Read Dante's Way Online

Authors: Marie Rochelle

Dante's Way (29 page)

“Well, I hope things work out for him the way it has with us,” Amara said, surprising him.

Reaching across the table, he grabbed Amara’s hand brushing his thumb over the back. “I do think things are going pretty good with us. You’ve opened up so much to me. Hell, you even got me to tell you about my less than perfect childhood. Somehow, I just knew you would listen to me without judgment.”

Letting go of his hand, Amara got up from her seat and came over to him. She sat down on his lap wrapping her arms around his neck. “I was touched beyond words that you let me in. I was motivated to accomplish more, so now I think is the perfect time to share my other secret with you.”

Pulling Amara’s sweet body to his, Dante brushed her hair away and planted a kiss on her bare shoulder. “I don’t think anything else you tell me tonight will top your earlier news that you’re falling in love with me. However, I don’t think I like my woman keeping secrets from me. Care to tell me what it is?”

Amara put a little space between their bodies. She looked into his eyes and he noticed an unfamiliar sparkle in hers. “Pastor Allen got me a job interview and I have you to thank for it.”

“What do you mean?” Dante questioned, worried she knew one of the secrets he was keeping from her.

“You told me not to give up hope and I didn’t. I know I’m going to land this job at the community center. This position will get my foot into the door to bigger and better things. How about we go inside and I can give you the second part of your surprise?” she suggested, softly.

His cock jumped to attention. Hell yeah! He was ready to get something else from the sexy woman in his arms. “Sounds perfect to me,” Dante said, excited.

Easing Amara off his lap, he blew out the candles “Here let me help you clean up.” He started reaching for a plate, but she brushed his hand away.

“No, you don’t. I can clean this up without you. Why don’t you go take a shower and put something else on then join me on the couch.”

Dante couldn’t hide his disappointment. He had a lot of fantasies he wanted to act out with Amara. “I thought we were going to do something different,” he complained reaching for Amara, but she spun away from him.

“I know you did, but the night is still young. I promise you that you will love my next gift for you. It will be worth the wait. Now, the question is...are you a patient man or impatient one?”

He could last through one more surprise before turning their date down the road he wanted which involved very little clothing and the woman he loved screaming his name. Later, it would be his chance to test her to see how impatient he could make his woman because turnabout was only fair.

“All right, I’ll let you give me one more surprise then I’m going to give you something very special myself,” Dante promised then winked at Amara before going back inside of the house.

Walking through the kitchen towards his bedroom, Dante paused halfway there and glanced back over his shoulder at Amara. He could see the happiness radiating off of her body just by the way she was moving around the patio cleaning up their dinner.

She could barely keep still after telling him about her job interview. She trusted him so much now which was a huge accomplishment on his part. However, would her trust remain with him if she knew the truth behind her getting this job interview at the community center? He had to tell her the truth. He took a step back towards the patio doors, but stopped before he moved another step.

Am I out of my damn mind? I can’t confess anything to her yet
. Before he changed his mind again Dante turned away and went back to his bedroom to take a shower.




A half an hour later, Dante stretched his legs out in front of him, relaxing on the couch. He listened to Amara still moving around in the kitchen working on his last gift for the night. He couldn’t deny that Amara had been right about the shower. It was just what he needed after the long day he had worked at
and then eating her outstanding meal.

What else could she possibly have left in her bag of tricks tonight?

Tomorrow night was the first day of the pool tournament, so he wanted to be as stress free as possible so he could fully concentrate on making it run smoothly, but all it would take was one upset player to cause everything to go downhill. However, he wasn’t going to allow work to sneak into his mind anymore tonight. This was his night to just sit back and relax with his woman.

“Sorry I took so long but I had to get our treat ready so we could watch my favorite television show together,” a soft voice apologized next to him.

Turning his head, Dante’s eyes narrowed at how his old college t-shirt clung to all of Amara’s sexy curves. It looked near damn perfect on her tempting body. He wouldn’t wear the shirt again without thinking about how
it looked against her skin.

