Dagon's Ride [Brac Pack 19] (12 page)

Read Dagon's Ride [Brac Pack 19] Online

Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

Law shrugged his shoulders. “Why not?”

“I like that idea.” Taylor grabbed his plate and Dagon’s, taking them to the trash can.

Yeah, why not?

Dagon’s Ride


Chapter Eight

Taylor laughed as Dagon pulled him through the woods. “How’s this?”

He nodded. They could be standing in a marsh and Taylor wouldn’t mind, as long as he was with Dagon. “Perfect.” Dagon stopped walking and spun Taylor around, making him face a tree as Dagon pressed his chest into Taylor’s back. “That’s what I was hoping you would say.” He could feel Dagon’s erection, hard and ready, rubbing against his ass. Taylor moaned, having become quickly addicted to the feel of Dagon’s cock.

His hole clenched at the thought of being filled by that large shaft.

Taylor had noticed that he no longer heard his mother’s voice in his head and was a thousand times thankful for that miracle. He could only guess that it had disappeared when he finally accepted who he was.

He pushed up on his toes, wanting to feel Dagon’s cock at the crease of his ass. His nerve endings prickled as Dagon rubbed his erection against his ass. Taylor could feel his own cock biting into his zipper as it grew with need.

“I can smell your lust, and it’s driving me crazy.” Dagon nipped Taylor’s ear, his cock jerking at the action. Taylor pressed his ass into his mate’s pelvis, wishing the clothes between them would disappear.

He gulped and then panted as Dagon reached around him and unsnapped his jeans. “I’m going to suck your dick, Taylor.” He melted at those sexy ass words. His fingers dug into the bark as Dagon’s breath whispered across his skin. Taylor’s eyes blinked as his lips parted, his heart picking up in beat. “I want.”

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“Mmm, what does my
want?” Dagon’s hands unzipped his jeans but then moved away. Taylor whimpered.

“Tell Dagon what you want, and you may just get it.” His tongue rimmed the side of Taylor’s ears as his leg pushed between Taylor’s.

Dagon’s forefinger tilted Taylor’s head back, their noses clashing as Dagon’s mouth swooped down to take his.

Taylor rubbed his ass up and down Dagon’s leg, feeling the friction against his balls. Taylor’s fingers dug harder into the bark of the tree. His feet were lifted from the ground when Dagon raised his leg higher.

“You’re making my cock throb from rubbing your ass all over my leg. Why don’t you do that naked?” Dagon cupped the back of Taylor’s head, nipping at his lips before pulling back and removing his leg.

Taylor shoved his pants down, pulled his shoes off, and then kicked them the rest of the way off. He grabbed the bark as he slid back onto Dagon’s leg, moaning as his testicles smashed against the strong muscle, feeling the material of Dagon’s jeans tickle his balls.

“Tell me we’re not a perfect match,” Dagon crooned in his ear as his leg jerked under Taylor. He fell forward, his cock leaking onto his mate’s jean-clad leg. The warrior ran his hands over Taylor’s behind, squeezing his ass, making him groan. Taylor pushed back, his head falling to the side as his hole grazed Dagon’s muscled thigh.

“Are you ready for me yet?” Dagon lifted Taylor with his hands, setting him on his feet as he unsnapped his jeans, freeing his cock.

“Wrap your legs around me.”

Taylor did, as Dagon placed his hands on the tree, Taylor leaning back as Dagon entered him. His head spun as his mate fucked him against the tree. Taylor clung to him. The small bite from the bark was miniscule compared to the pleasure his mate brought him.

“Perfect match,” Dagon said before his took Taylor’s mouth in demanding frenzy. Dagon thrust into him, his fingers digging into
Dagon’s Ride


Taylor’s sides as his face pulled back, hissing as he stiffened and then came.

Taylor whimpered when Dagon pulled free, but his whimper quickly died when Dagon set him on his feet and then dropped to his knees. Taylor shivered at the sight. The big, strong, and masculine Dagon was on his knees, taking Taylor’s cock into his mouth.

His head fell back, hitting the tree as Dagon worked his shaft with mastery. Taylor could feel his cock hitting the back of Dagon’s throat, and then Dagon took him further down his throat, working his muscle to bring Taylor such pleasure that he shouted out, crying to the trees as he came down his mate’s throat.

