Read Damaged Goods Online

Authors: Lainey Reese

Damaged Goods (12 page)

He looked casual and relaxed, talking to her with hardly any eye contact. “Terryn, a sub doesn’t address a Dom without first gaining permission from her own Dom. If we were here on a normal night out, which will be the case often, I’m sure, you may speak as freely as you please. But like we’ve already covered, you are here as my sub this evening and unless the word coming out of your mouth was ‘pickles’, you were about to overstep your bounds.”

She gulped and nodded. As an afterthought, she also lowered her eyes and tried to sound contrite as she murmured an apology. Contrite was hard to do when what you felt was a whirlwind of excitement, lust and adventure. She heard another sound of pleasure from Riley and this time it was accompanied by a sharp nudge of her foot under the table.

Terryn, still trying for contrite, peeked through her lashes to see what was going on. Riley clearly hadn’t meant to nudge her; it was obvious that she was losing her fight to hold off her orgasm. She was shifting restlessly in her seat and now had a firm visible grip on the arms of her men. They continued to enjoy their drinks and pretend that they had no clue that their wife was about to implode.

Suddenly, Riley slumped and relaxed in her seat. She blew out a little huff and eyed each of her men in turn before she said in a hiss, “That was just mean.” Trevor smirked and Cade only arched a brow as Riley then looked at Terryn and said, “They do this to me all the time. Get me so worked up I’m about to blow and then stop before I can.” She gave another huff and glared at them again.

Cade said, “The food is coming, Ry. We were trying to save you from ‘blowing’ in front of Mike.” He smiled in a dazzling display of teeth and added, “But, if you’d rather we continue…” Riley was quick to shake her head and give him big pleading eyes as Mike did indeed appear just then, wheeling a tray of food.

“Riley is wearing the tool belt as well, Terryn,” Brice whispered while Mike placed plates filled with food that looked more like art in front of everybody.

Terryn’s head snapped up and she gaped at Riley who nodded and gave her a mischievous wink very similar to the one Trevor had given her a moment ago. They smiled at each other and Terryn felt a connection to Riley that she hadn’t felt with another woman besides Katie.

A sharp pain stabbed her heart at the thought and for a moment Terryn felt guilty for feeling anything other than grief. It seemed wrong to be happy when her friend was gone. Her eyes started to fill and then Riley reached out across the table.

“I miss her too. It’s so awful that we’ll never get to see her again.” Riley’s eyes teared up as well and Terryn felt that connection go even deeper. Three days ago, Terryn would have slid into her grief and drowned in the sorrow engulfing her, with no one close to turn to and nothing to distract her from the pain. She’d just flailed under the relentless waves that crashed upon her like the sea during a storm.

Now, she focused outside herself and gripped Riley’s hands tightly. “She loved you guys,” she said to them in a voice that was husky with the effort it took to hold back the tears. “She never told me about anything personal or intimate. She had more class than to betray a confidence. But she did talk about the non-personal stuff and she thought the world of you all.”

Trevor made a sound in his throat that was a cross between a grunt and a sigh, yet it conveyed a wealth of emotion held in check. Cade acknowledged the words with a nod of thanks and tucked a curl of Riley’s dark hair behind her ear, then cupped the back of her neck in his palm to comfort her.

Riley absorbed the warmth for a moment, then seemed to take herself in hand with a shake of her head and gave Terryn’s hands one last squeeze before sitting back and picking up her wine. “Well,” she said as she lifted the glass, “tonight isn’t a night for sadness. Let’s give her a toast and then we’ll put it away.”

As all them lifted and clinked glasses with a chorus of, “To Katie,” Terryn felt that Katie would be touched and the thought was comforting enough that she
put it away—for now.


The meal was light and delicious. Before Terryn started she was sure she was going to have to choke down the food. Too much emotion and nerves always killed her appetite. She just hoped she’d be able to eat enough to be polite. After that first bite, however, Terryn felt her hunger awaken and the meal became a delicate feast.

The men spoke of family issues and shared past stories, each trying to one-up the others with childhood tales. Riley and Terryn were both charmed and laughing before the second course was served. Terryn was more than a little shocked to realize that she was dating a rich man when she’d thought she was dating a cop. The stories they told involved exotic places, yachts and even servants. Things Terryn had only seen in movies or read about in books.

