Read Dante's Way Online

Authors: Marie Rochelle

Dante's Way (23 page)

“Yes...” she answered in a shaky voice.

“Are you ready to have me inside of you?” Dante asked as he removed his fingers from her pussy.

He reached over on the nightstand and grabbed a condom he had placed there earlier. Tearing it open, Dante slid it over his erection before placing it against her wetness. He couldn’t help but notice how her silky, smooth brown skin stood out against his white skin. The sight was nothing like he had ever seen before. He loved the difference of their skins colors; it was such a turn-on. He could look at it for the rest of his life and never get tired.

Amara nodded her head, but he needed more than that. He wanted to hear the words. She had to tell him that she wanted him buried deep inside of her. It was the only way he would know that she was deep into this as much as he was.

“Sweetheart, you have to say the words. Tell me what you want,” Dante encouraged, planting a soft kiss on Amara’s already swollen lips then leaning away from her.

He stared down into her eyes with a hunger he could no longer conceal and waited while his heart pounded away in his chest. He wanted Amara to have no doubts in her mind that this was about to happen between them because she wanted this as much as he did tonight.

,” she moaned as her body brushed against his sweaty skin. “Can’t we please make love? I want you so badly.”

“Baby, your wait is over because you’re going to get me.” Dante growled in the very back of his throat as his cock eased inside of Amara’s welcoming heat for the very first time. He fought down the urge to thrust forward because he wanted this experience to last for a while because the sensation of her body was so incredible.

Slowly, he continued to inch forward and then Dante suddenly froze in shock when his cock hit a barrier he wasn’t expecting. His eyes widened in utter shock as he stared at Amara.

“Fuck, you’re a virgin.”

He did a lot of things; however, one thing he didn’t do was least until now. Amara had never been with another man before. He could be the first and only man to have even known the pleasure of being inside of her body. For a split second, he thought about pulling out and walking away, but he wouldn’t be able to do it not after knowing how it felt to have been inside of her.

“Yes, I am,” she answered then ran her fingers down the side of his face. “I’ve been saving it up to now and I want you to be my first.”

Dante groaned as he thought about what he was going to do. Amara felt so good wrapped around his cock, but if they made love he wouldn’t be able to let her go and he suddenly realized he didn’t want to ever let her leave him.

She was the woman he had been waiting for all of this time. Every event in his life had led up to this moment, so he was going to do as his woman requested. He pushed forward filling Amara completely.

She gasped in pain and planted her hands on his shoulders. “Oh, God, I didn’t think it would hurt that badly,” she whispered, softly.

Dante felt his woman’s pain all the way down to his toes. He never wanted to do anything to bring any kind of pain into her life. Holding still, he planted soft kisses against her mouth.

“Sweetheart, I’m so sorry, but I promise you it will get better. Do you believe, baby?”

Blinking back unshed tears, Amara gave him a tiny, trusting smile capturing his heart even more. “I trust you, Dante,” she whispered wrapping her arms around his neck.

Hearing those words after the way they first met sent Dante’s heart into overdrive; he would prove to her that the gift she had given to him wasn’t misplaced. Tonight was the turning point for both of them and he wanted to make it good.

Lowering his head, Dante recaptured Amara’s mouth with his as he slowly slid his dick out of her warm, wet pussy at a slow pace. He wanted so badly to thrust deeper and deeper inside of her until they both passed out from the sheer ecstasy of it, but this was Amara’s first time and he wouldn’t be a selfish lover...not with her.

Dante slowly began to move his hips, so his cock ground against her clit. He continued to stroke her swollen pussy until Amara’s soft hands wrapped around his neck and she spread her legs even wider to accommodate his demanding thrusts.

Sweat poured down his back dropping down onto her already glistening skin beneath him. Raising his head from her tempting mouth, Dante licked his lower lip as he fought off the need to come before her. This was her night and he would do everything in his power to hold off until Amara screamed his name in pleasure over and over again.

