Read Dare to Trust Online

Authors: R Gendreau-Webb

Dare to Trust (24 page)

His next call was to Lt. Ross. “I need your help,” Jason told him in an exasperated voice.

“Interesting that you called, detective.” Ross chuckled. “I was about to call you. I’ve heard some interesting things about you.”

“And?” The last time Jason had spoken with this man, Ross had said he was starting to believe in Jason’s innocence. Had Ross changed his mind again?

“There was an anonymous call placing you at the church the day of the poisoning. The lone security camera confirmed a blue BMW in the parking lot. Looked the same as yours.”

“Jesus,” Jason muttered.

“The other interesting thing is that your partner rented a blue BMW, just like yours, two days before the poisonings. Now that car can’t be located. The other interesting thing is that forensics could not find any of the dirt from the church parking lot in your tires treads.”

“So you don’t think I was there.”

“I can’t ask you that unless you tell me you don’t want your lawyer present while I discuss this with you.”

“No, I don’t need my lawyer. And no I was not there that morning. I didn’t get into the state until that evening.”

“I don’t think you were there, Howard. I think someone is setting you up and it looks more and more like your partner.”

“Yes, well, I can’t find him and I can’t find Mia. He threatened her. That’s why I need your help. Because if he does anything to hurt her, you will be arresting me for someone else’s murder.”


Sleet and snow spit from the dark sky, making the roads slick and dangerous. Mia didn’t care; she was headed for the grocery store. Since Jason had angrily stormed from the cottage, she had not been able to concentrate on anything else. She hoped the mundane task of shopping for food would at least provide a short diversion.

She came to a slow halt at the stop sign. As Mia started to inch through the intersection, her eyes caught sight of a car fast approaching hers from behind. It was making no attempt to slow or stop. Before having time to react, the car careened into hers. Mia’s car flew forward, across the intersection and hit a tree head on.

Mia came to as a man was opening her driver side door. Disoriented, she tried to focus her vision on the man but everything was blurry and her head was swimming. Her chest hurt as she struggled to take in a breath.
What happened?

“Come on,” she heard a gruff voice tell her as he roughly pulled her from the car. Mia was forced to lean into his tall frame to avoid falling over into the snow. “Let’s go, Mia,” he demanded. She recognized the voice.

“Keith?” What was he doing here? Mia suddenly remembered Jason’s allegations against his partner. Could it be true?

“Come on,” he repeated, annoyance in his tone. He tugged hard on her arm as he led her to his car.

“No,” Mia told him as she tried to free her upper arm from Keith’s strong hold. She couldn’t break free from his grasp, could barely stand. He knew she didn’t have the strength to get away. Mia had been injured in the accident, not that he cared. Her injuries were actually in his favor---she wouldn’t get away.

As he stuffed Mia into the front passenger seat of his car, Keith gave her a warning. “Listen very closely to me.” He revealed his gun from his coat pocket. “I don’t really want to hurt you, Mia, but I will.”

“I don’t understand,” she whispered.

“Nothing personal, Mia,” Grimes tried to explain. “This is all on your boyfriend. If he does what I tell him, I probably won’t kill you.”


Tyler had known about the planned kidnapping. The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable with the whole idea he became. Tyler was all for saving his ass and making sure he didn’t go to jail for Mandy’s murder. He had played along with the harassment, sexual and otherwise, of Mia. The kidnapping was a different story.

Grimes had ordered Tyler to meet him at the farmhouse, on the outskirts of town, armed with sedating medicine and needles. When he had arranged the rental, Tyler hadn’t known what the farmhouse was to be used for. He had no interest in being part of any real harm towards Mia. Instead of following Grimes’ demands, Tyler decided to pay Jason Howard a visit.

He stood for several minutes on the door step before knocking. Tyler could only imagine what Jason’s reaction would be. Tyler wasn’t interested in any physical confrontation, just assurance that he wouldn’t end up in jail.

