Read Damaged Goods Online

Authors: Lainey Reese

Damaged Goods (18 page)

“Try a move like that again, Red, and you’ll get more of the same.” He didn’t seem to be waiting for her consent, but she nodded her head anyway. Vigorously.

His fingers went back to teasing and he shifted a little, then leaned down and used his tongue, light and teasing, on her nipples. Terryn bit back a moan and watched helplessly while he lapped and sipped at her breasts. That dense, dark hair was too close-cut to fall forward on his forehead and she was thankful. Brice’s breathtaking face was completely bare to her and she was as mesmerized by it as she was by what he was doing. Since his eyes were closed, she realized she’d never noticed how long and full those dark lashes were. He had a nose that was faultless in its symmetry and his cheeks had gone beyond five-o’clock shadow to outright stubble. His full lips were parted right now as that magic tongue flicked light as a dewdrop on her nipple. For this frozen moment in time, Terryn felt perfect.

“Absolutely perfect.”

She didn’t realize she’d said that aloud until Brice bit her. It wasn’t a nip and it wasn’t a tug. It was a bite and she yelped in surprise. The sadist chuckled and sucked the abused tip into his mouth to sooth the sting, then slanted a look up at her with an arched brow. Terryn bit her lips again, this time to keep from laughing and calling him a name that would only get her more punishment. She only hoped there wasn’t too much traffic because if he was going to be dishing out torture like this all the way home she wasn’t going to be able to keep quiet for long.

By the time the car pulled up to the building, Terryn was a mess. She was at such a point of arousal that she was sure she’d let Brice take her on the sidewalk if that’s what he wanted. He sat her up to fix her bra and blouse himself.

“We aren’t at your apartment, Terryn—we’re at my cousin’s place. Gage had to fly back to Texas, so the five of us are going to finish what we’d started the other night.”

He didn’t wait for her nod, but instead just opened the door and helped her out of the car. She barely noticed her surroundings as he led her through the club and into the playrooms. Everything around her was a swirl of pulsing colors and jagged need. When they stepped into the room where the others waited, Terryn stumbled to a stop and stared in fascination.

“Welcome to the wet room.” Terryn gulped and Brice leaned close to whisper in her ear, “Strip.”

The room was a giant shower. It looked sort of like the showers from high school but with extremely nice tile. It also had hoses and detachable showerheads everywhere. There were several restraint devices scattered about the room and a clear plastic tote against the wall. She could see it held a collection of toys that she didn’t want to study too closely—she was better off not knowing what was coming. All of that, however, took a backseat to what was happening in the center of the room.

Riley was already naked, her slender arms stretched above her head and connected to a hook in the ceiling. Terryn had always been a little jealous of her curvy figure and now seeing her completely naked she knew she was right to be. The woman had a body that was full and lush and breasts that made Terryn sigh in envy. Riley was petite and, with her mixed heritage, she also had a perma-tan. Terryn knew she’d look like a skinny ghost next to her and suddenly she wasn’t so eager to follow orders.

Brice stepped in front of her just then and when she raised her gaze to him his stern expression faded to gentleness. “Aw, Red.” He lay a tender kiss on her lips. “You can’t be thinking you have something to be shy about, can you?”

He tugged her slacks down her legs, not realizing or not heeding the fact that she was clutching to keep them on. “Riley is stunning, isn’t she?” He looked over his shoulder to admire her as Trevor sprayed water on her back. Cade had another showerhead he’d set to strong pulses that he ran rhythmically over her breasts. “She’s dark and curvy and beautiful.” When he looked back at her, his smile was disarming. “Her beauty, Red, takes nothing from yours. You’re tall and willowy where she’s petite and rounded, and porcelain perfection where she’s bronzed. And, you have noticed my preference for redheads, haven’t you?”

Terryn smiled as she realized she was being stupid. Once out of high school, she’d never been one to suffer much from insecurities. So she let it go and looked back at where Riley was restrained. Anyone would’ve had second thoughts being compared to such a gorgeous woman, but she was over it now.

Naked, she stepped up to where Riley was getting thoroughly drenched by her two gorgeous men. Cade and Trevor were both shirtless and shoeless with Cade in black dress slacks and Trevor in low-slung blue jeans. They were in excellent, drool-worthy shape and Terryn felt a pang of envy for a whole different reason now.