Grabbing her legs, he wrapped them around his waist and pushed himself to the hilt making his thrusts deeper and harder into the tightness of her wet pussy. He felt like he was at the end of his rope as her pussy clenched around his even tighter making his balls ache for some kind of relief that only she could give him.

“Do you like this, sweetheart?” He growled in frustration.

“Yes,” she whimpered, running her nails down his back as she closed her eyes.

“Tell me that you want me!”

“I want you...God, I want you so much.”

“Look at me,” Dante demanded as he slowly withdrew his cock until only the tip was left inside of her.

Amara’s eyes shot open and the hot look in them almost made him come right there. He could tell she was almost there, but he had to tell her something first.

“You’re mine. I won’t ever let you go after this. If you ever think about leaving me, I will find you and bring you back here. Do you understand me, Amara?”

Dante watched as her eyes grew round as saucers. He could tell the fighting spirit in her didn’t want to give in to him, but he would win her over now that he knew how much her body loved his. She wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer. She needed to come and he was the only man who could give it to her.

“No,” she whispered, shaking her head. “I won’t agree to that.”

Smirking, he eased his cock back into her inch by inch until his balls were pressed against her. “Are you sure about that,” he asked as he angled his body to give her teasing thrusts enough to take her body to the edge but not send it over the cliff.

“Please,” Amara cried out as he continued to push into her but not give her what she wanted.

“Is this what you want, baby?” He sped up his thrusts until he felt her pussy tighten around his cock and then stopped staring down into her shocked face. “All you have to do is say yes and I can give you what you want. I swear it will be

“Yes...yes...yes,” she said as her hands pulled at his hips.

He let out a satisfied grunt as he lowered his mouth to Amara’s and he pumped into her harder and harder sliding their bodies across the bed to the other end. Her pussy clenched around his cock as her mouth tore away from his lips and her screams filled his bedroom.


Her hands pushed at his shoulders as her orgasms shot through her body. Dante grabbed Amara’s wrists holding them down to the bed and he continued to push his cock inside of her.

“Fuck...Fuck...Yes,” he hollered as his release shot through his body filling the condom. Dante’s arms gave out on him and he collapsed on top of Amara, planting soft kisses at the side of her neck as she tried to catch her breath beneath him.

He was very aware of the fact that Amara’s fingers were playing with the ends of his hair. Usually, he didn’t like a woman touching his hair after they had sex, but everything was different with Amara. She wasn’t any of them. She was sweet, caring and had the ability to make him feel things he never thought possible. The bar was no longer his top worry. Somehow the spunky young woman beneath was and he had never felt this peaceful after making love before.

“Are you okay?” He eased his body off Amara’s and got rid of the condom by tossing it into the trashcan at the side of the bed.

“I don’t know what to say,” she admitted as he pulled her body against his and covered them with a sheet that had fallen off the bed.

Hearing those words were like a kick to his gut. He had been too rough with her and she didn’t know how to tell him. He didn’t mean to get that rough with Amara, but her body just felt so amazingly good wrapped around his cock. Dante had to make sure that she understood it would never happen like that again between them.

“Sweetheart, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for your first time to get out of hand like it did. I promise next time will be better.”

Raising her head off his chest, Amara stared at him with a confused expression on her pretty face. “What are you talking about?” she asked. “You weren’t too rough with me. I loved every single passionate minute of it. I want to do it again and again.”

“You don’t have to lie to protect my feelings. I should have been more gentle with you, and I will do it next time.”

Sitting up, Amara completely moved away from his body and pressed the sheet against her breasts. “Don’t you dare think about doing anything differently. Tonight was the best night of my life. I can’t even put into words how unbelievable it felt to make love to you” She paused for a few minutes and then continued. “Unless, you were the one who didn’t like it, and you are trying to find a nice way to get out of telling me the truth. Do you think I need to get more experience and then come back to you?

