dakota_trace_his_christmas_gift_myrnas (15 page)

She reached out and squeezed his hand before turning
her attention back to Mr. Spurnman. Not caring what the other man might think
of her familiarity with Amery. “If I can add an authorization code to my
accounts, I don’t see why I shouldn’t continue to do business with your bank.”

Relief showed on the other man’s face. “Good-good.
Let me go get the paperwork. I’ll only be gone a few minutes.”

As soon as the man was gone, Amery yanked Myrna out
of her chair. She found herself sprawled on his lap, with his lips against
hers. She groaned when his tongue thrust forcefully inside her mouth to tangle
with hers. Digging her fingers into his shoulders, she clutched at him.
had this passion come from?
When his hand reached up to cup her breast, her
thoughts scattered. The nipple pebbled under the rub of his thumb over the tip
of her breast. When her hands left his shoulders to slide through his hair, he
gave a growl against her mouth and abandoned her breast. Both of his hands
latched onto her wrists. He dragged them down and pinned them behind her back.
She groaned against his mouth. She loved the way his dominant hold made her
feel. She had no choice other than to accept his kiss. She cried out when he
tore his mouth away from hers.

“Bad slave.” His breath was raspy as he scolded her.
“We can’t do this here, but damned if I don’t want to bend you over the desk
and have my way with you.”

She gave a gasp at his words. “Master!” Wiggling
against the erection under her hip, she received a swat before he forcibly
lifted her off his lap and deposited her back into her chair. Standing, he
strode over to the window facing the street.

Sitting for a moment and trying to catch her breath,
she contemplated his stiff back. “Did I do something wrong, Master?” It took
all of her courage to ask, but she was trying not to not paint Amery with the
same brush as Grant.
He’s not rejecting me.

He glanced over his shoulder at her, a satisfied look
on his face. “No. I just need to put some distance between us.”

She nibbled on her lip, worry in her eyes.

“Don’t look so worried. You did nothing wrong,
sweetheart. It’s just I’m not used to you touching me in public. I lost my head
for a moment, so until I regain a bit of control, I’m going to stay here and
you’re going to stay there. Understand?” His stern tone had her giggling. The
idea of little old Myrna Doherty having such an effect on Amery Alastar, a well
renowned Dom, tickled her.

“Wench.” He turned back to the window. Sticking her
tongue out as his back, she was glad he couldn’t see her childish behavior. “I
saw that, slave.” His dark tones had her insides quivering and for once she
didn’t question her body’s responses. Perhaps everything would work out.




Chapter Eleven

Signing the final form, Myrna gave a sigh of relief.
It was nearly an hour later. Mr. Spurnman’s paperwork had taken a bit longer
than expected but it was finally done.

“Here you go.” She handed the form back to the bank
official. He skimmed over it before looking up at her.

“Everything looks like it’s in order.” He rose from
his desk as Myrna and Amery stood. “Thank you for allowing First Trust to make
this right for you, Mrs. Doherty. It was a pleasure to meet both you and Mr.

 She nodded before following Amery out of the room. A
sense of relief washed over her. She wouldn’t have to return to work.
Now, I
can continue my life as normal. No more worries about whether or not I’m going
to have to accept Amery’s charity once again just to survive.

As they entered the cab, he once again surprised her
when he gave the cabbie the address of the hotel. Laying a hand on his arm, she
gave him a puzzled look.

“I thought we had a reservation at Dunne &
Crescenzi for supper? My mouth has been watering since I heard you on the phone
making it.”

“We do, but not until later.” His hand touched her
arm, drawing her complete attention. Under the layers of fabric separating
them, she felt a surge of awareness. She looked up into his eyes. “If you don’t
want to become intimate, tell me now, slave.”

The awareness increased as his words registered. Her
chest tightened with worry.
Why is he asking me instead of demanding?
Doesn’t he realize I want him?

Her confusion must’ve shown, because he drew a gentle
pattern on her arm. “I don’t want to rush you, but quite frankly, slave, I’m a
bit desperate here. You’ve kept me waiting a very long time. So if you aren’t
ready to surrender everything,” he leaned forward to brush his lips over her
nearest ear, “and I mean everything, including those incredible orgasms,” he
pulled back to meet her eyes, “then now is the time to tell me, while I still
have enough control to stop.”

“I don’t,” she had to force the words past the sudden
constriction of her throat. She cleared her throat. “I don’t want you to stop.”

His eyes glittered in the shadows. “Even knowing I
won’t accept less than your complete and utter submission?”

She nodded, keeping her eyes locked with his.

“Just remember you agreed to this, slave, when I push
you outside of your comfort zone.” He rubbed his thumb over her lower lip. “I’m
going to drive Grant Doherty completely out of your system. He’ll no longer
have a hold on you once I’m finished.”

She gulped as the cab drew to a stop in front of the
Dear Lord, is it even possible?
Grant had colored her outlook on
the lifestyle for far too long.
Will Master be able to fix ten years of
abuse at Grant’s hands?

* * * *

The tick of the lock was like a lick of fire up her
spine. She was now trapped inside the hotel suite with her new Master and had
no place to run. Nervousness, plus a small bit of relief at the idea, had her
fidgeting under Amery’s stare. And she knew he stared, because she could feel
every covetous, hungry look he was sending her way. Rubbing her suddenly damp
palms on her skirt, she waited for his next command. His first had been,
we get into the room, I want you to remove your coat. Then face the bed and
stand utterly still. You’re not to turn around, slave.”

