Read Dante's Way Online

Authors: Marie Rochelle

Dante's Way (31 page)

“Well, she told me how she felt about you. Dante, you finally picked the right one. Good for you man. Amara, why don’t you join us? It will give Dante time to go and check on things in the kitchen. I know the rest of the group here would love to get to know you better.”

Dante wasn’t about to leave his woman here with Jim. He could tell her about their wild bachelor days on the road dating every leggy woman who looked in their direction. No way...if or when Amara found out more about his younger years, it would be from him.

“I don’t need to check on anything,” he denied, making Jim give him a knowing look. “Besides, I haven’t showed Amara the rest of the bar yet. So, I’m going to do that right now. We’ll be back before all of you leave.”

He took Amara by the hand and rushed her way from the table. He kept walking through the crowd until they reached the hallway that led to his office. A few seconds later they were standing in front of it.

Digging the key out of his pocket, Dante unlocked it and ushered Amara inside closing it and then locking it behind them. He wasn’t taking any chances of anyone walking in on them. Everything was going good tonight and he wanted a little alone time with his woman.

Spinning around, Amara looked at him. “Why didn’t you want us to join your friends?” she asked. “I thought tonight was all about getting to know them better. So, what exactly happened out there? Why did you pull me away after only a few minutes?”

Dante went over to Amara grabbing her by the waist. He pulled her to his body. “I couldn’t let Jim tell you about my bad boy days with him at my side. You’ve agreed to move in with me and I can’t have my woman changing her mind. Besides, Jim has a tendency to make things seem a lot worse than they actually were back then.”

“Did you ever think maybe I love the idea of being with a bad boy? You do have the long hair I get to run my fingers through. Plus, your motorcycle is a turn-on, if I’ve ever seen one,” Amara said. “Nothing Jim or anyone else tells me about you will change how I feel. I make up my own mind about who I want to be with. No one, and I do mean no one, influences anything I do.”

The fire shining in Amara’s eyes impressed him. She started out like a scared baby kitten with him but the more time they spent together; she had slowly turned into a lioness. He loved the growing change in his woman and knowing he had something do to with it was even more impressive.

“Remind me not to get on your bad side because I don’t want you sinking your claws into me for any reason,” he teased.

“You’ll never have anything to worry about as long as you treat me as your equal. I love how you want to protect me, but having your respect is more important.”

“Don’t worry, you’ll always get my respect,” Dante answered as Amara walked away from him.

His eyes followed her as she sauntered around his office and ended up at his desk. Stopping by the edge, she picked up the framed photo sitting there.

“Is this a picture of you and your brothers?” she asked. “All of you look so young here.”

Going over to her, he glanced at the photograph and got lost in the memory of when it was taken. “Yes. My mother took it a week before my sixteenth birthday. The only reason I have it is I grabbed it after I packed my bags to move in with the Griffins. My parents only gave me thirty minutes to get my things and it was the first thing I tossed into my suitcase.”

Taking the picture from her, Dante placed it back down on his desk. He didn’t want to think about it anymore. It would be a useless memory that he shouldn’t be wasting his time on. He had come in here for an entirely different reason.

“Amara, we need to talk about something,” he said, taking her by the hand.

“What is it?” she asked, as he took her over to the couch in the corner of the room.

Sitting down, he pulled her down next to him. He didn’t want to move on to the next step of their relationship on so many lies on his part. Pastor Allen was right; he had to come clean before too much time passed.

Amara might be upset with him for a minute, but that was the chance he was willing to take. How could he resent his parents for trying to rule his every waking moment when he was doing the same thing with the woman he loved.

“There are some things that I need to tell you,” Dante said. “I should have told you before now, but it never seemed like the right time to do it. However, after thinking about it some more I see how wrong I was. You need to know everything that’s been going on.”

“Dante, whatever it is you know I’ve been through a lot more, so I’m more than strong enough to handle it. We came together in a whirlwind and our relationship is less than traditional, but I love you more now than I feared you the night we meet.”

