Dark Universe & Forbidden Love (18 page)

Read Dark Universe & Forbidden Love Online

Authors: Hao Yang

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction

Chapter 47


In the dark matter passageway,
some 700 combat vessels were marching towards the coordinate General Kalan
extracted from the seized Hylocan vessel. Those vessels belonged to Glycan
Fifth, Sixth and Eighth fleets.

Klizan was sitting in the bridge and checking the galaxy map. General Ciethu
walked to Klizan and said, “General Klizan, we just got this message.” He then
handed Klizan a crystal.

put the crystal in a slot on his bracelet. A beam of light passed through the
crystal and landed on his forehead. Klizan saw the message in his brain.

After a
while, Klizan flashed a stiff smile and removed the crystal.

wrong?” Ciethu asked carefully.

Human boy is still alive and he is now in the training center.”


it.” Klizan said as he threw the crystal to Ciethu.

read the message and said, “You stabbed him on the chest with your dagger. How
can he survive that?”

“I have
no idea.”

to General Kalan’s report, the Human and his father left planet Agirue in a
Glycan spacecraft. Then when Kalan found the spacecraft in Hylocan vessel’s
hangar, both of them were gone. Now this Human came back to the training
center. We can still kill him now.” Ciethu said.

“In the
training center?” Klizan asked. He knew it wouldn’t be a problem if it was
somewhere else.

“Ah, you
are right.” Ciethu said uneasily.

both knew the rising species like Estian, Oireitan and Uainanese had been
challenging Glycan’s authority in Guardian Fleet and UG. Those three species
didn’t suffer as much as Glycan did in UWII and they had been catching up with
Glycan in every aspect for the past several decades. As for now, Estian and
Oireitan both had the similar scale armed forces as Glycan did and their
economies were in better shapes. Uainanese was lagging behind in the military
aspect, but their economy was the fastest growing one. For Glycan, ever since
the end of UWII, they had been rebuilding their armed forces, but their
spending in military area took a huge toll on their economy. Glycan now was
more like a giant with a powerful sword in his hand, but was too tired to swing

how about we kill him in the game?” Ciethu asked.


know, the annual ball game in the training center. Make it look like an
accident.” Ciethu said.

take care of the details and make sure he dies this time.” Klizan said


“So they
finally recovered your cruiser.” Ciethu said easily.

that...is...the good news.” Klizan said hesitatingly. He forgot the message
containing the information about the Cruiser and it was for his eyes only.

“I guess
I don’t need to know that. Right?”

Klizan smiled reluctantly.

Klizan.” General Fieope, the commander of the Fifth fleet, called in.


our front patrol is approaching the coordinate.” Fieope said.

corvettes were heading to the coordinate. Following them at 500 kilometers
away, the fleet outer layer protective vessels just emerged out of the dark
matter passageway. Besides the outer layer defense, there were another two
layers of vessels guarding the core of the fleets, the 24 carriers, each of
which was carrying 600 fighter jets.

coordinate belonged to a planet orbiting around a red giant star. The planet
had no atmosphere, its white surface covered by a few black straps.

Klizan recognized this planet at the first sight.

many battles we fought near here?” Ciethu asked.

Klizan said confidently.

remembered the one we ambushed Tizuee.”

one doesn’t really count. We only passed by.” Klizan said easily. He remembered
at that time he was the commander of the Fourteenth fleet. 

Klizan, front patrol just reported there was no activity around the planet.”
Fieope reported.

even a spacecraft?” Klizan asked.

Both radar and scope are clear.”

our distance from the planet.” Klizan ordered.

General.” Fieope said.

“What is
your plan?” Ciethu whispered to Klizan.

wait.” Klizan said and left the bridge.

Chapter 48


Jason was sitting in a chemistry
class. He never understood why they needed to take chemistry, physics or other
science classes. He hated chemistry, because in this class the teacher not only
requested every trainee use the sticker but also asked them to read out the
content loudly. Jason glanced over at Erikon and Lucis. Erikon looked like he
was going to fall asleep. In comparison, Lucis was reading at the top of his
lung. Jason couldn’t believe how Lucis managed to love every course.

about 40 minutes, the class was over. Jason ran out of the classroom like a
bolt of lightning, followed by Erikon.

wait for me. I got some news.” Erikon said as he ran after Jason

is Vampire?” He asked as he turned around.

headed back to the classroom and saw Lucis talking with Lueoto, the chemistry teacher.