“I hope you don’t mind I put on your shirt, but I saw it folded up on your bed earlier when you were gone and I couldn’t resist borrowing it.”

Hell, he didn’t have any complaints at all. Why would he when something he wore was brushing over her sweet body?

“Darling, I don’t have any problems with it,” Dante said, watching as Amara came closer to him. It was then he focused his attention away from her body to the bowl in her hands with two spoons sticking out of it.

“What do you have there, Ms. Langston?”

“Something sweet and cold for us to savor when we’re cuddled up on the couch,” Amara said, sitting down next to him.

Dante glanced down in the bowl then grinned at the two huge scoops of dark chocolate ice cream. “You’re taking me into another world with all of this special treatment,” he said, taking the bowl from Amara as she reached for the remote and switched on the television.

“Are you going to tell me what we’re going to watch?” he asked before shoving a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth.

” Amara answered, reaching for her spoon. “I started watching it on the little television in my room at the shelter one night while channel surfing. I was hooked after one episode. Now, I watch it every Thursday night. Instead of watching it alone, I was able to DVR it so we could watch it together the next time I saw you.”

“What is it about?”

“Shhh...It’s coming on,” she said, cutting him off.

Turning his head, Dante watched as Amara got engrossed in the opening segment of the program. He got the feeling if he opened his mouth again that she might not take part in the dessert he had in mind. So, instead of saying another word he took another bite of the treat in the bowl and glanced back at the television.

After about ten minutes, he was caught up in the steamy drama. The last time he saw the actor playing the president was in the movie
with Patrick Swayze. He never knew this show was on Thursday’s nights.

“This is a pretty damn good picture,” he admitted surprised by how much he liked it.

Placing her hand on his bare stomach, Amara planted a kiss by the side of his mouth. “I knew you’d love it,” she said before giving her entire attention back to the television.

As the show continued, Amara’s fingers started to stroke his stomach right above his sweat pants. Dante tried to ignore it but the caress was making his cock semi-hard. One more light touch and he would have other ideas about what to do and finishing this television show wasn’t one of them.

“Sweetheart, if you don’t stop touching me like that I’m going to show you what I want and I can promise you it isn’t the same thing as you.”

Looking up at him, Amara’s pretty brown eyes grew wider. “Oh, I’m sorry Dante. I didn’t mean to give you mixed signals,” she apologized before sliding her hand into his sweat pants and wrapping it around his full blown erection running her thumb over the tip.

“Shit, baby,” he hissed through his teeth, placing his hand on top of hers. “I’m trying to be good and you’re making me want to be bad.”

“But what if I want you to be bad with me,” she whispered in his ear. “I mean what’s so wrong with making out on the couch.”

Removing her hand from his sweat pants, Dante grabbed Amara by the waist and lifted her up then straddled her body over his thighs. A low moan left her mouth as her pussy brushed over his erection.

“Baby, I usually do more than make out and play games on the couch. I’m a grown man, not a boy. I want to do more than cuddle on the couch especially when a woman like you is next to me. I’d keep your mind so full of thoughts of me that there wouldn’t be any space left for anything else.”

Running her fingers through his hair that he left down after his shower, Amara’s eyes caught and held his. “Prove it,” she challenged. “I missed being with you and I want us to make love tonight. All I could think about today while you were working was how good I always feel when I’m with you.”

Groaning, he tried to stay focused on the conversation but Amara’s hand had eased back between their bodies and her fingers were stroking his cock again.

“Do you like having me in your hand?” Dante whispered against the side of her neck as his hand squeezed her tight ass.

“Yes, you’re so hard. I can’t stop touching you,” she moaned softly.

“Good, because I love how your hand feels. Do you know how much I want to slip my cock inside of you right now? These skimpy panties you’re wearing aren’t any match for me.”

To prove his point, he slipped his hand between Amara’s thighs and gave the garment a light tug and they instantly tore away from her body. Not wasting a second, Dante ever so slowly submerged one of his fingers into her tight, wet pussy.

