Damaged Goods (13 page)

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Authors: Lainey Reese

He also hadn’t let her leave the dance floor since they’d walked onto it. Terryn was more than impressed with his skill—she was dazzled. He moved with a powerful grace and commanded her every step with such ease she felt like she was floating. She’d never danced with a guy who could lead so masterfully and it made something hot and needy come to life in her belly.

Brice wasn’t dancing. He was seated at a table close to the dance floor and watched them with a gleam in his eye that let her know he was enjoying what he saw. Terryn felt as strong of a connection with him right then as she did with Gage. She felt like she was dancing for Brice and every move she made, every sway of her body was for his pleasure and entertainment.

Gage grabbed her hips and turned her ’til her back was flush to his front, then he bent his knees until she felt the bulge of his erection nestled against her ass. He gave a hard thrust and pulled her tight to him at the same time and right then Brice brought the clit stimulator to life.

“Let’s see how long it takes to get our boy there outta his chair, hmm?” Gage whispered huskily in her ear.

Then those large, calloused hands started running all over her body. He dipped low and cupped a hand around each knee then straightened slowly, his hands dragging up the inside of her legs the whole way. When he reached the tops of her thighs, he pulled her hips back into his again and then set them on a grinding, sensuous rotation that had her panting and him hard as granite between her cheeks.

Her arms moved with a will of their own, sliding her hands over the large ones that gripped her thighs, then up over her swaying body. She cupped her breasts, caressing them like an offering to Brice.

“Mmm, dahrlin’,” Gage rumbled in her ear. “That’s it. Tease those sweet thangs for us. Damn.” His voice dropped even lower when she ground her ass harder against him. His head dipped and he set his teeth to the ultra-sensitive spot where neck met shoulder—and bit. A shock wave seared over her body from that spot out and Terryn arched her head back onto Gage with a strangled moan.

Terryn hadn’t realized that her eyes had closed until they flew open when Brice joined them. His face was stark with desire as he settled his hands on her hips. She had assumed he couldn’t dance since he'd been watching up until now but when he brought himself flush to her front and started moving with them, she realized that she was wrong. Brice moved with the same primitive animal grace that he made love with. He placed one strong leg between her thighs, one hand on her waist and circled his hips against hers.

Gage laughed low in his chest, the sound of an aroused man who knew he was getting what he wanted, and moved in perfect sync with Brice. They shifted forward and back and up and down and the whole time there were hands on her everywhere. Gage slid one up the back of her thigh to grab a full cheek of her ass in a caress that stole the breath from her. Brice lifted her arms up and back ’til they draped over Gage’s shoulders, then trailed his hands from her elbows to her breasts while the three of them swayed into a graceful arch.

Terryn didn’t know how many people in the club were watching and she wouldn’t have cared if she did. They mastered her body on that floor the way she longed to be mastered in bed and she was lost in the erotic thrill of it.

Just when she was so turned on she wouldn’t have cared if they stripped her and took her right there on the dance floor, Gage turned her around and lifted her in one fluid move. Before she knew what had happened, she had her legs tight around his hips and his hands were grinding her against him as he and Brice headed for the playrooms. Gage’s hands were so large that he completely engulfed the cheeks of her ass. Once they were far enough in the hallway to be out of sight from the main club, he let those hands get busy.

“Well, well, well,” he said in that sexy southern drawl. “Lookie what we have here.” One long finger found the anal plug. Terryn let out a squeak as he started pushing it in deeper in rhythm with his steps.

She heard Brice say, “I wondered when you’d find that.” Then Brice turned it on.

Terryn didn’t squeak then—she
. Every muscle in her body flexed and pulsed in time with what Gage was doing. His steps slowed and he pulled his head back a little to watch her face as she grew more and more frantic.

He murmured words of encouragement to her, telling her to come, telling her, “Get it, girl. C’mon, lemme see it. Lemme feel it” in a voice so gravelly deep just the sound alone could have made her come.