“I can’t
believe this.” Jason sighed.

do me.” Erikon smirked.

news you got?” Jason asked.

cruiser is back in the museum.”

“Oh, I
see.” Jason said carelessly. He actually forgot about it.

remembered the food we found in that cruiser. You see why Glycan still use that
cruiser? They have thousands of vessels.” Erikon said seriously.

“Oh, I
almost forgot. Do you have the necklace?” Jason asked.

“I gave
it to Vampire. He actually reminded me to take it.”

nodded and said, “Alright, I need to deliver dinner to Lisania.”



went back to the dorm, grabbed food and headed to the training center

nine species built training center and other Guardian Fleet facilities on
Eva-1, Tizuee set up some facilities on Eva-1 as communication relay stations.
After Tizuee surrendered in UWII, they wanted to join UG but was declined by
nine species. Then Tizuee offered the ownership of Evena and its four moons to
exchange a position in UG. Considering the strategic value of Evena, nine
species accepted the deal and took Tizuee in as a second class species. They
used Tizuee’s stations as stockrooms at the early stage of the construction.
Later, they abandoned those stations. Jason found them during his early
exploration of training center.

reaching the warehouse, Jason crawled into a tunnel. On the other side of the
tunnel, it was cold and gloomy. Without proper circulation, the air was like
centuries old. Broken machines, construction materials and trashes scattered on
the dusty floor. Jason made his way through all those stuffs and headed to a
room on the other side of the station.

Jason was about to step into the room, he heard water splashing. He peeked
inside and saw Lisania standing there naked and cleaning her body with a wet
tower. The curve from her waist made a slow and smooth turn on her hip and
continued to her long legs. Jason held his breath and enjoyed this view

several minutes, Lisania finished and put on her clothes, a gray uniform.

knocked on the wall and walked in. He put the food on the table and said, “I
brought you some dinner.”

“Do you
like my body?” Lisania asked directly.

aaah, what do you mean?” Jason asked in embarrassment.

must like it. If not, you wouldn’t stand there for several minutes.” Lisania
said in a playful voice.

“I am

what? Which part of my body you like most?”

your breast, your waist and your hip.” Jason said sincerely and he meant it. He
believed that if Lisania had eyes, she would be a very beautiful girl.

stood up and took off the gray uniform. Her ample breast was just centimeters
away. Jason couldn’t help but cup one of them. It was so full and soft.

it’s my turn.” Lisania said as she fondled Jason’s chest.

loved this feeling and it reminded him of Gloria. Suddenly, he backed off from

happened?” Lisania asked caringly.

“I gotta
go. I gotta go.” Jason said hastily and headed out.

After he
went back to the dorm, he locked himself in the restroom and soaked his head in
the ice cold water.

Chapter 49


In the second class species
movie theater, Jason was watching Matrix Revolution with Gloria. Gloria was
getting so involved in the story that she bruised Jason’s hand. After the movie
was over, she still held Jason’s hand on her chest.

my hand.” Jason said gently.

“Oh, I
am sorry.” Gloria said as she quickly released Jason’s hand.

worry about it.” Jason said easily.

smiled at each other.

“So does
Human kiss like that in real life?” Gloria asked.

What about you guys?” Jason asked.

“No. We
hug but never kiss like that. I think it’s because there are a lot of bacteria
and germ in the mouth.” Gloria said seriously.

Jason gave Gloria a bored look.

“I don’t
mean it is wrong. It’s just we don’t do it.”

“I guess
it’s just culture difference.”

“I want
to try it. Do you want to try?” Gloria asked sincerely, looking into Jason’s

gazed at Gloria, wondering whether she was teasing him.

“Sure, I
like to.” Jason said easily, even though he had never kissed anyone before.

looked at each other nervously, their hearts throbbing. Then they slowly closed
their eyes, leaning to each other. But both of them were closing in so fast
that their noses crashed before their lips made the contact.

Jason was bleeding through his nose and Gloria felt her head spinning all over
the place.

they did it with their eyes closed?” Gloria said painfully, holding her nose. 