He moved his head pressing his lips against her ear. “Do you know how much I want you? You make my heart pound faster every time our eyes connect. You’re mine and I don’t plan on ever letting you leave me.”

Brushing his thumb over her clit, Dante smiled against Amara’s silky skin when she whimpered softly in the back of her throat. “Baby, you’re always so hot for me. Is this because you love me or because you know I won’t ever allow another man to touch you like this?’

“Yes,” she whispered, softly moving around on his lap while her hand squeezed his erection.

Dante sucked in a deep breath and tried to keep his head but it was getting harder. Amara’s touch was driving him to move things forward, but he fought to take time with her.

Using his finger, he made small circles over her clit causing Amara to let go of his cock and wrap her hands around his forearm.

“Dante, you can’t do this to me.”

“Why not?” he asked in a low voice. “Aren’t you enjoying it baby? I know that I am. You feel so
wrapped around my fingers.

Grabbing his hand, Amara stopped his fingers from pleasing her body. Dante held his hand still wondering what she was doing. He loved giving her pleasure and without a doubt she was definitely making him feel better than good.

“Why did you stop me?” he questioned “I love touching you.”

“Tonight was supposed to be about me seducing all of your senses,” she confessed, running her fingers down his chest. “You weren’t supposed to take over and have me squirming on your lap.”

She was so cute

“Amara, you’ve been seducing me ever since I walk through the front door,” he confessed, removing his fingers from her body. “Everything about you has me thinking what else you have left to reveal to me.”

Dante removed her body off his and laid her back against the couch covering her warm body with his. “I haven’t had this much fun in my living room in a very long time.”

Grabbing her wrist, he pulled them above her head making Amara’s breasts press against his shirt even more. “You are everything I’ve been looking for, so you don’t have to do any seducing to make me want you more. You’ve already done it. You’re everything I’ve been looking for. I loved that you wanted to tempt me. It was so sweet and very cute. However, your inexperience at trying to turn me on got me hotter than any experienced female could have done.”

“Are you planning to give me more experience, so I can get better at making you want me?” Amara asked, staring into his eyes as her body squirmed under his.

As the words left her lips, Dante felt a hot spark of passion race through him lighting a burning fire. He thought talking during making out had gotten him hot before but nothing before this compared to Amara asking him to show her what he liked.

“I’ll be more than pleased to show you what I want from you, brown eyes.” Letting go of her wrists, he took a hold of the bottom of his shirt and pulled it slowly up her body then dropped it on the floor by the side of the couch.

“You are so beautiful,” he praised, staring at Amara’s breasts. Lowering his head, he drew one of the hard nipples into his mouth sucking gently.

Moaning in the very back of her throat, she ran her fingers through his hair pressing his mouth closer against her breasts. Needing no more encouragement, Dante moved his mouth from one of her beautiful brown breasts to the other one; he couldn’t fight the need to take over all of her senses until her will bent to him.

His eyes traced her body hungrily over her glistening skin, pausing to stare at how good their bodies looked pressed against each other. It took everything in his weak will power not to tear off his sweat pants and thrust right into her wet heat. He couldn’t recall the last time he’d wanted to be with a woman this badly.

He sucked harder on her right nipple making Amara’s thighs spread even wider giving him enough room the slip his hand between them. Taking his middle finger, he worked it inside of her pumping gently as he continued kissing and nibbling at her hard, swollen nipples.

“Dante, I can’t take much more,” Amara whispered, tugging at his head. “You’re driving me crazy.”

Trailing kisses down her breasts and over her stomach, Dante licked her belly button before stopping right at her tight, wet curls. He removed his finger then thrust it back inside of her. Amara’s bucked under his touch as her lips parted, but no words left her mouth. He felt her body stiffen around his fingers, but he quickly removed them. He didn’t want her coming on his hand because he wanted to taste every delicious drop of her.

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