But it wasn’t just his voice, it was that fantastic body he’d been teasing her with for the last hour and his hands on her and the toys that Brice kept turning off and on. Terryn locked so tightly against him she would have feared choking him if she had a brain cell capable of functioning right then. She buried her face in the curve of his neck and exploded in one of the most powerful orgasms she’d ever experienced while she quivered and shook in his embrace.

Gage’s body seemed to turn to stone under and around her. He cupped one hand behind her head while the other doubled the pace of the plug as he let fly with a string of cuss words and erotic promises while the orgasm laid waste to her system.

Terryn felt Brice’s arms come around her and he gently pulled her free. She wobbled when he stood her on her feet, so Brice opted to carry her instead. He cradled her in his arms like she was the proverbial damsel of a fairy tale. She felt like one at the moment. With an inner purr, she amended that it was an X-rated fairy tale, which only made it that much better to her way of thinking.

Gage led them to the check-in area, but Terryn only had eyes for Brice at the moment. His features looked carved in granite and his smoldering gaze made her feel singed.

“That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen, pet.” His arms tightened even more. “I need you to promise to use your safe word if you feel too overwhelmed. Promise me, because as soon as we get you to a room,” he took a deep breath, visibly straining for control, “that’s the only thing that’s going to stop us, Terryn. The only thing.”

Terryn would have liked to say something coy in reply. Something flirty and sophisticated that would make her sound worldly and urbane. Looking at him in that moment, feeling the waves of lust and heat pouring off him peeled away all her outer layers and left only what she was at her core. A submissive.

“I promise, Sir.” Then she lowered her eyes.


I promise, Sir.
Brice felt the words reverberating in his soul. Her surrender, her submission went to his head like whisky and sang through his blood like a drug. He called on every control technique he had at his disposal to rein in the beast within while Gage checked them in.

“Master Gage!” The breathy call that came from the young woman behind the counter. It was filled with the zealous glee usually heard only by rock stars. In this club, however, it was the Master Doms that were the rock stars and of them, Gage was legendary. Brice tore his gaze from Terryn and watched with a smile while the normally reserved and properly quiet Candy bounced on the balls of her feet and reached with both hands toward Gage. “It’s been so long since you came. Are you going to be staying for a while? Have you picked a sub for your stay? Can I help? Can I be your—”

“Well now, sugar,” Gage interrupted, crossing his arms over his massive chest, purposefully reminding her that a sub doesn’t touch without permission. He gentled the rebuke with his ever-present smile and said, “I’m just in for a short visit, and me an’ Master Brice there are fixin’ to get us a playroom. Can you be a dahrlin’ and sign us in?”

Candy’s hopeful face fell faster than a popped balloon and Brice felt a pang of sympathy. Candy was such an earnest, sweet sub, and her crush on Gage was obvious. Brice whispered to Terryn and set her on her feet so he could put his things in his locker, then they headed for their room. Once he closed the door behind them, he felt his blood simmer back up to boil.

“Strip,” Brice said as he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the door. Gage’s smile was sharp and quick as he too crossed his arms and stood back to watch.

Terryn looked unsure for a moment. Then she took a deep breath and reached for the hem of her little black dress. Gage whistled low and soft as the gown fluttered to the floor.

Terryn stood in the middle of the room, anxious yet ready. She wore only the belt and a sexy pair of heels. The rosy tips of her perfect breasts were obscured under the pads that were attached to the belt. Likewise, her clit was also hidden from view with a pad and the scant covering of her most sensitive parts was as taunting as a red flag to a bull.

As she stood there with her shoulders back and spine straight, Brice was struck by her intensity as well as her beauty. It was a heady rush having a strong woman waiting on his Will.

“Gage.” With the tilt of his head, Brice indicated the bar hanging from the ceiling. Gage gave a nod and stalked over to Terryn. She looked up at him with eyes wide enough to swallow her whole face. He dipped his head and kissed her full, deep and long. She was sagging in his arms by the time he ended it.

“Lower your eyes now, sub, and don’t lift them again until you’re given permission.” Brice heard the edge in Gages voice, the tone that let him know his friend was entering his Dom state of mind and the playful gentleman façade was gone.