“I know you’ve been with more experienced women than me when it comes to sex. I can think more about this when I’m back at the shelter tonight,” she said as she moved away from him.

“What in the hell are you talking about? You aren’t going back to the shelter. You’re spending the night here with me. I’ll take you back in the morning, but there’s no way I’m taking you anywhere tonight.”

Dante’s hand shot out and wrapped around Amara’s arm yanking her back down to his chest.

“Furthermore, don’t you dare think about going getting more fucking lessons with another man. If you want more practice than you will get it with me and no one else. Do you understand me, Amara? I better not even see you looking at another man like you’re wondering what he will be like in bed. Remember, I told you that you were mine and I wasn’t kidding with you.”

A smile pulled at the corner of Amara’s mouth as her fingers played with the ends of his hair. “Dante, I was only kidding with you. I don’t want to go back to the shelter and how could I want another man after the night you showed me? You are more than enough man for me.”

His heart slow down back to a normal beat as he ran his hands up and down the length of her back. He hated the jealous feeling that shot through him at the thought of her with another man. He wasn’t used to seeing the green-eyed monster, but it came to him when Amara tossed that stupid suggestion.

“You better have been kidding me,” he growled by her ear as his hand grabbed her ass underneath the sheet. The feel of her firm breasts pressing into his chest was making his cock hard all over again. He was more than ready to have her again, but Dante wasn’t positive if Amara was up for it.

“I’m sorry, baby that I upset you,” Amara apologized, planting a kiss by the corner of his mouth. “Is there any way I can make it up to you?”

“As a matter of fact there is,” Dante answered as his hand reached for the extra condom still lying on the nightstand by the bed. He was going to get a lot of pleasure out of showing Amara how good making love could be between them.



Chapter Thirty-Two



Amara watched Dante sleep after their second round of making love. She was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that she was here with him like this. It seemed so unreal that she felt like pinching herself to make sure that she wasn’t still alone in her bed at the shelter having another dream about him.

Tonight’s dinner with Dante turned out totally different than she expected and she wasn’t upset about it at all. Every path she had taken in her life brought her to this moment. How could any experience in her life be better than this one right here and right now?

Reaching out, she played with the tips of his hair wondering more about the man next to her. Dante seemed so strong and confident. It made her think about what had happened in his past to get him to this point in his life.

How could someone as sexy and brilliant as him still be single and living alone in this beautiful house? Were his past girlfriends too crazy to see what a good man they had in their lives?

“Why aren’t you asleep, late as it is?”

Her eyes shot up to Dante’s handsome face and Amara found him watching her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up,” she said, letting go of his hair. “I was just thinking.”

As she started to move her hand away, Dante grabbed it and planted a kiss in the palm and then laid it against his chest. “What were you thinking about?”

“You,” Amara answered.

His brows rose. “Why were you thinking about me? Should I be worried?” he teased.

“No, you shouldn’t be worried. I was just wondering about your past and childhood. You seem to have everything so together in your life and I was curious about how you made it.”

“So, you want to know more about me?”

“Yes, I want to know more about you,” Amara answered. “What woman wouldn’t?”

Grinning at her, Dante rolled over onto his side and pulled her closer. “Ask away beautiful,” he said. “I’m an open book for you tonight.”

Tucking a fist underneath her chin, she ran her other hand across Dante’s chest thinking about how lucky she felt at this very moment. She had finally gotten off the streets and now she was lying in bed with a gorgeous man she had wanted since laying eyes on him. It was only a matter of time before she got completely back on her feet. “Tell me about your childhood?” she asked after a few minutes. “Did you have a lot of fun growing up?”

Dante’s body tensed underneath her fingers. She noticed how his eyes got this far away, almost sad look to them. She couldn’t help but wonder what placed it there.

“It was like any other childhood I guess,” he answered after a minute.

Amara saw from his body language that Dante wasn’t telling her the truth. Did something happen to him? What was he hiding from her? He practically knew her whole life history, so why wasn’t he willing to share his with her?

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