“Small family inheritance, huh?” she teased after a particularly funny story about how the three of them had gotten kicked out of a British boarding school.

Brice only arched a brow and said, “I had more on my mind at that moment than my portfolio. If memory serves, so did you.”

Terryn grinned and had to give him that one.


Brice watched as Terryn lost the sadness. It was like watching a flower bloom. She was wide open and vibrant with life and laughter. As dessert was served, he signaled Cade and Trevor.

Terryn took her first bite of chocolate mousse and he hit the switch that activated her breasts. She fumbled her spoon a little and as she wiped a dab of chocolate from her chin, she sent him a glare. Just like he’d hoped she would—it gave him the excuse to activate the anal plug. Her eyes widened and a flush stole up her neck to heat her face. He felt an answering heat settle in his groin as he watched her.

When he looked over at Riley, he could tell her men had activated something on her as well. While the conversation between him and the other two men turned to the upcoming fundraiser to benefit both centers, the women fell silent. Both grew flushed and it became apparent that neither of them were going to hold out for long and the mood shifted from lighthearted to needy.

“Did you manage to tap the senator for a speech again this year?” Brice asked as he slid a hand along Terryn’s thigh.

He tugged a little until she got the message and spread her legs for him while Trevor told him about some guests lined up for the event. She’d followed directions and had no underwear on to navigate around, so when Brice continued his journey up her leg he found nothing but hot, wet woman. He traced the soft petals of her core lightly, tickling strokes that added to the sensations already bombarding her. She squirmed in her seat and tried to angle her hips to entice him inside and he stopped the motion with a sharp pinch on one labia. Her whole body jolted and a sexy gasp left her lips. God, he loved the sounds she made.

“So, gentlemen,” Brice said, “shall we continue this in the penthouse?”

“Hey, y’all, is this a private party?” Five seconds ago Brice would have said that nothing short of murder could have distracted him at that moment. He would have been wrong.

Brice pulled his hand back from Terryn and stood to hug his oldest and dearest friend. “Gage,” he said, thumping him on the back. “Damn, it’s good to see you, man.”

Gage was a good three inches taller than he was and had the thick build of a pro football player. Since Brice was six-two and no lightweight, it always shocked him a little when he was up close and personal with him. The big Texan pounded him a couple times between his shoulders and if Brice hadn’t been braced for it, he would’ve been toppled into the table.

“Why didn’t you tell us you were coming?” Brice asked.

Gage gave him a last bone-crushing squeeze and stepped around the table to thump on the other two men. “Well, I wasn’t plannin’ on comin’. You know me. I got an itch to see ya and decided to scratch it.” He turned to Riley who’d been bouncing on her toes waiting for her turn to hug him. “C’mere, l’il dahrlin’.” He swung her up and cradled her like he was holding an infant. Brice smirked and thought she looked like one in his arms.

“We miss you.” Riley kissed his cheek and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Aw, now, dahrlin’, that’s nice to hear.” He smiled fondly at her, then grinned at her husbands, “Well now, I got what I came here for, so I’ll be seein’ ya.” He turned as if to leave, but Cade stood up and plucked Riley from his hold with a chuckle.

“Nice try, Gage. I keep telling you—not until we’re dead. You know we left her to you in the will.”

“You might want to stop reminding me,” Gage said as he stole a chair from a nearby table and sat down. “See, my best friend o’er there is a cop and he might get suspicious when you two turn up missin’.”

Brice knew the second Gage became aware of Terryn. The easygoing, smooth-talking Texan disappeared in a blink to be replaced by two hundred plus pounds of hungry Dom. Gage was more of a sucker for a redhead than Brice was and Terryn was no ordinary redhead.

He stared at her for a full thirty seconds, taking in every detail as she squirmed in her seat, trying to keep still. Brice could tell she was nervous about this unexpected turn of events and he felt a swell of pride in his chest that she stayed true to the rules of the evening.

“Brice, my friend,” Gage said, his already deep baritone voice even deeper now, “please tell me you are not as selfish with this sweet treasure as these two are with theirs.”

Brice watched Terryn closely as he twirled a lock of her hair around one finger and answered. “You know me.”

He left it at that to see how she’d react when he didn't clarify. He’d mentioned sharing her briefly on the night they’d met and the thought had turned her on. He had been planning on exploring that later. Now with Gage here, it was just too easy. The only men he trusted more as Doms were Cade and Trevor.

