dakota_trace_his_christmas_gift_myrnas (14 page)

“Do you realize how incredibly sexy that was? I don’t
remember the last time I had a woman come so hard from my mouth and touch
alone.” He licked his lips as if savoring the lingering taste of her.

Shock washed over her. He wasn’t disgusted? He wasn’t
going to rail at her for making a mess? He continued as if he hadn’t just blown
her out of the water.

“It took all my considerable willpower to not bury
myself inside you. The idea of feeling your pussy milk my cock as it orgasms
makes me want to forget my plans for you.”

Her face heated, but her pulse banged. She didn’t
even want to think about what would happen if he shoved his cock inside her
during the midst of her orgasm. The first time she’d realized her orgasms were
abnormal was after a session with her husband. He’d stimulated her orally until
she’d come. She hadn’t ejaculated though until in his rush, he’d slammed his
swollen cock inside her. Riding the tail end of her first oral orgasm, his
forceful entry had forced her climax to continue and she’d released again but
with a harder,
orgasm. She’d received her first punishment as
Grant’s slave because of it.

 Even now she could hear his brutal words.
dare piss on me, your Master? Get the hell out of my bed!”
She’d spent a
miserable night curled up on the floor next to the bed not understanding. When
the morning dawned, she’d woken to find her husband standing over her with a
calm expression on his face.
“There’ll be no repeat of last night, slave. It
seems oral sex is too much for you.”
The idea Amery wanted it to happen had
her whimpering as another gush of juice escaped her.
Oh God don’t let him

His low growl of pleasure made her realize her wish
had been futile. His gray eyes glittered. “You tempt me, slave.” He leaned over
her to press a wet kiss against her lips. She got a brief taste of herself on
him. The spicy tartness was a surprise. It’d been a long time since she’d
tasted herself.

“Why the look of surprise, slave?” Amery’s face was
mere inches from hers.

“I wasn’t expecting this, Master. I forgotten how
tangy I taste.” Even though she was uncomfortable with her orgasms, she
wouldn’t lie to her Master.

He gave her a puzzled look as he released her wrists.
He examined each before frowning. “You bruise easily, slave. I’ll have to
remember that.” Rising from his kneeling position, he retrieved a small bottle
of ointment from his briefcase. She idly wondered what else he had in the case.
Unscrewing the cap, he arranged her on his lap. He took one of her wrists in
hand and smoothed the cool substance over the chaffed skin of one wrist, before
giving the other the same treatment. As he worked, he picked up their
conversation as if he were doing nothing more than bandaging one of Caelan’s
numerous scrapes.

“So you’ve never been tempted to taste yourself after
masturbating? I’ll have to admit it’s very erotic to watch a woman lick a toy
clean after she uses it.” He gave her a quick grin.

“No, Master.” She nibbled on her lip. “I can’t.”

He finished with the second wrist before glancing up
at her. “Excuse me?”

She glanced down. “I’ve never been allowed to do

When the silence became deafening, she peeked up at
him through her lashes.
Dammit, I’m a grown woman. I shouldn’t be cowering
like this.
But even with her internal pep talk, she was scared to admit to
her new Master how she’d failed her first Master.

“Slave, you’d try the patience of a saint, and Lord
knows I’m no saint.” He pulled her closer. “From your response, I’m assuming
this has something to do with that bastard.” Her gaze flew up. It was the first
time Amery had actually bad-mouthed Grant in front of her. A slow grin crossed
Amery’s face. “That’s right, I actually called him a bastard in your presence.”
He touched her cheek. “I may be many things, Myrna, but cruel isn’t one of them.
If I had threatened in the past to kick his ass and called him every vile name
under the sun, you’d have taken it as insult to your judgment. Get this through
your stubborn Irish head! You’re no longer his slave. There is nothing wrong
with you. Grant was simply the wrong Master for you. You need to throw out
whatever expectations or rules he had for you. I don’t know why you held on to
them after he left you but it ends now. Nothing you can do or how your body
responds to me is disgusting. Understand?”