His heart swelled with even more love for Amara. She gave him her trust and he wasn’t going to lose it by trying to control who she was and wasn’t friends with.

“Baby, I love you too and I’m thrilled you agreed to move in with me. I just hope after you hear me out that you won’t back out,” he admitted.

The confidence he usually felt was slipping a little more than he cared to admit. He hoped telling Amara the truth about his warning to Mr. Lee and being the driving force behind her new job wasn’t going to drive her away, because he had deliberately gone behind her back and done two things she warned him against doing.

Shoving his apprehension away, Dante gazed at Amara sitting next to him. She already had proven to him that she could handle the toughest situations, so why would his confessions make any kind of difference when it came to them. Couples in love had disagreements all of the time and got through it.

“You’re right. What I have to tell you isn’t so bad,” he said. “I was only doing it to protect—”

A loud banging on the door stopped Dante in mid-sentence. Who in the hell was bothering him? He came in here to get everything out in the open and now somebody was preventing it from happening.

“Go away,” he hollered.

“Dante, I can’t, it’s important. Unlock the door and let me in,” Griffin yelled back through the door. “You need to hear this. I wouldn’t have tracked you down if it wasn’t.”

Damn it
, he thought.

“Give me a minute and I’ll be right back,” he said then kissed Amara before getting up from the couch.

Dante walked the short distance to his office door, unlocked it and flung it open glaring at Griffin standing on the other side. “This better be damn important for you to come back here,” he said.

“Morgan and Tanner were in a car crash. They’re in the hospital,” Griffin told him not missing a beat. “You need to go and see them. My parents couldn’t find out any more information because they weren’t family. Don’t worry about running into your parents because they’re on a cruise for their anniversary.”

He grabbed the doorframe with one hand and the door with another, so he wouldn’t fall over as his knees gave away. His baby brothers were in the hospital and he was going to see them. He didn’t give a shit if no one wanted him there. He was going to Harper, Texas and he felt sorry for the person who tried to stop him from going into that hospital room.

Getting himself back together, Dante stood up to his full height and got into business mode. He couldn’t break down without knowing everything that was going on. Morgan and Tanner might need something from him and he was going to be there to give it to either one of them.

“Call your parents and see if you can find out any more about the accident. I’ll see about booking a flight,” he told Griffin.

“You won’t need to book a flight with the airlines,” Griffin said. “Clinton offered the company plane to fly you to Texas after I told him what was going on with your family. He’s going to send a driver to your house to take you to the airport in about an hour.”

He was touched by his friends’ generosity; it would be one less thing he would have to worry about. “Great, I’m glad that’s taken care of. While I’m gone, I need you to take care of Amara for me. Make sure that you give her the spare key to my house we have at
. I want her sleeping there instead of the shelter while I’m back in Texas.”

“Sure, I can do that for you,” his buddy agreed. “I’ll take good care of her.”

“You’ll do nothing of the sort,” Amara chimed in behind him.

Dante glanced over his shoulder frowning when his eyes landed on Amara standing directly behind him. “What are you talking about?” he demanded. “You’ve already agreed to move in with me, so why not do it while I’m gone back home?”

“I can’t do it because I won’t be here to do it,” she answered.

Turning completely around, Dante said. “If you aren’t going to be in my house, where in the hell do you think you’ll be? You’re done staying at the shelter. It’s past time you moved on from sleeping in that tiny room. You can let someone else have it now.”

“Dante, if you stop demanding I do so much and listen to me you will find out where I’m going to be.”

He wasn’t trying to come off as controlling with her, but he just wanted to know she was safe while he was seeing about his brothers. He couldn’t be in Texas worrying about her back here.

“Fine, I’ll listen,” he said. “Tell me where you’re going to be. I know for sure it isn’t going to be with Mr. Lee.”

Amara gave him an odd look and he could have kicked himself from bringing up the other man. “No, I’m not going to be with Mr. Lee. Why would I? I’m going to be with you in Texas, but after the way you’re acting towards me maybe I should just stay here instead and find something else to occupy my time.”