Then she got to her spot and turned to face Brice. Every other thought faded. He stood in front of her, stripped of his shirt and shoes too. Her eyes followed the sleek musculature of his chest and abs. His black jeans hugged low so she could see the cut of muscle where hip met abdomen. The sight dried up her mouth and made her long to trace those ridges with her tongue.

“We’re going to have a contest, Red,” Brice told her just as Trevor stepped behind her and ran the warm water over her back. “Cade and Trevor are going to try and bring Riley to orgasm before I can bring you.” He secured her hands above her head as he spoke. “Over and over again.”

Terryn snuck a look at Riley and wondered how there could be a loser here. As Brice continued to talk, he reached into his pocket and pulled out two small rubber clamps that had slender chains attached to them.
Oh, that’s how.

“You will both be wearing nipple clamps that we will have rigged up with these water pails that Cade’s setting up.” With trepidation, she looked over at Cade, who had started threading thin rope from the plastic buckets through some sort of pulley thing in the ceiling. “Every time she beats you to a climax, you get water in your pail. The first one with a full pail loses.”

Terryn gulped and looked toward Riley again. She thought if Riley’s eyes got any wider they’d pop right out. It made her feel a little better that she wasn’t the only one freaked out by this.

“Listen to me, sub. You don’t want to let her beat you to even one, because as more water goes in, the harder it will be to reach the next orgasm.” His voice was all rough and gravelly and she could see just how much he was looking forward to this in his face as well as the impressive bulge in those bad-boy black jeans.

He smiled like a pirate when she looked up from his crotch to meet his eyes and suddenly she was game. Terryn wanted to win. For him. She wanted him to win. She’d never played a sex game before and she was eager to embrace this first one with everything she had.

“Bring it.” She gave him what she hoped was a cocky chin tilt and braced herself for a wet, wild night.


She absolutely blew his mind. There she stood, like an amazon. Proud and sure with her lovely body wet and flushed, her hair positively molten now that it was wet and her eyes all but glittering with the challenge.

He heard Cade chuckle at her bravado and looked over to see both him and Trevor admiring her. “You guys are going down.”

“In your dreams,” Trevor shot back. “We’ve spent the last two years learning every trick to bringing this sweet little one to peak. You, dude, are the one who’s going down.” Trevor said this as he was rubbing and squeezing Riley’s shoulders like she was a prizefighter he was prepping for a fight.

“That may be true,” Brice shot back. “But you forget. I’ve watched you all together and I happen to know that you have conditioned her to hold out and hold back. Whereas my sub is new to all of this and she gives up her climaxes like ripe fruit from a tree.” Trevor looked taken aback at that and whipped a look to Riley’s face in accusation.

Cade stroked the back of his hand down Riley’s cheek and said, “Oh, I wouldn’t be too confident of that, Brice. Ry here seems meek enough, but my girl has a competitive streak. Don’t you, sweetheart?” The smile she sent him was pure mischief and Cade leaned down kiss those smiling lips before stepping back.

“Ladies,” Cade said in a loud voice, “once the clamps go on, the game is on. You cannot speak unless to answer a direct question. We will use hands, mouths and toys to get the results we are after, but no cocks. That is allowed only after one of your pails is full and Riley has won.”

Brice punched him good-naturedly in the arm and Terryn chuckled with a, “We’ll see about that” whispered under her breath.

Hmm, seems like Riley isn’t the only one with a competitive streak
, Brice thought.

“To keep things fair, Trev and I will take turns with Riley,” Cade continued. “Only one of us is allowed to touch her at a time.”

Brice checked the rigging on Terryn’s pail while Cade checked Riley’s. The bungee-like cord was secured permanently to the center of the pail’s handle. He made sure it was threaded properly through the pulley and then looked back at his sub. “Ladies, what are your safe words?”

“Spinach,” Riley said, without taking her eyes off Cade and Trevor.

“Pickles.” Brice smiled when Terryn blushed in response to the other Doms’ laughter.

“Good. Use them if you have to.” Then he closed the distance between him and Terryn and brushed one puckered nipple with the rubber-tipped clamp. “Ever worn clamps before, sub?”

“No, Sir.” Her voice and expression showed a nice mix of fear and anticipation. Perfect.

“It’s supposed to be tight. Pressure but not pinching. If it’s pinching, let me know so I can adjust it.” Brice waited until she nodded her assent, then squeezed the clamp and gently closed it over the rosy tip. Her gasp was breathy surprise and the sound pulsed in his gut.