As Brice watched Gage lower the spreader bar to the floor in front of Terryn, he became hyper aware of his body and the desire thrumming through it. Gage wrapped the ankle cuffs around first one delicate ankle and then ordered her to widen her stance until she was lined up for the next. After Gage attached the second one, Brice heard his hum of appreciation.

“Oh you sweet thang,” he rumbled, “I do love a nice pair of legs in shackles.”

His large hands checked the fit of the cuffs to make sure they were snug enough but not in danger of pinching. Then those hands stroked and caressed their way up her mile-long legs. Brice could see Terryn quiver even from where he stood.

When Gage leaned forward and set his mouth on one of her sensitive inner thighs, Terryn’s whole body jolted in reaction. As he bit and suckled up the length of that leg, she gasped and dug her hands in his hair. Brice could have warned her—he knew what was coming—but he was eager for what would come as a result, so he just settled back and watched the show.

“Little sub,” Gage said as he locked an iron grip around her wrists. “Did I give you permission to touch me?”

Terryn jolted in shock at the question and then looked at him with wide eyes.

“And now you done gone and made it worse.” He shook his head as he sat back on his knees. “Didn’t I just tell you to keep your pretty eyes down until you were told you could lift ’em?” Too late, Terryn lowered her eyes and mumbled an apology but Gage was already set on a path. “If Brice had trained you better, we wouldn’t be needin’ to do this, so you can just lay what happens next at his feet. Now sit down and give me your hands.”

Brice walked over to help her down since her legs were shackled. Once she was seated, he leaned her forward and guided her hands to clasp the middle of the bar.

Gage grabbed the wrist cuffs and clasped them in place. He ordered, “Even with the cuffs, I want you to hold on tight.” Then Brice stepped back and reached for the switch that would raise the bar.

As Terryn was lifted slowly into the air, Gage riffled through the duffle he’d gotten from his locker. He pulled out a riding crop that Brice was fond of. It was slender and made of a nicely flexible fiberglass stem with a soft leather flap. Terryn hadn’t seen it yet since all her focus was on herself at the moment. She was completely off the floor now and as the bar lifted higher and higher she began to pant and whimper.

Since Gage was taller and currently had the lead, Brice kept her going until her ass was at a perfect level for him. Once it stopped, Terryn hung there swaying and panting while he and Gage enjoyed the view. Her legs spread wide and clamped tight with her arms secured to the center of the bar. Long red hair shrouded her shoulders and the upper curve of her back while that delectable ass was wide open and exposed—just waiting for whatever they wanted to do to it.


Terryn gripped the bar so tight her knuckles turned white. She was spread wide, folded in half and hanging, ass in the air in a room with two fully clothed men. When she’d dreamed about this lifestyle, she hadn’t even come close to a situation like

Gage hummed his approval of the picture she made and ran one large hand along the “V” of her legs, leaving goose bumps in his wake. Brice stepped up behind her and grasped a handful of her hair and used it to tilt her head back and take her lips.

His kiss was not what she had been expecting. She’d braced for a brutal plunder of her mouth and instead what she got was a tender, sweet seduction. He nipped at her lips and laid feather-light brushes of his tongue along each one until she was open and straining for him.

She wanted nothing more than his mouth sealed to hers and he denied her, pulling back and tightening his grip on her hair until she settled herself to take only what he gave. Then the warm scrape of Gage’s work-roughened hand was replaced by a cool tickle and Terryn risked more punishment by lifting her eyes to see what Gage was doing.

“Oh God.” It was a riding crop. Both men chuckled at her shocked whisper and then Brice stepped back and hit the remote for her breasts.

At first Gage just stroked the crop lightly along the same path that he’d taken with his hand. Next, he didn’t really hit her—it was more like a fluttering up and down her thighs and across her bottom. Then he shocked a gasp from her with a firm smack on the sole of both her feet in fast succession. While her toes curled and she pulled at her arms with no result, she got her first sharp snap from the crop. It landed right in the center of her left butt cheek and Terryn was more surprised than stung. He wasted no time in landing the next on her right cheek. Then more up and down her legs again, some soft as a kiss, others harsh as the sting of a wasp.

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