An indescribable emotion raced through Dante after hearing Amara wanted to go with him. He never thought she would want to get introduced to any of his siblings especially after the things he confessed to her about his family.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked. “We aren’t going to be welcomed with opened arms.”

Touching his face, Amara stared into his eyes. “Morgan and Tanner are your family. You have every right to be there to know what’s going on. Don’t let anyone make you think that you don’t. Now, where’s that sexy, self-assured man I love so much. I bet he isn’t about to allow anyone to stand in his way to get what he wants.”

Amara’s words jump-started him into action. He gave her a quick kiss on the mouth before spinning around to find Griffin still standing in the doorway.

“Tell Clinton we’ll take him up on his offer to use the plane,” Dante said. “Will you take over the bar for me?”

“Of course, I will,” Griffin told him. “You don’t even have to ask me. I know Caleb will step up his game, too. I’ll bring Bear to my house and watch him while you’re gone. All I want you to do is find out how your brothers are doing.”

Dante silently prayed that Morgan and Tanner were fine despite the fact there was this huge void between them. He still loved them and didn’t want any harm to come to any of them. They were his family whether or not they wanted to admit it or not.

“Sweetheart, we need to leave so we’ll be ready in time for the driver,” Amara said, grabbing his hand and giving it a squeeze.

Glancing down, he saw the concern and love shining in Amara’s eyes and couldn’t help but love how she opened up her heart enough for him to take a place in there. He wasn’t sure what he would do without her now.

“Okay, let’s go,” he answered.

“Everything is going to be fine,” she assured him. “Just have faith and whatever happened we can handle it together. I’m here for you always.”

“Thank you, sweetheart,” Dante said before walking out the door and around Griffin.

He didn’t want to think the worst, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that his brothers might be more hurt than Griffin was telling him. No words spoken in anger between them mattered anymore, not when something like this happens. All that mattered was Morgan and Tanner were doing okay.



Chapter Thirty-Nine



Harper, Texas...

Pausing in the open doorway of the hospital room, Dante stared at his younger brother Morgan. The last time he remembered seeing Morgan in a hospital bed they were kids and had been climbing a tree in the backyard. Morgan had bet him that he could make it to the top before him, but his foot had slipped and he had fallen out of the tree and broken his arm.

After the pain had worn off and Morgan got a cast put on his arm, he thought he was the coolest kid on the block. He hated seeing his little brother in the hospital back then and now years later the sight wasn’t any better.

“Are you going in?” Amara whispered next to him, touching his arm.

He took his eyes off his brother and stared down at her. For a minute, he had forgotten all about her being there next to him.

“Yeah, I’m going in. I just never imagined the next time I saw Morgan, it would be like this. It’s just shocking for me to see.”

Blowing out a deep breath, he brought his eyes back over to his brother then walked into the room. He wondered what all of Morgan’s issues were besides the white bandages at the side of his temple and the sling around his left arm.

Dante stood at the side of the bed glancing down at his brother’s sleeping figure. He still couldn’t believe the void that was between them because they had been so close growing up.

“Honey, he looks better than I thought he would,” Amara whispered, softly.

“Morgan was always a fighter,” he answered. “I’m pretty sure it took the staff threatening him, to make my brother stay in this bed, especially since he’s a doctor.”

“I can hear how much you love him.”

“Of course, I care about all of my siblings. We’re still a part of each other no matter what they might tell me,” Dante answered.

As Dante continued watching his brother, Morgan slowly started waking up and a few seconds later his eyes opened up landing directly on him. A pair of shocked, dark green eyes clashed with Dante’s as he came fully awake.

“Who in the hell called and told you about the accident?” Morgan demanded. “Whoever it was had no right and you can get the hell out of my room.”

He was expecting anger, but the harshness of it still took Dante by surprise anyway. “I knew before I came that you might not want to see me, but I came anyway. I was worried about you and wasn’t going to stay away,” he answered. “How are you doing? Where’s Tanner? I wanted to see him as well while I’m here.”

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