She nodded before resting her head on his shoulder.
“Yes, Master.”

Amery stared down at the dark head hiding burrowed
against his chest. Through the parted neck of his shirt, he felt her breath and
knew she didn’t believe him. Grant’s abusive training was too engrained to be
forgotten by mere words alone. He was going to have to prove to his little
submissive how much he enjoyed her very uninhibited responses to him. While his
body was thrumming with anticipation at the thought, he knew it was going to take
more than just him to convince his woman of it. Wrapping his arms around her,
he stared out the window.
Perhaps the visit from Caelan and Nisey will help.

* * * *

Once again smartly dressed, sans panties, Myrna
followed Amery out of the private car. After retrieving the small overnight bag
Amery had stowed without her knowledge, he led her out of the station. Raising
his arm, he hailed a cabbie. Once tucked inside with him, she was shocked to
hear him give the driver instructions to a nearby well-known hotel. It was one
they’d used in the past.

“Really, Amery, if I’d known we were going to be
staying overnight, I would’ve packed a bag.”

“I wanted to surprise you. I’ve made reservations at
your favorite restaurant for this evening.” When she began to protest, he held
up a hand. “It’s my treat.” Leaning closer, he brushed his lips over her ear.
“Besides, as your Master, if I decide I want to spend money on you, as my slave
you can’t say a word.”

A shiver of awareness caused goose bumps to race
along her extremities. Fumbling with her purse, she began to dig around inside.
She gave a quick sigh of relief when he moved back enough for her to breathe
without inhaling his intoxicating scent. Her fingers closed around the small
zipper bag. Fishing it out, she unzipped the insulated bag, checking to see if
she had enough insulin in her purse for an overnight stay. She pulled out the
clear vial to judge the amount left.

“We may have to stop by the pharmacist, Amery.”

He leaned back against the seat. “What kind of a Dom
would I be if I didn’t consider all your needs, medical or
raided the stash you keep at my house, along with a few other things.”

She glanced nervously at the briefcase sitting at his
feet. “Dare I ask?”

A sensual smile curved his lips. “Only if you want to
forgo our trip to the bank?” His eyes promised all kinds of temptation.
“Because once I open my bag of goodies, I won’t be able to resist the
temptation to use what I’ve brought. Unlike someone in this cab, I’m not as
Her eyes darted towards the cab driver, who turned up the radio. She swallowed.
“Shall I open it?” His eyes dared her to answer yes.

“No, I think I can wait to find out.” Her voice
sounded strained.

His eyes twinkled with humor. “That’s what I

She was rescued from responding as the cab pulled up
in front of the Hilton. After escorting her out of the cabbie, Amery paid the
man. Taking his briefcase in one hand while draping the overnight bag over his
shoulder, Amery guided her into the hotel with his hand at the small of her
back. As her body reacted predictably to his touch, she mentally groaned.
him touch me at will is going to take some time to get used to.

* * * *

Watching her walk into the room ahead of him, Amery
gave a mental groan of frustration. More than anything he wanted to lock them
away in their room for the rest of the day and night, or until he finally
convinced her he wanted every part of her luscious body. Meeting with Spurnman
was the last thing on his mind at the moment. After her explosive climax on the
train, he’d wanted nothing more than to unfasten his pants and fuck her to
another screaming orgasm. The only thing that had stopped him was the chance
the porter might interrupt them with the luncheon call.

A hiss escaped him when he turned back from shutting
the door to see Myrna bent over to open the mini-fridge displaying her
delectable arse. She was evidently putting her insulin in the fridge or looking
for something to drink. She glanced over her shoulder at the sound. “Amery?”

Dropping the case and bag on the chair next to the
door, he strode over to her. Startled, she started to straighten. “Don’t move.”
His voice had a hard edge to it but he didn’t care. He wanted to explore
arse. Now that she was his, he found himself as bad as a kid with a new toy.
that thirty plus years had anything to do with it.