She was being a good little sub and continued to wait on his Will, so he’d cut the suspense early. “Terryn,” he said, leaning close to whisper hot and quiet in her ear, “this is my closest friend. He’s also one of the best Doms I’ve ever seen in action. Why don’t you go say hello?” Then he kissed the side of her neck and sat back. Gage was seated across from them with his legs sprawled wide and his focus never wavered as Terryn stood up and walked to him.

“Damn, son.” Gage said it like a prayer when she rounded the table and he got a clear look at her from head to foot.

Brice had to give her credit—she didn’t falter. She just walked right up to him and with her head lowered whispered, “Hello, um, Sir. I’m Terryn.”

Gage looked once more toward Brice for confirmation—which Brice thought was only right—and only after he received a nod of approval did he reach out and touch her. He scooped a hand under her hair and another around her hips, then pulled until she was flush against his side. Then he kissed her.

Brice had been braced for it, sure that he would feel a tidal wave of jealousy. But what he felt was a fierce rush of heat. That was his sub and she was blowing his friend’s mind right now with just a kiss. Brice could see Gage’s hand clinch where it rested on her hip. She stood back from his kiss on shaky legs, but Gage only tightened his hold and tugged her into his lap. With all the things that they could do to her dancing through his imagination, Brice decided that it was time to call an end to dinner.

“Well,” he said to Cade and the others, “I think our plans have changed for the evening. We’ll have to continue this another time.”

Brice knew that they all loved Gage like family, but he also knew that he himself was still the only man they allowed in during a scene with Riley. Brice could count on one hand the number of times they’d had her in the playrooms at the club and during those times no one was allowed into the play. It was strictly hands-off.

“Bring him around tomorrow when you surface. We’ll shoot a couple rounds of pool and catch up.” Cade then stood and took Riley by the hand. “Come on, Ry, Trevor and I are not through playing with you yet.”

Riley leaned over to kiss Gage and Terryn both on the cheek before the two men ushered her up and away. After only a couple steps, she stopped and hurried back to give Brice a hug. The gesture warmed his heart.

“You be careful not to let Gage steal her away,” she whispered, for his ears alone. “I think she just might be the one for you.”

Brice smiled and whispered back, “What makes you think that?”

She laid a soft kiss on his cheek and said, “Because you didn’t ask me to run away with you this time.” Then she sauntered back to her men. If she would have turned to face him, he wondered if she’d be surprised to see the dumbstruck look he could feel on his face.

“So, dahrlin’.” Gage pulled her tighter into his lap and Brice looked over to see her face flush when she met his eyes. “Before we get started, I need to know your safe word.”

“‘Pickles’, Sir,” Terryn said and turned a fiery red when Gage laughed full and loud.

“Wh-why in God’s green earth did you pick that?” he managed to gasp out between chuckles.

“Yes,” Brice added with a smile and a chuckle of his own. “Why pickles?” He sat back down and decided to let Riley’s unsettling comment go until he had time to give it serious thought.

“Well.” Terryn couldn’t face them as she explained her choice, so she fiddled with a fold in her skirt and answered. “I wanted to pick something that could never be mistaken for a sex word.” She laughed herself and continued, “You know, something that would never be called out during sex under any circumstance.”

“You succeeded, sugar.” Gage then stood her on her feet and said to Brice, “Let’s dance a while first. I got a need to show you up on the dance floor before we get started.”

Brice stood back up and gestured for Gage to lead the way. “Dance all you want, twinkle-toes,” he taunted. “It won’t make a damn bit of difference. She’s mine.”

Chapter Twelve

Terryn was having the time of her life.

Gage laughed and smiled constantly. Terryn couldn’t help but stare at the big man. The Texan was taller than anyone she had ever danced with and his shoulders and arms were huge. He also had a tight, rock-hard abdomen; she knew because he kept dragging her up against it. He was handsome as a pirate, all dressed in black from head to toe, and he was beautiful in a way very few men were. He wasn’t pretty, not like a man who looked too feminine. Rather, he was how she pictured an avenging angel would appear. He had amazing bone structure, piercing blue eyes and thick, wavy blond hair that he had tied at the back of his neck. She was the envy of every woman in the club.

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