Jason was on the verge of being frantic. In the past hour, his fear had been confirmed; Mia’s abandoned car had been found roadside. She was nowhere to be found. He couldn’t reach her by her cell. Jason was convinced Grimes had her. Lt. Ross’ assurances that everything was being done to find her did little to appease Jason.

The knock on the door of the cottage startled him. And when he answered it, he was more than shocked. Tyler Daniels, Mia’s boss and the man in the photos stood on the small porch.

“What the fuck do you want?” Jason growled at him. Although he wanted to, now was not the time to beat the shit out of this guy.

“Do you know where Mia is?”

It took all his self-control not to go after him. “You have a nerve,” Jason observed. “You have a few seconds to get out of here before I
you to your car.”

“Look, I think she may be in danger. Do you think I
to be here right now?” Tyler gave Jason a sheepish look.

“What are you talking about?” Jason demanded.

“Would you just let me in?” Tyler pleaded. “And I’ll tell you everything.”

Tyler sat on the couch explaining while Jason paced, listening to the story. Tyler started with the disappearance of Mandy, the subsequent investigation, her body being found and the threat by Grimes to have him framed. Tyler insisted he had nothing to do with Mandy’s death, but at first, was scared that Grimes would frame him as the lead investigative officer, if he didn’t try to seduce Mia and then after that had failed, make her life miserable.

“I did some nasty things, but I won’t be involved with hurting her.”

“Where is she?” Jason demanded. “What is Grimes planning?”

“I’ll tell you. After I get some legally binding assurance that I will not be prosecuted for Mandy’s death, or anything to do with the events here in Maine. I had nothing to do with the poisonings. None of them.”

“I don’t have any authority to promise you that, and you know it. I’m one step away from prison at the moment.”

“I am not answering anymore---“

Jason interrupted Tyler by roughly grabbing his shirt and hauling him up from the couch. “You’re going to tell me right know where she is or I am going to beat it out of you. You don’t want to try me right now. I have nothing to lose at this point.”

The look in Jason’s eyes was very convincing. Tyler sighed, relenting. “I rented a place for Grimes. He told me that was where he was going to bring her. I was supposed to meet him there and bring sedating meds and an IV. I can only assume he had been planning on me drugging Mia.”

“Address?” Jason let go of Tyler and whipped out his cell. “Well?”

Tyler rattled off the address. “You can’t just go knock on the door. He’s expecting you to show up. From what he has been going on and on about, he wants you dead.”

“I don’t doubt it.” Jason dismissed Tyler and dialed Lt. Ross. Quickly, Jason had Ross up-to-date.

“I’m going to tell you this, Howard, knowing you won't listen, but I will take things from here. My men and I will get Mia out of there.”

“Like hell!” Jason roared into his cell. “You need to get me a gun.
I will get her.

Ross gave a chuckle. “You expect me to give you a gun? Technically, you are still the prime suspect in several homicides---do I need to remind you of that?”

“You know its bullshit. And you can get me a weapon without anyone knowing. No offense, Lieutenant, but I don’t think your men can handle Grimes. He was my partner---I know all of his tricks and I know how good of an aim he has, after logging hundreds of hours at the firing range. I need to be the one to face him.”

“Crazy,” Ross muttered. “I’ll meet you at your cottage in twenty minutes. I’ll get you a gun, Howard, and whatever happens is on

Jason hung up his cell and turned to Tyler. “Is Grimes still expecting you?” Tyler nodded. “Then you need to go. Make him think his plan is still going according to plan.”

Tyler slowly got up from the couch. “What if he wants me to drug her? Hurt her?” Tyler really didn’t want to be a part of this.



The car jerking to a stop forced Mia back into consciousness. She realized that Grimes had handcuffed her at some point after shoving her into his vehicle. She felt dizzy and could feel a small trickle of blood on her cheek. Slowly, the memory of her car being forced off the road came to her. Mia knew she was in trouble.

Her neck muscle protested but Mia turned her head to attempt to take note where Grimes had taken her. Grimes car sat in front of a lone house, a long dirt road and acres of empty land surrounding it. Mia couldn’t see any other houses in the distance.