Taylor fell to his knees, his breath ragged as he fought to breathe.

“I told you we are a perfect match.” Dagon chuckled as he helped Taylor get dressed. Dagon stood, pulled his jeans up and tucked his soft cock back into his pants.

“Come on,
. We were taking a walk, right?” Taylor nodded, unsure what Dagon was saying, his mind still buzzing from that explosive orgasm.

“You look gorgeous flushed,” Dagon teased him as they walked out into a clearing.

* * * *

Dagon hunched down as he examined the scrape on his bike. It wasn’t large, but
noticed it. He didn’t like to see any marks on his baby. Maybe owing a bike shop was a better idea than he thought.

It would have gotten his baby fixed right away.

Dagon wiped the soft cloth over the scratch, knowing that it wasn’t going to remove the mark. One could always hope.

He planned on taking it into Mark’s Garage today to get an oil change and anything else it might need while he and Taylor bummed around. He also wanted to look at some prospective land, find the best location for the shop. The Alpha had made it clear that if anyone

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wanted his own business, he would pay for it. It was a way to make them feel accomplished.

Buying the lot, building their shop, and getting up and running wasn’t going to hurt the Santiagos’ wallet. They just never found a place they wanted to settle down in. Now they had. Brac Village was the perfect place to live. Regardless of Tryck’s bitching, Dagon knew his brother loved it here.

He felt as excited as a kid in a candy store when it came to owning his own. Well, owning a family business, that is.

Dagon stood and tossed the rag in his saddlebag as the scratch stared angrily at him, as if his bike were accusing him of being too rough on it. He chuckled to himself, wondering how someone could be in love with his motorcycle like he seemed to be.

“Ready?” Tryck asked as he and his mate, Carter, approached.

Law was right behind him with Joshua in his arms. Dagon looked at each man and then at the house.

“As soon as Taylor gets out here.” They had planned on a night ride, just getting out and enjoying the open road. It had been too long since he and his brothers rode. He missed it.

“I saw him talking with Melonee in the den,” Law informed him.

“Those two are like two peas in a pod.” Dagon was glad his mate fit in so well here. After everything Taylor had been through, he feared his mate would run for the hills screaming and never look back.

Things seemed to have settled down over the past two months. No other incidents had occurred, and he and Taylor’s relationship was blossoming nicely.

Dagon tightened the buckle on his saddlebag as he waited for Taylor to join them. He smiled when he saw his mate racing across the lawn with his riding jacket on and his helmet tucked under his arm. Taylor lived to ride.

“Sorry…I was talking with Melonee, and she wouldn’t let me go.” Taylor panted as he caught up to them and stopped by Dagon’s side, a
Dagon’s Ride


wide grin stretching across his face. Dagon would never get over how gorgeous his mate truly was. His breath seemed to catch in his chest every time he looked at Taylor.

“Come on,
. Let’s ride.” He could see Taylor’s eyes darken at those words. Taylor was more turned on by riding than Dagon was.

The brothers mounted their motorcycles, their mates climbing on back as all three rode from the gravel drive out onto the paved road.

Dagon could feel Taylor holding him tight around his waist and knew this was one of those moments his mate lived for.

“I can feel your cock getting hard.” He chuckled into the headset.

The bulge pressing into his ass was testament to his words.

“Every time I ride.” Taylor laughed. It was music to Dagon’s ears as they entered the on-ramp to the highway.

They exited the highway, driving their bikes through the city as they made their way to the all- you-can-eat buffet. The concept was good for large families, but the franchise had no clue the Santiago brothers were entering their establishment. They could eat the business bankrupt. Although they wouldn’t.

He chuckled when Carter tugged at his knit cap, covering his elfish ears as they walked into the place. He had to admit, Tryck had done well when fate gave him Carter. He wasn’t too sure about the ears though. Dagon had an urge to tug on them every time he was near Carter just to see if they were real.

“Touch them and die.” Tryck glared at him.

Dagon smirked at his oldest brother as he pulled Taylor into the curve of his body. His brother knew him too damn well. They paid for their meals and ate until Dagon felt like he couldn’t move.