 The sound of what she assumed was him removing his
outer jacket and suit coat was muffled within the silence of the room. She
thought she might have heard the clink of his cuff links being removed and set
down on the stand next to the door. There was silence for a few moments more,
other than the occasional soft rustle of fabric. Her imagination was going
Is he actually disrobing behind me?
She bit her lip when the loud
rasp of his zipper being lowered had her jumping. It was all she could to do to
stop from spinning around to see if he’d just actually unzipped his pants. She
dug her fingernails into the palms of her hands, hoping the slight sting would
keep her focused.
Oh God, is there any crueler fate than this?

She quickly found out there was.

“Do you realize how hard you make my cock, slave,
just by obeying? When I can see your curiosity has you struggling to disobey
and yet you aren’t moving?”

“No, Master.” Her answer was part whimper - part

“You do make me hard, you know. The idea you’ve
finally given yourself over to me is a heady feeling. I’ve been waiting for
years. At times I didn’t think you’d ever give over to me. You’re a very
stubborn woman.”

Hanging onto his words, she nodded. “My stubbornness
was all I had left, aside from Caelan, after Grant left.”

“You had me, slave. You’ve always had me. All you had
to do was ask.”

She stiffened.
Like hell I did. By the time I was
ready to try again, you were involved with Emma O’Reilly.
Even though she
hadn’t been in the scene then, she’d heard from several mutual acquaintances
along with one memorable confrontation with the woman herself that Amery had
found a permanent slave. Emma personally had assured her she wasn’t willing to
share him. So Myrna had backed away, not wanting to hurt Amery or herself by
approaching him. It had saddened her to hear about O’Reilly’s death in a car
accident less than a year later. She’d been drunk if the gossip mills were to
be believed.

“I can feel the wheels in your brain turning, slave.
What are you thinking about?”

She licked her lips. “Honestly? Emma O’Reilly.” She
waited for his outburst.
Grant had always exploded when I asked about his
other slaves. Damneigh, I’ve got to quit thinking or comparing Amery to that
idiotic arse.

“She was a very foolish, immature young lady. More
foolish than I had anticipated.” There was a note of sadness in his voice.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought her up. It’s
obvious you cared for her, Amery.” Her shoulders slumped.
Unbelievable! How
the hell did I manage to screw even this up?

Pain exploded in her left butt cheek. The unexpected
pain had her crying out in surprise. She moved to look at him, when his voice,
dark and sensual, washed over her.

“What did you call me, slave?”

She winced. “Amery, Master.”

“And what were the rules?”

“When this slave is wearing her collar she’s supposed
to address Master as Master.” She rushed the words, hoping to appease him.

“That’s right.” His fingers brushed over her neck.
“Now, as far as caring about Emma, I did care for her in my own way. She was a
convenient outlet for my desire for you at the time. “

Her breath caught in her throat.
He’d desired me
but why hadn’t he…
“You weren’t ready to accept me yet. Caelan had just
flown the coop and you needed time to get your feet under yourself with him
gone. Emma knew going in, whatever we did have would only be temporary. I never
lied to her. I offered her physical pleasure and the training she wanted in
exchange for the use of her body.” His voice hardened. “Either she was foolish
to believe she could change my mind or she lied when she agreed to the arrangement.
Either way, she was upset when I ended our affair after she demanded a
permanent collar. I felt responsible for the pain that caused her to drown her
sorrows at the bar. I wasn’t even in the club when she left. I’d left an hour

 The pain she heard in his voice had her desperately
needing to turn around. She wanted to comfort the man, even while she wanted
the Master to bend her over the bed and fuck her. The idea he’d wanted her all
along did crazy things to her insides. “If you don’t mind me saying, Master,
she’s to blame. You didn’t force her to drink and then get behind the wheel. If
she knew your position going in, it was foolish to believe she could force you
to offer her your collar.”

“Very.” His lips trailed down her neck, leaving a trail
of fire in their wake. “Now, that you know what baggage I’m carrying, it’s time
to deal with yours.” He stepped back from her. She gave a low moan of pain. She
didn’t want to think about Grant right now. She wanted Amery to help her forget
– not prod at wounds that had never truly healed.

“I…Master, please can’t we just fuck?” She licked her

“No.” His voice was further away now – more distant
both physically and emotionally.
Where has the connection I felt just moment
ago gone to?

“Have I angered you, Master?”

His voice was rough. “No, but to say I’m happy with
you at this particular moment would be a lie. I’m frustrated you are trying to
keep this as nothing more than a physical relationship.”

A tear trickled down her cheek. “And prodding at old
wounds is your solution?”

His body heat was back. “No, exorcising Grant’s
influence is my goal. How can I fight what I don’t know,

She gave a deep sigh. “You can’t. “ She braced
herself. “What do you want to know?”

“I want to know why you fight your orgasms. Grant
always claimed you had a hard time climaxing properly. After what I witnessed
earlier, I don’t think that’s your issue at all.” His voice was soft but firm.

She chewed on her lip.
He had to go for the crux
of the problem.
“What I did earlier, wasn’t - I mean isn’t - a proper
climax. It’s dirty, disgusting and vile.”

“Slave, if that wasn’t a full blown
orgasm, I don’t know what is. I’m hearing Grant’s words, not your own. How can
any part of your pleasure be disgusting or vile?”

“I don’t know,” she wailed. “All I know is, anytime I
lost control like that, I was severely punished for it.”

A low rumble against her back while his arms wrapped
around her body had her stiffening. “Don’t stiffen up on me, slave. I’m not
angry at you, but I am royally pissed at him.” Even without hearing Grant’s
name, she knew exactly who Amery was referring to. “Your body’s expression of
your pleasure will never be anything less than beautiful and if that arse was
too pig-headed to realize it, then you’re better off without him.” His lips
covered her ear again, sucking on the shell of it before delving inside. A low
moan of pleasure escaped her this time. His grumble of satisfaction rumbled in
her ear. “Believe me when I tell you I don’t find your delicious orgasms

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