Without a word, Grimes roughly yanked Mia from the car into s standing position. He had a painful hold on her upper arm, guiding her through the front door after he unlocked it. As he slammed the door shut behind them, Mia felt the panic rise in her. They were alone and she knew Grimes would have no issue killing her.
She had to do something…

His hold on her loosened as Grimes led her through a small kitchen into the main room of the house. Her hands still uncomfortably handcuffed behind her, Mia bolted.

Being bigger and stronger than Mia, Grimes had no trouble catching up with her. The fact that she had run from him enraged him. Once he caught her, Grimes easily tackled Mia to the floor. She fell hard against the wooden pine floor of the living room. The impact against the floor worsened the pain in her already injured ribs. Grimes yanked her waist and twisted her body so that Mia was lying on her back, her cuffed arms forced uncomfortably underneath her. “You can’t run from me, bitch!” he yelled at her. “I warned you to not try anything!” His backhand connected with her cheek and Mia instantly tasted blood in her mouth. She barely had time to register the blow when she felt Grimes’ hands encircle her neck. His heavy frame was leaning on her; as much as she tried to squirm from underneath him, she couldn’t. Mia’s eyes dilated with fear as Grimes squeezed. “Look what you’re making me do!” Grimes yelled down at her as he continued to apply pressure to Mia’s neck. “Howard is supposed to die,” he muttered as he squeezed, “not you.”

As hard as Mia tried, she couldn’t get in any air. Mia continued to writhe beneath Grimes but he was too solid for her to get out from underneath him. She was powerless. Was this really how things were going to end? Her adrenaline was coursing through her but she couldn’t get loose. And she was becoming drowsy, so tired. Her vision narrowed and then became fuzzy as her eyelids closed and Grimes felt her tense muscles relax. Disgusted at what Mia had just made him do, he let go of her throat and let her head drop against the floor. He didn’t bother check for a pulse but walked away, into the kitchen to call Daniels. Where the hell was he?

Tyler ignored his cell buzzing as he walked into the farmhouse. He was greeted by silence and felt dread hit him as he saw Mia sprawled on the pine floor of the living room, unconscious---or was she dead? What had Grimes done to Mia?

He found some relief as he felt the faint bounding of Mia’s pulse beneath his fingers. Tyler carefully picked her up and rested her on an old, floral couch. She started to stir.

“That wasn’t part of the plan,” Tyler said slowly, referring to Mia’s injuries. How the hell was he going to get out of this? Grimes had gone mad, and if there was a way to get out, he couldn’t leave Mia behind…no way was he going to be involved in murder.

She came to and opened her eyes focusing on her enemy. “Jason will find you,” Mia croaked at Grimes, working to keep the fear from her voice. She was resigned to the fact she was going to die. Mia was determined, whatever happened, she wasn’t going to give Grimes the satisfaction to know she was scared. “He’ll kill you,” she continued to taunt him.

“Just shut the fuck up!” Grimes had flown over to the couch and slapped her. The blow sent Mia back into unconsciousness. Grimes turned towards Tyler and spoke. “I need some quiet to figure out what to do next. Make sure she doesn’t make a sound.” Grimes cast a disgusted look at Mia and walked towards the kitchen.

The scene was starting to make him sick to his stomach. Tyler wanted out of there. He really hadn’t wanted to be involved with hurting anyone, especially Mia. He really had cared about her. He prayed Jason would make an appearance very soon.


Jason had done away with the splint and flexed his hand and fingers, ignoring the pain. If he had to fire the weapon Ross had provided, the damn splint had to go. Ross had handed the gun over to Jason, not liking the situation at all. He had arranged no back-up, as Jason had requested, and was feeling that it was a huge miscalculation.

“I have a few guys that could work off the grid; I trust that they wouldn’t---“

“No.” Jason’s voice was firm. “I appreciate the offer, but I am not taking any chances. It has to be me.”

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