* * * *

Taylor walked across the restaurant to the men’s room. His belly felt like it was going to burst from eating so much. Never had he been

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to a place like this and was thankful. He would weigh a ton by now if he had discovered the restaurant before. The food was delicious.

He stood at the sink washing his hands when he heard crying coming from one of the stalls. Taylor grabbed a handful of paper towels as he listened closely. It wasn’t any of his business, and he felt like he was intruding on someone’s privacy, but he couldn’t just walk away. It wasn’t in him to do so.

“Is everything okay?” he called out. He heard some sniffling and then a nose being blown, but the person didn’t answer him.

Taylor shrugged and tossed the paper towels into the trashcan when the stall door opened.

He waited, curious if he was honest, to see who would come out.

He was amazed to see the dark- haired beauty who emerged, wiping at his eyes and dodging Taylor’s intent stare.

“Are you okay?” he asked again. The man stiffened next to him and nodded. Taylor wasn’t a bulky man, not in the least, but this man was super slim with gentle and angelic features. He looked fragile to Taylor. “Is there anything I can help you with?” He wasn’t sure why he was offering this stranger his help, only that a need deep inside compelled him to ask.

“I’m okay.” The man spoke softly, as if whispering. He could see the man’s hand tremble as he turned the faucet on. Taylor felt helpless, wanting to help this stranger for some crazy reason. His anger surfaced when he saw a small bruise on the side of the slim man’s face.

“What’s your name?” he asked.

“Steven.” The man’s eyes widened as he stared at Taylor. He quickly grabbed a few paper towels and dried his shaky hands.

“I want you to take my number, Steven. If you need help, or just someone to talk to, call me.”

Steven blinked at Taylor, fear and curiosity in his eyes. “But why?

You don’t even know me.”

Dagon’s Ride


Taylor couldn’t answer that. He wasn’t sure himself why he was reaching out to Steven. He just knew he had to help this stranger.

“Will you take it?”

Steven quickly pulled out his cell phone and handed it to Taylor.

His hands trembled in front of him as he waited for Taylor to punch his number in. “I’m serious, call me day or night.”

“Thank you.” Steven spoke so softly that Taylor wasn’t sure if he had really heard him. Taylor tapped his forefinger on the countertop of the sink, wondering what he should do.

Did Steven get that bruise from a fight with a stranger, some kind of accident, or was someone he knew abusing him? He hated to leave Steven to his fate.

“Is it someone at home?” he pried.

“I have to go. Thank you…”

“Taylor. My name is Taylor Tate. Call me, Steven.” He sounded a little bit forceful with his command but hated to see Steven, or anyone else, being abused.

“I will.” Steven gave him a weak smile before rushing from the restroom. Taylor followed him out, watching to see who he was with.

Maybe he could tell the brothers and they could help Steven if the abuser was here.

Unfortunately, Steven walked right out of the restaurant. He sighed deeply, knowing he did the best he could considering the circumstances.

* * * *

“Can we talk?” Taylor asked Dagon once they made it home. He took off his jacket and hung it in the closet and then sat down on the chair to remove his boots. Taylor couldn’t stop thinking about Steven and what he may be going through right now.

“O f course.” Dagon set his boots by the bed and sat up. Taylor studied his mate for a moment, his eyes drinking in Dagon’s

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handsome features. He’d never regret his decision to be with the strong and sexy man.

“I think I know what I want to do.”

“I’m not following you,
.” Taylor stood and began to pace as he gathered his thoughts. “I heard Drew talking to one of the other mates about becoming a counselor at the rec center.” He stopped and glanced over at Dagon before continuing. “I think I could help a lot of people out that way.” Dagon seemed to consider this news for a moment before he spoke. “It’s a noble profession. I can see how Drew could contribute his experience with drugs to help addicts, but who would you help?” Taylor had thought long and hard about it the whole ride home.

The situation in the restroom had disturbed him, more so than he had thought at the time.

Taylor knew the different programs that Thomas, one of the counselors at the rec center, had set up and had gone through all of them in his head. “I want to be an abuse counselor. I want to help those who are being abused. Those people looking for guidance. I think Maverick should set up some kind of shelter for those looking to escape that kind of life and wanting to start over.” Dagon held up his hand, his face stoic, as he stared at him.

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