“Okay?” he asked, even though he could read the answer in her face. She nodded and he clamped her other breast. He took a second to admire her this first time in clamps, then ran his hands gently down the dangling chains. He connected them to each other and then connected those to the cord of her pail. When he gave an experimental tug, Terryn let out a moan that she couldn’t hold back.

“Oh, cousin,” he said as he gave another tug and got another moan. “I do believe she likes these clamps.”

Trevor whispered a choice cuss word at that and Brice added, “You realize this means that the more water that goes into her pail, the faster she’s going to be coming.”

“Don’t count your orgasms yet, cuz,” Cade said. “Riley, are you ready?” She bit her lip and nodded. “Terryn?” A nod from her and the game was on.

Brice wasted no time. He stepped behind Terryn and ran his open mouth along the curve of her shoulder and neck. Just as he sucked on the ultra-sensitive spot, he dipped his two longest fingers into her wet heat. Her whole body jolted and that disrupted the clamps on her breasts, bringing forth another moan and causing a mini spasm in her pussy. He nibbled and licked his way up to her ear as he kept a fast and deep rhythm with his hand.

“C’mon, Red, you are so close already. Mmmm, I can feel how close you are.” He flexed those fingers to tap at her g-spot and added pressure to her clit with the heel of his hand. She let out a small cry, arched on to her toes and he could feel the climax gathering in her when he was blasted in the face with a spray of water. “Hey!”

Trevor smirked and said, “Oops.” Then went back to watching Cade eating Riley’s cunt.

“Fucker,” he said without heat. “Another stunt like that and your poor sub gets a penalty.” Then he forgot Trevor and got back to business. He could hear the wet sounds of Cade lapping at Riley and her soft sighs, and smiled. He knew Riley’s sighs and she was not as close as Terryn. “Just a little more, baby, just a little and…yeah.” He moaned as the buildup broke. Terryn’s first climax washed over her and throbbed her flesh around his fingers in release.

“Damn it,” Trevor cursed, then warned, “Brace yourself, little one.” He pointed the nozzle and sprayed water into Riley’s pail. She was so close to orgasm that the extra pressure hardly fazed her, though.

Brice dropped to his knees in front of Terryn and set his mouth to her. He was going to have to work fast to get her back up to the level that Riley was at, but this first win gave him hope. Terryn jolted and cried out as he whipped his tongue back on fourth on her sensitive clit, but he clamped his hands on the cheeks of her ass to hold her still. Just as the jerks of her hips subsided, showing that she was past the too sensitive stage, he heard the high cries signaling that Trevor had brought Riley to peak. He sat back and watched as Trevor carried her through the waves of it, never stopping the pumping of his hand into her until she arched and screamed again in a second climax.

“Impressive,” he conceded and looked to Terryn. “That means a double portion for you, Red.” Brice stepped back and reached for a hose. As the pail started to fill, Terryn’s moans got louder and he couldn’t help but smile. The heavier it got, the more excited she became. He looked to the others with a gloating smirk.

Cade was up again and he stepped toward Riley with one of the vibrators from the tote. Brice considered the tote for a moment, then smiled at Terryn, changed the setting on the nozzle in his hand and shot a hard stream of almost too-hot water right at her clit. With a scream, she arched on to her toes and started coming almost instantly. Not to be outdone by the likes of Trevor Wellington, Brice adjusted the setting again to pulses and continued until, sure enough, within seconds she was screaming out her own multiple orgasms. He thought he could get a third but decided to back off a little. He didn’t want to get her so frazzled she called “pickles” because the game got too intense too quickly.

“Allow me,” he said in false courtesy and filled Riley’s pail with the appropriate amount of water. Cade and Trevor both soothed her as she panted while adjusting to the added weight. The full, ripe globes of her breasts were lifted and elongated by the time he was done. There was a pinched look around her eyes that meant the men had their work cut out for them if they were going to get her to another peak any time soon.

For the next round, he went to the tote and fished out a small vibrator and phallus. Walking back, he noticed Trevor was attaching a water willie to his hose. It was soft, had nubs all along the head and shaft and vibrated as the water shot out the end of it. It was a very effective toy. Brice wasn’t daunted. What he had in store for Terryn was more than a match for that.

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