“I think
we have the wrong direction. I should tilt my head to the right. You tilt yours
to the left.”

tried again, but this time they realized it was wrong before they hit each
other again.

should tilt to my right. Right?” Gloria asked.

yes.” Jason said quickly. He felt he was an idiot.

Let’s do it right this time.” Gloria said decisively, which made Jason even
more nervous.

leaned to each other again. But Gloria was too fast that she bit Jason’s upper
lip. Jason felt Gloria’s lips and the pain on his upper lip. He lost his
balance and fell on the floor.

sorry.” Gloria said hastily.

OK. I am fine. I am fine.” Jason said and quickly picked himself up.

“I can
tell you never kiss a girl before.”

“I can
tell you never kiss a boy before.”

laughed loudly.

didn’t felt that great, actually. Why Human like it?” Gloria complained.

“I don’t
feel that good, either.” Jason said and rubbed his bleeding nose and lip with
his sleeve.

want to try again?”

next time, next time.” Jason smiled reluctantly.

laughed again and hugged each other.

Gloria left, Jason headed back to his dorm. While he was walking in the dark
corridor, he heard the tread of light steps. He stopped and said, “Come out. I
know you are there.”

emerged from the shadow, followed by Zier, Nissen and Didian.

“I was
wondering what took you this long.” Jason said ironically.

funny.” Klaycon said angrily.

finish what we started.” Jason said calmly.

“I will
enjoy watching you die.”

“I was
about to say the same thing.” Jason smiled.

darted to Jason, his uniform transforming into an armor suit and a dagger
popping out of his right fist. He leaped into the air and swung the dagger at
Jason’s face. Jason jumped aside. Klaycon turned and struck at Jason’s chest.
Jason tilted to the right to dodge the stab and then kicked Klaycon on his
belly. Klaycon lurched back.

was getting more excited and he felt refreshed and refueled. He charged at
Klaycon, throwing a punch at his face. At the same time, Klaycon was taking a
swipe at Jason. Klaycon blocked Jason’s punch and Jason caught Klaycon’s left
fist. Klaycon then thrusted the dagger at Jason, but Jason grabbed Klaycon’s
wrist just before the dagger cut into his neck. Jason jumped backwards, pulling
back his arms in a quick thrust. Klaycon lost his balance and fell on his
chest. Before Klaycon could stand on his feet, Jason started to rotate. Dragged
by Jason, Klaycon was moving in a circle and picking up speed. He kicked his
feet on the ground, trying to stand up. But it didn’t work. Jason revolved
faster and faster. Now Klaycon was in the air, one meter above the ground.

him!” Klaycon shouted.

Zier and
Nissen rushed to save Klaycon. Jason saw them coming. He increased the speed
and suddenly released Klaycon. Klaycon flew to Zier and Nissen and knocked them
over on the ground. Jason rushed to the three Glycans. Klaycon just stood up.
Jason leaped in the air and kicked him on the chest. Klaycon fell on Zier.
Nissen got up and punched Jason on the face. As he was about to stab Jason with
a dagger, Jason grasped that hand and directed the dagger at Klaycon who just
stood up again. Nissen was pulling his arm back, but he could match Jason’s
strength. Klaycon saw it coming and shouted, “Pull it back.”

dagger retreated back to Nissen’s fist. Jason released Nissen’s hand and kicked
him on the belly. Nissen stumbled back. At this moment, Klaycon and Zier thrust
their daggers at Jason one aiming at his chest, the other one at his face. At
the same time, Jason felt a cold wind from behind. He swiftly turned around,
grabbed Nissen’s arm and dragged his body to the front.

was able to withdraw his dagger. But it was too late for Zier. He stabbed
Nissen on his back.

Niseen screamed.

Zier shouted.

take it out!” Klaycon shouted at Zier.

kicked Nissen on the chest, which made the dagger stick even further.

aaaaah.” Nissen screamed.

knew Nissen didn’t have much time. He glanced over at Didian. He was hiding in
the corner, too scared to come forward.

help!” Klaycon shouted. Didian ran to Zier and help him carry Nissen away.

“I guess
we have to do it another time.” Klaycon said furiously.

prefer to finish right now.” Jason said firmly.

Nissen is dying!” Didian shouted.

stared at Jason furiously, and then turned around and retreated with others.

didn’t chase after them. He went back to his dorm.

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