she had called a friend of hers back in Pittsburgh who was an ace at translating IP's into to a person and an address. So far though, Mike had come up empty. Each call had turned up nothing more than either a fake address and name, or the address of one of many public internet cafes that were scattered all over the city. Obviously, whoever had sent the email knew their electronics. They had set the email up so that it bounced all over the place before actually reaching its intended receiver.
She ran her hands over her face in exhaustion. Glancing up at the wall clock she saw that it was after 9 p.m. The office had emptied out hours ago. Melanie stood up and stretched. She hadn't left the chair since this morning, except for a few quick trips to the ladies room. She had buzzed David's office and talked to all three members of the Matthews family. Felicia was pretty shaken up and had gone home with Jessica shortly after lunch.
Melanie let out a sigh, racking her brain for a new idea. Noticing the pictures on Felicia's desk, she leaned over for a closer look. Spying one of Felicia and Jessica, she picked it up and sank back into the chair. Holding the frame in her lap, she studied the two women. At first glance, most people would probably never suspect they were sisters. Felicia was 5' 8" with long, straight, raven black hair and blue eyes. Jessica stood about 5' 6", her bright red hair spilling down her back in a cascade of curls, her eyes an emerald green. Staring at the picture, Melanie began to pick out the small details that, when noticed, spoke to the reality of both women being sisters. They shared the same complexion, creamy, rose tinged skin. The delicate cheekbones and petite noses made Melanie think of a porcelain doll. She sighed, her thoughts turning to their different personalities. Where Felicia was relaxed and fun loving, Jessica was wound tighter than a top, always defensive. Melanie thought back to last night, in the parking lot, when Felicia had told her that Jessica was vastly different than what Melanie was seeing. I wish I could get a glimpse of that, she thought.
Looking up, Melanie stared at the email message she'd been dissecting all day. Jessica may hate her but, for some reason, Melanie realized she cared very much about her safety, Jessica's and Felicia's. It wasn't just a case anymore. Hell, maybe it never was. Never the less, somewhere along the way things had taken a personal bent. Now the sisters' safety was a lot more than just a basic security issue. Reaching for the phone, Melanie placed a call, hoping to cash in a few favors that were owed her.
Ten minutes later, she placed the handset back in its cradle. Satisfied that she had gotten the ball rolling on a very necessary step, she refocused on the computer. A fresh idea sprang to mind. There was one more trace she hadn't tried yet. She started the run and, knowing that it would take a while, headed over to Jessica's office. She needed to verify that Jessica had received the same email and run the same tests on her computer. That way, she would have two sets of results to compare. She strode towards Jessica's office, the whole floor quite as a tomb. Somewhere in this pile of IP addresses was her embezzler. He had to be. Melanie didn't want to consider the alternative.
Jessica strolled down the hall towards her office. Felicia had stayed home, still unnerved from yesterday's email. They hadn't heard a word from Melanie since yesterday afternoon, right before Jessica had taken her sister home. She had called her uncle before leaving the house this morning, to see if he knew anything new. He hadn't heard anything either, but insisted that Melanie had come highly recommended, and that Jessica needed to leave her be and let her do her job.
All night last night, Jessica had mulled over what she knew about Melanie. Gathering all of her impressions, Jessica had to admit that the woman was a bit of a puzzle. When she had questioned Felicia about their budding relationship, Felicia had flatly refused to hear a single bad word. She told Jessica she should try talking to Melanie instead of biting her head off and then form an opinion.
Still mulling over thoughts of the infuriating P.I., Jessica opened her office door, surprised to find Melanie asleep in her chair. Quietly, Jessica closed the door and leaned against the wall, studying the woman in front of her. God, she slept here, didn't she? Melanie was still wearing the same clothes from yesterday morning. There was no sign of food, or food wrappers, anywhere, so Jessica wondered if she had eaten at all last night. Deciding to take Felicia's advice and call a truce, she pushed off from the wall and headed back out to get some breakfast.
Melanie was vaguely aware of food. The smell of it anyway. For a moment, she thought it was just a dream, seeing as all she ate last night were a few candy bars from the vending machine she found. She eased her eyes open and began to sit up, groaning when she felt the muscles in her neck protesting any movement.
"Morning, cher. How about some breakfast?"
Wiping the sleep dust away, Melanie felt her eyes come into focus. She rolled her head slowly, trying to work the kinks out, and heard her stomach growl. She glanced up at Jessica, watching as she unwrapped a breakfast sandwich and laid it on the desk, along with a coffee cup.
"I didn't know how you liked your coffee, so I just got it black. I brought some cream and sugar if you want it."
"Orange juice," Melanie croaked. Clearing her throat she looked back up at Jessica. "Thank you, but I'm not a coffee drinker. I usually have a glass of orange juice in the morning."
"You don't drink coffee? God, but you're an odd one. I would think someone in your line of work would drink caffeine like it was going out of style."
"I live for caffeine. I just prefer it cold. After my orange juice, I switch to soda."
"I see. You like to kill two birds with one stone; caffeine and a sugar buzz."
"You got it," Melanie answered, smiling. "But thanks for the sandwich. Oh man, that smells good."
"Wait here. I'll go raid the company icebox. I'm sure someone keeps orange juice around here." With that, Jessica disappeared out the door. Melanie just sat there for a minute, wondering if she was really awake or not. Jessica had just been really nice to her. She pinched herself and, feeling the sting, realized that the Jessica who had just brought her breakfast was, indeed, the real thing. Smiling, she picked up her sandwich and dug in.
A few minutes later, Jessica reappeared with a bottle of orange juice, which she set down in front of Melanie. Then she sat down in the chair opposite the desk and started to dig another sandwich out of the bag for herself. She sat there nibbling on it, watching as the last few crumbs of Melanie's food disappeared.
"You can have half of mine if you're still hungry. You didn't eat last night, did you?"
"I snagged a couple of candy bars."
"High cuisine indeed," Jessica said, laughing.
Melanie smiled, enjoying the sound of Jessica's sexy laugh. "My job usually means odd hours so, I eat what I can, when I can." Melanie's stomach let out another growl and Jessica peeled with laughter. After she settled down, she found a plastic knife in the bag and cut off half of her sandwich, handing it to Melanie.

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