She froze in place with eyes which had gone misty
with desire.
Good, she’s just aware of it as I am. She’s going to submit
fully to me tonight or there’ll be pure hell to pay.

“Master?” The entreaty and desire in her voice was
like bathing every inch of his cock in heat. He wanted to toss up her skirt,
rip open his trousers and take her hard and fast.
Damneigh, I’ve got to calm

“Never mind. Why don’t you unpack our bag.” He nodded
to the bag on the chair before escaping into the bathroom, leaving behind a
very confused submissive.

* * * *

She wasn’t sure what she expected when they were
escorted into Mr. Spurnman’s office, but the rugged man in a fine woolen suit
which was cut to emphasize his build who greeted them with enthusiasm wasn’t

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Doherty. Mr. Alastar, if I’m
assuming correctly?” The man rose from his desk to shake Amery’s hand.

“Yes. Thank you for informing Mrs. Doherty and myself
of the transaction. That was above and beyond your duties. As you’re now aware,
neither Mrs. Doherty nor I were aware the funds had been withdrawn.”

“Nonsense, I’m merely doing my job.” He released
Amery’s hand before gesturing to the seats. “Please have a seat and I’ll go
over what I’ve found out since speaking to you on the phone.”

After they all settled back down around the desk, Mr.
Spurnman reached for a manila folder. Opening it, he scanned the inside. “Now I
do have some good news, Mrs. Doherty. While the bank receives your monthly
check from your retirement fund, Mr. Doherty wasn’t able to access the
principal amount.” He glanced back down at the paperwork. “In fact, Mr. Thames
at Thames and Son assured me if Mr. Doherty tries to access the account, it’ll
freeze the account until,” he looked up Myrna. “…you contact him in person and
give your authorization code.”

Myrna nodded. “Good. I’m glad Mr. Alastar insisted I
place one on my account. Perhaps there is a way to also do that with the other

“Of course, if you’re still planning on having an
account with us after I explain my findings with you. “ Mr. Sprunman shifted a
bit before continuing. “I did an investigation of the teller who released your
funds to your husband at Mr. Alastar’s request. After a bit of digging into the
teller’s past, I was shocked to find out she had met your husband at a…” his
eyes darted away from them. “…club which caters to the more sexually deviant
clientele. From my investigator’s report, the teller in question was in a
sexual relationship with your husband. Once I confronted her with the report,
she admitted to the relationship and if Mr. Doherty hadn’t been in such dire
straits, she never would’ve done it.”

“She said something along the lines that Grant was
her Master and she had to obey. Your husband used her to access your funds. If
it’s any consolation, she’s angry because he broke off their relationship right
after he received the money. She’s told the authorities everything, including
where to find him.” His face flushed. Whether in embarrassment to be talking
about BDSM with someone who he thought was a sweet elderly woman or anger,
Myrna wasn’t sure. Either way, she wasn’t happy about the situation. Even apart
for thirty plus years, the man still had the ability to make her life a living
Damn you, Grant Doherty.

She was jerked out of her fuming by Amery’s icy calm

“Am I correct in assuming the teller is no longer
employed here?”

The man shook his head. “No. In fact the bank is pressing
charges against her. She was arrested yesterday afternoon after I confronted
her. There is also an arrest warrant out for your husband.”

“Good to hear he’s not getting away with this. I hope
they hang the son of bitch.” Myrna couldn’t help the viciousness in her voice.
“Is there a chance of getting my money back?”

Mr. Spurnman’s face brightened. “Yes. This is one of
the reasons we have insurance, Mrs. Doherty. I’ve been authorized to either
give you a cashier’s check or if you reopen an account with us, deposit the
missing funds into the account. I’m truly sorry about this mess and can assure
you, I personally guarantee your money will be safe.”

Looking over to Amery for guidance, she met his eyes.
He gave a brief nod as if to say it was her choice –he’d support her however
she decided. “It’s up to you, sweetheart. If you don’t want to continue to do
business with First Trust, we can get you an account with my bank.” Gone was
astute businessman who held her Power of Attorney - in his place was her lover,
her Master.

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